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The Founding Tweets

For 29 years, NPR has read aloud the Declaration of Independence on Independence Day, but this year they did something new, and apropos. They tweeted the entire text of the DoI, 140 characters at a time. That took 113 posts.

It went about as well as might be expected. Many people who tuned in late to the tweets didn’t recognize one of our country’s most famous documents. Trump supporters thought that the parts complaining about King George III were actually about Donald Trump (defensive, aren’t we?).

One Trump supporter called it “propaganda”:

Propaganda is that all you know how? Try supporting a man who wants to do something about the Injustice in this country #drainingtheswamp

People called it “trash”, “spam”, and “the dumbest idea I have ever seen on twitter”.

One person accused NPR of fomenting violence:

So, NPR is calling for revolution.
Interesting way to condone the violence while trying to sound “patriotic”.
Your implications are clear.

They later realized their mistake and apologized, but I think it is very interesting that people seem to forget that our country was founded through violent revolution. The DoI was a call to war.


From the Trump Twitter Museum

Today I was having an interesting conversation with a friend of mine, who happens to be a fairly famous computer scientist. We were discussing innovation, which led to expressing our amazement at the success of Twitter. Who could have predicted that imposing a completely artificial constraint on the length of messages would not only lead to success, but maybe even ultimately to the downfall of American democracy?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 7, 2017]

Former FBI Director James Comey will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee to spill the beans on President Trump, which when you think about it on a human level, is pretty great for James Comey. Can you imagine getting fired and then the next thing you know, you get to trash talk your boss in front of the whole world? It’s like a dream come true. – Jimmy Kimmel

People are calling Comey’s testimony Washington’s Super Bowl, and I hear Animal Planet is even airing the “Puppy Comey Testimony”. – Stephen Colbert

We got a surprise preview today of what Comey plans to share. The Senate released his prepared statement. President Trump was like, “You can prepare statements?” – Jimmy Kimmel

Former FBI Director James Comey released the opening statement for his testimony tomorrow, and he says Trump once invited him to dinner, and it turned out to just be the two of them. Even worse, he made them sit on the same side of the booth. – Jimmy Fallon

Comey also described a dinner he had with Trump just after the inauguration. When he was invited, Comey assumed other people would be attending, of course, but when he showed up, it turned out to be “just the two of them, seated at a small oval table.” Oh, come on. That’s the oldest trick in the book! You invite your FBI director over for a movie saying it’s going to be a “group thing”, then when he shows up, it’s just the two of you. [wiggles eyebrows suggestively] “Can’t make Netflix work, so, you know …” [in seductive tone] you obstruct justice. – Stephen Colbert

This is what Comey wrote about his dinner with Trump back in January. He wrote, “He had called me at lunchtime that day, invited me to dinner that night, saying he was going to invite my whole family but decided to have just me this time, with the whole family coming next time. It was unclear from the conversation who else would be at the dinner. Although, I assumed there would be others. It turned out to be just the two of us.” It’s starting to read like chapter one of “Fifty Shades of Orange.” Right? Very sexual. – Jimmy Kimmel

And Trump told Comey “he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia.” I love that he denied being involved with hookers in Russia. Let me tell you, Bill Clinton must be laughing his [butt] off right now. – Jimmy Kimmel

Former FBI Director James Comey did not want to be left alone in a room with Donald Trump. Which is why James Comey was just named an honorary Miss Universe contestant. – Conan O’Brien

Comey wrote that at their dinner the president said, “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.” Which is not an appropriate thing for a president to ask the head of the FBI. Unless he’s planning to do the right thing and marry him, that is. – Jimmy Kimmel

So because these were uncomfortable conversations, Comey told Attorney General Jeff Sessions he did not want any future direct communication with President Trump. Melania said the same thing, by the way. It didn’t work out for either of them. – Jimmy Kimmel

Now, all in all, Comey says he spoke with Trump nine times in four months. In contrast, he spoke with President Obama only twice during his entire tenure, “once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues, and a second time, briefly, for him to say good-bye in late 2016.” Oh, and a third time a couple weeks ago when he asked if I wanted to just say “screw it” and go hang out with him and Oprah on Richard Branson’s yacht. – Stephen Colbert

