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Tag Archives: Bush

Is that the George Dubya High School?

A Cleveland-area high school issued diplomas to its graduates as proof of their “educaiton”.


Your government failed you, again

Richard Clarke appears on The Daily Show to promote his new book “Your Government Failed You”. But before they talk about that, Jon Stewart quotes the Bush administration’s response to Clarke’s previous book “Against All Enemies” from March 22, 2004: Well, why, all of a sudden, if he had all these grave concerns, did he […]


The Naked Truth


Book ’em

© Tom Toles


Shoot the Messenger

Since they don’t seem to be able to dispute any of the facts in (former Bush press secretary) Scott McClellan’s book “What Happened“, the Republicans are employing their standard tricks and attempting to smear McClellan himself. Unwilling to even identify themselves, unnamed sources in the White House called McClellan a “traitor” and “Benedict”. In the […]


Jon Stewart on supporting the troops




“He sounds like a left-wing blogger”

Karl Rove’s reaction to Scott McClellan’s scathing memoir What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception. McClellan, who served as the White House press secretary from July 2003 to April 2006 wrote that the Iraq war was sold using a sophisticated “political propaganda campaign” engineered by Rove, and that Bush engages […]


Can you tell the difference between Bush and McCain?

Take the Bush-McCain challenge — five quotes, all you have to do is identify who said them. It is harder than you think!


Bush Appeases Bush!

Part three of the ongoing comedy. Senator Joe Biden reveals that the Bush administration has engaged in unconditional direct talks with some of the worst terrorists around, which kind of makes Bush a hypocrite for slamming Obama for wanting to talk with countries like Iran. In fact, Bush sent Biden himself to negotiate with Gaddafi. […]


US plot to nail Iran backfires

Once again it seems like the only thing that saves us from the Bush administration is their sheer incompetence. And the only thing that saves us from knowing about their incompetence is the mainstream media. The Bush Administration has been beating the war drums against Iran. On May 3, the US military under General Patraeus […]


Billionaires for Bush – No You Can’t

Billionaires for Bush


McCain Appeases Bush?

A post here earlier today pointed out the hypocrisy of Bush comparing Obama to Nazi appeasers because Obama is in favor of negotiating with (some of) our enemies. But it just keeps getting more bizarre. Today McCain (who is largely running on his foreign policy experience) defended Bush’s remarks and further claimed that the reason […]


Bush Appeases Himself?

George W. Bush, whose grandfather Prescott Bush made his family fortune by bankrolling the Nazi war machine, today compared Barack Obama to Nazi appeasers for wanting to use diplomacy. Bush also seems to forget that his only success in Iraq came from negotiations with insurgents (who are partners with Al Qaeda).


Even more about Bush sacrificing Golf

Keith Olbermann rips into Bush about his golfing sacrifice. Includes video of Bush playing golf after he claims he quit:
