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Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 22, 2017]

A big story today came out that Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, worked for a Russian billionaire and helped promote Vladimir Putin’s agenda. Manafort quit when he realized he could just work for an American billionaire and achieve the same thing. – Jimmy Fallon

It turns out Manafort was paid $10 million to advocate for Putin. Trump was furious. He said, “That’s more than he pays me.” – Jimmy Fallon

Just imagine Trump running into his lawyers: “Hey guys, forget about Russia. We have got a bigger problem. There’s a little girl on the internet and she is making cat memes.” When asked about the website, Trump said, “You can’t just go around tarnishing someone’s good name. I would say more, but that traitor Obama has been wiretapping me.” – James Corden

Today, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch was grilled about his stance on torture. And after just five minutes of questioning, Gorsuch broke down and told them everything. – Conan O’Brien

Meanwhile, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch started his confirmation hearings this week, and he said that he has his law students think about their legacies by having them write an obituary about themselves. Yeah. Incidentally, that’s also part of the Republican healthcare plan. – Jimmy Fallon

At this point, it appears the Republican healthcare plan is going to die on the floor of the House. Coincidentally, dying on the floor of the house happens to be the Republican healthcare plan. – Conan O’Brien

For weeks now, Republicans have been pushing their Obamacare replacement plan. But the bill has a pre-existing condition: Everybody hates it! – Stephen Colbert

According to a new report, the average health insurance deductible is projected to be over $1,500 higher under the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. And the only way that’s good news is if hearing it gave you a heart attack now, while it’s cheaper. – Seth Meyers

The failing healthcare bill isn’t Trump’s only problem. Last week, two federal judges ruled against Trump’s second travel ban. Apparently, when Donald Trump heard about the ruling, he was upset. So, this is true, “White House officials tried to cheer the president up by showing him a segment on Greta Van Susteren’s show, which argued the Supreme Court would never uphold the ruling.” – Stephen Colbert

They treat the president the same way you treat a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum. “Honey, honey, calm down. Look, look, we got ‘Frozen’. We got the CD for ‘Frozen’. Let’s put it in there.” – Stephen Colbert

But if positive coverage helps calm down the big angry man with the launch codes, I say do it. I want to help. That’s why I had The Late Show’s in-house news team, “Real News Tonight,” make a new report that the White House can play at any time. – Stephen Colbert

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said yesterday that President Trump is looking to reaffirm America’s commitment to NATO. Spicer said, “Trump will do everything in his power to find out what NATO stands for.” – Seth Meyers

Trump’s kids, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric, took their families on a ski trip to Aspen. Which was fun ’til they said, “Wait. If we’re all here, who’s watching Dad?” “Uh, let’s go. Get on a plane right now.” – Jimmy Fallon

In May, President Trump is going to give the commencement address at a Christian university. Trump’s speech will be entitled, “If Jesus Is So Great, Why Does He Have a Mexican Name?” – Conan O’Brien

President Trump met with a Congressional Black Caucus today. And before the meeting, Attorney General Jeff Sessions picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1, just in case. – Seth Meyers

According to a new poll, Muslims are the religious group most satisfied with life in America. When asked why, Muslims said, “That travel ban totally kept our in-laws from visiting.” – Conan O’Brien

Meanwhile, one of Trump’s appointees, Rex Tillerson, made a surprising statement when he told reporters that he didn’t want to be secretary of state, but accepted the job because his wife told him it was something he was supposed to do. Yeah. That’s the attitude you want representing the country, isn’t it? “Hello, Mr. Prime Minister, I’m Rex Tillerson. I’m only here because my wife made me come.” – James Corden

A new study has found three new substances in addition to catnip that will get cats high. And they are marijuana, crack, and heroin. – Seth Meyers

Amazon Prime has made it possible to have beer and wine delivered to your home by Alexa. All you have to do is say the phrase, “Alexa, Daddy’s sad.” – Conan O’Brien

In international news, police in Italy have arrested 10 people for stealing more than $250,000 in fine wine and gourmet cheese. Yes, their motive is they were hosting a book club. – James Corden

The police sting that caught them was named Operation Wine and Cheese. They stole $110,000-worth of cheese. When the police caught them, they said the thieves were armed and extremely constipated. – James Corden


Conservative Response to Jimmy Kimmel

This blog recently posted about Jimmy Kimmel and the near-death of his newborn son. Kimmel made the point that nobody should be put in the position of having to decide if they can afford to save their child, and scolds Trump and the Republicans for being heartless.

Well, conservative Jonah Goldberg decided to respond to Kimmel in National Review. His response is ironic in that it actually confirms Kimmel’s arguments. Goldberg’s article is titled “The Dangers of Empathy”, and it argues that empathy makes it “very difficult to have a rational discussion about the trade-offs inherent to any health-care system.”

Goldberg even falls for Godwin’s law, claiming “Adolf Hitler was a master of empathy”. Seriously. Is he really comparing Jimmy Kimmel to Hitler?

Who will Goldberg complain about next? Jesus for having empathy for the poor (and even for prostitutes)?