A bar in D.C. is opening at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow for Comey’s hearing and will give everyone a free round of drinks each time Trump tweets about it. Which means everyone will be blacked out around 9:31 a.m. – Jimmy Fallon

A bar in Washington, D.C., will offer customers a free round of drinks every time President Trump tweets about former FBI Director James Comey during his testimony tomorrow. That story again: A bar in Washington, D.C., is having a going out of business sale. – Seth Meyers

President Trump tweeted that he’s nominating Christopher Wray to be the new director of the FBI, and called him “a man of impeccable credentials”. Wray was like, “Thanks! Can I put that on my resume when you fire me?” – Jimmy Fallon

President Trump today announced Christopher Wray, the attorney for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during the Bridge-gate scandal, as the nomination for FBI director. Donald, you’re even giving Chris Christie’s lawyer a job? How cruel are you? I bet you called him personally. “Chris, are you sitting down? I finally decided to hire … your friend, the lawyer. That’s it, though. No one else. All right. Have a terrible day.” – Seth Meyers

Yesterday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked if the president has confidence in his attorney general and he was unable to answer the question. When Spicer was asked if he had any self-respect left, Spicer said, “I can’t answer that question either.” – Conan O’Brien

It’s been reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has offered to resign. President Trump told him, “That won’t be necessary, I’m taking you down with me.” – Conan O’Brien

Today is Vice President Mike Pence’s 58th birthday. But the White House is going to leave the decorations up all week so they can also celebrate Pence’s inauguration. – Jimmy Fallon

In Utah, a woman pulled out two of her son’s teeth in a Walmart bathroom. Or as that procedure will soon be known, “the Trumpcare dental plan”. – Conan O’Brien

Forbes has published a new exposé on Eric Trump’s charity golf tournaments, with a former employee saying that President Trump refused to let Eric use Trump properties free of charge, saying, “I don’t care if it’s my son or not. Everybody gets billed.” And he means that — he does not care if Eric is his son. – Seth Meyers

Today is Election Day in the U.K. Elections here in Great Britain are quite different from what people are used to in the United States. For instance, our elections here are a lot more polite. Granted, a lot of that is due to the fact that Donald Trump is not involved. – James Corden

For our American viewers who may not know, Theresa May is the prime minister here in Britain, and she’s the one who called for what’s known as a “snap election”. That means it’s just seven weeks of campaigning and it’s over. We Brits hold our elections the way we make love — quickly and without a lot of unnecessary emotion. And followed by an apology. – James Corden

Just seven weeks to see who gets the most votes, but in America, they are much more thorough. They take two years to see who gets the most votes. Then they elect the person who gets the second most votes. I’m kidding! They elect whoever Vladimir Putin wants. – James Corden

I’m going to tell you a little bit about our prime minister, Theresa May. Her father was a vicar, so she’s sort of a good girl, a preacher’s daughter, and she was giving an interview the other day where she was asked what was the naughtiest thing she had ever done as a child. And she said — brace yourselves, it’s pretty racy — she used to upset local farmers by running through their wheat fields. That’s her darkest secret from her wild past! – James Corden

Imagine meeting up with old friends: “Oh, we were crazy back then, weren’t we? Out of control! We really bent some wheat.” – James Corden

But come on, guys, we should really focus on the issues. Because what Theresa May has done in her past is the yeast of our concerns. – James Corden

Obama visited George and Amal Clooney at their home in the U.K. right before Amal gave birth to their twins. Man, I knew Obamacare was good — but didn’t know he actually showed up to deliver your babies! – Jimmy Fallon

Canadian officials announced they are planning to build up their military. Then they said, “That is, you know, if it’s OK with everybody else.” – Conan O’Brien

In Massachusetts, a medical marijuana dispensary has begun selling marijuana-infused pizza. Or as that’s known, “one-stop shopping”. – Conan O’Brien


Who Knew?

© Ruben Bolling

Finally, we have an answer to the question of how Donald Trump inspires so many followers. It doesn’t matter to them when he lies, commits nepotism, hires crooks to his administration, insults women, or acts racist, because only they know the real truth about how Trump is keeping us safe.


