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Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 3, 2016]

“Ted Cruz wants to make America great again. Remember the guy everyone wanted to punch in the face? He campaigned on behalf of Trump today, a man who insulted his wife and his father and his face. Back then Ted Cruz called Trump a sniveling coward, but at a rally with Mike Pence today, he told the crowd he believes Donald Trump is the sniveling coward this country needs right now. Clearly, the man has no principles whatsoever.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Authorities are investigating why an official FBI Twitter account, that have been dormant for over a year, suddenly posted several tweets praising Donald Trump. Oh, you don’t know why? Well, take your time. I won’t ‘Russia’.” – Seth Meyers

“Former KKK leader David Duke told reporters today that if he’s elected to the Senate, he would be Donald Trump’s most loyal advocate. When asked what he’d do if Trump loses, Duke said, ‘I’ll burn that cross when we come to it.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump will reportedly hold a small gathering on election night instead of a large celebration, because he is superstitious. Oh, sorry, I read that wrong, ‘super racist’.” – Seth Meyers

“According to a new poll, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck in New Hampshire, while Chris Christie isn’t even neck.” – Seth Meyers


Social Media News

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson

I am becoming more and more convinced that micro-targeting of news (through AM talk radio, the internet, and especially social media) is largely to blame for the divorce of politics from reality (and consequently the election of Donald Trump). It also explains why Democrats were convinced that Hillary Clinton was about to be elected.

Unfortunately, I am at a total loss about what to do about this. Although I am still hopeful that like any media transition, people will eventually learn how to deal with new media and start acting rational again.

But then again, I might just be delusional, and we are totally screwed for a long time.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 2, 2016]

“A new poll finds that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a statistical tie just a week from Election Day. But on the bright side, at least Trump’s finally in a tie that was made in America.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have run national commercials during the World Series games, marking the only time Cubs and Indians fans were booing at the same time.” – Jimmy Fallon

“What an insane week this is. The Cubs may win the World Series, Donald Trump may be elected president, and the whitest man in America is on stage at the Apollo! It’s officially the end of days, ladies and gentlemen. This was prophesied in the Bible.” – Conan O’Brien

A recent study found that always letting children win games in competitions could damage their ability to learn. Which is scary, because we’re six days away from letting the biggest child win the biggest game.” – Seth Meyers

“But, you know, Trump voters—really? Not even the guy who says he wants to fuck his daughter? This is not a deal-breaker for you? I mean, what does it take? A racist, a liar, a tax cheat, a draft-dodger, a deadbeat, a Russian agent, and a rapist. You know we’re a nuclear power, right? These are red flags.” — Bill Maher

“No matter what side you’re on, people are stressed about what’s about to happen after the election. In fact, things have gotten so crazy that Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman, tweeted: ‘On Nov. 8, I’m voting for Trump. On Nov. 9, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket.’ To be honest, it is just nice to hear a Republican saying is he going to grab something that’s not part of a woman.” – James Corden

“The rumor now is that there’s a Donald Trump sex tape. Yes! In response, Trump is saying, ‘Vote for me or I’ll release it.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Yesterday, in a speech, President Obama said that when voting, young men should look deep inside themselves. So, as of an hour ago, the front-runner is Kate Upton.” – Conan O’Brien

“It looks like the FBI is trying to hurt Hillary’s campaign, which has a lot of people upset. Mostly Russia. That’s THEIR gig.” – Stephen Colbert

“In anticipation of her victory, Hillary Clinton has reportedly planned a fireworks show over the Hudson River for election night. Oh god, remember how excited she got over balloons? What’s she going to do if she sees fireworks?” – Seth Meyers

“Former Congressman Anthony Weiner has reportedly checked into rehab for sex addiction after his numerous sexting scandals. Weiner has asked for privacy and also the Wi-Fi password.” – Seth Meyers


Re-criminalizing Marijuana?

Donald Trump’s choice for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is not only a racist, but he is absolutely against the legalization of marijuana. And as Attorney General, he would have the unilateral power to make it illegal again, even in the states that have decriminalized it.

How can this be? Because there are still harsh federal laws against marijuana, which make it illegal even for medical use. When the states decriminalized pot, starting with Colorado, the Justice Department issued a memo saying that they would not prosecute users and sellers in states where it was legalized. However, that memo could easily be reversed by the new Attorney General.

That’s right, Republicans claim to believe in states’ rights, but would gladly use federal law to overrule the states.

Even though according to Scientific American, teen use of marijuana actually went down in Colorado after legalization. And legalization has brought in tons of tax revenue to cash-starved states.

This also ties in with Sessions’ racism, since minorities are far more likely to be arrested and jailed for marijuana use. African Americans are arrested 3.7 times more often for smoking pot, even though usage rates for whites and blacks are roughly equal.


