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Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Feb. 22, 2017]

The Washington Post has done an analysis of Trump’s first month as president and says that during that time, Trump has made 133 false or misleading statements. That’s right, 133 false statements. Isn’t that — [mimes listening to earpiece] sorry, it’s absolutely 134. It’s 135 — it’s — it’s 137. Forget it, we’ll be here all night. – James Corden

The Washington Post says that he has lied over 130 times in just his first month. If you do the math, he’s releasing an average of four false or misleading statements per day. On the bright side, you can’t say Trump isn’t getting anything done. – James Corden

Now the most shocking thing in this report is that it’s only been 34 days. How? It feels like he’s halfway into his second term, doesn’t it? This is the first administration where the public is aging faster than the president. – James Corden

But it makes sense that Trump tells the most fibs of any president — even the color of his skin is a lie. – James Corden

Trump’s frequent visits to his Mar-a-Lago resort have many wondering if he’ll stick with the presidential tradition of visiting Camp David. While others would just be happy if he stuck with the tradition of visiting the White House. You’re still president on the weekends, you know that? All right, good. – Jimmy Fallon

Another big story is Trump’s ongoing feud with the media. Especially his tweet where he called the press “the enemy of the American people.” And the American people said, “No, that would still be kale. No one likes kale.” – Jimmy Fallon

Former Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee is actually siding with Trump, saying he can relate to how Trump’s being covered. Then even Lincoln Chafee was like, “Wait, who am I again? Am I the guy with the guitar? No, that was Martin O’Malley. No, yeah, I was the guy with the hair, OK.” – Jimmy Fallon

President Trump said today that he very much enjoyed his tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture yesterday. One employee was like, “Sir, that was a basketball game.” – Seth Meyers

Yesterday, Trump was touring the Museum of African American History and Culture, and according to witnesses, he noticed a stone auction block on which slaves would stand and was moved to say, “Boy, that is just not good. That is not good.” I haven’t heard that kind of eloquent enunciation since the Civil War novel “The Red Badge of Dang, That Is Messed Up.” – Stephen Colbert

And he wasn’t done taking a courageous stance against slavery, because later they came upon a set of shackles used to restrain children, and the president said, “That is really bad. That is really bad” — adding, “Chains on a child? What is this, the airport?” – Stephen Colbert

President Trump is getting ready to speak to Congress next Tuesday and apparently this speech will be more upbeat than the one he gave at his inauguration. People were like, “Seriously, ‘Manchester by the Sea’ was more upbeat than his inauguration speech.” – Jimmy Fallon

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said today that President Trump will not be watching the Academy Awards this Sunday. But I bet Spicer will, since he’s nominated for most animated short. – Seth Meyers

Vice President Mike Pence today toured a factory in St. Louis. Pence was like, “It’s so great to be back here in the place where I was built.” – Seth Meyers

If you are visiting in New York right now, you might have noticed that yesterday, activists put a banner on the Statue of Liberty reading, “Refugees Welcome”. It’s absolutely a lovely thought, but kind of redundant on the Statue of Liberty, isn’t it? It’s like taking a rainbow flag and adding, “We Like the Gays!” It’s not necessary. – Stephen Colbert

But I guess that’s where we are right now. You’ve got to say things out loud that, before, we just assumed we all agreed on. The bar’s getting lower. – Stephen Colbert

According to a new report, more Americans over 65 are using marijuana to relieve pain. Said one such American, “I’m 65? How long have I been playing Call of Duty?” – Seth Meyers

Scientists are saying people who grow up with cats in their homes are not more likely to develop mental illnesses. No, the mental illness comes first. – Seth Meyers


Damn Lies

Flanked by his top advisors and the CEOs who are members of his “business advisory council”, Donald Trump claimed “We’ve created over 600,000 jobs already over a very short period of time and it’s going to really start catching on now.” His advisors should have known better.