Is There a Solution?

© Tom Tomorrow

The Republican health care bill is wildly unpopular with Americans. There have been two recent polls: in one 16% approve to 58% disapprove. The other shows only 12% approve, while 53% of Americans want the Republicans to either leave Obamacare alone or fix any problems it might have.

So if Trump repeals Obamacare like he promised he would, quite a few Americans will be pissed off at him, especially those who lose their insurance, see their premiums increase, or their coverage get slashed. But if Trump doesn’t repeal it, his base will revolt.

Is there a solution for Donald Trump? If he were a thoughtful person (hah!) he would talk to his base and find out what they want. I suspect they just want to kill everything that Obama did, but they still want good health insurance for less money. That’s exactly what Trump has promised them: “No cuts to Medicaid”, “No one will lose coverage”, “Nobody will be worse off financially”, and “Everybody’s going to be taken care of”.

Sound impossible? It isn’t. Trump just has to get single-payer passed. Of course, he shouldn’t call it single payer, he should call it “Medicare for everyone”. It wouldn’t be that hard. The bill would only need to be a few pages long. Democrats would support it, and so would many Republicans. Yes, taxes would need to increase to cover it, but if Trump were clever (hah again!) he would set it up so that each person’s Medicare taxes would increase about the same amount that they currently pay for health insurance, so it would be financially neutral. Yes, the doomed health insurance companies would hate it, but Trump would be wildly popular. It might even be the worst thing that ever happened to the Democrats.


On the road again

I’m going to be traveling for a week, and probably won’t be able to post much while I’m gone.


Game Over

There’s something that has been keeping me up at night thinking. Let me walk you through it.

Donald Trump has been claiming over and over that reports of Russian interference in the presidential election are “fake news”. He, and other members of his staff have also been claiming that, even if the Russians did interfere, there is no evidence of collusion between the Russians and himself, his campaign (before the election), or his staff (after he became president).

Friday, the Washington Post published a report that not only was US Intelligence certain that the Russians were actively working to damage Hillary Clinton and help Trump win the election, but that the CIA had proof. Obama was informed last August, and he struggled to find a way to respond. If Obama reacted too strongly it would create mass chaos — the Republicans were already screaming that the election was rigged for Hillary Clinton. Announcing that the election had indeed been compromised could very well help the Russians even more by destroying faith in the US elections and completely destabilizing American democracy.

Obama ended up expelling 35 diplomats and closed two Russian compounds. He also authorized the planting of cyber weapons in Russia’s infrastructure, which was still being done as Obama was leaving office. That left it up to Trump to decide whether to use these weapons to punish Putin and Russia for what WaPo describes as “the crime of the century” — hacking an American presidential election. Of course, Trump never did use those weapons.

Now here’s the part that got me thinking — Trump’s response to the news:

What’s really curious about this is that Donald Trump, who repeatedly denied the existence of Russian meddling, is saying that it is “just out” that Russia meddled in the US elections, but that Obama “did nothing about it”.

So, is Russian meddling “fake news”? Either it is or it isn’t. If it is, then why would Obama need to do anything about it? If it is real, then why the hell did president Trump keep telling us it was fake news?

How can Trump claim that he just found out about the Russian meddling? He is the president, and the CIA (with their evidence and proof) reports to him. There is no way he didn’t know this.

Even far, far worse, within days after Trump became president, he started trying to remove the sanctions that Obama had placed on the Russians and reopen their compounds. In his tweet, Trump complains that Obama did nothing, but while it is debatable whether he did the right thing or enough, he didn’t do “nothing”, and yet Trump, who absolutely must have known about the Russian meddling, was trying to undo the sanctions. So the sanctions must have been something, otherwise, why would Trump try to undo them?

It became even more curious when Congress started working on a bill to impose stronger sanctions against Russia, which included a clause that prohibited Trump from removing the sanctions without the approval of Congress. Did they know something about Trump that we didn’t know? And Trump is threatening to veto that bill.

Why did members of Trump’s administration have so many contacts with Russians (and then lied about them). And why did Trump’s son-in-law and advisor try to set up a direct channel to Russia, so he could talk to them without the CIA listening in?

