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The Locker Room Alibi

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

That settles it — the next time I need to act like an asshole, I’m finding a locker room!


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 28, 2016]

“There are now about six more weeks left in the election. And we know that because this morning, Trump’s hair popped out and saw its shadow.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to Forbes magazine, Donald Trump’s wealth is down $800 million from last year. He’s only worth $3.7 billion now, and I’ll tell you something, Mexico is going to pay for it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But the good news is, while his net worth may be down, his self-worth is at an all-time high.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“At the next debate, Donald Trump is threatening to talk about all of Bill Clinton’s affairs. Hillary’s not too worried, because the debate’s only 90 minutes.” – Conan O’Brien

“The second presidential debate is just 11 days away, and this one will have a town hall format. The first question will be, ‘Why’d you have to do this in OUR town?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The organizer of the presidential debates is allowing social media users to vote on debate questions. That’s why, as of today, the No. 1 question for the next presidential debate is ‘hey, u up?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is still being mocked for promising in the debate to ‘cut taxes bigly’. Trump has apologized, and promised in the next debate he’ll ‘speak more goodly’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night, Donald Trump told an audience that before Monday’s debate — this is a quote — ‘I pretended I was talking to my family.’ Then he admitted he frequently accuses his family of deleting emails and creating ISIS.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s reported that even the Taliban actually had a debate viewing party. So for the first time, it looks like they’re torturing themselves.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama’s upcoming South by South Lawn festival at the White House will have a virtual reality psychological experiment that makes you feel like you’re in a small jail cell. Or as Obama calls it, ‘the Oval Office’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, a group of Democratic senators sent a letter to Yahoo asking why they took so long to report the hack of 500 million users. That’s how little faith they have in Yahoo email — they sent a LETTER.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton is campaigning with Bernie Sanders for the millennial vote. They’re trying to get millennials with the opening line, ‘Hey, our combined age is approximately one millennium.'” – Conan O’Brien

“SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced plans yesterday to colonize Mars, saying the main requirement for early settlers would be that they are, quote ‘ready to die.’ Said Hillary, ‘I’ll let you know November 9th.'” – Seth Meyers

“Yesterday was National Register to Vote Day. Singer Katy Perry got naked and told people to vote. The video got like 6 million views already. Hopefully it encouraged people to sign up. But here’s the thing: Anyone who needs Katy Perry to take her shirt off in order to register to vote should not be allowed to register to vote.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s our responsibility as Americans to register to vote, to go to our local polling places, and make a choice between two people nobody can believe are our only available options.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Pity, Trump

I don’t often agree with David Brooks, but I think he hit the nail on the head in his opinion piece “Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life“. Here’s an excerpt:

Politics is an effort to make human connection, but Trump seems incapable of that. He is essentially adviser-less, friendless. His campaign team is made up of cold mercenaries at best and Roger Ailes at worst. His party treats him as a stench it can’t yet remove.

He was a germophobe through most of his life and cut off contact with others, and now I just picture him alone in the middle of the night, tweeting out hatred.

Trump breaks his own world record for being appalling on a weekly basis, but as the campaign sinks to new low after new low, I find myself experiencing feelings of deep sadness and pity.

Imagine if you had to go through a single day without sharing kind little moments with strangers and friends.

Imagine if you had to endure a single week in a hate-filled world, crowded with enemies of your own making, the object of disgust and derision.

You would be a twisted, tortured shrivel, too, and maybe you’d lash out and try to take cruel revenge on the universe. For Trump this is his whole life.


The Immigrants Have Won!

What have they won? Nobel Prizes!

The Nobel Prizes were recently announced and there are six winners from the US.

Every one of them is an immigrant.

Many of them are now US citizens, but some are not. All of them live permanently in the US, work and do their research in the US, and teach and train students in the US.

So do you really want to build a wall to keep all the immigrants out?


Groping for Irony

Donald Trump takes irony and hypocrisy to a new level:

Trump’s message for most of this week was that women alleging sexual assault — regardless of how many years had passed, whether they filed charges, whether their claims were held up by the courts — deserve to be heard, rather than discredited or attacked. Trump made this clear by holding a news conference with three of Bill Clinton’s accusers, urging the media to tell their stories and speaking about them in his rallies.

