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100 WTFs

Rolling Stone has put together a list of 100 WTF moments during the first 100 days of the Trump presidency. I guess they had to, because it is difficult to find 100 achievements of Donald Trump, a president that they point out has accomplished less than William Henry Harrison, who died 31 days into his administration.

Trump’s presidency started with an inauguration speech that even George W. Bush described as “That was some weird shit.”

Five hours later, Trump filed the paperwork for his 2020 re-election bid.

The list just keeps getting better and better (not to mention more and more bizarre). Go read it. And I really like the fact that every item on the list has a link to supporting documentation.

If you haven’t had enough The NY Times also has a great article listing one particular vivid moment from each of their White House reporters. While the Rolling Stone article is a great list of events, the Times gives you an inside look at the “feel” of the new administration, including the chaos.

Finally, the Toronto Star, which has been keeping track, declares that Trump has said an average of 2.13 unique false things per day during the first 100 days. That’s far more than any other president. And if you don’t believe them, they list every one of them.


Bad Jobs

Fox News tweeted the following graphic in a truly pitiful attempt to make Donald Trump look good. The graphic shows the unemployment rate 100 days after each of the last four presidents took office:

You have to be some amazing kind of stupid to think that a president can make any change to the unemployment rate in just a couple of months. Instead, it is obvious that this shows the unemployment rate inherited by each president from their predecessor. In particular, everyone knows that Obama inherited a disaster of a recession from George W Bush.

Luckily, the internet tweeted back a corrected graphic:

My question is, does Fox News really think its viewers are that stupid, or did they post this in an attempt to curry favor with our vain president?


First 100 Days

Today is the 100th day of Trump’s presidency. I wouldn’t pay that much attention to the first hundred days of any presidency, except that Donald Trump keeps talking about it. First he kept promising all the things he would positively, definitely do in the first 100 days of his presidency (none of which he has actually done). Then he did a full back flip by declaring that the first 100 days didn’t really matter. And finally, another 1 1/2 forward flop by falsely bragging “I truly believe that the first 100 days of my administration has been just about the most successful in our country’s history.”

And yet, what has he accomplished? Even according to Trump, his major accomplishment has been being the first president in over 100 years to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court in his first 100 days. But normally that would only happen if a Supreme Court justice happens to die or retire during those first 100 days. Instead, Republicans cheated by abdicating their constitutional responsibility and refusing to even consider Obama’s nominee to the court. And even that wasn’t enough, so they had the Senate abolish the filibuster in order to get the job done. This is something to brag about?

Trump has tried to turn the presidency into a petty dictatorship, which trashes our constitution and rules by presidential edict. He has made our country less safe. And instead of “draining the swamp” as he promised, he has taken cronyism and nepotism to new heights.

And yet, Trump is not happy. So it seems like things will only get worse.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 13, 2017]

The GOP’s healthcare plan came out last week and, so far, it’s popular with everyone . . . except doctors, hospitals, the insurance industry, patients, the elderly, Democrats, Republicans, and — what’s the word? — mortals. Yeah. These mortals, they need so much care. – Stephen Colbert

This afternoon, the Congressional Budget Office released its official analysis of the GOP’s healthcare bill and found 24 million Americans will lose coverage under the plan. But keep in mind, that’s 24 million people by 2026. And without health insurance, a lot of those people won’t live that long anyway. – Stephen Colbert

Yesterday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan went on “Face the Dickerson” to get ahead of the CBO report: “The one thing I am certain will happen is CBO will say, ‘Well, gosh, not as many people will get coverage.’” Well, gosh, not as many people will get coverage, and gee willikers, I need chemo, and cheese and crackers, I can’t afford to go to the doctor, and holy Toledo, I should’ve identified my next of kin, because fiddlesticks, I’m dead!” Doesn’t sound so bad when it’s folksy. Gosh. Golly! – Stephen Colbert