Instead, everyone is debating whether Obama made the proper response to the Russian meddling! Why? Why aren’t we wondering why Trump tried to help the Russians, even after he knew that they had meddled in our election? Even readers of this blog have been taken in by this con.

I keep trying to think of a fallacy in this line of reasoning, but I can’t come up with one. The bottom line: we elected a con man, who almost certainly committed high treason. And yet somehow we are blaming Obama.

UPDATE: The White House is doubling down on their attacks on Obama, asking “Why didn’t Obama stop us from colluding with Russia?”. Lesson? Never do anything nice for Trump, because he will fuck you over for it.

The White House also pointed out that Trump created a commission on election integrity (headed by VP Pence), which of course is spending their time investigating voter fraud (which doesn’t actually exist) and registration fraud (which wouldn’t matter even if it did exist) instead of actual foreign hacking (which illegally helped Trump win).


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 6, 2017]

A highly classified document was just leaked, and it suggests that Russia may have hacked into our voting systems before the election. You could tell the report was “highly classified” because it was marked, “Don’t Show Trump.” – Jimmy Fallon

The NSA contractor who leaked the document is a woman named Reality Winner. When he was asked if he had any contact with the leaker, Trump said, “Nope, I’m TOTALLY out of touch with Reality.” – Jimmy Fallon

Now, all along, Donald Trump has said the entire Russia story is “fake news”. And there is no way to know whether this document that was released was real … other than the fact that the leaker was immediately arrested. “Fake news, real prison.” – Stephen Colbert

The Department of Justice charged a federal contractor named Reality Leigh Winner yesterday with leaking classified materials to the press about Russia’s meddling in the election. This is a confusing story, so let me try to break it down: Reality Winner leaked information about a reality denier who tried to influence the election to support a reality host who is detached from reality. – Seth Meyers

A top-secret NSA report detailed Russian hacking efforts days before the 2016 election. Days before? Come on, Guccifer. That’s poor planning. You can’t leave your hacking to the last minute. Put some thought into it. No one wants an election you just picked up at Walgreens. – Stephen Colbert

It turns out Russia actually hacked the company that makes our voting machines. Which explains why anyone who pressed on “Hillary Clinton” heard a voice go “Try again”. – Jimmy Fallon

After the hackers gained access to the company’s accounts, they then sent “an email to trick local U.S. government employees into opening documents that were ‘invisibly tainted with potent malware’.” OK, they sent it to the poll workers. This is how democracy ends, with a fake email sent to the ancient cat lady manning the polling station at your high school gym. – Stephen Colbert

According to reports, four top law firms have turned down requests from the White House to represent President Trump during the Russia investigation. Man, how guilty do have you to be when a lawyer won’t even take your case? – Seth Meyers

So who really knows who won November 8? I mean, other than Vladimir Putin. I’m a little rusty on my Constitution, but I guess that means … new election? Sure, let’s have another one! Let’s just get the band back together. Somebody find Jeb and wake him up. – Stephen Colbert

A new study found that kids are bullying each other with Donald Trump’s words. The good news is, most kids outgrow Trump’s vocabulary by the time they’re 11. – Conan O’Brien

Trump’s been causing a lot of problems with the things he’s tweeted recently, but the White House says he isn’t concerned with being politically correct. Then they clarified their statement and said he isn’t even concerned about being correct. – Jimmy Fallon

A new report came out and it says that Donald Trump once shifted charitable donations for sick kids into his own business. Trump referred to the charity as the “Take a Wish Foundation”. – Conan O’Brien

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said that while schools receiving federal funds must abide by federal civil rights laws, the department will not enter decrees on things like LGBT discrimination. Coincidentally, LGBT is also how Betsy DeVos thinks you spell discrimination. – Seth Meyers

It’s nice to be here in England. After two and a half years of presidential campaigning in America, I was, like, “Where can I go for another bitter, soul-sucking election?” – James Corden

We are here in the beautiful historic Central Hall Westminster. There is so much amazing history in this building. Gandhi spoke here, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech here, and Winston Churchill spoke in this very hall. And despite all that, they still allowed me to do a show here. – James Corden