Then, four women came forward alleging Trump groped or kissed them without their consent. And Trump’s stance changed. He attacked the women personally, cast doubt on their motives, called them liars and a part of a politically orchestrated attack.

So which is it? You can’t have it both ways!

Even worse, Trump bragged on a live mic about doing these things. Why would we believe he is innocent? And if he thinks sexual assault is so brag-worthy, then why would he be attacking Bill Clinton over the same thing?


Hitting Bottom?

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles

As someone famously said, “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

Although I think I know the answer. And I suspect that Trump has several more bottoms to crash through.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 26, 2016]

“Pundits are noting that this year’s group of debate moderators is the most diverse in history, featuring an African-American, two women, a Filipino, and an openly gay man. Trump was like, “I think I’ve heard this one before, but go ahead.'” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton has asked “Shark Tank’s” Mark Cuban to attend tonight’s debate. Trump was furious and said, ‘A billionaire reality star has no business being at a presidential debate.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Ahead of tonight’s debate, Hillary Clinton posted an article on Twitter pointing out that no living president has endorsed Donald Trump. Nice try, Hillary, but it just so happens that Vladimir Putin is living.” – Seth Meyers

“We all just watched Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debate for an hour and a half. Coming into tonight’s debate, Democrats were divided between two strong emotions: panic and pants-crapping. Democrats have not been this nervous since Anthony Weiner asked to borrow their phone.” – Stephen Colbert

“Meanwhile, Donald Trump had to not commit murder — on camera.” – Stephen Colbert

“The experts said in order to win, Hillary Clinton had to project an image of competence, experience, wisdom, health, and vitality, without coming off as angry, bookish, or overbearing. Donald Trump had to not mention his penis.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In addition to costumes, they also banned balloons and drones. Which explains why Trump uninvited Chris Christie and Ben Carson.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The debate was moderated by NBC’s Lester Holt, which makes sense since he hosted “Dateline” and is used to two rich white people who want to murder each other.” – Stephen Colbert

“There were actually 1,000 people in the audience tonight and they were instructed not to applaud or cheer during the debate. As people watching were like, ‘What about sobbing? Can we quietly sob?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After tonight’s debate, several Fox News analysts said that Hillary Clinton was the clear winner. So maybe global warming IS a hoax because hell has frozen over.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary was so prepared, my new nickname for her is Preparation H. Yeah, it’s a compliment. In the primaries, she already proved she could ‘soothe the Bern’.” – Stephen Colbert

“Green Party candidate Jill Stein was escorted off the Hofstra University campus this afternoon after she tried to talk to reporters outside of tonight’s debate without proper credentials. As she was being dragged away by police she shouted, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ and they said, ‘No. No one does.'” –Seth Meyers



I just want to pass on a Newsweek article that might not get the attention it deserves.

Wednesday at one of his rallies, Trump directly passed on an email from a Russian disinformation campaign designed to manipulate the US election. It is an email that is supposedly from Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal (Trump’s favorite whipping boy), and it says that Clinton goofed up on Benghazi. In other words it is a GOP wet dream, and something that Trump would be unable to resist. Finally (conservatives cackle) evidence proving that Clinton is totally responsible for Benghazi!

Except, that email wasn’t written by Blumenthal at all. How do we know? Because the words were taken from an article (in Newsweek) written by Kurt Eichenwald, who recognized his own writing when Trump read it out loud. Not only that, but the article by Eichenwald was not blaming Clinton, it was actually slamming the Republicans for trying to blame Clinton. The Russians had created a false email and leaked it.

Donald Trump quoted the email at a rally in Pennsylvania, announcing it was an email from Blumenthal (it wasn’t), whom he called “sleazy Sidney”. “This just came out a little while ago. I have to tell you this.” And he read the words taken from the Eichenwald article and delivered his money shot: “He’s now admitting they could have done something about Benghazi.” Trump then dramatically dropped the document on the floor, while the crowd chanted “Lock her up!”

So, either Trump is participating in a Russian disinformation campaign against our election, or he is so stupid he is being manipulated by that Russian disinformation campaign. Unfortunately for us, the speed with which Trump came out with this points to the former. Sad.


