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Trump Supporters

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

How many people were brave enough to watch the first debate? What were your impressions? Will Trump show up for the rest of the debates?

Initial surveys show that 62% of viewers felt that Clinton won compared to 27% for Trump. However, there were more Democrats watching the debate, so we will have to wait a few days before making any more substantial judgement.

For now, the best indicator may be that the betting markets increased Clinton’s odds of winning from 69% (just before the debate) to 73% (an hour after it ended).

UPDATE: The New Yorker has a good summary of the debate titled “Hillary Clinton Brings Out the Real Donald Trump“. With his bragging or petulant responses and constant interruptions, Trump essentially admitted his guilt. When Clinton accused him of not paying any taxes at all, and of cheating his subcontractors and reneging on his business debts, Trump (again) interrupted and said “That makes me smart” — actually bragging that his greed and mendacity are somehow to be admired.

UPDATE 2: The late night shows aired live after the debates. Seth Meyers joked “After tonight’s debates several FOX News analysts said that Hillary Clinton is the clear winner. Maybe global warming is a hoax, because hell has frozen over.”

Stephen Colbert riffed on both debaters. On Clinton: “Hillary was so prepared my new nickname for her is Preparation H. In the primaries, she already proved she could soothe the Bern.” On Trump, who bragged that his temperament was his best asset: “Of course, we’ll never know if his temperament is really his strongest asset because he won’t release his tax returns.”

UPDATE 3: An hour after he said (during the debate) that not paying taxes makes him smart, he denied saying it.


Broken Promises

Donald Trump has been trying to appeal to blacks, although for some reason he keeps doing it in front of all-white crowds (the theory being that he knows he can’t actually get any minorities to vote for him, but at least he wants his supporters to be able to think that he isn’t actually racist). But this isn’t the first time Trump has pulled this trick (and gotten away with it).

In 1993, Trump descended on Gary, Indiana promising to make that run-down exurb of Chicago great again. Trump wanted to open a showboat casino off the Lake Michigan shoreline, in an area full of shuttered factories. But he needed a license from the authorities.

At first, Gary turned him down (he had just had two recent bankruptcies), so Trump went into hard sell mode.

Trump promised to revitalize the city’s waterfront by building a casino that would be a floating Shangri-La, and the the tax revenues would fill the city coffers to the tune of $19 million a year. He also promised that at least two-thirds of the employees would be local minority residents. The icing on the cake was that he formed a board of eight “local minority participants” made up of respected doctors, lawyers, and businesspeople. This group was promised a 7.5% stake in the casino. And he promised another 7.5% to go into a trust benefiting local charities.

And it worked. Trump got the license. And almost immediately he started reneging on his promises. The “local minority participants” weren’t given anything, and the money for charity was less than promised (sound familiar?). He also reneged on his promises to hire minority residents.

But here’s the really hypocritical part. Two of the “local minority participants” he had used to get the license sued, and at trial Trump claimed “I have never even seen them until this morning. I never had a contract (with them). I never even met any of these people. I was shocked by this whole case. I had no idea who these people were.” Trump lost the case but appealed and had it overturned because the judge ruled that his promises were not legally binding.

And then, in 2004, Trump declared bankruptcy again, leaving a boat with faded carpets and dated interiors. The money, the tax revenues, the jobs, pretty much everything he promised, he reneged on. But of course, Trump made money.

Has Trump ever kept a promise unless he couldn’t find a way to wiggle out of it?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 8, 2016]

“Last night was NBC’s Commander-in-Chief Forum where Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave live back-to-back interviews about national security, and the candidates decided who would go first with a coin toss. But there was an awkward moment when Trump saw the coin, grabbed it, and put it in his pocket. ‘So what? I didn’t see a coin, what coin, what are you talking about?'” – James Corden

“In all seriousness Donald Trump called heads, but just in case he lost he also called the whole thing rigged.” – James Corden

“Last night they held, like, an appetizer debate — an ‘amuse douche,’ if you will. It was called the Commander-in-Chief Forum. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump answered questions about national security. It was the first time the two of them were in the same room since Trump’s wedding.” – Stephen Colbert

