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All The President’s Men (Tal Defects)

© Mike Keefe

And right now, Trump’s major mental defect is that he is simply making shit up about Puerto Rico. Trump claims that only between 6 and 18 people died because of Hurricane Maria, which officially killed 2975 people. Even Republicans are rolling their eyes at such bald-faced lies.

Not only is Trump completely unmoored from reality, his craven need to fantasize that he is doing a good job is threatening to unleash a political hurricane that will bring the blue wave crashing down on the Republicans in the coming mid-term election. Trump will be a huge loser, and he only has himself to blame.

But that won’t stop him from blaming everyone but himself:

© Scott Bateman


Another disaster

Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the eastern coast of the US. According to the National Weather Service, “This will likely be the storm of a lifetime for portions of the Carolina coast, and that’s saying a lot given the impacts we’ve seen from Hurricanes Diana, Hugo, Fran, Bonnie, Floyd, and Matthew. I can’t emphasize enough the potential for unbelievable damage from wind, storm surge, and inland flooding with this storm.”

So this is a good time to remember that Donald Trump played golf while Hurricane Maria tore Puerto Rico apart and killed over 3000 people (almost as many as died from the terrorist attacks on 9/11, but they don’t count even though they are Americans, because their skin isn’t white). And just to add insult to injury, Trump is now boasting that his handling of earlier hurricanes was “incredibly successful” and received an A plus (of course, the person who awarded Trump an A plus was Trump himself). Then Trump tried to play the victim, saying that his administration’s work in Puerto Rico was not appreciated (despite multiple reports of mismanagement, like this one about a million bottles of water that were never distributed to people who haven’t had water for a year, or this one, about Trump’s FEMA director, who is being investigated for illegal misuse of funds). Don’t you feel so very sorry for Trump?

This brilliant tweet has already been retweeted over 35 thousand times:

Even more ironic, there is a meme circulating that is targeted at Trump supporters. The meme is that the president of Puerto Rico is incompetent and should be impeached immediately. The question is how many Trump supporters understand that Puerto Rico is a US territory, so its president is one Donald Trump. Make Puerto Rico Great Again!

Despite his protestations, Trump stole around 10 million dollars from FEMA (the agency that responds to disasters like hurricanes), and gave it to ICE to lock up people accused of being illegal aliens and to take their children away from them, 12,800 of whom are still locked up. That’s a five times increase in children locked up since just a year ago.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently over $200 million was taken, not just from FEMA, but also from the office in charge of countering weapons of mass destruction, the Coast Guard, TSA, the cybersecurity office, and even Customs and Border Protection. You know, because locking up potential illegal alien children is clearly our most important national security concern.

Much more important than this:


Smackdown: Obama v. Trump

There is some great video of Trump in this. Watch while Trump — at a fundraiser in Fargo ND — waves some papers in the air. He brags “It’s four pages of things that the Trump administration has accomplished in a short period of time.” He obviously hasn’t even read them because he later changes his mind and reduces the number of pages to three. But we do know how much he loves bullet points, saying “Each dot is a thing, ok? And some of those things are very big things.”

Later he tries to make fun of California, but fumbles, saying “California has just become one really large person.” Wait, what? How senile do you have to be to say something like that? Well, we find out when we watch Trump try repeatedly, very hard to pronounce the word “anonymous” and fail, bigly.


Supreme Kangaroo Court

This would be funny if it were not so true:

© Tom Tomorrow

I truly wish something like this would happen:

© Jen Sorensen

Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh will start a war to overturn Roe v. Wade. In fact, in anticipation of his confirmation, the war has already begun. Kavanaugh may claim that he believes Roe v. Wade is settled law, but he is lying.


The president is collaborating with the enemy

The Trump administration is not fighting a war against climate change, it is collaborating with the enemy. And it is doing it in the sneakiest way possible. In July, the EPA made it easier to release carbon dioxide pollution from vehicle tailpipes. Then in August, made it easier for coal-fired power plants to release carbon dioxide. And finally, this month, the EPA is planning on making it easier to release methane into the atmosphere.

Methane is one of the most powerful greenhouse gasses, which leaks from oil and gas wells, and is also intentionally vented and “flared” (burned) from drilling operations. Energy companies have often complained that the regulations requiring them to test for methane emissions are costly and burdensome. So the Trump administration will just waive them.

