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No Buddies Care

Even Brett Kavanaugh’s drinking buddies say that he lied under oath when he claimed that he never drank to the point of forgetting what he was doing. They swear that they saw him do just that on multiple occasions.

The point is that this isn’t about what Kavanaugh did when he was younger. This is about him lying his way onto the Supreme Court. And if he lies about this, what else is he willing to lie about?


Lindsey Graham said that Democrats attempts to question Kavanaugh were “the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics”. Seriously? More despicable than what the Republicans did to Bill Clinton (something in which Kavanaugh was deeply involved)? Or what they did to Merrick Garland? More despicable than starting a war against Iraq? Or torture (in which Kavanaugh was also involved)? Or warrantless spying on Americans (yet another thing in which Kavanaugh was involved)?

Last week, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh failed. If he is nonetheless confirmed, it is a gross failure of the American system of government.


Republicans don’t know the meaning of “stop”

Taking the tip from Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, Republicans have started attacking Christine Blasey Ford.

For example, they are posting photographs that they claim proves that Ford is a Democratic party operative. Except that the photographs they are posting of Ford with Bill Clinton and George Soros aren’t actually Ford. In fact, they don’t look anything like her. The one posing with Clinton is Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and with Soros is Lyudmyla Kozlovska. Maybe women all look alike to them.

Right-wing media is also claiming that Ford perjured herself in her testimony to the Senate committee. For example, InfoWars claims that Ford lied about being a psychologist because she is not licensed as a psychologist in California. They conveniently ignore the fact that only clinical psychologists (who treat patients) need a license. Ford is not a clinical psychologist but she has a Ph.D. in psychology and does research on psychology at a university, which obviously fully qualifies her as a psychologist. But I guess readers of InfoWars don’t know that.

Unfortunately, there is strong evidence that the Republican base is eating this crap up. Getting someone who has been credibly accused of attempted rape confirmed to the Supreme Court is actually increasing Republican enthusiasm in advance of the midterms.

We can only hope that there is a backlash against this.

© Jen Sorensen


Does Lindsey Graham want to be First Lady?

[I was wondering when Margaret and Helen would weigh in. Helen Philpot does not disappoint.]

Lindsey Graham Sets His Sights On Becoming First Lady

Margaret, did you know that women currently make up more than half the population in the US, but we are represented by a Congress made up of 80 percent men? Oh, and honey, it gets worse. Among other countries we are ranked 104th in the world when it comes to female representation in government. Five places behind Saudi Arabia! Hell, we’re almost 40 spots behind Iraq… Yes. You heard me: BEHIND IRAQ.

How long before men realize that women are their equals? After last week, we can probably make the argument that we are more than equal. Everyone of those GOP Senators expected an overly emotional, erratic and maybe even hysterical witness… and let me tell you Brett Kavanaugh did not disappoint. If I were Brett, I’d be worried that The Donald might now try to grab his pussy. Christine Ford managed to stay calm and respectful for 4 hours. Brett couldn’t last 2 minutes before he came undone. And speaking of undone, Lindsey Graham deserves an award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his portrayal of Donald Trump’s new girlfriend. Move over Stormy Daniels. Hurricane Graham has arrived.

To be clear, Brett Kavanaugh is indeed innocent until proven guilty. And it’s not search and destroy like Kavanaugh and Trump want us to believe. It’s about making sure the truth comes out. Afterall, if there is nothing to find, then it doesn’t matter how hard you search. When a woman finds the courage to speak about sexual assault, she deserves to be heard. And hearing her means taking the time to fully investigate in hopes of uncovering the truth. And if that means men need to be a little scared, so be it. We women have been living scared all our lives. If you are worried for your sons, I have one piece of advice for you. Teach them to respect women. Problem solved.

But I don’t even know why I am wasting my time writing this. For the love of God, Republicans just elected a man who was videotaped bragging about assault. Are we really surprised they think a calendar showing exercise workouts during the 80’s is proof enough of innocence? If you are a Republican woman, I hope you are paying attention. It doesn’t matter how accomplished, how intelligent or how credible you are. You will be ignored, dismissed and even smeared if you stand between a Republican man and his path to power… regardless of what evidence you have or don’t have. If it happens in their teens, it’s boys will be boys, and if it happens as adults, it’s just locker room talk. Evidently Republicans are just fine electing men who sexually harass and assault women.

