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Tag Archives: Bush

Republican Moral Relativism

© Matt Wuerker UPDATE: What’s even more bizarre about the right-wingnuts freaking out about Obama shaking hands with Hugo Chavez, is that they keep referring to Chavez as a dictator, even though he is a three-time democratically elected president. As for shaking hands with dictators, watch this video:


Bush is Darth Vader, Cheney is the emperor

Maureen Dowd writes that she was disturbed when George Lucas disagreed with her statement that former Vice President Dick Cheney was Darth Vader. Had Dowd been too harsh on the former veep? Turns out she hadn’t been harsh enough. According to Lucas “George Bush is Darth Vader. Cheney is the emperor.” Which means, in Star […]


Methinks they doth protest too much

Apparently while I was on vacation, a steady stream of former White House figures decided they needed to appear on TV in an attempt to rewrite the legacy of the Bush administration. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have taken the time to get their stories straight. For example, Condoleezza Rice recently told Charlie Rose that […]


Bush appointees having trouble finding jobs

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the roughly 3,000 political appointees of the Bush administration are having trouble finding jobs. How much trouble?  Roughly twice as much difficulty as similar appointees from the administrations of Bush I, Reagan, or even Clinton. This is ironic for so many reasons. Why does nobody want […]


Why We Didn’t Impeach Dubya

© August Pollak


Who’s Responsible?

© Mike Thompson


Insufficiently Respectful

Andrew Card, the White House Chief of Staff for Dubya, is complaining that Obama is insufficiently respectful of the presidency. Why? Would shredding the constitution, lying America into a disastrous war, or ignoring the rule of law be what Card considers disrespect for the presidency? Why no. Card is upset because there have been photos […]


Armed and Extremely Machiavellian

© Tom Tomorrow


Crash Landing

© Joel Pett


Ice Scream

In honor of our new president, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream recently announced a new flavor called “Yes Pecan!“. Just so Dubya wouldn’t feel left out, the good people of the innertubes have come up with some suggested flavors to honor #43. Here are a few of them: Heck of a Job, Brownie! imPeachmint Abu […]


Bush St. in SF renamed Obama St.

Some guerrilla artists have renamed Bush Street in San Francisco to Obama Street. And even the police take the prank in stride. More photos at Laughing Squid.


Legacy Correction

© Cam Cardow


Great Moments in Presidential Speeches

From David Letterman. I couldn’t stop laughing.


When Satire becomes Ironic

In January 2001, mere days before Dubya took office for the first time, satire magazine The Onion published a then-funny piece about president-elect Bush giving a speech assuring the country that ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over’. Bush pledged to end the Clinton era — “eight long years characterized by unprecedented […]


The Dubya Presidential Theme Park

Why have an old and busted presidential library, especially when you’re a president who can’t read? Instead, those wacky people who created the bestselling bedtime book “Goodnight Bush” have created a plan for an amusement park to honor our funnest president. Now that’s an irony that this blog can get squarely behind! Click on the […]
