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Speaking Truth to Lies

Yes it is true. Donald Trump, who says that Hillary Clinton should go to jail because she used a supposedly unsecured email server, is using an unsecured iPhone, and there is evidence that Chinese and Russian spies are listening in on his phone calls.

Even crazier, if you listen to what Trump is saying about his “middle class tax cut”, he contradicts himself one sentence later (in the video below). First he says they will pass such a tax cut before November. Then, when asked about the fact that Congress isn’t even in session until after the November election, he admits that Congress won’t vote on it until after the election. So he isn’t going to pass it before November at all, is he? He isn’t even very good at making stuff up!

On top of that, Trump claims that he is currently working with the Republican leadership on this, but none of them knew anything about it until after Trump started promising it.

There is more about this fictional tax cut starting at 6:10 in Stephen Colbert hilarious monologue on the Late Show. You should watch the whole video, as it is all about Trump’s exploding number of lies, often featuring clips of Trump lying.

UPDATE: On Saturday, Trump tried to justify his decision to hold two campaign events (a campaign rally in Illinois and a speech at an agricultural convention) the same day as a mass shooting killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

And with what happened early today — that horrible, horrible attack in Pittsburgh — I was saying maybe I should cancel both this and that. And then I said to myself, I remember Dick Grasso, a friend of mine, great guy. He headed up the New York Stock Exchange on September 11. And the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day. He said — and what they had to do to open it you wouldn’t believe. We won’t even talk to you about it. But he got that exchange open.

There’s just one problem. Trump made this all up. The NYSE didn’t reopen until Sept 17, the longest amount of time it was shut down since the Great Depression.


Problem Solved!

© Tom Tomorrow

And of course, now the latest scandal fades from our memory, replaced by a new scandal. And so it goes.


The Dark Ages

Actually, this comic brings up something I’ve always thought about. The Dark Ages happened after both the Greek and Roman civilizations. This is strong evidence that things like democracy, freedom, and the arts should not be taken for granted. They can — indeed they have — gone away, replaced by feudalism and serfdom.

I have often wondered how this happened. How could civilization go backwards? And are we seeing the start of the same thing now, with the US backsliding toward a new version of the dark ages where science is once again abandoned and replaced by various doctrines? Where the rule of law is replaced by might makes right? And where individual liberty is replaced by legions of dittoheads, sucking up propaganda like babies?


Playing the Victims

A new survey conducted by YouGov and The Economist teases out something that we have long suspected. Trump voters say that men are discriminated against more than gays, women, and ethnic minorities.

According to the result, the percentage of Trump voters who believe that the following groups face “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of discrimination in America today are:

  • Men — 49%
  • Hispanics — 42%
  • LGBQT — 41%
  • Blacks — 38%
  • Women — 30%

How did so many people convince themselves that men are victims of discrimination? It is almost enough to make you feel sorry for men. Well, maybe not.

Among people who voted for Hillary Clinton, only 11% said that men face discrimination in the US.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration is trying to redefine gender to mean the biological gender you were assigned at birth (listed on your birth certificate). In the US, there are around 1.4 million people who recognize themselves as a gender other than the one on their birth certificate.


How to Vote

Cute video.

If you pause it at 1:18 you can see him voting for Lily Tomlin over Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, and Carol Burnett for the important post of Minister of Comic Relief. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.

And be sure to vote.


Promises, Promises

On Saturday, Donald Trump told reporters in Nevada that he was working with Republican congressional leaders on “a very major tax cut for middle-income people” to be announced in early November or just before November. In other words, right before the midterm election.

There’s just a couple of big problems. Congress is not even in session again until after the midterm election. And it is their lame duck session, when something as big as this is almost impossible to pass. In other words, there is basically zero chance that this will happen.

Not only that, but he claimed that the big tax cut he already passed would help middle class people, and we know how that turned out.

One pattern we have seen over and over again with Trump is that he promises something big, his base eats it up, and even the media report on it, and then nothing actually happens. Once again, he’s just blowing smoke. How many times will Americans fall for this flim-flam before they wake up?

Remember health insurance? Trump promised “No one will lose coverage. There will be insurance for everybody. Healthcare will be a “lot less expensive” for everyone — the government, consumers, providers.” Yup, that was way too good to be true.