Honestly, how do Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins sleep at night? It’s been almost thirty years since the Anita Hill testimony, and we women continue to be ignored about sexual harassment, assault and rape at the hands of powerful men. There have been 52 total women in the United States Senate since its establishment in 1789. And one of those women simply served for one day. Until 2001, the most common way for a woman to become a US Senator was to be appointed following the death or resignation of a husband or father who previously held the seat. Today there are 21 female Senators – 16 Democrats and 5 Republicans… well 6 depending on which column you place Lindsey Graham. Quite frankly, he lacks the humanity to be in either. Imagine how differently things could be if there were 50.

The late Governor Ann Richards liked to say, “Life isn’t one thing after another. It’s the same damn thing over and over again.” Well, I am tired of fighting this fight over and over again. This November we have more women than ever running for elected office, and I for one plan to vote for them early and often. I mean it.


The SC solution

Benjamin Wittes (the editor in chief of Lawfare and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution) published an excellent article in The Atlantic titled “I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him“.

I agree with everything Wittes says. He gives more than one strong reason why Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. He does this without claiming things like “perjury”. And he is a conservative Republican.

The bottom line is that regardless of what happened over 30 years ago, “Thursday’s hearing left Kavanaugh nonviable as a justice.”

If the Supreme Court is something you care about, you should read it.


Why the Anger?

If you don’t understand why the #metoo movement is so angry, I suggest you read this short article titled “Everything I can remember“.

As a man, I can only guess what this must be like. I try to relate it to the times I have felt threatened or in danger from others and how that made me feel. But I acknowledge that this is extremely different. I can only try to imagine what it would be like to face such constant harassment.

I do understand how infuriating it must be to have someone elected as our president who openly brags about sexually assaulting women. Someone who not only treats nobody with respect (unless they are actively kowtowing to him), but seems to be giving the assholes of the world permission to act (and speak) on their darkest impulses.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t automatically believe every woman who accuses someone of sexual assault or harassment. Even though by the very nature of sexual assault, evidence is almost always very difficult to obtain, and indeed, even when there is significant corroboration, it is likely to be ignored or dismissed. If a woman has been assaulted, reporting it will all-too-often result in a worse situation, frequently even worse for the woman than the assault itself.

Anyone who asks “why didn’t she report it immediately” is at best an idiot.

I sometimes see #metoo going too far. But I never question the validity of their anger. Just, occasionally, how they express it. After all, if we are told that “boys will be boys” then we should expect that in response, “girls will be girls”. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, not just men.

How to get out of this dilemma? Take reports of assault and rape seriously and investigate them, like any other significant crime. Listen to women and their concerns, and treat these concerns with respect.

I was once involved in a situation where a man was unfairly accused of something by a woman. After investigating, I helped defend the man, even though the woman was a friend of mine and I didn’t know the man all that well. Unfortunately, the social pressure against him forced him to move away to another city.

Yes, it happens. But I believe this is an exception. It just proves that you have to treat both sides fairly. Dismissing the man’s side is just as bad as dismissing the woman’s side.

Unfortunately, we seem to be typically much more willing to dismiss women. Or silence them.

© Bruce MacKinnon



John Oliver asks all the right questions. For example, why are the Republicans so desperate to put Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court? Couldn’t they find someone who is a little less of an asshole?

The interesting thing to me when I watch video of Kavanaugh is that he seems to be acting. I don’t get any feeling that he actually believes much of anything he is saying. He went from appearing on Fox News pretending to be a meek and innocent choir boy, to being spitting angry and insulting to senators (well, at least Democratic ones). I get the sense that he is just doing and saying what he has been told to do and say. It doesn’t matter if his marching orders are coming from the Federalist Society or from Donald Trump, he will be a good little conservative soldier doing their bidding (almost certainly including making sure that Donald Trump never has to answer for any crimes he may have committed).

If you don’t believe me, go back to Kavanaugh’s bizarre acceptance speech when he was nominated to the court. The first thing he said was this: “No president has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.” That is absolutely unbelievable. Trump (who never vets anyone very well) picked Kavanaugh from a list given to him by the Federalist Society. And even if it were true, why would Kavanaugh say something like this, unless it was to let Donald Trump know that he would do anything to please his masters?