Yes, there’s a big election coming up this week in the U.K. Actually, this venue is going to be a polling station. Raise your hand if you didn’t even know there was going to be a show here tonight, you were just trying to beat the lines. – James Corden

We talk about Donald Trump almost every night on this show, but I thought when I came here to London I’d finally get away from him for a little while. And then I get here, and who does he start a fight with? The mayor of London! While I’m in the city! He’s following me! – James Corden

Following salmonella outbreaks across the country, the Centers for Disease Control is urging chicken owners to stop snuggling with their birds. Though if you’re snuggling with chickens, salmonella is, like, your fifth biggest problem. – Seth Meyers

There’s a proposed bill in New York that would allow medical marijuana to be prescribed for menstrual cramps. Which is why millions of men in New York are now saying “It is my time of the month.” – Conan O’Brien

The owner of the world’s largest private collection of “Star Wars” memorabilia says someone stole $200,000 worth of his collectibles. On the plus side, the collector is reporting that his virginity is still in “mint condition”. – Conan O’Brien

The game show “Cash Cab” is coming back to the Discovery Channel! It’s a show where the driver asks passengers questions from the second they get into the car until they reach their destination — or as it’s called now, “Uber”. – Jimmy Fallon

Astronomers are saying that a mysterious signal from space was caused by gas surrounding a comet. Of course, the comet is claiming the gas came from its dog. – Conan O’Brien

After 14 years, the CEO of J. Crew is stepping down. He said he wants to take a Gap year. – Conan O’Brien



On Thursday, Johnny Depp put his foot in it at a film screening in the UK. It started with him making jokes about Donald Trump, who is rather unpopular in Europe. But he took one joke too far, asking “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” referring to John Wilkes Booth and Abraham Lincoln.

Depp was wrong to joke about assassination, and he realized it immediately, backtracked, and apologized.

But it was too late for Depp. The White House immediately attacked him, issuing a statement:

President Trump has condemned violence in all forms and its sad that others like Johnny Depp have not followed his lead. I hope that some of Mr. Depp’s colleagues will speak out against this type of rhetoric as strongly as they would if his comments were directed to a democrat [sic] elected official.

Donald Trump should take this advice and speak out against violent rhetoric when it is directed at Democrats.

Rather than condemning it, Donald Trump has encouraged violence repeatedly, including saying that protesters against him should be “roughed up” and offering to pay legal bills for anyone who did so.

But what is really hypocritical about this statement is that the same day that this statement was released, Trump received Al Baldasaro at the White House. Baldasaro made headlines a year ago when he declared that Hillary Clinton “should be shot” for treason.

But you know what, I almost made a false equivalence here. Because while even Fox News realizes that Depp was making a poor joke, Baldasaro was serious.

Likewise, Trump has also welcomed Ted Nugent to the White House, even though Nugent repeatedly talked about killing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And Nugent was not making a joke.

When will Trump speak out against the violent rhetoric of Baldasaro and Nugent?


Obama on Health Care Repeal

[This was posted to Facebook yesterday by Barack Obama.]

Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today.

I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has become a core tenet of the Republican Party. Still, I hope that our Senators, many of whom I know well, step back and measure what’s really at stake, and consider that the rationale for action, on health care or any other issue, must be something more than simply undoing something that Democrats did.

We didn’t fight for the Affordable Care Act for more than a year in the public square for any personal or political gain – we fought for it because we knew it would save lives, prevent financial misery, and ultimately set this country we love on a better, healthier course.

Nor did we fight for it alone. Thousands upon thousands of Americans, including Republicans, threw themselves into that collective effort, not for political reasons, but for intensely personal ones – a sick child, a parent lost to cancer, the memory of medical bills that threatened to derail their dreams.

And you made a difference. For the first time, more than ninety percent of Americans know the security of health insurance. Health care costs, while still rising, have been rising at the slowest pace in fifty years. Women can’t be charged more for their insurance, young adults can stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26, contraceptive care and preventive care are now free. Paying more, or being denied insurance altogether due to a preexisting condition – we made that a thing of the past.

We did these things together. So many of you made that change possible.