Continuing Racism

Darrin Bell
© Darrin Bell

That’s right, Jeff Sessions was originally turned down by Republicans for a federal judgeship for being too racist. I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.

Who else has Trump picked for his cabinet? In addition to racist Sessions, there is also Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.) for national security advisor. Flynn is a bigot who said that Americans should fear all Muslims. And finally there is Trump’s pick to run the CIA, Rep. Michael Pompeo (R-KS). Pompeo was a member of the Republican congressional Benghazi investigation, and when his colleagues decided they didn’t have enough evidence to accuse Hillary Clinton of any crime, this was not good enough for him, so he wrote his own minority report accusing Clinton of a cover-up.

It isn’t looking good. Trump is picking people for his cabinet who are to the right of most Republicans. And if you thought Trump was being racist and bigoted just to win the election, think again.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Nov. 1, 2016]

“Donald Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns. Twelve women have accused him of sexual assault, and he’s going on trial for fraud for Trump University in November, but now the only thing the media is talking about is emails. It’s like if during the O.J. trial, everyone was focused on whether or not the Ford Bronco had up-to-date registration.” – Seth Meyers

“The polls are tightening. The latest ABC News/ Washington Post poll has Donald Trump moving ahead of Hillary Clinton by one point as enthusiasm declines. Though, to be fair, any time Trump gets close to a woman, enthusiasm tends to decline.” – Stephen Colbert

“A memo from a veteran spy says that Vladimir Putin has been supporting Donald Trump for five years. After hearing this, Trump said, ‘Oh my God, I forgot it was our anniversary! What do you get for five years? I hope it’s not CHINA?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The election is just one week from today. So I guess in one week, we’ll know if Donald Trump is our next president — or if Hillary Clinton rigged the election.” – Jimmy Fallon

“For the first time in their 111-year history, Variety has endorsed a presidential candidate — Hillary Clinton. That’s right, the magazine named Variety said, ‘Let’s have a second President Clinton!'” – Stephen Colbert

“The 2016 presidential election is in exactly one week! One weak Republican, and one weak Democrat.” – Seth Meyers

“Mark one’s calendar because Election Day is but one week away. Seven days. Enough time to tell your family you love them and make your peace with God. As the captain of the ‘Titanic’ once said, ‘This is not a drill.'” – Stephen Colbert

“That’s right, there’s exactly one week until Election Day, and this is probably a bad sign, but that’s where the calendar just stops.” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz posted a photo on Twitter last night of himself dressed as the Phantom of the Opera for Halloween. Said trick-or-treaters, ‘Aggh! We can still see half your face!'” – Seth Meyers

“While hosting their final White House Halloween party yesterday, first lady Michelle Obama actually told the kids, ‘Hey! Candy for everybody!’ Then Barack looked around and was like, ‘OK, who’s that in the Michelle Obama costume?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Democratic contributor Donna Brazile has resigned from CNN after WikiLeaks revealed she leaked a primary debate question to the Clinton campaign. Turns out the question was about lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan. So, finally, someone lost their job over Flint.” – Stephen Colbert


A Closer Look at Trump’s Transition Team

Donald Trump’s administration hasn’t even begun yet, but it is off to a bad start.


Not Helping

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

I know I keep saying it, but the time to get our shit together is now. If there is going to be a silver lining from this election it will be because we (especially progressives) create it. We need to figure out our priorities and act on them. And we need some unity.


Draining the Swamp?

Donald Trump campaigned that as an outsider he would “drain the swamp” of Washington politics. But he has already appointed a rogues-list of lobbyists and Washington insiders to his administration, including lobbyists from the energy, agriculture, transportation, and banking industries. Trump’s own rules for transition team members requires them to pledge to “disqualify myself from involvement in any particular transition matter if I have engaged in regulated lobbying activities with respect to such matter, as defined by the Lobbying Disclosure Act, within the previous 12 months.” However, Senate records show that at least eight members of Trump’s transition team are openly flouting those rules.

According to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), “It doesn’t look like they’re draining the swamp, it looks like they’re pouring the swamp into the transition.”

As Bernie Sanders observed, Trump appears to be stocking the swamp with “even more alligators”. “[A] lot of what Mr. Trump was saying to get votes turns out to be not what he intends to do as the president of the United States.”