“It took place right here in New York on the aircraft carrier Intrepid. Once the two of them were on board, a lot of people were tempted to cut it loose and let it drift out to sea.” – Stephen Colbert

“Matt Lauer interviewed Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton back-to-back in front of a crowd of American veterans. The winner, the leader who came off strongest and best last night, was Vladimir Putin.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The one guy Donald Trump has nothing bad to say about is Vladimir Putin. Maybe he is afraid Putin will cut off his supply of wives.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump loves Vladimir Putin. After all is said and done, if he doesn’t become president, at the least, Donald Trump will have amazing sex with Vladimir Putin.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The forum was hosted by ‘Today Show’ host Matt Lauer and a lot of people were very angry with his performance last night. Not Apple-losing-the-headphone-jack angry, but they were angry.” – James Corden

“Much of the criticism stemmed from Lauer not pressing Trump when he lied or didn’t answer questions. My question is, how did Matt Lauer even end up with this job? Was there a conversation at NBC like, ‘You know who would be great for the presidential forum?’ And they were like, ‘Oh, the guy on ‘The Today Show’ who excitedly announces they’re now making pumpkin spice marshmallows.'” – James Corden

“Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence broke with his running mate yesterday, saying that unlike Donald Trump, he does not doubt that President Obama was born in Hawaii. Though interestingly, Pence refused to respond when asked if it was true that he was born in Lego Land.” – Seth Meyers


Front Row Debate Row

There seems to be a side competition going on. A few days ago, Mark Cuban tweeted:

Mark Cuban tweet

Cuban famously questioned Trump’s boasted wealth in Vanity Fair, inciting a feud between the two billionaires.

Trump responded Saturday by tweeting:


Flowers is a former model who had an extramarital affair with Bill Clinton in the 80s. Even though Flowers supported the candidacy of Hillary Clinton back in 2008 and said she had no interest in bashing her, reportedly she has accepted the invitation from Trump, writing on Facebook “Hi Donald Trump… I’m in your corner. Of course I will see u at the debate !!”.

Trump famously is very thin skinned, but this is ridiculous. Is he even taking the debate seriously?


Quantum Media?

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Gotta love references to “Dr. Strangelove“. Except now the enemy are no longer communists.

The media no longer report on the news. They are the news. Marshall McLuhan’s dictum that “the medium is the message” has finally become true.


It’s All about History

There is an amazing interview of President Obama by presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin in Vanity Fair. I’ll give you one extended quote from Obama, but you really should read the whole thing:

Early in my presidency, I went to Cairo to make a speech to the Muslim world. And in the afternoon, after the speech, we took helicopters out to the pyramids. And they had emptied the pyramids for us, and we could just wander around for a couple hours [at] the pyramids and the Sphinx. And the pyramids are one of those things that live up to the hype. They’re elemental in ways that are hard to describe. And you’re going to these tombs and looking at the hieroglyphics and imagining the civilization that built these iconic images.

And I still remember it—because I hadn’t been president that long at that point—thinking to myself, There were a lot of people during the period when these pyramids were built who thought they were really important. And there was the equivalent of cable news and television and newspapers and Twitter and people anguishing over their relative popularity or position at any given time. And now it’s all just covered in dust and sand. And all that people know [today] are the pyramids.

Sometimes I carry with me that perspective, which tells me that my particular worries on any given day—how I’m doing in the polls or what somebody is saying about me … for good or for ill—isn’t particularly relevant. What is relevant is: What am I building that lasts?

More than anything, this interview reminds me of why I love Barack Obama, his ambition, his introspection, and his humility. And it reminds me to look beyond today’s politics and news cycles and take the long view.


Two Ferns

Hillary Clinton appears with Zach Galifianakis on “Between Two Ferns“:

I typically don’t enjoy Zach’s show because I’m not really into humor that is designed mainly to make you feel uncomfortable. But it is still worth watching just for Hillary doing a pretty good deadpan act.