At the same time, I was careful to say again and again that while the Affordable Care Act represented a significant step forward for America, it was not perfect, nor could it be the end of our efforts – and that if Republicans could put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we made to our health care system, that covers as many people at less cost, I would gladly and publicly support it.

That remains true. So I still hope that there are enough Republicans in Congress who remember that public service is not about sport or notching a political win, that there’s a reason we all chose to serve in the first place, and that hopefully, it’s to make people’s lives better, not worse.

But right now, after eight years, the legislation rushed through the House and the Senate without public hearings or debate would do the opposite. It would raise costs, reduce coverage, roll back protections, and ruin Medicaid as we know it. That’s not my opinion, but rather the conclusion of all objective analyses, from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which found that 23 million Americans would lose insurance, to America’s doctors, nurses, and hospitals on the front lines of our health care system.

The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill. It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. It hands enormous tax cuts to the rich and to the drug and insurance industries, paid for by cutting health care for everybody else. Those with private insurance will experience higher premiums and higher deductibles, with lower tax credits to help working families cover the costs, even as their plans might no longer cover pregnancy, mental health care, or expensive prescriptions. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions could become the norm again. Millions of families will lose coverage entirely.

Simply put, if there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family – this bill will do you harm. And small tweaks over the course of the next couple weeks, under the guise of making these bills easier to stomach, cannot change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.

I hope our Senators ask themselves – what will happen to the Americans grappling with opioid addiction who suddenly lose their coverage? What will happen to pregnant mothers, children with disabilities, poor adults and seniors who need long-term care once they can no longer count on Medicaid? What will happen if you have a medical emergency when insurance companies are once again allowed to exclude the benefits you need, send you unlimited bills, or set unaffordable deductibles? What impossible choices will working parents be forced to make if their child’s cancer treatment costs them more than their life savings?

To put the American people through that pain – while giving billionaires and corporations a massive tax cut in return – that’s tough to fathom. But it’s what’s at stake right now. So it remains my fervent hope that we step back and try to deliver on what the American people need.

That might take some time and compromise between Democrats and Republicans. But I believe that’s what people want to see. I believe it would demonstrate the kind of leadership that appeals to Americans across party lines. And I believe that it’s possible – if you are willing to make a difference again. If you’re willing to call your members of Congress. If you are willing to visit their offices. If you are willing to speak out, let them and the country know, in very real terms, what this means for you and your family.

After all, this debate has always been about something bigger than politics. It’s about the character of our country – who we are, and who we aspire to be. And that’s always worth fighting for.


Trump Embarrassed?

Yesterday, Donald Trump finally admitted that he didn’t make any recordings of his conversations with James Comey. This was an issue because Trump tried to threaten Comey by implicating that there might be such recordings.

So there are two questions. First, why did Trump wait until yesterday? When Congress asked whether such recordings exist, why didn’t he just admit it then? A big hint is that he admitted that there are no recordings in a tweet at 1pm Eastern time, which is not when Trump normally tweets, but it was timed to be at virtually the same exact time as when the Senate revealed their new health care bill.

And it worked. For example, the front page of the NY Times was all about the health care repeal bill, but Trump’s tweet was covered in a single paragraph on page 19. Likewise on all the major news sites and newspapers.

I guess this is what Trump does when he is called on something embarrassing. Trump’s attempt to threaten Comey backfired, because Comey testified that he sure wishes that such recordings exist.

Second, can we believe Trump? I think it is just as likely that Trump does have recordings, but they make Trump look even worse. We may never know, but either way it would have been an embarrassment for Trump.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 5, 2017]

Last week, President Trump announced the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. Trump said he wants the entire country to be the same temperature as a Florida golf course. – Jimmy Fallon

In Michigan, a Republican congressman said that God would “take care of” climate change. So now, a group of polar bears are on their way to “take care of” a Republican congressman in Michigan. – Conan O’Brien

In protest of President Trump abandoning the Paris climate accord, the CEO of Disney has resigned from Trump’s business advisory council. It’s not a good sign when a company led by a giant talking mouse is telling the president to be more realistic. – Conan O’Brien

Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, tweeted that Trump is pulling out of it because he’s jealous of Obama. Then Kaine waited for one of his 25 followers to retweet him. – Jimmy Fallon

