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Tag Archives: Climate Change

The Likely End

You have scientists on both sides of it. My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years, Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture. — […]


The president is collaborating with the enemy

The Trump administration is not fighting a war against climate change, it is collaborating with the enemy. And it is doing it in the sneakiest way possible. In July, the EPA made it easier to release carbon dioxide pollution from vehicle tailpipes. Then in August, made it easier for coal-fired power plants to release carbon […]


An Environment of Failure

Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord is very unpopular with Americans. According to a new poll, 59% are opposed (of those, 46% are strongly opposed), while only 28% support his decision (which, somewhat surprisingly, is smaller than the number who say they approve of the job Trump is doing). […]


Slap the World in the Face

The media is getting better at predicting the unpredictable actions of Donald Trump. As everyone expected, he pulled the US from the Paris climate accord. As usual, there is a very good post about this at Electoral Vote, which everyone should read. As Electoral Vote puts it, Trump’s announcement of the withdrawal from the climate […]


Au Revoir to Paris?

© Jeff Danziger And the “Insult Europe Tour” isn’t over yet. Today, everyone is expecting Donald Trump to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, joining only Syria and Nicaragua in opposing the agreement. Our allies in Europe have been leading the fight against climate change, and now they are watching the US sink […]


Sinking Feeling

Yes, Donald Trump really did appoint a climate change denier to head up the EPA.


The Only Good Reason to Not Care About Climate Change

Hey, we caused the problem, but you youngsters are going to have to deal with it. Ha! Happy Earth Day!


Poor Climate

Senator Lindsey Graham dropped out of the presidential race. Why is this significant? Because he was the last remaining major Republican candidate who publicly accepted the scientific consensus of climate science. You know, that the climate is warming and we are the cause of it. Now there are none. At the presidential debate in October, […]


Sinking Feelings?

On Saturday night in Paris, the nations of the world, rich and poor alike, signed a historic agreement to fight climate change. It may not be perfect, but it is better than almost anyone expected. Many parts of it are legally binding. What a change from the Copenhagen talks in 2009, which collapsed in chaos.


Reagan and Bush Sr on Climate

Republicans like to think of themselves as the party of Reagan, but it is interesting to consider how if Reagan were a politician today he would almost certainly be branded a RINO, and voted out by the Tea Party know nothings. After all, Reagan passed strong gun control legislation, raised taxes, and gave amnesty to […]


Political Climate Change?

At the UN climate conference in Paris, Obama spoke forcefully about the need to make the accords legally binding, to hold countries accountable. This is new and exciting, and has energized the negotiations there. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress scheduled votes on Tuesday to strike down rules that reduce carbon emissions. Once again, they are […]


Do as I say, not as I do

Politico has an article about the Florida Everglades that is rife with hypocrisy. The title of the article is “Could Obama’s Everglades Stop Hurt the Everglades?” Their point is that by visiting the Everglades on Earth Day to point out the dangers from global warming, Republicans will now be more likely to be against trying […]


The Latest News in Climate Denial

1984 is alive and well in Florida. And California is feeling the heat.


Home, Sweet Home

© Jen Sorensen Even animals know better than to crap up their homes! But what do I know, I’m not a scientist.


Climate Warming

The climate for fighting climate change just got noticeably more cordial. Historically, the two biggest stumbling blocks to reducing carbon emissions have been China, which is the world’s largest source (accounting for 29% of the global total annually), and the US (at 15%). Even though China is the largest source of carbon today, that statistic […]