March Madness is here. It’s the time of year I go right from my “Bachelor” bracket to my NCAA bracket and it’s really fun. – Jimmy Fallon

If you’re not familiar, here’s how the NCAA tournament works. It starts at 68, then 64, then 32, then 16, then 8, then 4, then 1 — I’m sorry, that’s the number of Republicans backing Trump’s healthcare bill. I messed that up, common mistake. – Jimmy Fallon

President Trump says he’s planning to travel less to other countries than previous presidents. The idea was first suggested to him by other countries. – Conan O’Brien

This week, President Trump will meet with a Saudi prince. The man born into immense wealth with multiple wives and an exotic head covering says he can’t wait to meet the Saudi prince. – Conan O’Brien

White House Adviser Kellyanne Conway suggested that President Obama could have spied on Donald Trump through a microwave oven. Which is why today the Trump administration brought in six Hot Pockets for questioning. – Conan O’Brien

Everyone is talking about the big snowstorm expected to hit New York. In fact, some are saying we could experience a whiteout. Things will even out on St. Patrick’s Day when we all experience a blackout. – Jimmy Fallon

The blizzard is also supposed to hit Washington, D.C. You know it’s cold outside when the Washington Monument actually shrinks about 40 feet. – Jimmy Fallon

This weekend, we all moved our clocks ahead by one hour. In other words, that’s our show, goodnight everybody! – Conan O’Brien



The White House announced a new hotline to help victims or witnesses report crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.

You know, because 911 wasn’t enough. Well, unless if your goal was to foster racism and xenophobia. After all, studies have shown that illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans (other than the crime of being an illegal alien).

The internet to the rescue! The following tweet went out: “Wouldn’t it be a shame if millions of people called this hotline to report their encounters with aliens of the UFO-variety.” And just like that, the phone line was overwhelmed by people reporting crimes committed by martians and other little green men from outer space. Even Superman was reported for being an undocumented immigrant.

But then it got even funnier. Someone reported an illegal alien (orange colored and wearing a bathrobe) who was impersonating the US president. Another reported being victimized by first lady Melania Trump.


In the Way?

© Lee Judge

One day after trying to fund the wall, Donald Trump backed off and said he would do it later. Sorry, Trump voters, you got scammed.

This is happening more and more, and seems to be some kind of strategy for Trump. He proposes something that he knows will not pass, doesn’t really try very hard, and then gives up.

In the end, he has accomplished almost nothing. But he can blame it on the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the Freedom Caucus, or moderates, or judges, or the media. You know, anyone but himself.

In addition to avoiding any responsibility for his own failures, he is setting himself up to attack these other groups. Another example is that yet another of his crazy unconstitutional executive orders was blocked by a judge. In response, Trump attacked the judge, and then did something really bizarre — he proposed breaking up the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Never mind that it wasn’t the Ninth Circuit court that blocked his latest executive order.

Trump the dictator wants to rule by executive fiat (like a CEO), and if anything gets in his way, he wants to fire them. Let’s hope that we still have a country where things like that don’t work.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 9, 2017]

New research says that Neanderthals used to relieve pain by chewing on a plant containing the main ingredient in aspirin. Or as that’s now being called, “the Republican healthcare plan.” – Conan O’Brien

The GOP’s new healthcare bill cleared its first hurdle early this morning, when it was passed by the House Ways and Means Committee, after roughly 18 hours of debate. And anyone who’s spent 18 hours trying to pass something knows what you get at the end. – Stephen Colbert

Apparently, members were up until 4:00 a.m., which might explain why things got a little loopy. – Stephen Colbert

President Trump is working to drum up support from Republicans for the Obamacare replacement they’ve been working on. Tonight, he invited 100 of them to come bowling at the White House. For real, it’s a pizza and bowling night, part of what they’re calling the president’s charm offensive. He can be very charming AND very offensive. So he puts those together. – Jimmy Kimmel