But to show its commitment to honoring the agreement, New York City lit up its buildings in green. Though if we’re really worried about the environment — how about we DON’T light up each of our buildings all night? – Jimmy Fallon

The White House announced today that they’re kicking off “Infrastructure Week.” It’s like Shark Week, except American infrastructure might actually kill you. – Stephen Colbert

It started with Trump’s plan to turn the air traffic control functions of the FAA into a nonprofit corporation. Although, to be fair, any company Trump runs is eventually nonprofit. – Stephen Colbert

You know how the Trump administration kept insisting that his travel ban wasn’t a travel ban? Well, at 6:25 this morning the president weighed in on that himself. He wrote, “People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want but I am calling it what we need, and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN.” – Jimmy Kimmel

It’s like the last five minutes of an episode of “Law & Order: SVU” where the murderer tells Mariska Hargitay everything: “It was a travel ban all along.” – Jimmy Kimmel

This has to be maddening for White House “stress secretary” Sean Spicer. This is a guy, he specifically went out in front of the press and insisted that this was not a travel ban. And now Trump is in all-caps saying it is a travel ban. – Jimmy Kimmel

I know this happened five days ago, but I will not be denied the chance to enjoy Trump’s tweet from just after midnight last Wednesday: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” OK. Strong statement. Bold. Presidential. Reminds of the first draft of the Gettysburg address: “Four score and seven ratselttab.” – Stephen Colbert

Of course, the internet lost their covfefe over this. Why did the president type that? It was the new “What color is the dress?” But instead of “white versus blue,” it was “sleepy versus stroke”. – Stephen Colbert

The “Wonder Woman” movie shattered the glass ceiling, breaking $100 million in box office sales. In fact, the only way “Wonder Woman” could have done better is if she had campaigned in Wisconsin. – Conan O’Brien

“Wonder Woman” made $100 million at the box office this weekend. Meanwhile, Wonder Man made $121 million for doing the same job. – Seth Meyers

Several panelists on Fox News accused “Wonder Woman” of not being American enough because her costume isn’t red, white and blue. They’re also saying to really be American, it should be a double XL. – Conan O’Brien

“Wonder Woman” made over $100 million at the box office this weekend, and beat “Captain Underpants.” But I think Captain Underpants is in denial — he’s been handing out electoral maps to show the theaters where he won. – Jimmy Fallon

A new study claims that popular people may live longer than unpopular people. If that’s true, Shia LaBeouf died in 1982. – Conan O’Brien

Walmart is offering a new service where employees will deliver items to your house on their way home from work. Not only that — they’ll also deliver the items in a Target bag so your neighbors think you’re classy. – Jimmy Fallon

At a Walmart in Minnesota, a customer had to tackle a confused deer after it wandered into the store. The deer is fine and was released back into the wild, which makes this the happiest possible ending to a story of a deer walking into one of America’s largest suppliers of hunting rifles. – James Corden

Walmart is already trying to capitalize on this by changing their slogan to “Walmart: Where You Can Always Save a Buck.” – James Corden

A Texas man went on a date to see “Guardians of the Galaxy 2,” and is now suing his date for texting during the movie. He thinks he can sue her for texting. Who does this man think he is — the Guardian of the Samsung Galaxy? – James Corden

The man said texting during a movie is “one of my biggest pet peeves.” Now, pet peeves are not what lawsuits are for. You don’t sue someone because they say expresso instead of espresso. – James Corden

It’s going to make it very hard for him on future dates. It’s going to be like, “So how did your last relationship end”? And he will be like, “On an episode of ‘Judge Judy’.” – James Corden

Two Papa John’s employees in Washington State were arrested this week for allegedly delivering cocaine in pizza boxes. Authorities became suspicious when Papa John’s started getting five-star Yelp reviews that were 47 paragraphs long. – Seth Meyers

Today, 15 new features were revealed about the upcoming iPhone 8. The biggest new feature is the battery that only lasts until the announcement of the iPhone 9. – Conan O’Brien

Did you watch the game last night? Turned out to be not so great this year. The Warriors clobbered the Cavaliers again. Beat them by 19 points. They won the first game by 22 points. I’m hoping the next few games are closer. If I wanted to see a bunch of blowouts I’d watch Fox News, folks. – Jimmy Kimmel

