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Calling Trump’s Bluff

Republicans demanded changes to US border policies before they would pass any aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Which is crazy, since the two things aren’t related. In fact, Senate Minority Leader Match McConnell (R-KY) only reluctantly tied the two because of House right-wing radicals.

I guess Donald Trump couldn’t imagine our gridlocked Congress would be able to solve all these problems. However, a group of Senate negotiators managed to close in on a deal last week, largely because Democrats removed their demands for a path to legalization for millions of undocumented immigrants. So what does Donald Trump do? He fires up social media and demands that the deal be killed. Why? Because Trump refuses to give Biden any win, even if it is a bipartisan win. Trump wants the credit for solving the border crisis.

Even Republicans are furious. Senator James Lankford (R-OK), who is the lead negotiator said, “There are some people that oppose the bill, based on the presidential politics issue, rather than the crisis that’s actually occurring at the border.”

Another GOP Senator said that efforts to disrupt the ongoing negotiations are “tragic” and “I hope no one is trying to take this away for campaign purposes”.

And another Republican Senator, who refused to be named for fear of retaliation from Trump, said, “This proposal would have had almost unanimous Republican support if it weren’t for Donald Trump.”

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) said “I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling. But the reality is that, that we have a crisis at the border, the American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border. And someone running for president not to try and get the problem solved. as opposed to saying, ‘hey, save that problem. Don’t solve it. Let me take credit for solving it later’.”

Or who knows? Maybe Putin asked Trump to kill the aid to Ukraine for him. I wouldn’t put it past Trump. And in fact, endangering our country for political reasons is just as bad. There’s a name for that, and it starts with “traitor”.

UPDATE: Electoral Vote points out that Trump is using the same playbook as Richard Nixon. When Nixon was running for president in 1968 against then VP Hubert Humphrey, Nixon sabotaged LBJ’s peace talks in Vietnam, to make it appear that the Democrats were incapable of ending the unpopular war. The treachery worked and Nixon won, and we all know what happened after that.

There are a couple of ways in which Trump’s treachery differs from Nixon’s. First of all, Trump’s belief that he can solve the border crisis is nonsense. Trump had four (long) years to solve the border crisis and he not only failed, his plan — to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it — was doomed from the start because Mexico never agreed to it, and the few walls that were built were easily subverted by simple ladders and underground tunnels.

Second of all, Nixon’s treachery succeeded because there was no proof that Nixon ordered it. In fact, it took 50 years before Nixon’s Presidential Library finally opened papers proving what happened. In Trump’s case, it took only a few hours for everyone to know that blowhard idiot Trump sabotaged the bill, and did it for his own benefit. Which pissed off many Republicans and gave strong evidence for the Democrats to use against Trump. And if Republicans capitulate to Trump and sink the bill (which is likely), it will also provide strong evidence for the Democrats to use against those GOP politicians who are running for re-election.

© Kal, The Economist

Consistently WRONG

Why in the world does anyone pay any attention to the Iowa caucuses?

© Gary Varvel

Iowa is a small, overwhelmingly white, evangelical state, which forces it’s population of rural farmers and pig ropers to go out on an invariably freezing winter night, where they invariably pick losers. I mean, Rick Santorum? Mike Huckabee? Heck, they didn’t even pick Donald Trump in 2016, and decided that Ted Cruz (who everyone hates) would be their choice.

They don’t stop with the winner either. In this year’s caucus, they got the other choices wrong, with Ron DeSantis dropping out immediately after the caucus picked him for second place.

And that was just the Republicans. Remember, that we still don’t know who won the Iowa Democratic caucus from 4 years ago (but we do know that it wasn’t Joe Biden).

I console myself by pretending that this absolutely guarantees that Trump will go down in flames, becoming a punchline for a joke that isn’t even remotely funny.

© Ruben Bolling

Insurrections Insecure?

The SCOTUS is wracking their brains for Donald Trump. Who knows, maybe they will anoint him King for Life?

© Tom Tomorrow


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!

© Matt Davies

If at first you don’t succeed…


Poor me!

© Monte Wolverton


I actually believe that Donald Trump is guilty of absolutely obvious insurrection, and is not eligible to hold the office of president. The evidence is overwhelming. Anyone who says “it isn’t illegal if the president does it” is full of shit. Is there anyone sane who doesn’t know that Trump tried repeatedly to overthrow the government? Even his MAGA followers?

I actually think that what Trump did is much worse than our civil war! Think about it. The South wanted to succeed from the USA. The North could have just let them, and avoided a terrible war. Now, even though the Constitution says nothing about (for or against) secession, there are reasonable arguments that states cannot unilaterally secede. But that is not what we are talking about here. Trump repeatedly tried to subvert the Constitution. Including encouraging people to use violence to keep himself in power, against the Constitution.

Trump keeps claiming that the election was stolen, but there is absolutely no evidence of that. There is more evidence that Trump knows that he lost the election, than evidence that the election was stolen from him. Heck, there might even be more evidence that the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton (I’m not claiming that it was), or that the 2000 election was stolen from Al Gore.