Like these late night musings from Rep. Jason Smith: “You could tax a lot of different items if you want to stop behavior. You know, I love ice cream. Ice cream is probably not the healthiest thing to eat. Why is there not a tax on that? You know what, if you look at the No. 1 cause of skin cancer, it is not tanning beds. Do a Google search: It is the sun. Why have they not proposed a tax on the sun?” – Stephen Colbert

So if you’re worried about losing your healthcare, don’t worry! It’s safely in the hands of the guy who’s up all night googling “why don’t we tax the sun?” – Stephen Colbert

Today, Scott Pruitt, the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, went against the entire scientific community by saying that carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warning. I will go out on a limb here and say that this guy may not be the best choice to head up the EPA. Because not only can he not see the forest through the trees, he wants to cut down all the trees and build a Cinnabon. – James Corden

In other recent appointment news, Donald Trump elected his ambassador to Russia — former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. This is great news for Trump. He finally has someone in his administration who is actually supposed to meet with the Russians. – James Corden

Jon Huntsman’s first job as ambassador will be to exchange gifts with his Russian counterpart. And that’s tough, because what do you give somebody who already gave you the White House? You can’t just hand over an edible arrangement. – James Corden

The people are really excited about this appointment. There is even going to be a movie about Jon Huntsman joining the Trump administration. It’s called “So White and the Huntsman,” coming soon to an IMAX near you. – James Corden

Disney has announced that its upcoming live-action “Aladdin” movie is going to feature Middle Eastern actors. Filming will begin in May, or whenever the actors are no longer detained at the airport. – Conan O’Brien

Hawaii is suing President Trump over his latest travel ban. In response, President Trump is suing Hawaii for “being hard to spell”. – Conan O’Brien

For the second time, RadioShack has filed for bankruptcy. Experts say if RadioShack goes bankrupt one more time, it can officially run for president. – Conan O’Brien

Many years after dropping out of Harvard, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is going back to get an honorary degree. Zuckerberg said he would have gone back sooner, but even he can’t afford college these days. – Conan O’Brien

I thought we might start the show with a little bit of geography. So here’s a map of the United States [showing] the most sexually diseased states. Now, as a general rule, the state with the most STDs is traditionally whichever state where “The Bachelor” is shooting, but not in this case. – Jimmy Kimmel

California finished 16th, which is better than I thought we would do. You know, Charlie Sheen lives here. – Jimmy Kimmel

But the No. 1 most sexually diseased state is, fortunately, not attached to us. It is Alaska. And the reason they have the most STDs in Alaska is, have you ever tried to open a condom while you’re wearing mittens? – Jimmy Kimmel

But it’s a serious thing, and the Centers for Disease Control reminds you, still the best way to avoid contracting an STD is to get really into Dungeons and Dragons in high school. – Jimmy Kimmel


Weaponizing Nonsense

© Tom Tomorrow

Ironically, this comic is an example of the very thing it is making fun of. According to Tom Tomorrow:

This cartoon was initially inspired by Trump’s “Obama tapped my wires” tweets, and the laughably supportive GOP response. It was supposed to run a couple weeks ago, but I ended up bumping it for a last-minute cartoon on the Syria missile strike. Bannon had just been kicked off the NSC at that point; I wasn’t entirely sure he’d still be in the White House by the time this one finally ran. It’s not easy staying ahead of the news these days.

So, before he could make fun of one thing Trump tweeted, something else happened, then something else, and so on. Who can keep up?

There’s a really good opinion piece in The Guardian titled “100 days of gibberish – Trump has weaponised nonsense“. I recommend you go read it, but here’s a short excerpt:

Trump lies relentlessly about his achievements (claiming, for example, that he’s “mostly there” on his 100-day plan, despite appearing not to know what it is), admits he “never realised” how big a job it is to be president, forgets how many missiles he fired at Syria, even though he got the number right only 17 words earlier, and compares his TV ratings favourably to those for 9/11.