And there were numerous lies and refusing to answer direct questions during Kavanaugh’s questioning by the Senate committee this week.

It seems like Kavanaugh was always this way, all the way back to when he was in high school, drinking hard (even though it was illegal) to prove that he was cool. Or bragging about his sexual conquests, even though he how claims he never had sex, even during college. Seriously?

If Americans buy this crap, they are bigger suckers than anyone thought.

p.s. Make sure you watch the SNL cold open.


Moral Compass?

If there was any doubt that conservatives — especially social conservatives who used to champion “respectable social behavior” — have completely lost any and all moral authority, you just have to look at the current situation with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Social conservatives have been pretending to hold the moral high ground, opposing supposed sins including gay marriage, abortion, even (and especially) premarital sex. Even birth control, as if sex without procreation is a sin.

Yes, the same people who condemn birth control and premarital sex are now at best silent and at worst condoning sexual assault, claiming that if you even investigate (never mind punish) Kavanaugh for what he is accused (by multiple women) of doing, then you would disqualify all men from being on the Supreme Court.

Really? Sexual assault is just normal teenage behavior? It isn’t even worth investigating? Wow.

I guess I missed that memo when I was a teenager. I don’t remember even being tempted to do any of these things that social conservatives are calling “normal” and “acceptable” for young men.

If that were actually true, then perhaps it would be a good idea to disqualify all men from the Supreme Court.

Truly, Republicans have now completely become the party of dirty old (white) men.

© Tom Tomorrow



Now that Donald Trump’s new tariffs against China are in effect, the question is what will this do to prices in the US. Here’s an article that lists what will probably increase in price the most:

Homes and home renovations
Washing machines
Solar panels

People have been complaining that the cost of iPhones will go up, and they almost certainly will, but the item on this list that surprised me is “beer”. I’m not sure why tariffs against China will impact the cost of beer, but if this is true and it happens before the midterms, the GOP is definitely screwed.

American companies have already announced that the tariffs would likely force them to raise prices, including Walmart, Gap, Coca-Cola and General Motors.



Sometimes, not always, but sometimes I think Donald Trump wants to lose his majority in Congress at the midterms. I know this sounds crazy, but what isn’t crazy now?

Look at it this way. Trump loves to complain about how unfair things are to him. With him as president and having majorities in both houses of Congress, he doesn’t really have anyone he can actually blame. He tries to blame Obama for the mysterious “deep state” that was installed in the executive branch that causes all his problems. He tries to blame Jeff Sessions (his own appointee) for the Russian investigation. He wants someone to blame.

And what does Trump have to lose? Other than the Republican tax cut, everything he has done has been by executive order, something he will still have the ability to do even if Congress turns solidly blue. And with a Democratic Congress he will be able to blame the Democrats for everything.

You might ask, but what about judicial appointments? If the Senate goes to the Democrats, it won’t be so easy to appoint conservative judges. He thought it would be fine if he gets Kavanaugh installed on the Supreme Court, but remember, even if the nomination fails, Trump still has until January to install a conservative, and establish a conservative majority.


When is a tax not a tax?

When it is called a tariff.

Republicans claim to be against tax increases. They attack anyone who they believe wants to raise taxes. And yet, they have ignored Trump’s tax increases. What increases? Donald Trump has, by executive fiat, levied taxes of up to 50% on goods being imported into the US, with the most common tariffs being 25%.

How does this differ from a tax? I can’t think of any substantiative difference. If you buy anything from China or other foreign nations, you will pay what is basically a sales tax to the federal government. Can you imagine the uproar if the government levied a sales tax of 25% on mobile phones, televisions, washing machines, solar panels, and other goods? Well, they have basically done that, and are threatening to tax those things even more.

And here’s the really interesting point. Sales taxes (including tariffs) are mainly paid by the middle class. The 1% don’t need to buy more than one iPhone or one washing machine, the same as working Americans. Not only do Trump’s tariffs fall disproportionately on poor and middle class Americans, they would hurt working Americans by reducing GDP, and cutting full time jobs by around 80,000.

On the other hand, the majority of the Republican tax cut at the end of 2017 benefitted the richest Americans and large corporations. After the tax cut was enacted, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin claimed 90% of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts. But the it turned out to be that only 4.3% of workers saw a wage increase or even a one-time bonus because of the tax cut.