I’m tired of people claiming that what Trump has done is not insurrection. I totally agree with the Maine Secretary of State, who says she had no choice. The Constitution doesn’t say that the voters get to decide whether or not Trump engaged in insurrection. It also doesn’t say that Trump is above the law. Several insurrectionists testified in their trials that they stormed the Capitol because they understood that Trump told them to do that, and to “fight like hell”. And when they did, Trump refused to tell them to stand down.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of just about everything Trump says.

© Matt Wuerker


He’s Baaaaack!

Stephen Colbert seems to have survived his appendix, and returned to Late Night. Thank goodness!


The Law

It looks like The House will finally vote to expel “George Santos” from Congress, despite the fact that it is likely that he will be replaced by a Democrat. But that just shows Republican hypocrisy, as they still solidly support Donald Trump as President, despite Trump’s insurrection, lies, fraud, and other crimes. The reason they are expelling Santos is because he isn’t popular, and is making the GOP look bad.

They know Trump is a nut-job, as many of them have explicitly said in the past. For example, Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH), who just yesterday said he would vote for Trump if he is the GOP primary winner, despite previously saying that Trump is “fucking crazy”. Not to mention all the flip-flopping Lindsey Graham has done between castigating Trump and promoting him.

© Adam Zyglis


Everything Wrong with Trump

This “A Closer Look” from Late Night with Seth Meyers was posted on Thanksgiving Day (Nov 23, 2023), but I was too busy to post it right away.


The Daily Show with Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman is hilarious!


One of the Very Stupidest People

Lawrence O’Donnell points out that Donald Trump, who always seems to think he is the smartest person in the room, uttered the stupidest thing he could possibly say during his fraud case in New York, and incriminated not just himself, but also his children. Which absolutely destroys his defense, and guarantees that the Trump Organization will receive the largest punishment possible.


Happy Hallowe’en!

On Hallowe’en, the monsters come out!

© Tom Tomorrow

Will the Democrats save the day? Stay tuned!!!


Here We Go Again

© Tom Tomorrow

You know, it doesn’t have to be like this. I recently returned from a trip that included Rwanda, which just a couple of decades ago was in the middle of a horrible genocide. Now, only a few years later, Rwanda has become one of the most progressive countries in Africa, the civil war is over, and the problems that caused the genocide are virtually gone.

If they could solve this hatred in Rwanda, there must be a way to solve it between Jews and Palestinians. And similar things have happened in other places, such as South Africa and Northern Ireland. I believe that what is needed is leadership that wants to solve problems, rather than use problems (and even create new problems) to keep themselves in power. And yes, I’m looking at both Hamas and the current leaders of Israel.


Jim Jordan is a Jerk-off!

The more you read about Jim Jordan, the worse he looks. You probably know that he was a founding member of the “Freedom Caucus”, which is the Republican group that is keeping the House of Representatives deadlocked. He was an attack dog for president Donald Trump, including being a key ally in Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and he refused a subpoena from the congressional investigation into the Jan 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. But it gets worse.

Before he was a politician, he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State, and was mired in scandal. Over 100 former wrestlers have said that Jordan ignored rampant sexual abuse by a team doctor. Jordan claims he never saw or heard of any abuse, but an official investigation found that the abuse was an “open secret”, and that “coaches, trainers and other team physicians were fully aware of [the doctor’s] activities, and yet few seemed inclined to do anything to stop it”. The investigation also found that the doctor had sexually abused at least 177 students.

But even worse, Jordan is completely unqualified to be Speaker of the House, which is the person who decides which bills are brought to the floor for a vote. Jordan was elected to the House in 2006, and in all this time, Jordan has never drafted a bill that was signed into law. Not even when Trump was president. So he is still a jerk-off.

Even those things Jordan does do, he fails at. For example, he has been running an investigation against Hunter Biden (and his laptop) for 10 months, which has gone nowhere. A month ago, Jordan began an impeachment investigation against president Biden, and on the first day his “star witnesses” all admitted that there was not enough evidence for impeachment. If Jordan becomes the Speaker, what are the chances that he won’t be able to pass a budget and the government will have to shut down? That might just kill the Republican Party.

In addition, Jordan is very unpopular with his colleagues, and has been that way for a long time. For example, former Speaker of the House John Boehner described Jordan as a “legislative terrorist”. And now, as Jordan attempts to whip up votes to be speaker, he is doing it by browbeating House Republicans who are voting against him, making him even more unpopular.

© Michael Ramirez

Right versus Left

© Ward Sutton

I don’t really understand why Joe Biden’s favorability ratings are so low. I think he has been doing a good job as president. In fact, I’ve been watching him since he was in the Senate.

Yes, there are a few things he’s done that I disagreed with. For example, voting for the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. But I was more upset that President Bill Clinton signed it! At least Biden had the excuse at the time of being a life-long Catholic. Even so, he evolved over time into a strong promoter and defender of same-sex marriage. I’m also a bit unhappy about his decision to build 20 miles of wall on the southern border, but I know why he did it.

However, I can think of lots of things Biden has done right. He’s honest, he has been able to work with the progressive Democrats (and get quite a few of their bills passed), and even has (amazingly) been able to work with a few (reasonable) Republicans.

Why do we wallow in negative news all the time? I keep seeing stories about Biden’s age, but Donald Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden, and is much less healthy. And I don’t have to tell you all the other problems that Trump has.



On May 3, 2016, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), made the following prediction:

“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.”

© Matt Wuerker