UPDATE: A reader found this graph showing life expectancy compared to expenditures on health. Note that US health expenditures really started taking off in the mid-1980s, which is when Ronald Reagan was president. Does anyone have a guess as to why?

© Max Roser


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 21, 2017]

FBI Director James Comey confirmed that the agency is examining possible ties between Russia and President Trump’s campaign. When asked if they’d found anything yet, Comey said [NODDING YES], “I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.” – Jimmy Fallon

However, Comey refused to say whether Trump himself was being investigated. It’s part of his policy not to comment on ongoing investigations … that don’t involve Hillary Clinton. – Jimmy Fallon

As you’d expect, there’s a lot of material to go through, and Comey said there’s no timetable for when the FBI will finish. Then Putin said, “It’s like the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ of investigations. When you think it will end … it does not.” – Jimmy Fallon

The Kremlin today dismissed allegations of Russia interference in the election, [shows photo of Trump] and so did the gremlin. – Seth Meyers

Ivanka Trump is reportedly getting an office in the White House in addition to security clearance and government-issued communication devices. Even more unbelievable, so is Donald Trump. – Seth Meyers

Ivanka Trump is getting an office at the White House and she’s getting top-level security clearance. She will take a position in the White House where she’ll draw upon her 20 years of foreign and domestic policy experience that she gained selling sandals to Nordstrom. – Jimmy Kimmel

Her office is on the second floor of the West Wing, not far from the Oval Office. I suspect they put her there so somebody can run and grab her in case her father decides to nuke anything. She might be the only one he’ll listen to. – Jimmy Kimmel

Ivanka Trump is getting an office in the West Wing despite previously stating she would not take a formal role in her father’s administration. The administration has said Ivanka is going to act as her father’s “eyes and ears”, which basically means she’s going to be walking around the White House saying, “I’m telling Dad!” – James Corden

I’m glad Ivanka is going to be her father’s “eyes and ears.” Now all we need is for her to take over his mouth, and his tweeting thumb. – James Corden

Her role is that she will serve as her father’s “eyes and ears” at the White House. He doesn’t need that. He needs somebody to be his thumbs so he can stop tweeting. – Jimmy Kimmel

Today is the 11th birthday of Twitter. That’s right folks, 11 years ago, Donald Trump was just writing crazy things on Post-It notes. – Conan O’Brien

Meanwhile, poor Tiffany Trump can’t even get the White House WiFi password. – Jimmy Kimmel

The president was in Louisville, Kentucky, last night. He held a rally there. Why, I’m not sure — he might be trying to sell hats he had left over from the campaign. – Jimmy Kimmel

In the meantime, Trump’s keeping busy. Today, he signed a bill authorizing nearly $20 billion in funding for NASA. You know — as long as they find a way to project his face onto the moon. – Jimmy Fallon

Today President Trump gave NASA $19.5 billion to develop a manned mission to Mars. President Trump said he wants to see if Mars can sustain life and a casino. – Conan O’Brien

President Trump signed a funding bill today that supports NASA’s efforts to explore deep space and lay the groundwork for a human mission to Mars. [shows photo of Hillary] “Ooh, me first!” said one volunteer. – Seth Meyers

It’s being reported that Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone has a tattoo of Richard Nixon across his shoulders. And get this — ladies, he’s single. – Conan O’Brien

Disney World has agreed to pay $3.8 million to workers who were making less than minimum wage and had to pay for their own costumes. That works out to around $238 per person, which is almost enough to buy a bottle of water at Disney World. – James Corden

I guess at Disney World, if Cinderella loses her glass slipper, a prince doesn’t bring it to her. They just take it out of her next paycheck. – James Corden

Passengers on foreign airlines traveling to the U.S. from 10 airports in Muslim-majority countries have been barred from carrying electronic devices larger than a cellphone. Seems extreme, but it’s worth it if it stops even one tourist from taking pictures with an iPad. – Seth Meyers

A robot has been taught how to write rap songs by being fed more than 6,000 Kanye West lyrics. The problem is, now the robot thinks it’s God. – Conan O’Brien


Birds of a Feather?

© Ruben Bolling

Donald Trump seems to be having a love affair with brutal, autocratic dictators. It isn’t just his lavish praise of Turkey’s Recep Erdogan, who rigged an election to dismantle democracy in his country, or The Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, who used death squads to execute thousands of his own citizens without trial (and even boasted about personally murdering some of them himself).

We all know about his effusive praise for Vladimir Putin, who has had dozens of journalists and dissidents murdered.

And just this week, Trump called North Korean dictator-for-life Kim Jong Un as a “smart cookie” and said he would “be honored” to meet him. Trump also praised Kim for his consolidation of power, which was done by executing hundreds of relatives and political opponents with flamethrowers and anti-aircraft guns.

Trump has also met personally with Egypt’s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who took power in a military coup, killed more than 800 protestors in a single day, and imprisoned journalists and aid workers.

Trump not only praises strongmen and dictators who destroy the rule of law, he has been particularly unfriendly with actual democratic leaders of other countries, including the leaders of Germany, Australia, and even Canada.