So the Republicans and Trump have given us a tax cut and a tax increase. Is anyone surprised that the tax cut went mainly to the rich, and the tax increase will be largely paid by working, middle-class Americans? Remember this the next time the Republicans claim to be against tax increases. They are against tax increases only for themselves.


FEMA Fumbles

You can’t make this kind of stuff up. Can FEMA look any more incompetent?

With Hurricane Florence causing historically massive flooding on the east coast FEMA decided it was a good time to introduce a “Presidential alert” system, which would allow Donald Trump to send an emergency message to your mobile phone, which you cannot block and would interrupt phone calls and other usage of your phone. They announced that this system would be tested this Thursday, but then suddenly decided to delay that until October. Just what we need, Trump popping up on your phone unannounced and unavoidable. Still to be determined is how long will it take Trump to abuse this system by using it to brag about his beautiful accomplishments and attack people he doesn’t like.

Speaking of abuse, Trump unwisely decided this was a good time to complain about how under-appreciated his wonderful handling of Hurricane Maria was, which devastated Puerto Rico. All that did was to remind people of how bad a job the Trump administration has done with hurricanes in the past, just as we are facing down another massive hurricane. Not to mention that Trump claims climate change is a hoax and has eliminated almost all efforts to fight it, even though scientists agree that global warming is making hurricanes and other severe weather even more severe and deadly.

Incidentally, Trump’s head of FEMA jumped in to defend Trump, blaming “spousal abuse” for the death toll of Hurricane Maria. Seriously.

And speaking of FEMA chief Brock Long, he is now being investigated for personal use of government funds and equipment. Long is accused of breaking as many as six laws.

© Clay Jones



What will happen to Brett Kavanaugh? If the Republicans ram the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh down America’s throat, they are going to rile up Democrats (especially women) and probably lose additional seats during the midterms. But if they don’t, they will piss off their die-hard base, who might sit out the midterms in response. And hovering above all of this is the memory of how the Republicans blatantly stole the nomination of Merrick Garland from Obama and the Democrats.

© Pia Guerra


Obamacare Sabotage Backfires!

The Republicans have never tried to hide the fact that they are doing everything they can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Their hysterical campaign has included a barrage of frivolous lawsuits, purposely driving insurance firms out of markets, withholding reimbursements that were promised by the law, and rendering the individual mandate toothless. And their sabotage has continued despite the fact that Obamacare has steadily become more popular and is supported by a majority of Americans. And unlike the dramatic rate increases of the past, health insurance companies are actually talking about reducing rates for 2019.

And Republicans keep claiming that Obamacare is a socialist takeover of our healthcare system, even though it is nothing of the sort. They willfully ignore that the blueprint of the ACA was first drawn up by the conservative Heritage Foundation, and first implemented by Republican Mitt Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. Yes, that’s right, the Republicans came up with and supported the idea of an individual mandate.

But what Republican sabotage has done is to convince Democrats that a market-based solution like the ACA is simply too vulnerable to right-wing sabotage. So the only safe path to providing health insurance to more people is through public programs, since public programs like Medicare have not only succeeded and are very popular, they have resisted Republican attempts to sabotage them.

So the irony is that the right wing as been completely oblivious to how their uncompromising stand has actually strengthened the case for more left-wing health-care reforms, while undermining the basis for more moderate ones (which were originally conceived of by conservatives).

Next step? Medicare for all! After all, Donald Trump did promise healthcare coverage for everyone.


Rumor Control

Sometimes the news just writes itself. On Friday, FEMA tweeted this message:

It was retweeted by Donald Trump. Yup, the same person who the day before tweeted that the official government numbers for the death toll from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico are fake news cooked up by the Democrats. A tweet that was immediately debunked and even had Republicans rolling their eyes in disbelief.

The response on Twitter was immediate, asking “Where is the rumor control page for @realDonaldTrump’s Twitter feed? During this disaster of the Trump administration, it is critical to avoid spreading false information.”

Other people suggested that the best way to avoid spreading false information would be to take Trump’s phone away.


History of Anonymous Op-Eds

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

Does anyone feel better, knowing that there are members of the Trump administration who are actively working to keep us safe from the worst impulses of Donald Trump? Of course, we can’t thank them if they remain anonymous.