But one of the funniest parts is when it talks about a conversation Trump had with congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD). Trump recalls the his talk with Cummings:

Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that. Then I watched him interviewed and it was like he never even was here. It’s incredible. I watched him interviewed a week later and it’s like he was never in my office. And you can even say that.

Can you even understand what Trump is saying? Even worse:

Cummings remembers the exchange differently, explaining that he told Trump he “could be” a great president if he stopped doing literally everything that he was doing and started doing other stuff that wasn’t horrible instead.

Even when Trump can’t form a complete, coherent sentence, he still manages to lie.

But there is an even scarier explanation. Vanity Fair recently published “Is Trump’s Chaos Tornado a Move From the Kremlin’s Playbook?” The whole article is worth a read, but the short version is that the constant lies (and doubling down on lies), shifting positions, and apparent hypocrisies creates a “permanent state of disorder: a de-stabilized media, an exasperated citizenry, and a fractured opposition, divided and pulled into mudslinging sideshows.” Sound familiar?

Indeed, Trump’s barrage of tweets that lie and contradict makes it impossible for the press to conduct any “vigilant analysis or coherent investigation into his administration” and its conflicts of interest, nepotism, racism, or even treason. Instead, it provides a subliminal message that provokes an emotional response so confusing and annoying that people just tune out:

This shape-shifting propaganda makes just enough of a lasting impression to leave people feeling distrustful and victimized. But before any one line of thinking can be pursued for too long, the narrative jumps to something else. People are left distracted and angry, but unsure of why or at whom.

After all, if facts don’t exist because people no longer care enough to distinguish reality from lies, then nobody can hold Trump accountable. For example, it becomes acceptable to not show your taxes. And this toxic cynicism promotes the idea that all politicians (and political parties) are equally corrupt, so there is no incentive to even vote.

By clogging the news with mini-scandals, bald-faced lies, and provocative tweets, the White House sends journalists and media outlets into haphazard frenzy. President Trump’s lies alone have become their own beat, forcing publications to devote precious resources to invalidating the many outrageous claims he makes daily, sometimes within a single interview. White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s early press conferences suggest that he too will serve as media antagonist, baiting reporters with arrogant fallacies and extending the Trump regime’s brand of bullying truth and democratic values into wary submission.

Facts are replaced by “alternative facts”. Trump continues to insist that millions of people voted illegally in the presidential election. The rule of law is replaced by the rule of the jungle as people become so angry and frightened that even a dictatorship starts to sound preferable to what we have.

The end result? Our constitution and our democracy are lost.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 8, 2017]

Today’s the day when we celebrate women, a lot of women going on strike today, and they’re calling it “A Day Without Women.” Or as it is known in the Trump White House, a day. – James Corden

For President Trump, every day is a day without a woman because his wife still lives in New York. At the White House, you know, a day without a woman is also called a Cabinet meeting. – Jimmy Kimmel

President Trump wrote some beautiful things about women today. He tweeted, “I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve. They are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.” He didn’t write that. But that’s nice. No way he wrote that. I don’t know if Ivanka had his phone today or what. – Jimmy Kimmel

Today for International Women’s Day, women across the country protested by refusing to work. That’s a true story. That’s what happened today. In fact, earlier today Siri told me, “Look it up yourself, [bleep].” And then slapped me. – Conan O’Brien

I’ll admit I’m not exactly clear on what “A Day Without a Woman” is supposed to mean, exactly. Women make up half the population, of course a day without them is going to be a mess. It seems like that goes without saying, right? Does anyone — hold on a second. Let me find out here. [takes out iPhone] Siri, what is “A Day Without a Woman?” [Siri audio:] “I’m sorry, I don’t work for you today. Go [bleep] yourself.” – Jimmy Kimmel

I want to take a moment to recognize and acknowledge International Women’s Day, which was marked today with a march on Washington, D.C., and a nationwide protest that was titled “A Day Without a Woman”. The idea was to show the world what it would be like without women. I’ll tell you something, I have some experience in this area. I went years without a woman. It was terrible, I don’t recommend it. – Jimmy Kimmel