New, more powerful hurricanes are pounding this country, but unlike the entire rest of the world we aren’t fighting, we are rolling over and surrendering to powerful oil and gas interests.

© Dan Wasserman

But that is just one example of collaboration. In 2006, Trump stopped borrowing money from banks to finance his projects, and instead suddenly started making all of his investments in cash. That’s $400 million on 14 real estate projects since then, and nobody knows where the money comes from.

Well, maybe we do. Remember when Eric Trump blurted out to a golf magazine that the Trump organization doesn’t rely on American banks because they have all the funding they needed from Russia? Hmmmm.

In the book “Fear” (released today) there are some interesting quotes. Three weeks before the presidential election, Steve Bannon told Kushner that the campaign needed $50 million from Trump. Kushner balked saying “He’ll never do it,” and adding “He doesn’t have a lot of cash.” So Bannon and Kushner told Trump that they needed $25 million. Trump responded “No way. Fuck that. I’m not doing it.”

Remember that Trump promised that he would self-fund his campaign. I guess that was another lie. In the end, Trump made a $10 million loan to his campaign, to be repaid using the small cash donations that were coming in from his supporters.

In addition, the founder of Fusion GPS (who commissioned the famous dossier by Christopher Steele) told Congress that the Trump organization must have some outside funding because “he doesn’t have enough money to do this and that he would have had to have outside financial support for these things.”

So where is this money coming from? The one thing I hope (and expect) the Democrats will do if/when they take over either the House or the Senate is to launch an investigation into Trump’s finances, including getting Trump’s income tax returns. Trump has a bad habit of giving himself away, and he has repeatedly said that investigating his personal finances is off limits. What is he trying to hide?

© Drew Sheneman


Why people talk to Bob Woodward

Stephen Colbert asks Bob Woodward a question (in detail) that lots of us have been curious about, which is “How in the world does Bob Woodward get people to spill their guts to him?”



Climate War!

The Republican party has lurched from claiming that climate change doesn’t exist (including Trump’s claim that it is a Chinese hoax), to admitting that it does exist but that it is not caused by humans, to just attacking it as a job killer. What they are really doing is “picking winners and losers” by trying to prop up old failing technologies like coal. Why? Because it gets them cold, hard cash in the form of campaign contributions from fossil-fuel energy companies (who may be failing, but still have donations to throw around).

So they go negative and pull out of the Paris climate accords, reverse anti-pollution regulations, and try to kill sustainable energy initiatives.

You know, the same kind of strategy they are executing to kill Obamacare to keep the health insurance companies making money so they can donate contributions. It is a cynical strategy that obviously won’t work over the long term (like giving tax breaks to the wealthy), but they don’t care as long as it gets them their money fix.

Unfortunately for them, even their claim that fighting climate change will be a “job killer” is a big lie. A new report from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate points out something important that should be fairly obvious: a war against climate change will create jobs, not kill them.

After all, it was World War II that finally got us out of the great depression. War stimulates the economy. But not just real wars, but virtual ones too. Like the space race (part of the cold war) ushered in the age of computers and cell phones. One can only imagine that if something like this were happening now, the Republicans would be campaigning to save land-line phones and all those jobs manufacturing slide rules.

The report points out that fighting climate change would provide economic benefits of $26 trillion by 2030, and create more than 65 million new jobs worldwide. And unlike a real war, a war against climate change would prevent 700,000 premature deaths.

There is plenty of evidence that fighting climate change would generate jobs. After all, the coal industry, which Trump is fighting so hard to save, employed only 160,119 Americans in 2016, while the solar energy industry employed 373,807 Americans — more than twice as many. And that doesn’t include other sustainable energy industries, like wind (101,738) and bioenergy (130,677). These numbers come from a report from the US Department of Energy.


A man of Auction

Congressman Billy Long (R-MO) has a unique way to shut down right wing-nuts when they start to blather.


Jimmy Kimmel Knows Who Wrote NY Times Op-Ed on Trump

Apparently, Washington (and everywhere else) is going crazy trying to figure out who wrote the bombshell anonymous op-ed published in the NY Times.


Congenital Lying

Of course Donald Trump is attacking Bob Woodward’s book. What else would we expect?