How long will it take before Trump supporters realize they have been conned?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Oct. 31, 2016]

“After claiming the election is rigged, Donald Trump said at a rally last week that the country should, quote, ‘Just cancel the election and give it to Trump.’ And then on Friday, FBI director James Comey said, ‘OK.'” – Seth Meyers

“On Friday, FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Republican lawmakers saying he has found new emails that may be involved in the Hillary Clinton email scandal and that the FBI plans to investigate. Donald Trump has been caught on tape admitting he gropes women and yet the election has turned back to emails.” – James Corden

“The emails the FBI are investigating actually came from the computer of Anthony Weiner. Anthony Weiner is, of course, the politician who was disgraced for sending naked pictures to, well, just about everyone. Of course a Weiner was going to get in the way of the first female president in the White House.” – James Corden

“These Hillary email scandals brought Anthony Weiner back into the news. Here’s a question nobody is asking. Anthony Weiner is Jewish, right? Right? So, does this scandal make him a Hebrew National Weiner?” – Jimmy Fallon

“The FBI found the emails while investigating illicit messages sent to an underage girl by Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s estranged husband and es-strange guy Anthony Weiner. Apparently, they found them while searching his laptop. Dear God, I hope they used gloves.” – Stephen Colbert

“It makes sense on the weekend of Halloween that Donald Trump’s campaign comes back from the dead for one final scare.” – James Corden

“Today was Halloween and right on cue, Hillary’s private email server came back from the dead.” – Seth Meyers

“This October surprise comes right as Secretary Clinton was riding high in the polls in the wake of sexual assault accusations against Donald Trump. Truly, for the Clinton campaign, horny men giveth, and horny men taketh away.” – Stephen Colbert

“On Sunday night, Trump supporters started using the hashtag ‘Hillary for Prison,’ but they were adding an extra ‘I’ so it read hashtag ‘Hillary for Prision.’ They thought that the correct spelling was being blocked by Twitter.” – James Corden

“The thing is, nobody who wants Hillary to go to jail can even describe to you why she should have to go there. They’re like, ‘because, you know, there was the email thing and — hashtag prision, man.’ Which makes me think that these people are ‘mor-ions.'” – James Corden

“Donald Trump told supporters last night that Hillary Clinton wants to bring 650 million immigrants into the United States within one week of taking office. Whereas if he wins, Canada gets 150 million immigrants.” – Seth Meyers

“A Trump supporter was arrested in Iowa last week for in-person voter fraud after she attempted to vote twice. She said the first vote was to make America great. And the second one was to make America great again.” – Seth Meyers

“There are just eight days left until the election. So if anyone’s still thinking of running, now’s the time.” – Seth Meyers

“According to a survey of over 40,000 Americans, candy corn was the most popular Halloween candy state by state. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups got the most votes overall. So basically, Reese’s got the popular vote and candy corn won the Electoral College.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“NASA’s early-warning asteroid intruder alert system spotted an asteroid as it passed by Earth last night, and I think I speak for all of us when I say, ‘Come back, asteroid!'” – Seth Meyers


Cyber Warfare

The head of the NSA (National Security Agency) just announced that a foreign nation-state (presumably Russia) consciously targeted presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, in order to affect the US election:

There shouldn’t be any doubt in anybody’s minds, this was not something that was done casually, this was not something that was done by chance, this was not a target that was selected purely arbitrarily. This was a conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.

This is cyber warfare, and I’m not sure what can be done to defend against it. In an era where voters are strongly influenced by political information exchanged through social media, with little or no fact checking, there may not be any way to stop a bad actor from throwing an election, with potentially disastrous results.

How many “Manchurian Social Networks” exist already? Given how easy it is to create and spread disinformation, it is guaranteed that this situation will just get worse as more countries and special interests will pour money and effort into cyber warfare activities.

After all, conventional warfare is way more expensive and dangerous. Why do that when you can achieve the same ends more cheaply and easily by getting people elected who will do your bidding?


The Revenge of Joe Biden?

Twitter user Josh Billinson has been tweeting (short) jokes he has been making up involving Joe Biden playing pranks on Donald Trump. Here are two examples:

Biden: “I left a Kenyan passport in your desk, just to fuck with him”
Obama: “Joe”
Biden: “Oh and a prayer rug in your bedroom. He’s gonna lose it!”
Obama: “Dammit Joe”

Obama: Did you replace all the toiletries with travel size bottles?
Biden: He’s got tiny hands Barack, I want him to feel welcome here

There are plenty more. They may be a bit silly, but we sure need something to laugh about.


Give Trump a Chance?

After the election, I heard people saying that we should give Trump a chance (including from some people who commented in this blog). I have several answers to that.

First, we already know quite a bit about Trump. That he will say anything and contradict himself moments later. That he is all about revenge. That he knows nothing about government. That the main qualification for being in his administration is to never challenge him or disagree with him. We know about Trump University. We know he lied about being against the Iraq war. We totally know his bigotry and narcissism.

It is obvious that Trump could quite easily be worse than Dubya (who fumbled the response to Hurricane Katrina, ignored warnings about 9/11, lied us into a disastrous war, etc.). He also seems worse than Nixon (who was obsessed with revenge, and ultimately resigned in disgrace). I don’t think waiting is an option.

We need to get our priorities straight. Playing the blame game (the Dems should have nominated Sanders, etc.) is also not a good option.