Only 317,000 jobs have been created since Trump took office. Not only must Trump be taking credit for jobs created while Obama was still president, most economists would agree that many (if not most) of the jobs created in the first few months of Trump’s presidency were due to the policies of the Obama administration. Indeed, of the jobs created, 219,000 were created in February, the first full month Trump was president, and 98,000 were created in March. So the number of jobs created is actually going down (not “catching on now”). I also want to point out that companies don’t just decide to hire a bunch of people and those people magically show up and start working. It take time to hire people, and even more time to create projects that can (later) hire people.

But reality doesn’t seem to be important to Donald Trump. Later the same day in a press conference, Trump made the bizarre statement “Already we’ve created more than almost 600,000 jobs.”

The White House later explained that Trump was including all the jobs created in January, but that number was 216,000. So the total for the three months is 533,000, which is still far short of 600,000 (let alone “over”). And Trump was only president for 11 full days in January (11.5 if you include his inauguration day once he was sworn in).

Even if we give Trump credit for all the jobs created since he became president (which is dubious at best) that still means that, on average, 178,000 jobs per month were added during Trump’s presidency. That is still less than the 187,000 jobs that were added (again, on average) while Obama was president (and that includes the jobs that were lost due to the Bush recession after Obama was inaugurated.

Any way you look at it, Trump’s (repeated) statement is a complete fabrication. Why his business advisors and CEOs sat there while Trump said it is beyond me. Either they are idiots or they are happy to endorse blatant lies.



© Jim Morin

Donald Trump promised that we would win so much we would get tired of winning. Well, I’m not tired yet, but Trump has been the indirect cause of several wins. The 2017 Pulitzer prizes were announced on Monday, and there were multiple awards for negative coverage of Trump, including cartoonist Jim Morin of the Miami Herald, whose winning entries included the two cartoons above.

Also winning was David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post for his coverage of Trump’s lies about giving to charities, the New York Times for their coverage of Russia’s efforts to project power abroad, and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan for her coverage of the presidential campaign.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Feb. 20, 2017]

President Trump took office one month ago today. Wow, it’s hard to believe the past few years have only been a month! – Seth Meyers

Today is President’s Day and you just know Trump was up at the crack of dawn, ready to open presents. – Seth Meyers

Yesterday was Presidents Day, and I read that Donald Trump’s supporters were emailed a Presidents Day card to sign for him. And since Trump was busy golfing, they were asked to sign some executive orders for him, too. – Jimmy Fallon

For those of you keeping score at home, Donald Trump has gone golfing six times 30 days. That explains the bumper sticker on Air Force One: “I’d rather be golfing, and there’s a 20% chance that I am.” – Stephen Colbert

It was reported this week that Donald Trump has made six different trips to golf courses in Florida in his first month as president. It’s definitely a lot for a guy who once tweeted: “Can you believe that with all the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf?” We all thought Trump was being critical. Turns out he was being jealous. – James Corden

We know the president has been to the golf course six times, but for some reason, his aides would not confirm that Trump played golf each time he went to the golf course. Sure, he could be on the course for any reason. We know he loves making fun of people’s handicaps! – Stephen Colbert

A new report from The Washington Post reveals that Trump has spent 25 hours golfing during his first month in office. But during his intelligence briefings, he really buckled down … and played Wii golf. – Jimmy Fallon

President Trump today visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture … as part of his ongoing quest to find Barack Obama’s birth certificate. – Seth Meyers

Trump went on a tour of the African American Museum with Ben Carson. Things got awkward at each exhibit, when Trump would turn to Carson and say, “Friend of yours?” – Jimmy Fallon

Trump was originally supposed to visit the museum on Martin Luther King Day, but that had to be postponed because of scheduling issues. It’s understandable. As Dr. King himself said, “I have a dream — unless something else comes up. Then it can wait.” – Stephen Colbert

Exciting day for President Trump, because he went on a field trip to the Museum of African American History. He was so worried Steve Bannon wouldn’t sign his permission slip. – Stephen Colbert