Last night in New York City, the Statue of Liberty went dark for an hour due to an unplanned power outage. So it looks like New York got a head start on their “Day Without Women.” Of course, when Trump heard there was a dark woman from France outside New York City, he immediately tried to have her deported. – James Corden

When asked for an official statement, the statue just said that she wanted some me time. – James Corden

In honor of International Women’s Day, Snapchat added famous women to their selfie lenses. Snapchat called it the perfect way to honor the enduring contributions of women for 10 seconds. – Conan O’Brien

According to a recent poll, first lady Melania Trump’s approval rating has increased to 52 percent since President Trump’s inauguration. And her “feel sorry for her rating” is over 90 percent. – Conan O’Brien

At the White House yesterday, President Trump popped out from behind a screen and surprised a group of children. It was officially the least frightening thing Trump has done since he took office. – Conan O’Brien

Another big story today is that WikiLeaks has published thousands of CIA documents detailing the agency’s secret hacking capabilities. The CIA is furious. They say armed with this information, anyone could hack the U.S. Now I’m not too worried about this. I mean what’s the worst thing that could happen? Russians hack the election and make a reality TV star the president, I mean — come on. – James Corden

The leak described a project called Weeping Angel that allows spy agencies to turn smart TVs into listening devices. I love the name Weeping Angels, don’t you? Sounds like an ’80s metal hair band. Good evening, Cleveland, we are Weeping Angels! – James Corden

But this is serious, guys. Any smart TV could be a listening device. You guys, you realize they could be recording us right now. I don’t want this getting out there where the public can see it. That’s why I make a TV show at 12:37 a.m. – James Corden

A group of Republicans revealed their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. Pete Sessions has a healthcare plan of his own. I do know a catchy title when I see one. He calls it — this is 100 percent real — he calls it the world’s greatest healthcare plan of 2017. You can’t vote no on the world’s greatest healthcare plan of 2017. You’d have to be an idiot. This guy is smart. – Jimmy Kimmel

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Day 3 of “Healthcare Plan 2: Repeal and Revenge — This Time It’s Republican.” It took the GOP forever to release this thing. They’re the George R.R. Martins of health care. And just like in “Game of Thrones,” a lot of your favorite characters are going to die without warning. – Stephen Colbert

You want to get Donald Trump’s attention? Just say something is the best. His hotel, the greatest. The hotels are the greatest, the vodka was the greatest, steaks of the best. If he finds out this healthcare plan is the greatest, he might even, I don’t know, marry it or something. – Jimmy Kimmel

A new study reveals Americans are getting fatter and giving up on their diets. The study was conducted by going to a water park for five minutes. – Conan O’Brien

Researchers have developed a new smart tattoo that can monitor your health. There’s also a smart tramp stamp that will tell you you have chlamydia. – Conan O’Brien

Trump’s No. 1 concern right now is securing our borders, and we finally know how he’s going to pay for it, because according to the Office of Management and Budget, Trump plans “deep cuts in airport and rail security.” That is shocking — there’s such a thing as rail security? If so, they should investigate Amtrak bathrooms. Those things look like a crime scene. – Stephen Colbert

But when it comes to cutbacks, “the Coast Guard would bear the brunt, seeing its budget cut by $1.3 billion.” The Coast Guard? Who does Trump think protects the waters around Mar-a-Lago, laser-sighted manatees? – Stephen Colbert

Trump’s paying for his immigration program by cutting funds to the Coast Guard, airport and rail security. Great. So, we’re fine as long as nobody tries to get into America by sea, air, or land. – Stephen Colbert

Yesterday the New York Times revealed Trump had a meeting in the Oval Office last week with Harvey Levin from TMZ. The owner and public face of the news organization best known for screaming questions at drunk celebrities on the sidewalk met with the president of the United States for an hour last week. What could those two possibly need to talk about for an hour? Is there a terrorist plot against Taylor Swift we need to know about? Is ISIS after Louis from One Direction? – Jimmy Kimmel


Signs of the Times

Here are a few photos from the March for Science protests over the weekend. Good signs!