Once upon a time, America’s greatness was based on our love of democracy and the rule of law. Trump stands against those ideals. He would be happy to become a dictator. Very sad.

© Robert Ariall


What Really Matters

Are we Making America Great Again?

Yesterday was a day for noisy but ultimately meaningless gestures from Republicans. The GOP controlled House passed their bill to destroy Obamacare, but that bill won’t even get a vote in the Senate. In the end, the only actual result from the House vote might be making it easier for Democrats to retake the House in the next elections.

Also yesterday, Donald Trump made a big noise about signing an executive order that he claimed was about religious freedom (but mainly if your religion is Christianity). But according to conservatives, “The religious liberty executive order is meaningless. No substantive protections for conscience. A betrayal.” Even the uber-conservative Heritage Fund called it “woefully inadequate”. As for liberals, the ACLU laughed it off, saying “We thought we’d have to sue Trump today. But it turned out the order signing was an elaborate photo-op with no discernible policy outcome.”

Meanwhile, all this noise obscured some real news. The government reported that US productivity declined in the first quarter of 2017 at an annual rate of 0.6%, which is worse than many economists predicted. During the Obama administration productivity gains averaged around 1.2%, which is weaker than the 2.1% average annual gain since WWII. So if Trump wants to MAGA, the economy is heading in the wrong direction. What’s worse is that the decline in productivity occurred at the same time that worker hours increased by 1.6%.

And a number of actions being made by Trump and the Republicans will likely hurt the economy even more. For example, Trump’s appointed head of the FCC announced its plans to kill net neutrality. In response, a group of 800 US startup companies (including some well-known ones like Y Combinator, Etsy, Foursquare, GitHub, Imgur, Nextdoor, and Warby Parker) sent a letter saying that the FCC moves would destroy them.

I guess even though new startups create most of the new jobs in this country, the GOP doesn’t care because startups don’t tend to make huge campaign contributions. Indeed, if the Republicans ever succeed at repealing the ACA, this will make it harder for startups to hire the employees they need.

A more obvious example, also lost in all the noise, was that this week a House committee approved legislation (on a strictly party-line vote) that would gut most of the Dodd-Frank law that was enacted to prevent another economic meltdown like the one we just had in 2008. The new bill now goes to a vote in the full House, where it is expected to pass.

The rape and pillaging of our country continues.


Late Night Political Humor

[jokes from Mar. 20, 2017]

Today is the first day of spring! Yep, it’s that day when millions of Americans look at their bodies in the mirror and ask, “Can we get, like, two more months of winter?” – Jimmy Fallon

It’s the first day of spring. Spring has sprung, so congratulations to the people of Nebraska, who survived winter. Now all you’ve got to do is get through severe thunderstorm and tornado season. – James Corden

Of course springtime means spring cleaning, and a lot of people are throwing out things they no longer need. You know – like clothing, old books and March Madness brackets. – Jimmy Fallon

South Carolina pulled off a huge upset by beating Duke to move on to the Sweet 16. Now the only question is whether Russia helped. – Jimmy Fallon

There were actually several March Madness upsets this weekend, with Wisconsin taking out top overall seed Villanova, and Michigan beating Louisville. I haven’t seen Wisconsin and Michigan knock out the favorite since … the election. – Jimmy Fallon

One place where things aren’t getting warmer is at the White House, where on Friday Donald Trump met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and appeared to ignore requests for a handshake with her. [Plays clip] They don’t look like two world leaders. They look two people at a divorce hearing. – James Corden

Some critics are calling this sexist, other people are saying it is because Trump is a germaphobe, others say he is just rude. I’m like: Guys, it’s all of the above. – James Corden

It’s come out that President Trump said he wants the border wall to be very tall and very attractive. He also wants to replace the wall after 10 years of marriage. – Conan O’Brien

Plans for the border wall continue and on Sunday, Fox News reported several requirements that the White House issued for the wall. They said it must be 30 feet high, good-looking from the U.S. side, and difficult to break through. Basically the wall should be tall but not fat or ugly. – James Corden

It’s pretty much like Trump updated the Miss Universe regulations and just made them about the wall. – James Corden

Over the last week, the White House has had three security scares. The Secret Service said two people tried to break in, and one first lady tried to break out. – Conan O’Brien

A man claims that this weekend, he snuck past Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago to take a selfie in President Trump’s private study. But Trump is denying this, saying there is no way he’d ever have a study. – Jimmy Fallon

Last week, President Trump released his first budget. They’re calling it a hard-power budget because it features a $54 billion increase in military spending, and to pay for the new spending, Trump is cutting everything else, like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds PBS. Look, Trump’s a real-estate developer. It was only a matter of time until he put up condos on Sesame Street. – Stephen Colbert

Trump is also eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. I am not surprised, because he is jealous of anyone who is well-endowed. – Stephen Colbert