At a rally this weekend, President Trump compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, who he claimed, “fought with the media and called them out.” Yup, that’s who Abraham Lincoln was most famous for warring with. The media. – Seth Meyers

At his rally on Saturday, Trump suggested there was a terror attack in Sweden that didn’t really happen — and then the Swedish Embassy asked the State Department for an explanation. You know things are bad when the country that makes Ikea instructions is totally confused. – Jimmy Fallon

I noticed that President Trump didn’t wear a tie to his big rally in Orlando on Saturday. I guess it was either at the cleaners, or he got tired of tripping over it. – Jimmy Fallon

The British parliament is debating whether or not Donald Trump should be allow to make a state visit to the United Kingdom after a petition to keep him out garnered 1.8 million signatures. Hey, Donald, how’s that travel ban feel when it’s on the other foot? – James Corden

The debate is actually over whether Trump’s trip should be an official state visit. If that were the case, he’d be invited to stay in Buckingham Palace with the queen. And hopefully that would get filmed because it sounds like the greatest sitcom ever. “Tea and Trumpets,” Thursdays on CBS! – James Corden

Last Thursday was something called “A day Without Immigrants.” You know about this? I didn’t know; I thought that’s what Trump called it when Melania stays in New York. – Stephen Colbert

At a recent dinner while President Trump invited other attendees to order whatever they wanted, Trump demanded Chris Christie have the White House meatloaf. Coincidentally, “White House Meatloaf” is also the position Trump is considering him for. – Seth Meyers

President Trump had dinner with Mike Pence in the presidential dining room today. Pence said grace, and Trump said, “There were 1.5 million people at my inauguration.” – Seth Meyers

The American flag behind Vice President Mike Pence during his speech in Brussels yesterday accidentally featured 51 stars instead of 50. In honor of the new 51st U.S. state — panic. – Seth Meyers

The White House today disputed claims that a retired general turned down President Trump’s offer to serve as national security adviser, saying he made it very clear he wanted the job, but refused for financial reasons. Well, technically what he said was, “I wouldn’t do that job for all the money in the world.” – Seth Meyers


Sexism ‘R’ Us

Sexism is alive and well in the US. First we elect a president who publicly brags about grabbing women by the pussy. I mean, seriously? However, I suppose Trump voters could possibly excuse this by claiming that they voted for him for other reasons.

But consider this. Recently, Bill O’Reilly and Fox News paid out around $13 million to at least seven women to settle lawsuits accusing the Fox News host of sexual harassment of fellow employees at Fox News. O’Reilly was criticized in the media (including on NPR), a prominent women’s organization called for him to be fired, and over fifty advertisers dropped their sponsorship of O’Reilly’s show.

But when the next O’Reilly show aired, the number of viewers soared from 2.3 million to 3.8 million viewers. That’s right, O’Reilly’s viewers not only stuck with him, they rewarded him after the news broke. Not only that, but Fox News renewed his contract despite knowing about the lawsuits.



Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

This comic is from last week. And this week, Trump managed to get everyone to completely forget about everything: all his failures, the internal feuds inside his administration, the fact that the Senate stopped being a “deliberative body”, and even the latest news about his increasingly worrisome connections with Russia. He did this simply by bombing Syria.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Feb. 16, 2017]

The big news out of Washington right now is the press conference Donald Trump held this morning. Did everyone see it? No? Lucky you, sir. – Conan O’Brien

Earlier today, President Trump held a press conference where he insulted the media, criticized Hillary Clinton, and talked about a hypothetical nuclear holocaust. Even Sean Spicer was like, “You should not be talking to reporters.” – Jimmy Fallon

President Trump today tweeted that the “failing New York Times must apologize” for publishing leaks from his administration, but at this point, if they didn’t publish White House leaks, the whole paper would just be the crossword. – Seth Meyers

The tone of the press conference was like if your dad found a pack of cigarettes under your mattress. He was mad. Talked for an hour and 17 minutes, which is more than he’s spoken to Melania all this year, the whole year. – Jimmy Kimmel

