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Tag Archives: Bush

Six Degrees of Bush

Jon Stewart hits another home run: Why do we keep blaming things on Bush? Because HRWTPITHRTCITG!


Bush – the Gold Standard for Screw-ups

This entire video is great, but it really gets interesting around the 4:50 mark, when Jon Stewart points out the stunning irony of conservative pundits comparing Obama to Bush; for example, claiming that the nomination of Elena Kagan is “Obama’s Harriet Miers”, the oil spill is “Obama’s Katrina”, health care is “Obama’s Iraq”, and on […]


The Fox Guarding the Chicken Coop

The Bush-appointed head of the agency that is responsible for protecting government whistle-blowers has been charged with retaliating against his own employees, closing hundreds of whistle-blower cases without any investigation, withholding vital information from Congress, and of destroying evidence to cover up his actions. Is this any surprise, considering that the Bush administration was willing […]


Everything you thought you knew about the Bush administration is wrong

Dana Milbank has a scathing review of Karl “Bush’s Brain” Rove’s new book in the Washington Post. Apparently Rove misses being the master of doublespeak, and so is rewriting the history of the Bush administration. Here are some quotes from Rove’s book: “Did Bush lie us into war? Absolutely not.” “The president never authorized torture. […]


Romney Rewriting Reality

In the last presidential election, Dubya was so toxic that the Republicans didn’t even want him to come speak at their national convention. But I guess Mitt Romney has decided to rehabilitate him. In a speech yesterday at the CPAC convention, Romney said: I am convinced that history will judge President Bush far more kindly […]


I’ve heard Big Lies, but this is ridiculous

Last night on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino made the astounding statement “We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term.” See for yourself: What was 9/11? Chopped liver? Hannity doesn’t seem to notice, having lost his ability to tell truth from lies […]


You lie!

All actual quotes: © Terrence Nowicki, Jr.


Presidential Protest – Then and Now

© Tom Tomorrow


Advice for Schoolchildren

© Chan Lowe Ironically (especially given this cartoon), Laura Bush is defending Obama’s school speech, saying it is “really important for everyone to respect the President of the United States.” The full text of Obama’s speech to schoolchildren.


The Bono-Bush Hug Dodge

At the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast, U2 singer Bono stiffed then-president Bush out of a photo op when Bush tried to give Bono a hug. He dodged the hug by stepping behind the podium, and thought that nobody noticed. But when he sat down, he was sitting next to then-Senator Barack Obama. In the following […]


Dubya — self-styled tool of God

OMG! Bush actually believed all that crap about the rapture! It turns out that Bush told the French President Jacques Chirac an involved story about the biblical creatures Gog and Magog at work in the Middle East, and how war in Iraq was “willed by God”. This was revealed by Chirac himself in a new […]


Duck and Cover

© Stuart Carlson


SNL: Cheney and Bush


For Bush & Co. Torture DID work

I keep seeing people debating whether or not torture works, and in particular whether it produces “actionable intelligence”. An example of this is liberal pundits trying to respond to Cheney’s recent assertion that torture produced intelligence that prevented a terrorist attack. You’d think by now we would have seen the Bush administration framing the debate […]


Quote of the Year

I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture and in undertaking to prevent other cruel and unusual punishment. – Official Proclamation by President Bush, June 26 2003 And as an added bonus, Cheney’s claim that the torture […]
