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Palin quits, to prove she is not a quitter

Also, a great answer to the question of whether or not Palin is planning on running for President in 2012 from Electoral Vote:

She probably doesn’t know what she is going to do in 2012 yet. God will tell her when he’s ready to do so.

Donna Barstow
© Donna Barstow

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett

Chip Bok
© Chip Bok

UPDATE: Margaret and Helen get their rant on about Palin “Sarah Palin Called a Family Meeting and the Rabbit Lived“.


Insurance companies will get you fired to avoid paying for your care

DailyKos has a must-read story about how a woman got (and was cured of) leukemia, and the lengths the insurance companies will go to in order to avoid paying for her care.

This is how it is explained to her by a social worker:

If you worked for a company that offered insurance, if you carried your family’s insurance, next year your insurer would slap a million dollar surcharge on the company policy for carrying a leukemia patient. The company would get the bill and someone in accounting would question “what is this extra million dollars we are being billed?”

The insurance company would explain to them that the million is for you, and it is yearly, but is, ahem, “fixable.” They will say “as long as she is on your insurance (wink, wink) this charge will be there. So what you have to ask yourself (more wink, wink) is whether this employee is worth a million dollar a year salary on top of what you are already paying her.”

Social worker said she had seen small business owners go almost broke trying to cover this charge, and had even heard of one who defiantly did go broke, throwing all of the employees out of work. But more usually, she said, they just fire you.

“Wait, wait!” say you, “Isn’t it illegal to fire someone for their health history? Suppose I’m all well and working?”

She looks at you with more pity, says yes, so of course they will have to find “cause” to fire you, which any employer can always do.

“But I am a very, very good employee!” you protest.

“Yes,” she says, “but they can always find some cause.” The real problem she goes on to explain, is that you will find a new job, that company’s insurer will slap them with the surcharge, they will take their turn at firing you, until you’ve been through six or seven jobs in a year, fired “for cause” from all of them, which of course looks very, very bad to a prospective employer.

“So in a year or so of this, you will not just be uninsurable, you will also be unemployable.”

This is what happens when health insurance is run as a for-profit business. Eventually, the insurance companies force you onto Medicaid, which means that the government picks up the tab for you anyway. So the taxpayers are already paying for socialized medicine (on top of paying for their expensive private health insurance, if they can get it).


Late Night Political Humor

“There was a surprising announcement over the weekend. Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is leaving office. She’s stepping down. Something I said?” – David Letterman

“Of course, the very big news, you can’t avoid it, Sarah Palin’s quitting as governor of Alaska. Everybody is shocked. Palin hasn’t made a decision this controversial since deciding whether to wear her hair up or down.” – Craig Ferguson

“But a lot of public figures do this. And I’ve tried to do it. Doesn’t work. You blame the media. When you have trouble, you blame the media. And today, as a matter of fact, she was up in a helicopter, shooting Wolf Blitzer.” – David Letterman

“Over the weekend, Sarah Palin shocked the country by resigning as governor of Alaska. Out of nowhere. It’s crazy. She resigned. Yeah, Republicans aren’t sure who is going to fill her role in the party. But they are in talks with several of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.” – Conan O’Brien

“But I was talking to a lady here in the audience who’s from Alaska. And we were wondering about this. How does a thing like this work? Because she steps down and no longer the governor of Alaska. And we figured it out, the title now is Miss Congeniality steps up — I think — is now the governor of Alaska. I think so.” – David Letterman

“Don’t worry about the state of Alaska. They’ll be fine. According to the state constitution, the job automatically goes to the lieutenant governor, Chilly Willy.” – Craig Ferguson

“In her resignation speech, Sarah Palin said she polled her children on whether she should resign and the count was unanimous. Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, even her children thought she was in over her head.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is in Russia. And we know this because Sarah Palin says she can see him from her house.” – David Letterman

“President Obama right now is in Russia. Yeah, Obama went there because from Russia, you can actually see Sarah Palin cleaning out her office in Alaska.” – Conan O’Brien

“But he’s over there. He’s talking about getting some major concessions from the Russians. And Russia has agreed — now, this is surprising — they agreed now to produce fewer nuclear warheads and more hot tennis babes.” – David Letterman

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, here’s something very exciting. President Obama is in Russia, although he told his staff he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail.” – David Letterman

“It’s been reported that Governor Sanford’s mistress was a reporter for an Argentinean news channel. Did you know that? That’s true. Yeah, this makes Sanford just the latest Republican to claim he got screwed by the media.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mark Sanford described his girlfriend as his ‘soulmate.’ And I thought, well, if there is one thing that beautiful women love, it’s a fiscal conservative, am I right?” – David Letterman

“South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford returned to work today after spending a holiday weekend in Florida with his wife and children. Yeah. Or as Sanford called the weekend, ‘a total waste of time.'” – Conan O’Brien

“But Governor Mark Sanford didn’t really enjoy this year’s Fourth of July. He left his favorite firecracker in Argentina.” – David Letterman

“Speaking of political sex scandals, there’s a rumor that former presidential candidate John Edwards made a sex tape with his mistress. It’s true. Yeah, sources say the tape starts off with 45 minutes of John Edwards running his fingers through his own hair.” – Conan O’Brien

“How about that North Korea? Over the weekend, launched seven missiles, and Joe Biden, the Vice President, says that they’re just trying to get attention. Well, that should calm things down.” – David Letterman

“Everybody have a nice, happy Fourth of July? We took Mom to see the fireworks. I thought it was going to be a lot of fun. Every time, a big one goes off, my mom screams, ‘It’s North Korea! It’s North Korea! Run!'” – David Letterman


Biblical Science – AIIIIiiiiieeee!