This was in response to his secretary of labor withdrawing his nomination and Trump having to pick a replacement. Trump’s original pick, Andrew Puzder, is the CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. But Puzder withdrew his nomination after it became clear he would not get confirmed. When asked what he was going to do next, Puzder said, “Please drive around to the second window and we can talk there.” – Conan O’Brien

That’s how bad things are in the Trump administration right now. Someone asks you if you’d like to work in the White House and you’re like, “No thanks, I’d rather work at Carl’s Jr.” – Conan O’Brien

As his replacement, Trump decided he needed a fast food leader with more political experience. Which is why the new nominee for labor secretary is none other than Mayor McCheese. – Conan O’Brien

Trump also discussed the recent bombshell about his staff communicating with Russia, and he said that he hasn’t made a phone call to Russia in years. You could tell Trump was lying because his tie grew another three inches. – Jimmy Fallon

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today said that Russia must respect its international commitments toward Ukraine — and then he winked so hard he accidentally swallowed his eyebrow. – Seth Meyers

Famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein told CNN yesterday that the Trump administration is trying to cover up its ties to Russia. Bernstein wouldn’t identify his source, but did say [shows photo of Mitch McConnell] he goes by the name Loose Throat. – Seth Meyers

In this press conference, Trump claimed to have had the biggest electoral win since Reagan, and when a reporter pointed out that was false, Trump responded with — and I quote — “I’ve seen that information around.” Around? He saw this information “around?” What, like it was tacked to a bulletin board next to guitar lessons and a picture of a lost cat? – Conan O’Brien

He said Hillary Clinton’s name 11 times during this press conference. Why is he still talking about Hillary Clinton? The election is over! Even lovesick teenage boys are like, “Move on, man. Let her go.” – Conan O’Brien

There were demonstrations across the country today to protest the president’s immigration policy. Immigrants were encouraged to skip work today for what they called “a day without immigrants,” or as Steve Bannon calls it, “a good start”. – Jimmy Kimmel

There were marches in Philadelphia and Austin, Washington. Here in L.A., with no immigrants — we have a lot of immigrants here in L.A. — people were forced to babysit their own children. Arnold Schwarzenegger had to impregnate a meter maid today. It was awful. – Jimmy Kimmel

A lot of coverage of this important protest got lost because the president decided to hold an impromptu press conference, and it was a sight to see. It reminded me of something you’d see before a pay-per-view boxing event. I guess he did it because he’s mad and wanted to blow off some steam. – Jimmy Kimmel

There is so much going on in the world right now. Not just in the world, there’s a lot going on in the universe. For those of you who are looking to get off the planet, astronomers at the Carnegie Institution discovered more than 100 potential planets that may be habitable, which means we’re one step closer to finding a planet with intelligent life. – Jimmy Kimmel

It’s exciting, especially for members of the scientific community — this is on the level of, like, a-woman-brushing-up-against-them-on-the-subway exciting. – Jimmy Kimmel

This might not be the best time to make contact with aliens. They say, “Take us to your leader.” What do we do at that time? “Our leader’s a little busy on Twitter right now. How about we take you to Oprah? She’s nice, you’ll like her.” – Jimmy Kimmel

The makers of the board game Monopoly have announced that they are dropping the thimble token in favor of new pieces in the shape of emojis and hashtags. Although, if you’re trying to modernize Monopoly, maybe start with Oriental Avenue. We call it Asian-American Avenue now. – Seth Meyers


Keeping Secrets

Three-quarters of Americans say that Donald Trump should release his tax returns. Over a million people signed a White House petition demanding the immediate release of of his returns. Even Donald Trump himself once said “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that.” But then, after he was elected, Trump changed his tune and said that only the media cared about his tax returns. Yes, he lied again, and about something that was easily disproved.