Or when he promised that North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat? That dissolved after a week.

He promised he would never approve the AT&T / Time Warner merger. They merged.

He even promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Nope.

Digging a little deeper, Trump promised that he would not take vacations or time off. He even attacked Obama for golfing, but has gone golfing far more than Obama ever did. And then there his his so-called “executive time“. What a joke.


Could our politics get any crazier?

Sure they could!

© Brian McFadden

There’s only a few weeks before the election. People (including me) have noted that when Donald Trump accuses someone of something, it is probably true that he himself is guilty of the same thing (or worse).

  • Will evidence surface that Trump was actually born in Kenya?
  • Will we find out that Trump had an affair with Hillary Clinton after Bill’s infidelity?
  • Will Melania Trump confess to being an illegal immigrant and get herself deported to escape from Donald?
  • Will we find out that Ted Cruz is actually a mole planted by the Canadian government?
  • Will evidence surface that Trump’s children are all gay? And at least one of them was born with the opposite gender?
  • Doctors will find a chip in Trump’s brain that was implanted by the Russians?
  • And (hopefully) will we find out that Trump has been trying to throw the midterm elections for the Democrats so that he can continue to play the victim to his base?

If you think these things are too crazy, you probably aren’t paying enough attention.


The Likely End

You have scientists on both sides of it. My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years, Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture.

— Donald Trump, repeating lies about climate change.

© Tom Tomorrow

The only thing this comic left out was the right blaming the asteroid on Obama and/or Clinton.


Congenital Falsehoods

“I like the Saudis; they are very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They buy all sorts of my stuff — all kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

— Donald Trump, quoted by CNN at a July 2015 campaign rally.

“For the record, I have no financial interests in Saudi Arabia (or Russia, for that matter). Any suggestion that I have is just more fake news (of which there is plenty)!”

— Trump, on Twitter yesterday.



© Garry Trudeau


Another Puerto Rico?

Hurricane Michael left death and destruction across the SouthEast, but Donald Trump said it was ok for him to go ahead and hold a political rally, because:

We had it under great control. Because FEMA and everything else. We had White House, we had on the plane, on Air Force One. I was totally monitoring. So I went in and made the speech and everybody was happy.

There’s just one problem. Survivors of the storm and local officials say that FEMA is nowhere to be seen. One survivor summed it up:

We’re not getting any help. We need food. It’s just crazy.

So far, the only official response they had seen was when the police arrived and told everyone to leave, saying that there was nothing they could do and that it would take a long time to start rebuilding. People are comparing the SouthEast US to Puerto Rico, where the slow response left people without electricity for a year.

Ironically, soon after that a pickup truck arrived with a bunch of water. It wasn’t FEMA, it was two brothers who had just decided themselves to drive from Louisiana to help. Meanwhile, Federal, state, and local officials admitted that it would be days before they would be able to get food or water to anyone. They suggested that people should try to save what food and water they had.

Another resident called FEMA and they referred her to the Red Cross. She then called the Red Cross, but they just suggested that she call emergency number 211.

We should expect even worse storms to become the new normal. The hurricanes that plague the American side of the Atlantic rarely affect Europe, but Hurricane Leslie has made it all the way across that ocean and is now hitting Portugal and Spain with unprecedented winds and rain.

© Robert Ariall


Retired Bipartisanship

Bipartisanship may be dead in Congress, but it might still be clinging on to life among some retired political figures.

Remember the video that surfaced from John McCain’s funeral, showing George W Bush passing something to Michelle Obama? It was a sweet video, but it is even better than that.

Michelle Obama appeared on the Today show on Thursday, and explained that because of protocol she and former president Bush are “forever seat mates” at official events.

I didn’t realize at the time that anybody noticed what we were doing… That’s how we sit at all the official functions, so he is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather… I love him to death.

Obama also revealed that the object Bush passed to her was a cough drop, and a very old one at that:

That’s the funny thing, because they were in the little White House box, and I was like, ‘How long have you had these?’ And he said, ‘A long time, we got a lot of these.’

I admire people who respect others and get along with them, even if they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. We need more people – and politicians – like that.