In fact, the strangest thing about this is that the book announcement caught Trump off guard initially (even though he knew about the book and that it would be negative). But after a couple of days, Trump eventually did what he always does, and tweeted:

Isn’t it a shame that someone can write an article or book, totally make up stories and form a picture of a person that is literally the exact opposite of the fact, and get away with it without retribution or cost. Don’t know why Washington politicians don’t change libel laws?

First of all, if the libel laws were changed to make it easier to respond to libel, Trump himself would end up being sued constantly for all the lies he has tweeted about people. If you don’t believe me, read the immediate responses to that tweet.

What takes this to the level of being a hypocritical lie is that before he was president, Trump berated the Obama administration for attacking Bob Woodward, tweeting “Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.” But now, Trump seems to think he can get away with attacking Woodward. Sad!

On top of that, Woodward already released an audio recording of a phone call from just a month ago, where Trump tells Woodward “I would’ve loved to have spoken to you [for the book] … I think you’ve always been fair.” But a month later, he claims that Woodward totally makes up stories?

And of course, we now have the NY Times op-ed that corroborates what Woodward says in his book. As if that weren’t enough, within hours additional senior administration officials reached out to Axios to validate the substance of the op-ed, saying that the author stole the words right out of their mouths. These people claimed that there are “dozens and dozens” of people in the Trump administration that feel the same way.

Has this become a full-blown coup? If not an actual coup, this is certainly a constitutional crisis. The constitution has tools for removing bad presidents: impeachment and the 25th amendment, but a group of administration officials (who were never elected) secretly subverting the president? That is a constitutional crisis.

In response to the anonymous op-ed, Trump tweeted “TREASON?”. Someone needs to inform him that verbally attacking the president isn’t treason. If it were, then Trump himself would be guilty for all the things he said about president Obama.

Trevor Noah does an excellent job of summing up why all this should scare the shit out of us:


The Internal Resistance

The NY Times just published an article by a senior Trump administration official titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration“. The name of the author was withheld (for obvious reasons), but is known to the newspaper.

The article echos what Bob Woodward is saying about the administration in his upcoming book.

Meanwhile, Trump is claiming that Woodward’s book is complete fiction. I guess we’ll see.

© Clay Bennett


Donald Trump has a Funeral Problem

Ok, I admit it, I’m almost enjoying watching the news from John McCain’s funeral. This is a double whammy for Trump, who absolutely needs to be the focus of attention. And on top of that, everyone involved in the funeral, including the speakers, the family, and even the deceased, are making sure that Trump knows that they don’t like him. Not one bit.

How long before he can’t stand it anymore and explodes all over Twitter? We’ll see.

There is also a very interesting article in Politico. Apparently, this is not the first time that Donald Trump has had a funeral problem. Most of us know that Trump was not invited to the funeral of Barbara Bush. Nor was he invited to the recent royal wedding in the UK.

But it goes back even farther. Back to the funeral of Fred Trump, Donald’s father. Apparently when the son eulogized his father, he spent most of his time talking about himself and his successful real estate projects.

And then there was the funeral of Roy Cohn, lawyer to Joe McCarthy and later longtime mentor to Trump. But Trump had shut Cohn out when Cohn was diagnosed with HIV. Shortly before he died, Cohn said “Donald pisses ice water.” Trump did attend the funeral, but he stood at the back of the room, reportedly pouting and glowering.

© Lalo Alcaraz


Gun Manufacturers for Democrats?

The Wall Street Journal reports that sales of AR-15 assault rifles and other “long guns” have cratered. Revenues are down 50% since Trump got elected, most likely because gun lovers believe their second amendment rights are safe now that Trump is in office.

What’s a gun manufacturer to do? Maybe they should work to get more Democrats elected so they can get their boogey man back and make money again.


Joe Biden on John McCain

I love listening to Joe Biden speak. Do me a favor and watch this. Don’t read about it. Don’t watch a short highlights video.

And please, let’s try to leave politics out of it. No discussions about campaigns, or parties, or any current political analysis.

I hope that America still has the ability to just listen to a complete, coherent accounting of human emotion and love. If you aren’t sure, just give it a try.


Reality TV Politics

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

How will this end? The Atlantic has an interesting article that compares the likely coming fall of Donald Trump to a Shakespearean play (namely, the “Scottish play”). A tragedy, or as Trump would say, “SAD!”