If I Shut My Eyes, Racism Doesn’t Exist?

A Trump campaign county chairwoman in Ohio has resigned after an interview with The Guardian in which she said a whole bunch of ignorant racist things:

She called the Black Lives Matter movement “a stupid waste of time”.

She blamed low voter turnout among blacks on “the way they’re raised”. Which is strange because in her county voter turnout is actually higher among black people than white people. Maybe it’s the way they’re raised?

She actually said (yes, this was on video):

If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you. You’ve had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn’t have. You had all the advantages and didn’t take advantage of it. It’s not our fault, certainly.

Then she blamed racism on Barack Obama. On the racial tensions that were rife in the 60’s (which is when she graduated from high school):

Growing up as a kid, there was no racism, believe me. We were just all kids going to school.

About segregation and the civil rights movement:

I never experienced it. I never saw that as anything. I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this […] Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America.

When the interviewer pointed out that some people might find her remarks offensive, she pulled a Trump and replied “I don’t care, it’s the truth.”


Slush Fund Charity

It looks like Donald Trump was using his Trump Foundation as a giant slush fund to pay off legal problems, buy gifts for himself or his businesses, and other non-charitable uses. So far, the Washington Post has found about a quarter of a million dollars of other people’s money (contributed by donors who thought they were giving to a charity) that was used illegally.

A common pattern is that in order to settle a lawsuit, Trump offers to donate money to a charity of the other side’s choosing. Trump then takes money donated to his charity to fulfill that obligation. So Trump is not out any of his money for what was supposed to be a penalty, and the donors still get a tax deduction for their charity.

For example, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club was fined $120,000 by the town of Palm Beach, FL, for violating city ordinances, but Trump settled by agreeing to donate $100,000 to a charity for veterans. Instead, the money came from the Trump Foundation.

Trump also used foundation money to buy advertisements promoting his chain of hotels.

Seth Meyers humorously presents the damning details:

A lawyer who advises large charities called the illegal expenditures of foundation money “really shocking” and said “I represent 700 nonprofits a year, and I’ve never encountered anything so brazen. If he’s using other people’s money — run through his foundation — to satisfy his personal obligations, then that’s about as blatant an example of self-dealing [as] I’ve seen in awhile.” Self-dealing is using charity money for personal enrichment, which is illegal.

Of course, we’ve already mention the money Trump had the foundation donate to a political group supporting the Florida Attorney General, who then dropped a fraud investigation against Trump University.

The list of illegal donations goes on and on.

I am finding it increasingly embarrassing that 40% of our country hasn’t figured out what a huckster and con man Trump is, and still plan to vote for him for president.

UPDATE: Of course, Trump attacked the Washington Post for their story, saying it was “peppered with inaccuracies”, but didn’t refute any of the story’s facts. He can’t, really, because all the facts came from the Trump Foundations tax returns, which (as a charity) are public. One has to wonder what illegal shenanigans we could find in Trump’s personal tax returns if he was this shoddy in his foundation returns.

But apparently, facts are completely not important to Trump supporters:


The Irony of Skittles

It turns out that when Donald Trump Jr. posted a photo to Twitter comparing Syrian refugees to Skittles candy, he was posting a bowl of irony. Just to remind you, here is the original tweet:

Skittles tweet

It turns out that Trump Jr. (now widely nicknamed “Skittles”) stole the image he used, so it was he who was ironically committing a crime while accusing refugees of being murderers and criminals. But the real irony is that the stolen image he posted was actually taken by a former refugee.

In 1974, when I was six-years old, I was a refugee from the Turkish occupation of Cyprus so I would never approve the use of this image against refugees. … I have never put this image up for sale. This was not done with my permission, I don’t support Trump’s politics and I would never take his money to use it.

Yes, the image does say it all, but probably not in the way Trump intended.

The original tweet has been widely mocked. The Guardian points out that since Trump Sr. has advocated using racial profiling to vet incoming refugees, you could solve the problem just by removing the brown Skittles. Well, except that there are no brown Skittles. Being British, they also make fun of Trump’s grammar and spelling, saying Trump’s tweet “reads like Christopher Walken dictated it while rollerskating down a cobbled hill”.