Lie like you just don’t care

I know none of this is a surprise, but given that Trump’s campaign rallies have gotten so old and tired that even Fox News isn’t broadcasting them live anymore, this seems particularly germane.

Yesterday, Donald Trump defended his decision to proceed with a political rally in Pennsylvania as hurricane Michael devastated the Florida panhandle and wreaked havoc across the SE US. His excuse? He claimed that he could not disappoint his many fans. Seriously.

On a telephone call to “Fox and Friends”, Trump said:

We had thousands of people standing on line. It’s a great thing that’s happening. It’s a great movement in our country. I go make a speech in a 12,000-seat auditorium, and people start lining up two days early. I mean, literally, they bring tents.

But the local newspaper reports that the capacity of the auditorium is 9000, something that is easily verified. And the line for the rally did not start two days early, as Trump claims, it started earlier the same day as the event, around 12 hours early.

Trump lies for absolutely no reason. Even if the lies are easily disproved. And just to feed his own ego. But it gets worse.

Add hypocrisy to this. Trump excoriated Barack Obama in 2012, tweeting:

Yesterday Obama campaigned with JayZ & Springsteen while Hurricane Sandy victims across NY & NJ are still decimated by Sandy. Wrong!

And that was for Obama campaigning days after hurricane Sandy dissipated, while Trump was happy to campaign while hurricane Michael was actively killing people and destroying whole towns. Talk about fiddling while your country burns.

And to add insult to literal injury, during the campaign rally Trump mocked the #MeToo movement.

Trump also found time to have lunch with Kanye West the same day. Priorities.


October Surprise?

Yes, the Republicans did manage to get an accused attempted rapist confirmed to the Supreme Court, but that seems to be the only good news for them.

Yesterday, the Dow Jones average dropped 832 points. This has Wall Street rattled, and further drops are expected. On top of that, stock in Ford Motor Co. is down 29% and the company has announced that they are laying off 12% of its workforce. Interestingly, the company is blaming Donald Trump’s tariffs.

So, how will the election go if the economy goes south. Despite the fact that Trump has done little to improve the economy, he has been repeatedly taking credit for the (formerly) high stock market and low unemployment. Will he still feel the same way, or will he find a way to blame an economic slump on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or even kneeling football players?

But that isn’t the worst news for Trump. The news that Trump almost certainly feels the worst about is that Fox News is going to stop broadcasting his rallies live. The ratings for them have been dropping and are just too low now. And with Trump getting less of the attention he craves, look for him to pull some crazy stunt to get back into the news. It might get ugly.

UPDATE: The Dow continued to drop on Thursday, for a two-day loss of more than 1300 points. We’ll see what happens Friday.


Immigration Hypocrisy

Everyone has been focused on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, so of course the Republicans have taken this distraction as an opportunity to sneak in some things they wanted. Probably the most hypocritical example is a proposed new regulation that affects legal immigrants.

The new regulation will deny “green cards” (residency) to legal immigrants if they have received any kind of government assistance. The benefit programs that are targeted include food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare Part D (prescription drug subsidies), and housing assistance. So if any legal immigrant utilizes any of these programs, they will not be allowed to become permanent residents and will have to leave the US when their temporary visa expires.

For example, if someone from another country comes to the US on a student visa to attend a university, even if a company really wants to hire them they will have difficulty staying here if, even temporarily, they receive government assistance. For example, if they get in a serious accident and can’t afford our extremely expensive healthcare costs, they will have to choose between medical care and the possibility of becoming a resident in the future.

This will restrict children’s access to food and health care. In fact, it already has, as immigrants are already turning down government subsidies to help them buy staple foods and infant formula for fear that it will be used against them if they ever want to become a permanent legal resident.

Again, this will mainly target legal immigrants, because illegal immigrants are already barred from most federal benefits.

But the thing that is really insidious about this is that the new regulation allows permanent residency to be denied if the government anticipates that the the immigrant may utilize government benefits in the future. I can see where this will go, as Republicans deny residency for legal immigrants who are likely to vote against Republicans if they ever become US citizens. You know, the same way that they are making it harder for Democratic citizens to vote.

How hypocritical is this? Remember that Donald Trump is married to an illegal immigrant.