From Discover Magazine, of all places, here is Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) packing a multiple wallop of irony into just a few seconds:

Yes, she really did state (twice) that the earth is 6000 years old, and not as a claim but as a simple fact that she is using to justify mining for uranium. As Discover puts it:

The irony, of course — and there’s always irony when creationism is involved — is that she’s talking about uranium mining, and it’s through the radioactive decay of uranium that we know the Earth is billions of years old. And she also praises technological achievements!


As if that were not enough irony, if she is claiming that we’ve been here 6000 years without being done away with, isn’t she forgetting about the Biblical flood?

Here is the transcript:

I can’t say enough how it’s time that we get beyond and, and start focusing on the technology we have and move forward into the future so that our grandchildren can have the same lifestyle we have. And, and this earth’s been here 6000 years — and I know I’m going on and on and I’ll shut up — it’s been here 6000 years, long before anybody had environmental laws and somehow it hasn’t been done away with. And, uh, we need to get the uranium here in Arizona so this state can get the money from it, and the revenue from it. And it can be done safely, and you’ll never even know the mine was there when they’re done. I am for this.

Thanks to AstroEngine.


Resigning yourself to the inevitable

Monte Wolverton
© Monte Wolverton

Palin’s lawyer claims that “There is no shoe to drop”.

Matt Davies
© Matt Davies


Carbongate – using irony as a weapon?

After all the recent bad news, the Republicans must be feeling a bit defensive and embattled. Because they are trying really hard to create a scandal for Obama, which they are even helpfully calling “Carbongate“.

The story started with a report authored by EPA analyst Alan Carlin that questioned the impact of carbon dioxide on global warming. The “scandal” is that the EPA did not incorporate his report into the official EPA finding, and suggested Carlin stop working on climate change.

Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) ordered an investigation, saying “We’re going to expose it.” Not waiting for the investigation, Inhofe announced his own results: “He came out with the truth. They don’t want the truth at the EPA.” And Representative Joe Barton (R-Texas) proclaims “just as Nixon had Watergate, Obama now has Carbongate to deal with.”

However, conservatives are again showing that they don’t really understand irony (either that, or they just figure if they repeat something often enough, that the media will pick it up and people might start to believe it). The problem? Well, there are multiple problems:

  • First, the report itself is bad. Seriously, citing-astrologers-to-support-their-claims bad. Never mind that Carlin is not a climate scientist (he’s an economist). And he collaborated with the leader of the “Friends of Science” — an astroturf anti-climate-science lobbying group.
  • Second, the government has been trying to ignore Carlin’s reports since long before Obama took office. According to Carlin, “To the best of my knowledge, the Bush administration never followed up on my ideas.” So how could this possibly be a scandal for Obama? And how bad does your report have to be if even the Bush administration — who desperately wanted to discredit climate change — ignored you?
  • Carbongate? What is it with Republicans using the “gate” suffix for political scandals? Are they purposely reminding us of Watergate? I didn’t see any Democrats talking about “Argentina-gate”. This is worse than the Republicans recently bringing up Katrina as an example of how government is incompetent.
  • And what kind of chutzpah does it take for Republicans to accuse Obama of ignoring science? During the Bush administration, 60% of the EPA staff scientists who responded to a survey reported they had experienced incidents of political interference with their work. These are the same wing-nuts who don’t believe in evolution.

If the Republicans are trying to be ironic by pointing out an example of Obama ignoring science, then they picked a very bad example, since it only points out their own hypocrisy.


Gingrich’s vision for Republicans — vote for Democrats

In an interview in the Washington Times, Newt Gingrich lays out his vision for conservatives and Republicans. He calls it “thinking outside the party-label box”.

What Gingrich is saying is that the Republican brand is so damaged, that Republicans must promote conservative Democrats (!)

I would urge conservatives in California to find a Democrat to run in every Assembly and Senate seat in California that can’t be contested by Republicans and then to run a Republican in every seat they could possibly win, and then have an overt goal of creating a bipartisan conservative coalition. I’d do the same thing nationally.

There may be some method to Gingrich’s madness. If conservatives manage to do to the Democratic party what they did to the Republican party during the Bush administration, then that would leave the field open so that the Republicans can just go back to being the party owned by multinational corporations and bankers.


How lobbyists are destroying our democracy and what we can do about it

Allison Kilkenny has a satisfying rant about how banning lobbying might just save American democracy.

The American people are now competing with a giant cash machine that pumps over a million dollars a day into preventing a public healthcare option from ever becoming a reality. … In the United States, players only get to ante into the democracy game if they have enough cash.