Plus, Trump is slashing the EPA’s budget by 31 percent, and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which fights invasive species like the sea lamprey, could see its funding slashed by 97 percent. If you’re not familiar with the sea lamprey, you might know it as the vicious, flesh-eating hell beast from your worst nightmares. Or as Steve Bannon calls it, “my mentor”. – Stephen Colbert

Trump’s approval rating is down to 37 percent. Bill Clinton had to do weird stuff with cigars to get it to 37 percent. Trump has the highest low approval rating of any president ever. – Jimmy Kimmel

He met with Bill Gates today. It was a historic meeting — America’s two worst haircuts in the Oval Office together for the first time. – Jimmy Kimmel

They reportedly talked about their shared commitment to finding and stopping disease outbreaks around the world. You know, that’s great. But if Bill Gates wanted to do some good he should have grabbed Trump’s phone and locked him out of his Twitter account. – Jimmy Kimmel

James Comey said today that he has found “no information that supports” President Trump’s tweets that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Added Comey, “To be fair, the only place we’ve checked is in Hillary’s emails.” – Seth Meyers

It has come out that, just like President Trump, even George Washington used to complain about leaks. There was that time Washington said of Paul Revere, “Fake horseman dead wrong about British arrival. Sad!” – Conan O’Brien

A Moscow zoo is suing a company that hired one of its raccoons to appear in a commercial, saying that when the animal returned it was “attracted to women’s breasts.” Or as Mike Pence calls it, “a successful conversion.” – Seth Meyers

A hospital in Britain will be the first permitted to create babies with three biological parents. It’s being called the weirdest experiment in British genetics since the entire royal family. – Conan O’Brien

A Canadian woman last week proposed to her boyfriend at a hockey game with a bouquet of Doritos made to look like roses. It even spawned a new flavor — Nacho Boyfriend Anymore. – Seth Meyers


Health Insurance Sausage

It is often said that passing bills in Congress is like making sausage. You don’t really want to see it being done. And the way the Republicans are trying to strong-arm their repeal of Obamacare is a prime example.

The current focus is on the MacArthur amendment, which would allow states to opt out of key provisions of the ACA, including the provisions that force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, and cover things like maternity care or mental health services. That would essentially sabotage Obamacare in those states.

But the MacArthur amendment included a curious (and well hidden) exemption for members of Congress and their staff. That’s right, the MacArthur amendment would not apply to our Congress critters, who would continue to reap the benefits of Obamacare, while the rest of us could suffer.

However, when the media found and reported this exemption, there was a public outcry. So Congressman Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), the author of the MacArthur amendment, promised to remove the exemption.

As a side note, MacArthur even issued a statement claiming that the exemption was originally put in at the request of the Senate Budget Committee in order to comply with their rules. But the Senate Budget Committee responded that his claim was untrue.

Furthermore, the exemption for Congress critters is still in the amendment, which means that it is still in the repeal bill.

I just want to point out that the Republicans are still trying to fast-track the repeal bill. They want it to be voted on today without posting the text of the bill, and (certainly) without the CBO doing an analysis of the ramification of the repeal. And indeed, in the arm-twisting that is going on to get enough Republicans to vote for the repeal, the text of the repeal bill keeps changing in order to get to yes. The latest change to the bill is providing $1.6 billion per year to fund the high-risk pools that people with pre-existing conditions will be forced to use, but experts have estimated that an $20 to $30 billion is needed. However that change was enough to get Fred Upton (R-MI) to change his vote to yes.

MacArthur now claims that the removal of the exemption will be contained in separate legislation. That’s right, they are going to leave the exemption for Congress in the repeal bill, but introduce a separate bill to remove it, to be voted on after Congress votes on the repeal bill. Of course, they didn’t explain why this was necessary. Why would you leave something in the bill if you are just going to remove it (assuming that they really will get around to removing it, and as we already pointed out, they have already lied about the purpose of this exemption).

Does anyone else get the feeling that we are being bamboozled? As Electoral Vote put it, “Nothing says ‘we believe in our bill’ like not wanting to have anything to do with it.”

UPDATE: If you are interested in the meat of the sausage, here’s a good summary. The Washington Post’s fact checker is skeptical of promises that people with pre-existing conditions will not be hurt by the bill. And even if this bill doesn’t pass, it is already damaging health insurance in this country by introducing uncertainty. The American Medical Association, AARP, and hospital associations are all against the repeal bill. Plus if the bill passes, it will weaken Medicare. And speaking of hypocrisy, in 2009 Paul Ryan said “I don’t think we should pass bills that we haven’t read and don’t know what they cost.” And yet, that is exactly what he is doing now.