A boy in Maryland this weekend was trapped in an arcade claw machine after climbing through the prize door. Luckily, rescuers were able to get him out after about 35 quarters. – Seth Meyers


Promising the Moon

© Tom Toles

The Republicans are still trying to repeal Obamacare. It is ironic that back when Obama was president, the Republicans didn’t have any problem passing bills to repeal the ACA, because they knew that Obama would veto them. But now, even though they control both houses of Congress and the presidency, they can’t do squat because they are too chickenshit to live with the consequences.

Despite almost a decade of lying propaganda designed to make Obamacare unpopular (remember “Death Panels”?) the ACA is so popular (even with its flaws) that the Republicans are afraid to do what they have promised their base. Instead, they claim that the Democrats are obstructionists, which is hilarious on so many levels.

They are still the party of no — they have no policy ideas of their own so everything they do is just repealing and destroying anything done by Obama and the Democrats. They claim they are making America great again, but does anyone really want to go back to the 50s (the Cold War and fear of nuclear armageddon)? Or worse. They may take us back to the 40s (WWII) or the 30s (Great Depression). At the rate they are currently going, it could be all of the above.

But now they are in a quandary. In order to cut taxes for the rich, they have to come up with some cash so they can pass the tax cuts using budget reconciliation. So they are promising everything — including coverage of preexisting conditions and lower premiums — while their only real goal is to save enough money to cut taxes for the rich. So they lie and make promises that are impossible to keep. They don’t let anyone read the bill or evaluate it and instead wait until the last minute (before Congress goes into recess for the rest of the summer) to reveal it and insist that everyone pass it.

It is not a pretty sight.

© Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Jun 1, 2017]

President Trump rang in the 1st of June with a major announcement. No one loves to announce an announcement more than Donald Trump. On Twitter last night, he wrote, “I will be announcing my decision on Paris accord Thursday at 3:00 P.M., the White House Rose Garden, make America great again.” It made sense that he did it from the Rose Garden. While we still have roses and gardens. – Jimmy Kimmel

This deal that Trump backed out of, this is a deal that was signed by 194 other countries. The only two countries who are not part of the Paris accord, besides us, are Nicaragua and Syria. And they’re doing great. I guess it’s not a surprise, the fact that he pulled out. The president has been very big on pulling out ever since he had Donald Jr. – Jimmy Kimmel

Meanwhile, I’m sure you know about covfefe at this point, right? So just after midnight yesterday the president wrote, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” And that was it. And with that puzzling half-sentence, for a brief shining moment, Donald Trump made Twitter great again. – Jimmy Kimmel

Twitter went absolutely berserk. Not since Phil Collins gave us the word “Susudio” has a nation been so utterly fascinated and perplexed. You know a typo is bad when even Melania is like, ‘I’m pretty sure that’s not English, Donald.’ Even after Trump deleted the tweet, which he almost never does, Sean Spicer claimed it was intentional. He said it wasn’t a typo or a stroke. – Jimmy Kimmel


The Trump Kleptocracy

Donald Trump wants to slash funding for government programs that provide housing for the poor and combat homelessness. Well, with a bigly exception. The government is proposing to leave intact a housing subsidy that is paid directly to private landlords. Including Trump and his siblings.

When Fred Trump died, he left an interest in the largest subsidized housing project in America (which contains 46 tower buildings near the JFK airport in Brooklyn) to his children, including Donald Trump. The Trump children make a rich steady income from this. According to his recent financial disclosure form, Donald Trump alone made at least $5 million from that project last year. Trump once called that project “one of the best investments I ever made”, even though it was his father who made the investment (Donald only inherited it). And he has refused to divest himself of it, despite the obvious conflict of interest.

Of course, there is no evidence that Trump influenced this decision, which was made by HUD. However, Trump is about to nominate Lynne Patton to lead the HUD department in the New York region. Patton is an event planner who has no experience in housing. Her main qualifications seem to be that she was a former (unpaid) VP of Eric Trump’s foundation, and she helped plan his wedding. She also has a history of substance abuse.