Second, even if you decided to wait, you didn’t have to wait very long. The people already picked to be the major movers and shakers of the Trump administration look bad. Steve Bannon? Rudi Giuliani? Seriously?

Plus Paul Ryan is already lying about how Obamacare destroyed Medicare, so it has to be replaced as well. So Medicare is in danger.

But violence and insults will not help. Again, we need to figure out our priorities and do something about them. We managed to elect Trump and we are stuck with him. Our response will determine how this turns out.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Oct. 26, 2016]

“Happy birthday to Hillary Clinton, who turned 69 years old today — while Donald Trump said, ‘The media is reporting that today is Hillary’s birthday, but a lot of people are telling me that it’s actually MY birthday. Rigged!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today is a special day, today is Hillary Clinton’s birthday. You could email her a birthday card, or just send it straight to WikiLeaks.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary’s birthday party is just like any other birthday party except when people yell ‘speech, speech,’ she charges them $250,000.” – James Corden

“Happy birthday to Hillary Clinton, who turned 69 today. She made a wish, and then deleted the candles.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary’s press secretary posted a photo on Twitter of the staff surprising Hillary with a cake for her birthday. It was really fun — you could hardly tell that Hillary had spent two hours practicing her ‘surprised’ face.” – Jimmy Fallon

“We would be remiss if we didn’t start off by wishing Hillary Clinton a happy birthday. It must be tough being a close friend of Hillary. I mean, no matter what you get Hillary Clinton for her birthday, it will never be as good as the gift Billy Bush gave her.” – James Corden

“Bill Clinton is trying to figure out what his official title would be if his wife becomes president. Hillary has said that she likes the term first gentleman. She hasn’t been able to say it without laughing but she likes the term.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bill has suggested first volunteer, first dude, and first laddie. If I had a vote I would go with the first lady’s man.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hillary went to a fundraiser here in New York City that was attended by Stevie Wonder. And even Stevie was like, ‘Let me guess — loud pantsuit?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In an interview, Newt Gingrich accused Megyn Kelly of being more interested in sex than public policy. Then Kelly explained that everyone is more interested in sex than public policy.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night, former Speaker Newt Gingrich was asked by Megyn Kelly if Trump is a sexual predator. Gingrich accused Kelly of being more fascinated with sex than public policy. First off, everybody is more fascinated with sex than public policy. If you’re not, there’s a pill for that now.” – Stephen Colbert

“Trump supporter Newt Gingrich last night accused Fox News’ Megyn Kelly of being ‘fascinated with sex’ by continuing to report on women accusing Donald Trump of inappropriate behavior. Newt, there’s a difference between being ‘fascinated by sex’ and being ‘horrified by sexual assault’. It’s kind of like Beyoncé and Rihanna — everyone knows the difference except old white men.” – Seth Meyers

“But the thing is, Megyn ‘Kelly File’ isn’t talking about fun-time, bedroom whoopee-making. She’s talking about assault. Wait, unless Newt doesn’t know the difference? Maybe no one gave him the talk. Hold on, let’s do this: ‘Newt, sweetheart, you’re growing up so fast. In fact, you’re 73. Your body’s changing.'” – Stephen Colbert

“New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning is denying reports that he yelled out ‘Trump!’ to signal an audible during Sunday’s game. Manning said actually ‘Trump’ is a signal for ‘Illegal Use of Hands.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump was on the Herman Cain radio show yesterday criticizing, of all things, wind. He said he’s against wind turbines because they’re killing eagles and thousands of other birds. Like Bob Seger, he’s against the wind.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I happen to know why Donald Trump is against wind power and I’ll tell you, it’s not because it kills birds. Donald Trump is against wind because of what it does to his hair.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We are 13 days from the election, and it is a hard time for those on board the Trump train because somehow, it hit an iceberg and is sinking.” – Stephen Colbert

“In an interview last night with MSNBC, Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence accidentally referred to Trump as his opponent. Which is ridiculous — everyone knows Trump is his own opponent.” – Seth Meyers

“Trump’s surrogates are doing just what the passengers on the ‘Titanic’ did — remaining calm on the ship and talking about how great it is.” – Stephen Colbert


Thoughts from Paris, Part 1

I spent the last week in Paris, mostly running around a bunch of museums, and some thoughts keep coming up.

First of all, I keep being reminded of the fragility of democracy. I’m sure everyone here knows that Hitler came to power in Germany through democratic means. But there is another example. There was a big exhibition at the Musee d’Orsay about the Second Empire. Amazingly enough, in 1852 the people of France, who were then ruled under the Second Republic, voted almost unanimously to hand over absolute power (and the title of “emperor”) to Napoleon III. That’s some irony, democratically voting to abolish their own democracy.

What these two examples have in common is fear. Propaganda was used to whip up fear, and the people then gave their power to a “strongman” who was the only person who could protect them. Sound familiar?