Late Night British Political Humor

Ever wonder what the rest of the world thinks about us electing Donald Trump as our president? John Cleese spills the beans, hilariously.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 16, 2017]

President Trump released his proposed budget today. The title of the budget is “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.” Seems like maybe while they were cutting things, they could have cut a few words out of the title. – Jimmy Kimmel

President Trump’s proposed budget would cut funding for public broadcasting. Which may explain why Elmo is turning tickles on the street now. – Seth Meyers

There are a lot of cuts in the plan. PBS, Meals on Wheels, the National Endowment for the Arts would be cut. The guy who has three oil paintings of himself in his bathroom wants to cut the National Endowment for the Arts. Meals on Wheels is out, but don’t worry, the golf trips to Mar-a-Lago every weekend, those will not stop. – Jimmy Kimmel

Before he gets rid of “Sesame Street,” I think we should make the president watch it a couple of times. That show teaches so many things he needs to know — which thing is bigger than the other, how to spell, the importance of telling the truth and sharing, listening to others, maybe throw in some “Schoolhouse Rock” — he can find out how government works. – Jimmy Kimmel

Today was the start of March Madness. That’s right, President Trump released his new budget today. – Seth Meyers

There’s a lot of lead-up to March Madness, but for half the teams, the tournament ends very abruptly. Sixteen teams were eliminated today. Maybe you wanted to win, but the good news is, now you get to return to your studies. Which is why you go to college in the first place. – Jimmy Kimmel

You guys have all been watching the March Madness games — that’s why we’re on a little later tonight. So, drunk people just getting home: Welcome to the show. And senior citizens sitting down to breakfast: Good morning. – James Corden

They say American businesses will lose more than $2 billion in productivity because of the tournament. If that’s true, we should probably get rid of it, right? Can you imagine if Donald Trump canceled the NCAA tournament? Then we’d see some marches. – Jimmy Kimmel

Meanwhile, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked the president’s new travel ban, which is supposed to have gone into effect at midnight. That is really amazing to me — they have judges in Hawaii? – Jimmy Kimmel

It’s another setback for President Trump. Last night, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked a second version of his travel ban, and now Trump says that he’ll bring it to the Supreme Court. And if they block it, he said he’s going to bring it to the Justice League. – Jimmy Fallon

Technically right now is Friday, and that means today is St. Patrick’s Day. I read that Americans could spend over $5 billion for St. Patrick’s Day this year. Yeah, that’s JUST on bail money. – James Corden

It is almost St. Patrick’s Day. I saw that today, Ireland’s prime minister visited the White House and gave Trump a bowl filled with shamrocks. And Trump was like, “Where are the tiny marshmallows? How am I supposed to eat this without any milk?” – Jimmy Fallon

Trump met with the prime minister of Ireland. He even recited an Irish proverb. Take a listen to this [clip of Trump reciting]: “Always remember to forget the friends that proved untrue, but never forget to remember those that have stuck by you.” [Fallon imitates Trump:] “I do not like the judge who blocked my travel ban. I do not like him, Trump I am.” – Jimmy Fallon

While he was in Tennessee yesterday, Trump gave a speech from the estate of former President Andrew Jackson. Trump may have been confused because he also praised Andrew Jackson’s brothers Michael, Jermaine, Randy, and Tito. – Jimmy Fallon

The live action version of “Beauty and the Beast” opens tomorrow. It’s the story of a beautiful woman from a small village who falls for a selfish, disgusting monster who lives in a palace filled with gold. Melania Trump is calling it the feel-good movie of the year. – Jimmy Kimmel

On Thursday morning, the Twitter account for McDonald’s tweeted this: “Donald Trump, you are actually a disgusting excuse of a president and we would love to have Barack Obama back, also you have tiny hands.” Who would have thought? Now it turned out that the account was hacked, but still, I’ve got to say: Ba-da-ba-ba-bah, I’m lovin’ it. – James Corden

McDonald’s said today its corporate Twitter account had been hacked after a tweet went out calling President Trump a “disgusting excuse of a president.” I guess breakfast isn’t the ONLY thing they’re serving all day. – Seth Meyers

Even though McDonald’s deleted the tweet and issued a retraction, the White House is furious. And they are already calling for Mayor McCheese to step down. – James Corden

President Trump yesterday suggested that Chief of Staff Reince Priebus might someday run a car company. Oh my God, does Trump think his name is Prius? – Seth Meyers

In an interview yesterday with Fox News, President Trump said he might not be president if it wasn’t for Twitter. Dude, you said that to Fox News? That’s like telling your dad that your hero is your friend’s dad. – Seth Meyers

Meanwhile, yesterday Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions referred to marijuana as, quote, “only slightly less awful than heroin.” Only slightly less awful — I mean, is he on crack? – James Corden

Workers at a Goodwill store in Washington state got a big surprise when they opened a donated cooler and inside they found $24,000 worth of marijuana. GOODwill? More like AWESOMEwill. – James Corden

In Monroe, Washington, there’s a mystery to be solved. Someone made a very unique donation to the Goodwill store up there — a cooler containing five large bags of marijuana, weighing a total of 60 ounces. Almost four pounds, like $20,000 worth of pot, was left in; they assume it was left in there by mistake. What are the odds a pot smoker would forget he stashed weed in a cooler? – Jimmy Kimmel

There were five giant bags of marijuana in the cooler. And when he found them, the Goodwill worker immediately turned over the three bags he found to the police. The police then gave the 1 ounce of marijuana they found to the chief, who went to the commissioner and said, “Look, we found a joint!” – James Corden

Hillary Clinton is reportedly still considering a run for mayor of New York City. And, weirdly, this time she IS campaigning in Michigan and Wisconsin. Fool me once, right? – Seth Meyers


Pre-existing Conditions

Jimmy Kimmel emotionally gives a personal example of why it is so important that health insurance companies not be allowed to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Kimmel recently had a baby son, who was born with a heart defect. As Kimmel points out, before the ACA went into effect, his son would likely have been denied coverage for that “pre-existing condition”.