Make America Hated Again

The Brits need our help to make them look good again. You can do your part by not registering to vote, or just not voting. That way, America can regain its status as idiots. “C’mon America, be the bigger moron!”

Indeed, Brexit passed because many Brits voted for it as a protest vote, assuming that it would not pass. Oops.

People think their vote doesn’t matter, but they are wrong.


Trump’s Biggest Coalition

An interesting post in Electoral Vote points out that Donald Trump has built an unprecedented coalition — of people who can’t stand the thought of him becoming president.

There’s Paul Ryan, of course, and John McCain, and a host of other high-ranking Republicans in Congress. Barack Obama has been anti-Trump from the outset, and is now actively working to persuade Republicans to abandon him. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is on board, including Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), as is much of the right-wing commentariat, among them Erick Erickson and Glenn Beck. There are Republican lions, like George H.W. Bush and Democratic lions, like Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. In short, though he presumably did not mean to do so, Trump has built a remarkable coalition.

What’s more, this #NeverTrump coalition is growing. Yesterday, Trump lashed out at Republicans in an epic hissy fit, causing even more leaders from his own party to disown him.

At the same time, his angry base ate it up, creating an even bigger gulf between Trump supporters and mainstream Republicans. If Trump supporters turn against other Republicans, it could cost the GOP not just control of the Senate, but maybe even the House. And with the House possibly in play, even more Democrats will rally against Trump.

Yesterday, for the first time Al Gore made a joint campaign appearance with Hillary Clinton in Florida. Gore wasted no time in pointing out that voting does count — Gore lost Florida by 537 votes out of 6 million cast. If the Florida Democrats had been able to increase their turnout in Florida by 0.009%, Gore would have become president instead of Dubya.

But whatever happens, you can bet that if you think Trump is being ugly now, he and his supporters are only going to get worse.

Michael Ramirez
© Michael Ramirez


Bizarro World

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Is it sad to realize that if Hillary Clinton had done even one-tenth of the bizarre things that Donald Trump has done, she would have been laughed out of the presidential race long ago.

The same thing is true of the other two candidates. Heck, Gary Johnson was derided because he misunderstood a question about Aleppo, and Jill Stein is just laughed at for no particular reason. I’m not saying people should vote for Johnson or Stein — there are very good reasons not to vote for them — but it is unfortunate that the main things being used against them have nothing to do with their policy positions or experience.

Now that Trump has announced that he is going nuclear on everyone, including his own party, I’m really hoping that the same thing happens at the national level that happened in California. After Governor Schwarzenegger, the Democrats swept into power and really cleaned up the mess that was California, fixed the economy, solved the budget crisis, and generally put California back on track.

And I even think that this would be the best thing for Republicans. Their party created the monster that is Donald Trump through the “Tea Party”, demonizing their opponents, and stirring up hatred and resentment. Unfortunately, that strategy worked for a while for them (at least getting them elected), but it has to stop. And I’m still hoping that the majority of Americans are aware enough to realize that they have been (and are still being) manipulated and lied to.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 21, 2016]

“It was announced that you’ll be able to watch next week’s debate on Twitter. So, finally a way to see Trump say something really crazy on Twitter.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump falsely claimed that NBC News anchor Lester Holt is a Democrat, when he’s actually a registered Republican. In other words, Trump just alienated the one black guy who might have voted for him.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today, Donald Trump told an African-American audience, ‘Black churches are the conscience of our country.’ In response, the crowd said, ‘Yes, that’s why we’re not voting for you.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Tomorrow is the first day of fall. I am so excited to watch Donald Trump change colors.” – Seth Meyers

“I saw that on Monday Donald Trump met with the Egyptian president in New York City while he’s in town for the U.N. General assembly. Trump said he’s always felt connected to Egypt, mostly because Trump University was a huge pyramid scheme.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said at a campaign rally yesterday that he would put Syrian refugees in safe zones, and make Middle Eastern countries pay for them, adding, ‘There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money.’ ‘You said it, baby,’ said Melania.” – Seth Meyers