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 7, 2017]

Yesterday, House Republicans unveiled their new healthcare plan intended to replace Obamacare. Oh yeah, it’s brilliant. The previous healthcare plan was nicknamed “Obamacare,” and if this new plan doesn’t work, it will be nicknamed “Obama’s Fault”. – James Corden

House Republicans have unveiled their much-anticipated new healthcare plan that’s supposed to replace Obamacare. Here’s what we know about it so far: The new plan stresses personal responsibility. For too long Americans have relied on other people, like doctors and nurses, for their healthcare. – Jimmy Kimmel

This is already making a little bit of controversy. Jason Chaffetz says poor people need to choose between healthcare or a new iPhone. And just like a Samsung Galaxy 7, that comment blew up in his face. – James Corden

Did I hear him correctly? Is he saying health insurance costs the same as a phone? Hey Jason, a phone isn’t supposed to literally cost you an arm and a leg. His comment was cold. Even Siri was like, “Are you not a human being?” – James Corden

But the real problem is he’s talking to the American people like he’s talking to his own kids. “Well, maybe if you mowed lawns over the summer like I told you, you could afford that new kidney that you wanted.” – James Corden

This week, Wisconsin is hosting the U.S. Cheese Championship. Once again, the winner is expected to be “Heart Disease”. – Conan O’Brien

At the White House today, President Trump gave advice to a group of schoolchildren and he told them to “work hard”. Trump also told them, “If your dad offers you a million dollars, say yes.” – Conan O’Brien

Today, President Trump welcomed the first group of new visitors to the White House since he became president. It was a little awkward, because one of them was Melania. – Conan O’Brien

Let’s talk now about the issue that’s really tearing America apart: Donald Trump’s tie. Yesterday new photos surfaced that show Donald Trump holds his tie together with Scotch tape. Is that what he meant when he said Obama was taping him? – James Corden

Sean Spicer announced that the prime minister of Iraq will visit the White House in two weeks. Actually he arrived today, but he’s going to be detained for two weeks at the airport. – Conan O’Brien

I hate to bring anybody down but I have a little pin to put in our collective balloon. U.S. News and World Report released their annual ranking of the best countries in the world, and the United States — you know how we always say we’re No. 1? Turns out we’re not No. 1. That honor goes to Switzerland. Switzerland was named the best country in the world, based on several factors including power, quality of life, economic influence, and tiny little army knife production. – Jimmy Kimmel

The U.S. dropped from fourth to seventh. Canada is No. 2. Which I think means we’re going to have to build a wall up there too, I’m sorry. – Jimmy Kimmel

Sweden came in sixth. One ahead of us, Sweden — which, come on. There’s no way we rank below a country where you have to assemble your own furniture. I just don’t buy it. – Jimmy Kimmel

Tomorrow, there’s a protest across the country known as “A Day Without Women”. In fairness, I celebrated “A Day Without Women” all through my 20s. – Conan O’Brien


The Noise Machine

© Ruben Bolling

I don’t know if it is intentional or just a byproduct of his need for constant attention, but Donald Trump has been extremely successful at manipulating the 24 hour news cycle. Not only dominating the day’s conversation, but making us forget about everything from yesterday and before. Most frighteningly, hiding (with the constant noise) some of the worst things he is doing.


100 Days?

Three weeks before the election, Donald Trump gave a speech at Gettysburg promising a “100 day contract” with America. Here’s what that “contract” promised, put into a flashy graphic that Trump posted to Twitter:

The tweet from Trump also said “My contract with the American voter will restore honesty, accountability & CHANGE to Washington! #DrainTheSwamp”.

His 100 days is almost up, and Trump has accomplished exactly zero of these contract items. Nor has he drained the swamp or restored honesty, accountability, or change.