Now, Kimmel likely has enough money that he could save his baby, but a middle-class person would be put in the position of having to decide if they could afford to save their baby’s life, and a poor person would have to watch while their newborn needlessly died.

In the following video, listen to Kimmel’s story. When he starts thanking people you can skip ahead to 10:20 to hear about the political side of this story, namely the heartlessness of Donald Trump who wanted to cut the funding to the medical institutions who saved his son’s life.

As many people point out, conservative Republicans seem to have forgotten that the whole purpose of insurance is to spread risk. Instead, they want to punish people who get sick or injured because it is somehow their fault because they don’t “lead good lives“. They have it completely backwards.


One On One

Stephen Colbert gives the interview with Donald Trump that we would all love to hear.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 15, 2017]

Last night at around 7:30, our friend Rachel Maddow unleashed a Force 5 tweeticon with: “We’ve got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9 p.m., MSNBC. Seriously.” So important for news networks to add “seriously” to any announcement, so the audience knows you’re not pranking them. – Stephen Colbert

On Twitter yesterday Rachel Maddow wrote, “I have Trump’s tax returns, I will be revealing them on-air.” Of course everyone went nuts. This is how crazy he’s made us. We’re rushing to our TVs screaming, “Quick! Rachel Maddow’s about to show a 1040 form!” – Jimmy Kimmel

The show starts, she does a 19-minute-long monologue about why it’s important to see a president’s tax returns, then says, “We’ll see Donald Trump’s taxes after this.” She Ryan Seacrested us! – Jimmy Kimmel

We have Rachel Maddow on the show tonight! Rachel’s in the news because she got ahold of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return on her show. But a lot of people were saying it didn’t really show much. So I guess last night, people had to pick between watching “This Is Us” or “This Is Nothing”. – Jimmy Fallon

We all watched the Twitter feed. And when 9 p.m. came, Rachel took us on an emotional roller coaster — because, like a roller coaster, at the end we were all right back where we started, and feeling a little queasy. – Stephen Colbert

First, she let us know just how much information she had. Then after 20 minutes of explaining what taxes are and who Donald Trump is, Maddow was ready show us the tax return. “We’ll go through it next.” What! A cliffhanger? Is this news or a reality show? I don’t want to watch “America’s Got 1040s”. – Stephen Colbert

Rachel Maddow’s much-hyped release of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax returns last night was considered by many to be a letdown. No one’s been this disappointed by Rachel Maddow since the guy who took her to the prom. – Conan O’Brien

Rachel Maddow aired an exclusive report last night uncovering a portion of President Trump’s 2005 tax return. Specifically the part where he claimed Ivanka and Donald Jr. as dependents and tried to write off Eric as a loss. – Seth Meyers

Last night, President Trump’s tax return from 2005 was released, showing that he paid $38 million in taxes. Trump would have paid more, but he listed Vladimir Putin as a dependent. – Conan O’Brien

According to the first two pages, Trump made $150 million in income, paid $38 million in taxes in 2005. Some people were surprised he paid any taxes at all. 2005 was an off year for everyone. Johnny Depp made that Willy Wonka movie. Kanye West and George Bush had that problem. Harry Potter’s goblet caught on fire. And Donald Trump accidentally paid some taxes. – Jimmy Kimmel

Maddow also reported last night that President Trump claimed over $100 million in business losses in 2005. How do you lose $100 million in 2005? Did you buy stock in Heidi Montag? – Seth Meyers

Meanwhile, the White House is also criticizing Rachel Maddow, saying it’s “totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns.” They said the documents should be released the proper way: by having a Russian hacker give them to WikiLeaks. – Jimmy Fallon

Here’s the thing: Donald Trump is never going to release his taxes — or the kraken, or Melania, for that matter. – Jimmy Kimmel

Last night, President Trump’s tax return from 2005 was released, showing that he had an income of more than $150 million. When they heard this, Trump supporters said, “$150 million? See, he IS one of us!” – Conan O’Brien

I want to send a warm welcome to those of you watching on the East Coast, where Winter Storm Stella has not been as terrible as everyone seemed to think it would be. This was supposed to be a huge storm. Then Rachel Maddow talked about it on MSNBC for an hour and it turned out to be nothing. – Jimmy Kimmel

The only result of what happened last night is Rachel Maddow topped Rosie O’Donnell as Donald Trump’s least-favorite lesbian. – Jimmy Kimmel

Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis said climate change is real and threatening global stability. He then asked that his nickname be changed to “Reasonable Dog”. – Conan O’Brien