And there are plenty of reasons that Americans want to see his tax returns. Trump has many conflicts of interests between being president and the money he gets from his business interests. And almost everything he has done since becoming president has enriched him (tax cuts for the rich), or at the very least has exemptions that benefit himself (exempting countries where he has business interests from his Muslim ban).

There are also all the Russian connections. His son said in public that the Russians are big investors in Trump businesses, yet Trump has claimed that he has no connections to the Russians. Which is it? His tax returns would answer that question.

So it should come as no surprise that recently, all but two Republicans in the House voted to keep Trump’s tax returns secret. Those two Republicans? They did not vote for Trump to release his returns — they voted “present”.

By law, the House has the right to examine the president’s tax returns, if it is in the public interest. But 229 Republicans voted against transparency, and for corruption. 185 Democrats voted to release the tax returns.


Single-Payer Health Insurance?

If “only Nixon could visit China”, maybe “only Trump can pass single-payer health insurance”?

The “alt-right”, that racist segment of the right that fueled Trump’s victory, is moving more and more towards supporting single-payer health insurance (Medicare for all). And after the defeat of the repeal of Obamacare, they are getting more vocal about it. They support it because their base of working-class whites support it. Of course, they would want it to apply only to American citizens, and not (for example) to immigrants, especially not illegal ones.

What his means is that an unholy alliance of alt-right and progressive politicians (pretty much all Democrats, including Bernie supporters) could potentially cooperate to pass single-payer health insurance. Of course, this would have to overcome the health insurance companies who would be fighting strongly against it. But it is a chance.

I think this could be a big win for Trump (not to mention “president” Bannon, who supports the alt-right). And it looks like Trump is going to really need a big win soon.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Feb 15, 2017]

The big story is that last night, The New York Times published a bombshell report that President Trump’s campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence since 2015. When asked if it was true, Trump said, “Nyet! I mean, no!” – Jimmy Fallon

We just learned from multiple intelligence sources that Trump aides were, quote, “in constant touch with senior Russian officials during the campaign.” Constant Touch, by the way, is also Trump’s Secret Service code name. – Stephen Colbert

Defense officials are reporting that a Russian spy ship has been spotted patrolling 30 miles off the coast of the United States. Said one U.S. official [shows photo of Trump], “Oh, that’s my Uber.” – Seth Meyers

Trump held a press conference today because in the middle of all this insanity, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House. As a courtesy, Trump asked his staff to put a 24-hour hold on retweeting neo-Nazis. That’s just good manners. – Stephen Colbert

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that there is no greater supporter of the Jewish state than President Trump. Said Trump, “Absolutely, I love Florida. Fantastic Jewish state.” – Seth Meyers

Trump went on Twitter this morning and said that MSNBC and CNN are unwatchable. Then he said, “And I know, because I spend ALL DAY watching them.” – Jimmy Fallon

This afternoon, we learned that Trump’s secretary of labor nominee, Andy Puzder, has withdrawn his nomination. Just to be clear, this is not a scandal. He says he just wants to spend more time with Michael Flynn. – Stephen Colbert

The CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. [Puzder] was controversial for many reasons. He had an undocumented housekeeper, made ads that famously objectified women, and called his own fast food employees “the worst of the worst”. That’s not right. Hardee’s employees are great. It’s the food that’s the worst of the worst. – Stephen Colbert

A new report finds that over 55,000 bridges in the U.S. were found to have major structural problems last year. When asked how they’re going to fix them, the government was like, “Eh, we’ll cross that gaping hole when we get to it.” – Jimmy Fallon



From Late Night with Stephen Colbert, Sesame Street takes on Sean Spicer:


Betting Against Trump

The UK betting house Ladbrokes has just raised the odds that Trump will be impeached or will resign to 56%. The odds were previously close to even at 52%, but things seem to be getting worse for the embattled president.