And so naturally, Trump has now tweeted that the standard of the first 100 days is “ridiculous” and blamed it on the media. Even though it was Trump himself who made a big deal about the first hundred days.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 6, 2017]

Trump went on Twitter early Saturday morning and launched off several posts accusing Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the election. Right now we are this close to Trump putting tinfoil on his head during a speech and shouting, “Try reading my thoughts now, Obama!” – James Corden

This weekend, President Trump tweeted that President Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower. Trump said it was particularly upsetting because he’s a private man who likes to keep his thoughts to himself. – Conan O’Brien

Saturday morning while he was in Florida, out of nowhere, Trump tweeted: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” Just like that, the White House had to reset their sign [The President Has Worked __Days Without a Twitter Freakout] back to zero. So sad. They’d gotten up to, like, five days. It was a new record. – Stephen Colbert

In another tweet Trump wrote, “How low has President Obama gone to ‘tapp’ my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate, bad or sick guy.” These are damning allegations, so of course the nation immediately responded by saying “Hey dip [bleep], you spelled ‘tap’ wrong.” – James Corden

Next, he tweeted: “How low has President Obama gone to ‘tapp’ my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate.” Wait, you said this was McCarthyism. Now it’s Nixon-Watergate? Pick your historical analogy! “This is the Pearl Harbor of Hindenburg/Great Depression D-Days/finale of ‘Lost.’” – Stephen Colbert

Apparently Trump believes this because he read about it in Breitbart News. He just read about it and believed it. I’m like, “Quick, someone write a fake news story about Trump resigning.” – James Corden

Last week — I don’t know if you were paying attention — but Donald Trump seemed pretty steady. He gave a big-boy speech in front of Congress, long pants and everything. I was afraid he’d sold the timeshare in Crazytown. Well, he’s baaack! – Stephen Colbert

It was another wild weekend for President Trump, who tweeted up a world of trouble Saturday morning at Mar-a-Lago. A lot of people are saying they need to take his phone away. I think maybe at this point they should consider taking his thumbs away. Put them in a box, give them back to him in four years. – Jimmy Kimmel

On Saturday, pro-Trump rallies around the country were attended by hundreds. Or as Trump put it, “trillions.” – Conan O’Brien

Today, Donald Trump issued a new travel ban that is less restrictive than his first one. This one bans some Muslims and all women who haven’t been able to lose the baby weight. – Conan O’Brien

It’s come out that Trump Administration Press Secretary Sean Spicer was the White House Easter Bunny in the early 2000s. Or as Spicer calls it “back when I had some dignity.” – Conan O’Brien

Jimmy Buffett has announced that he’s opening a Margaritaville retirement community in Florida. You don’t really need to say it was in Florida, though. That was a given. Have you ever been to a Jimmy Buffett concert? It’s already a retirement community. – James Corden

There’s a man up on charges in Austin, Texas, at this hour, for allegedly getting very personal with a fence. The craziest thing about this story: It didn’t happen in Florida. – Jimmy Kimmel

Russian officials said they may ban the new “Beauty and the Beast” movie because of its gay character. Then Vladimir Putin had to excuse himself for a shirtless photo shoot atop a stallion. – Conan O’Brien

The tax deadline is about five weeks away. And this year, because of all the budget cuts at the IRS, the odds of getting audited are lower than they’ve been in 13 years. Last year, only .7 percent were audited, down by 16 percent. This year, it’s expected to be lower than that. In other words, there has never been a better time to claim your Chihuahua as a dependent. – Jimmy Kimmel

Samsung has announced that the release of the new Galaxy 8 will be delayed. A spokesman at Samsung said they’re delaying the release to coincide with Burning Man. – Conan O’Brien


How to Replace Obamacare

© Ed Stein

I still think Donald Trump could have a big win by replacing Obamacare with single-payer health insurance, but I’d be happy if the GOP would just make a bunch of improvements to the ACA and call it Trumpcare.