A White House aide says that when he gets home, he turns off his work phone and puts it in a drawer because he’s afraid it can listen to him. Meanwhile when she gets home, Kellyanne Conway hides her microwave in the closet. – Jimmy Fallon

Today was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 84th birthday. I don’t know how she celebrated, but I hope it was carefully. – Seth Meyers

Russia may have trouble getting athletes to compete in the 2018 Olympics after their big doping scandal. People were confused — they were like, “You can rig an ELECTION, but not a urine test?” – Jimmy Fallon

El Chapo’s lawyers say that while in U.S. custody, his health is deteriorating. El Chapo has lost so much weight, he’s down two tunnel sizes. – Conan O’Brien

A woman on flight from Beijing to Melbourne had her headphones in, then her headphones exploded. They went up in flames. They’re not sure if it was due to a defect in the headphones or the batteries were bad or if she was just listening to a really good song. The worst part is she still has no idea how “Moana” ends. – Jimmy Kimmel

Adult website PornHub offered free snow removal during the blizzard yesterday to people in Boston and New Jersey. They cleared your sidewalk, your driveway, and your browser history. – Seth Meyers


Teapot Dome?

© Tom Tomorrow

This comic may seem a little far fetched, but is it really any crazier than what Trump is proposing with the wall? After all, the communists built a wall around West Berlin, which only had to be 96 miles long, and it included frequent guard towers, anti-vehicle trenches, and a second wall to create a “death strip”. And yet, thousands of people still managed to escape by going over and under the wall, floating across rivers, or even flying ultralight aircraft.

On the other hand, the US-Mexico border would have to be around 2000 miles long, traverse difficult terrain, and deal with the problem of having a large body of water at each end. The Bush administration actually built a fence between the US and Mexico, but it was only 670 miles long and only covered the easier and less costly areas to fence. And yet, this fence (not a wall) cost $2.4 billion. And after it was built, the US Customs and Border Patrol admitted that it wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do.

Not to mention at this point, more Mexicans are leaving the US then entering, so even if the wall could possibly work, it wouldn’t do what Trump wants it to do.


Negotiating Failure

It should be obvious to anyone that Donald Trump’s claims to be a skilled negotiator are completely hollow (that’s a euphemism for “lie”).

He isn’t even very good at being a bully. His entire history of negotiating is full of examples where he belligerently refused to settle a lawsuit… and then settled.

Let’s concentrate at what Trump has tried to negotiate as president. Trump loudly guaranteed that Mexico would pay for the border wall, and that he would be able to negotiate a great deal with them. That failed. He couldn’t even start that negotiation. More recently, he threatened to shut down the government if congress didn’t fund the wall, then immediately caved and backed down. That’s right, he couldn’t even get his own party to go along with him.

Speaking of his own party, Trump didn’t need a single Democratic vote in order to repeal Obamacare, a core promise of his campaign. But he managed to fail at that. He couldn’t even get it to a vote. Then he tried again, and failed again. What kind of negotiator loses even when negotiating with their own side?

Trump promised to stand up to China. But he rolled over like a dog. First he cozied up to Taiwan, but as soon as China barked he immediately capitulated and acknowledged their “One China” policy. Trump also promised he would sanction China for being a currency manipulator on “day one”. What happened to that?

He promised to renegotiate NAFTA, and then immediately capitulated after Canada and Mexico phoned him and called his bluff.

I thought we were supposed to get tired of winning, not losing.

About the only accomplishment Trump can hold up for his first 100 days is getting a Supreme Court nominee confirmed. But Trump had almost nothing to do with that (other than trying really hard to take credit). It was the Senate who did that, no thanks to Trump. And the Senate even had to cheat by changing the rules. There wasn’t any “negotiating” at all.

So it is obvious to anyone that Trump is a terrible negotiator, but now we know why. Slate has published an article that talks with both real, successful negotiators, and with experts in the field of negotiating, and they explain that Trump doesn’t seem to understand even the basic concepts and rules of negotiating. We know Trump didn’t write “The Art of the Deal”, but it appears that he didn’t even read it.

He’s lazy and gets bored easily. He makes ultimatums and then capitulates without getting any concessions from the other side. He insults the people he is supposed to be negotiating with, then for good (bad) measure, he insults his own side. He poisons relationships. He’s arrogant and tries to bully people, and is easily flattered. He’s like a cartoon, reality-TV version of a negotiator. Instead of speaking softly but carrying a big stick, he blusters and brags and lies, then backs down.

He makes every mistake in the book, and then is surprised when he fails (“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated”).

About the only asset the article could find about Trump that helps him achieve deals was “his complete lack of core principles”. “It allows him to stay open to any agreement that will let him sign papers, take credit, and hold a photo op.” As long as Trump can claim to be a winner, it doesn’t matter if we — or even he — actually loses. Or as one expert put it, “When you don’t know where you’re headed, any road will take you there.”