Palin scolded Hillary for whining about tough media coverage

Whenever you see Sarah Palin complain about the “gotcha media”, just remember this video of her telling Hillary Clinton that she shouldn’t whine about her rough handling by the media:

Fair or unfair—and I do think that it’s a more concentrated criticism that Hillary gets on so many fronts; I think that’s unfortunate. But fair or unfair, I think she does herself a disservice to even mention it, really. You have to plow through that and know what you’re getting into. I say this with all due respect to Hillary Clinton and to her experience and to her passion for changing the status quo. But when I hear a statement like that coming from a women candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or a sharper microscope put on her, I think, man, that doesn’t do us any good. Women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country, I don’t think it bodes well for her, a statement like that. Because, again, fair or not fair it is there. I think it’s reality and it’s a given, people just accept that she’s going to be under a sharper microscope. So be it. Work harder, prove to yourself to an even greater degree that you’re capable, that you’re going to be the best candidate. That’s what she wants us to believe at this point. So it bothers me a little bit to hear her bring that attention to herself on that level.

UPDATE: Maureen Dowd’s column on Palin’s resignation is hilarious: “Sarah wanted everyone to know that she’s not having fun and people are being mean to her and she doesn’t feel like finishing her first term as governor.”


Irony in Advertising

The Consumerist has a wonderful article “Top 10 Ironic Ads from History“. These are old advertisements that innocently promoted something that eventually went horribly wrong:

  • A Union Carbide ad about how “Science helps build a new India” — before one of their plants killed 25 thousand people there.
  • An ad for asbestos “When life depends on it, you use asbestos”.
  • An ad that inadvertently tells the truth: “This child’s life may depend on the safety of Distaval”. Distaval is a trade name for thalidomide, a drug that was responsible for tens of thousands of serious birth defects.
  • An ad for Heroin — Bayer once owned the trademark on the name heroin!
  • A public service ad filmed by James Dean to encourage safe driving, which was never used after Dean was killed in his speeding sports car.
  • And of course the ad proclaiming that “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette”

I purposely didn’t include images of the ads, so you would have to go read the original.



Paul Peterson and Yul Tolbert
© Paul Peterson and Yul Tolbert


No More Excuses, Democrats!

Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson


Flip-flopping Judges

Three different judges, all of them appointed by Dubya, have now rejected arguments from the Justice Department concerning executive authority to deal with detainees. What makes this ironic is that these same arguments pretty much got a pass when Dubya was president.

Legal analyist Jonathan Turley says:

It took a while for the courts to turn on George Bush. Obama’s not getting that same period. The fact that these are Republican appointees tends to add an exclamation point to their decisions.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree that the executive branch overstepped their bounds during Bush’s presidency, but I wish that these judges had figured that out a long time ago. As it is, Bush has created a very sticky problem for Obama. We now have people who we have been holding illegally for a very long time. Some are almost certainly innocent, but after being abused or even tortured now probably hate the US enough to become terrorists. And those who were already terrorists probably cannot be tried because evidence has been tainted by torture and other screw-ups.

So not only have we probably created more terrorists, we can’t prosecute the guilty. And if we end up releasing these people (guilty or not) and even one of them commits a terrorist act, I’m sure Cheney and the neocons are going to blame Obama for making us less safe, even though it is Republican judges who are now telling Obama that he cannot hold these people.

Irony isn’t always funny.


A New Way to Marry into Money

I’ve heard of marrying someone for their money, but this is a new twist.

It turns out that back in 2004, an Securities and Exchanges lawyer warned that Bernie Madoff’s business “didn’t add up”. She even asked for further investigation. Madoff, of course, was running a massive ponzi scheme that ended up bilking investors out of $50 Billion (the largest fraud in history).

A large part of the fraud could have been prevented. But the investigation didn’t happen, and the lawyer was told by her supervisor to concentrate on other things. Why? We may never know, but her boss’s boss, Eric Swanson later married Madoff’s niece.

And you thought we didn’t have dowries in the USA.


Palin Surprises Everyone

Just about everyone was caught by Sarah Palin’s surprise announcement that she is resigning as governor of Alaska. So far, nobody has any idea why she is stepping down. She was expected to announce that she would not run for reelection — possibly to free her up for a presidential bid in 2012 — but to resign before she has served out her term as governor?

Andrew Sullivan has a good survey of the reactions, which range from “Bizarre” to “Unless she’s a total moron, there’s no way she’s running for president. Then again, maybe she is a total moron.” And of course, her rabid supporters over at Free Republic are very unhappy.

So far, the only reason that anyone has advanced as to why she is resigning is this (probably doctored) photo:

The Proverbial Tundra

If you have any idea of what Palin is thinking, let us know in the comments.

UPDATE: At the suggestion of a commenter, I reviewed the video and I now do not believe that the photo is doctored. And of course I never thought that she was actually pregnant. But I still think it is ironic, given the role that various pregnancies have played in this story. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone.

UPDATE 2: A possible reason? A new scandal brewing.

UPDATE 3: Palin responds, threatening a defamation suit.

UPDATE 4: FBI denies that Palin is under investigation for corruption (as was postulated previously — see update 2).