And we may get our first official test of Trump’s failing popularity. Georgia will vote in two weeks to fill the congressional seat vacated by Tom Price when he joined Trump’s cabinet. Republican Price won that election in November by over 20 points, but just a few months later the leading candidate is a previously unknown congressional aide, Jon Ossoff, who is a Democrat. Ossoff has raised a stunning $8.3 million for his campaign. To put that in perspective, the only Congress critter who raked in more money from supporters in the November 2016 election was Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Ossoff is running a campaign to “Make Trump Furious”. There are 18 candidates in the election, but polls show Ossoff with around 40% of the vote, which is far more than any other candidate, but not enough to avoid a runoff.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Feb. 13, 2017]

This week Donald Trump took Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe down to Mar-a-Lago. They were eating their dinners when they received news that North Korea had test-launched a ballistic missile. This is a provocation by a rogue nuclear state, so President Trump immediately retreated to a secure location where he could be briefed on the details. I’m just kidding! – Stephen Colbert

This is the president’s second weekend in a row at Mar-a-Lago, the resort he owns in Palm Beach, where he played golf and dined with the prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. So on Saturday night they got the news that North Korea test-launched an intermediate-range missile. They decided to work that out over dinner, at a table in the middle of the Mar-a-Lago dining room surrounded by members of this club. Instead of getting and up going somewhere private they continued to eat while advisers rushed back and forth to the table handing them documents alongside the busboys handing them food. They used the flashlights on their cellphones to read these documents, like old men trying to see a menu. And in the end, they decided to impose more sanctions and also to split a tiramisu. – Jimmy Kimmel

Other diners even posted Facebook photos of Trump and Abe looking at what one imagines are classified documents by the light of someone’s cellphone flash light. But I’m sure those documents are secure unless that cellphone flash light also somehow has a camera attached to it. – Stephen Colbert

This weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, President Trump apparently discussed sensitive information about a North Korean missile launch in front of waiters and other guests. The guests said they won’t share what they overheard, while the waiter said [speaks in Russian accent], “No promises.” – Jimmy Fallon

Another guy posted Facebook photos of himself with the guy who carries around the nuclear launch codes, identifying the staffer by name. “This is Rick. Rick is the man.” Or more accurately, Rick WAS the man, until his identity was compromised next to the carving station. – Stephen Colbert

The guy has since taken down the Facebook post. And I can’t blame him. He only got 20 likes. A post about the nuclear launch codes really should have blown up. – Stephen Colbert

You know, if you’re going to hold a classified meeting in a public place, you do it somewhere where there aren’t any people. Like a RadioShack, for instance. – Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday an official government tweet was posted for Black History Month, celebrating civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois. There were two problems with the tweet. One was Du Bois’ name was spelled wrong — and the other problem was the tweet was posted by the Department of Education. Now, I know Republicans don’t believe there should be a Department of Education but this seems like the wrong way to prove it. – James Corden

But it gets worse: They tweeted an apology for their mistake. It says, “Our deepest apologizes.” Well, apologizes accepted. – James Corden

I don’t know who at the Department of Education wrote this tweet, but whoever it is should have been held back a year. Or at least make them go back and repeat Black History Month. – James Corden

Have you seen the White House Valentine’s Day cards? These are cards like the ones kids give out in school, but each of these features a character from the Trump administration. We have Dr. Ben Carson, “Loving you isn’t brain surgery.” Kellyanne Conway, “My love for you is as real as the Bowling Green Massacre.” Steve Bannon, “Will you be mein?” Press secretary Sean Spicer, “Help me fake my death, Valentine.” That’s dark. – Jimmy Kimmel

Trump’s sons, Eric and Donald Jr., “Love is blind, unlike the trust we run for our father.” Vice President Mike Pence, “This is a totally heterosexual Valentine’s card between a man and a woman.” Vlad Putin, “Your love makes you weak.” First lady Melania Trump, “I almost love you enough to leave New York.” And finally President Trump, “I’m building a wall around your heart and making you pay for it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

Today the president was back in work in Washington, D.C. He met with the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Went OK. They shook hands for a reasonable amount of time, which was good. Am I the only one who gets nervous every time he meets a new world leader? It’s like introducing a heavily tattooed girlfriend to your parents. – Jimmy Kimmel