“Fox News has forbidden Sean Hannity from appearing in any more campaign ads for Donald Trump. Fox said, ‘We want to appear neutral while covering the race between Mr. Trump and that Sickly Lying Witch.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Two days ago, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were tied in Florida, but today she is up by five points. Of course, there’s a margin of error… of Florida.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Barack Obama appeared before the U.N. General Assembly for the final time in his presidency to announce that the U.S. would be admitting 110,000 refugees in the coming year. Now the refugees will include people fleeing dangerous places like Syria, Libya, Florida…” – James Corden

“This might sound like a lot of people, 110,000 people are coming in, but you’ve got to remember millions will be fleeing if Trump is elected.” – James Corden

“Obama announced this today, the day after a tweet by the Trump campaign comparing refugees to poisoned Skittles. Obama was basically like, ‘It was going to be 100,000, but after your little Skittles tweet, it’s now 110,000.'” – James Corden

“President Obama’s half-brother, who lives in Kenya, told reporters this week that he will be voting for Donald Trump in the country’s mock U.S. election. Oh, that’s got to sting for Trump — an Obama wants to vote for him, but it’s the one with the Kenyan birth certificate.” – Seth Meyers

“House Speaker Paul Ryan was at the airport and didn’t recognize a three-year congresswoman from Massachusetts. And even asked her, ‘So what do you do?’ Ryan realized she was a congresswoman when she answered, ‘Nothing’.” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night on Pussygate

Here’s a quick sampling of all the late shows:

Easily the best of the bunch was Trevor Noah of the Daily Show, who totally takes Trump to task:

Extra bonus footage from the same show, about how Trump is frighteningly channeling his inner dictator:

And as the only female on late night, Samantha Bee throws her heart into the fray:

Seth Meyers also blasts Trump:

And finally, Stephen Colbert:


Zip It

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett

After the “Fury in Missouri” debate it is clear that Trump cannot control his own mouth. Threatening to throw Clinton in jail may play well with his angry supporters, but it makes him look more like a tin-pot dictator than an actual presidential candidate. And it has legal experts, including Republican prosecutors and former Justice Department attorneys, appalled.

Trump excused his bragging about sexually assaulting women as “locker room talk”, scores of professional athletes disagreed. For example, Oakland A’s pitcher Sean Doolittle said “As an athlete, I’ve been in locker rooms my entire adult life and uh, that’s not locker room talk.”

And what was it with the sniffles again? That’s twice now. Someone asked Carrie Fisher, known for her former drug addictions, and she responded that Trump is “absolutely” a coke head. That could explain a lot.

Meanwhile, Republican politicians are running away from Trump in droves and the GOP cut off funding for Trump. Even his vice presidential running mate Mike Pence cancelled a fundraiser scheduled for the day after the debate, while some Republicans are pressuring him to quit the ticket entirely.

But maybe the stupidest thing Trump said was to challenge the media to find more video dirt on him. The last person who did that was Gary Hart, who was quickly taken out of the presidential race.

May the same thing happen to Trump.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Sept. 19, 2016]

“It’s come out that Hillary Clinton is having a hard time connecting with millennial voters. So now she’s saying that last week’s coughing spell was actually due to a massive bong hit.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton is here and today is my birthday! Later we’re going to bring out a cake and let Hillary cough out the candles.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend, Martha Stewart said Donald Trump should not be president because he is ‘totally unprepared’. Though to be fair, by Martha Stewart’s standards, we’re ALL unprepared.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last week Trump revealed his child care proposals, including a plan to guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave. Mothers will get six weeks off, as long as their babies can produce their long-form birth certificates.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump held a press conference Friday where he announced that he believes President Obama was born in the U.S. Said Trump, ‘I hope that settles the issue. That Muslim was born here.'” – Seth Meyers

“The U.N. General Assembly began today, and Donald Trump was scheduled to meet with the president of Egypt. Said Trump, ‘Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tut.'” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump accused media outlets this morning of deliberately editing his words to make him come across in a bad light. Also making Trump come across in a bad light – light.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said that his role model for the vice presidency is Dick Cheney. To prove it, this weekend Pence had six heart attacks and shot his friend in the face.” – Conan O’Brien

“Only 50 more days until the election. That’s according to my calendar, The Book of Revelation.” – Conan O’Brien