Ending the Birther Controversy

No, I’m not worried about the “controversy” whether Barack Obama was born in the US. That’s an established fact. I’m worried about whether everything that Trump has said about Obama and where he was born was a blatant lie.

I’m also worried whether Trump will ever make good on the $5 million he now owes Obama.



If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you one was Donald Trump, would you throw the whole bowl in the garbage to make sure he never got elected?

Otto Greule Jr/Getty Images
Otto Greule Jr/Getty Images

Donald Trump Jr. compared Syrian refugees to Skittles, disingenuously implying that three out of a bowlful would kill you. But in order for this to be an accurate analogy, the bowl would have to contain over a billion skittles.

You are far far more likely to be killed by lightning than from terrorism. And foreigners on the Visa Waiver Program (which admits refugees) have killed exactly zero Americans. Your chance of being killed by a foreign visitor on a tourist visa (you know, the one used by Melania Trump to work illegally in the US) is 1 in 3.9 million per year. So if you are that paranoid about being killed by a foreigner, it would be far more important to stop letting foreign tourists visit the US than admitting Syrian refugees.

But that won’t stop Trump and other Republicans from trying trying to scare you into voting for them. And if they were actually concerned about your safety, why won’t they pass a law to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists?


Real Life vs. Politics

Real life intrudes again. I will be moving to a new state over the next few weeks (and possibly to a new country if the election goes wrong). During that time, posts will probably be sporadic.

Besides, I’m guessing that most people are burned out on this election. Consider this a vacation for you. Go donate to the candidates of your choice. Watch the debates.

I’ll try to check in as often as I can.


Fool me twice

You know the old saying about “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. Well, it has never been so true. Last week, Donald Trump revealed his economic plan, and could you guess that it was more trickle-down economics. He is going to lower taxes on the rich dramatically, cutting the highest tax rate to only 33%, and lowering the corporate rate from 35% to 15%. He is also going to institute a “moratorium on federal regulations”. What kind of regulations? Well, he suggested eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules for lowering carbon emissions from coal-fired plants. So more global warming and more pollution!

In other speeches Trump has promised to increase military spending. Where is this money going to come from? He doesn’t say, but he also promises that his plan will reduce the federal deficit. Independent analysis of his plans “estimated they will bloat the US deficit by trillions, even after economic growth is taken into account”. So even if trickle-down economics somehow magically works this time and stimulates the economy, we will still be passing on huge debts to our children. You know the huge debts that Republicans have been screaming about for years that will destroy our country.

The last person who sold us this putrid bill of goods was Dubya Bush, and anyone still supporting Trump obviously doesn’t remember how that turned out for us.

Trump also promises that the economy will grow at more than four percent. Ironically, the last time the economy grew that fast was when Hillary Clinton was in the White House as First Lady.

What should be the response to “fool me three times”?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 7, 2016]

“Donald Trump has just revealed that he’s not practicing for the upcoming debates in a ‘traditional’ way, and has not been using a stand-in for Hillary. Which explains why today I saw Trump at Ann Taylor Loft yelling at a mannequin. ‘That sweater set isn’t very presidential! Sad!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Trump may have gotten a sign he will win in November because Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, tweeted out a picture of a cloud that kind of looks like Donald Trump, along with the caption, ‘In case anyone is unsure as to who will be our next #POTUS, the Lord has chosen the people’s messenger.’ Yes, God made a Trump-shaped cloud, though the cloud actually holds a position longer than the real Donald Trump.” – Stephen Colbert

“Today, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said he’s endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. Well, actually what he said was, ‘I have an endorsement for . . . Hilarity? Is there a Hilarity here? Hillberry? Hill-am-bee?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jessica Alba’s Honest Company is selling ‘bipartisan diapers’ featuring the Democratic donkey and Republican elephant holding hands. Because at the end of the day, both Republicans and Democrats are basically full of the same thing.” – Jimmy Fallon