President Trump will reportedly have lunch with Chris Christie tomorrow. ”Just the salad, please,” said Christie when asked if there was anything on the menu he didn’t want. – Seth Meyers

Scott Baio said he is furious with Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka Trump’s clothing line. But mostly, Baio’s mad at Nordstrom for cutting his hours working in the stockroom. – Conan O’Brien

The Grammys were incredible — you want to talk about bold performances, CeeLo Green came to the Grammys dressed head-to-toe in gold. He looks like he escaped from a secret room in Trump Tower. – James Corden

He waved at me before the show and I was like, “Wait, am I at a science fiction convention? Did I go to Comic-Con by mistake?” – James Corden

You know that costume probably seemed like a good idea yesterday, and tonight CeeLo is still finding gold paint in all kinds of places. – James Corden

Adele was the big winner at the Grammys last night. But get this — after winning for Best Album, Adele said she thought Beyoncé should have won instead. Then Kanye was like, “Damn, she beat me to it!” and went back to his seat. – Jimmy Fallon

Last night at the Grammys, Adele started a tribute to George Michael but messed up and so she started over. She was on such a roll that she won the Grammy for Best Mistake. – Conan O’Brien

Adele won five Grammys while Beyoncé only won two. And if that weren’t enough, Adele then announced she was pregnant with triplets. – Conan O’Brien

During his performance with A Tribe Called Quest, Busta Rhymes referred to President Trump as “President Agent Orange.” Then the Secret Service said, “Great, now he needs a new code name!” – Jimmy Fallon

During their Grammy performance last night, rap group A Tribe Called Quest referred to President Trump as President Agent Orange. It’s the closest Trump has come to being involved in Vietnam. – Seth Meyers

Scientists are hoping to use quinoa to fight world hunger. After hearing this, hungry people all around the world said, “Actually, we’re good.” – Conan O’Brien

At an international tennis match, U.S. officials accidentally played the Nazi national anthem. White House adviser Steve Bannon was outraged and said, “We’re not rolling that out till August — c’mon!” – Conan O’Brien

The U.S. Army has officially lifted its ban on soldiers having dreadlocks. This is good news for the Army’s elite Hacky Sack Corps. – Conan O’Brien

Today was Clean Out Your Computer Day. And, if you’re a 14-year-old boy, use bleach. – Seth Meyers


Privacy and National Security

Much to everyone’s dismay, Donald Trump signed the new internet privacy bill this week. Actually, it would be better to call it the “no privacy” bill. It overrules an Obama regulation that said that your ISP has to get your permission to sell your personal data that they collect.

So, how do you feel about the fact that your ISP can spy on everything you do online — including your web browsing history, emails you send and receive, what apps you use, and your geo location — and sell that information to anyone? Like, they could sell your porn browsing habits to your employer. Or if you log onto a cancer treatment center, notify your health insurance company.

However, turnabout is fair play. One group has started fundraising to buy the internet data for all members of Congress and publish it.

But getting rid of all restraints on companies has even darker implications. Here’s an even scarier example. A Chinese company that is partly owned by the Chinese government is trying to buy MoneyGram, which is a major US financial services company.

Think about that for a second. MoneyGram is very popular with members of the US military for sending money. If you had all the data about their MoneyGrams, would it be very difficult to figure out which people are in financial trouble? Or depending on where they sent the money, maybe susceptible to blackmail?

And that’s the problem. People claim they don’t like government regulations, but sometimes getting rid of them can have disastrous consequences. That’s why I call myself a pragmatist. Life is not simple enough to be an ideologue.


Burning the Truth

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

I don’t think anyone believes anything Sean Spicer says any more. But what’s really ironic about this is that in order to support Trump, people have to be willing to not believe anything Spicer, Trump, or anyone else in his administration says. Or else, they have to just pick and choose what they believe, while completely ignoring the rest. It’s a whole new form of willing suspension of disbelief!