UPDATE: Now, Trump has sabotaged the new negotiations to repeal Obamacare. The bill being negotiated in the House would allow states to opt out of key aspects of Obamacare, including allowing insurance companies to charge patients with pre-existing medical conditions more for coverage. But in an interview on Sunday, Trump insisted “Pre-existing is going to be in there, and we’re also going to create pools.” When pressed to confirm this, Trump insisted:

Pre-existing conditions are in the bill. And I just watched another network than yours, and they were saying, “pre-existing is not covered.” Pre-existing conditions are in the bill. And I mandate it. I said, “Has to be.”


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Mar. 14, 2017]

President Trump yesterday described the discussions over the Republican health plan as a, quote, “big, fat, beautiful negotiation.” Well, he’s making progress. It’s the first time he’s ever described anything as fat AND beautiful. – Seth Meyers

The entire Northeast is being hit by Winter Storm Stella, the first blizzard of 2017. Of course, now that Obamacare is getting repealed, it’s nice to see something’s still covering half the country. – Conan O’Brien

We were supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow, but it turned to sleet early — just cold and brittle, right in your face. It reminded me of Kellyanne Conway. – Stephen Colbert

Thousands of flights were canceled today due to a powerful winter storm. Either that or Trump’s new travel ban is for all of us. – Seth Meyers

If you are away on spring break, have fun, do whatever you need to do. Don’t forget Congress is about to take away your healthcare, so if you’re going to do something dumb, do it now while it’s still covered. – Jimmy Kimmel

Last night was the big finale of “The Bachelor.” Nick wound up getting engaged to Vanessa, a teacher from Canada. Nick didn’t plan on marrying Vanessa, but after seeing the GOP healthcare plan, moving to Canada was the logical decision. – Jimmy Fallon

But despite the engagement, it’s hard to say what Nick’s future holds, if you think about it. I mean, he’s a reality star who has married an immigrant he barely knows and — oh, my God, he’s going to be president of the United States. – Jimmy Fallon

Last night was the season finale of ABC’s “The Bachelor.” And tonight is the season premiere of “The Bachelor” spinoff, “Herpes in Paradise.” So check that out. It’s a good one. – Conan O’Brien

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced yesterday that Donald Trump would be donating his presidential salary to a charity at the end of the year. Credit where credit is due — Trump is getting pretty creative in the ways he’s refusing to pay his taxes. – James Corden

Spicer said not only will Trump donate his salary, he would love for White House reporters to determine “where it should go”. Unfortunately, where they suggested it should go is not a place that I can say on television. – James Corden

But seriously, how great would it be if the reporters all chose Planned Parenthood? – James Corden

A woman confronted White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer in an Apple Store this weekend. Not sure where he was in the Apple Store, but safe to say, not at the Genius Bar. – Seth Meyers

Press Secretary Sean Spicer says that President Trump didn’t literally mean that President Obama wiretapped him. He also said Donald Trump didn’t literally mean for people to vote for him. That was not the idea. – Conan O’Brien

Trump’s adviser, Kellyanne Conway, gave a TV interview on Sunday and people noticed that she displays a photo of herself in her living room. This is true. Take a look at the photo just there. Wow, her microwave takes great pictures! – James Corden

Who has a framed picture of themselves, on their own, in their living room? She should change her name from Kellyanne Conway to Kellyanne Kanye. – James Corden

White House strategist Steve Bannon is under criminal investigation for voter fraud. Reportedly he voted last year in Florida while still technically a resident of 1930s Germany. Can’t have it both ways. – Conan O’Brien

It came out last night that Rex Tillerson used an email alias while he was CEO of Exxon to discuss climate change on the sly. So in the Trump administration, you can be a sexist, or a white supremacist, but you’re gonna want to keep your science talk on the D.L. – Stephen Colbert

Vladimir Putin is reportedly frustrated by the lack of progress in U.S.-Russian diplomacy since President Trump took office. He’s not happy. In fact, Putin is so frustrated, today he called Trump and threatened to fire him. – Conan O’Brien

Today, President Trump had lunch with a Saudi prince. Trump told the Saudi prince, “We have a lot in common. My wife doesn’t leave the house, either.” – Conan O’Brien

I read about a marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles that doubles as an art gallery. Yep. Patrons stare at the art for hours before being told, “Sir, that’s an exit sign.” – Jimmy Fallon

An Ohio couple was arrested for faking their own murder. People grew suspicious when the couple changed their Facebook status to “We’ve been murdered.” Sad! – Conan O’Brien

An Oregon man led police on a 10-mile, high-speed chase on Sunday in a stolen street sweeper truck. On the bright side, by the time he was arrested, his community service was done. – Seth Meyers

Every year they do studies about all the money companies lose because their employees are watching the basketball tournament instead of working. That may have been true in 1995, but if your employees are wasting time watching basketball, they’d be wasting time on Instagram and Facebook. That’s just how it is. Wasting time is our full-time job now. – Jimmy Kimmel

New research just came out that finds that consuming potatoes and alcohol can lower your sperm count. So, fellas, this St. Patrick’s Day could be our last. – Conan O’Brien

Police in South Carolina charged a substitute teacher last week for allegedly being drunk while in class. Students realized she was drunk after she kept referring to lunch period as “Miller time.” – Seth Meyers
