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Congressional Sympathy

Bill Day
© Bill Day


Fee-d Me!

What’s ironic about this is that banks actually are making up for their losses by increasing their fees. The conclusion? “We [bank customers] will have to be on our toes to avoid getting tripped up.”


Late Night Political Humor

“In the end Sotomayor coasted through the hearings by proving she had a great respect for judicial precedent. The judicial precedent being that Supreme Court nominees do their best during a hearing to say nothing.” – Jon Stewart

“Earlier today, at her confirmation hearing, Sonia Sotomayor said that judges gather information from everywhere, including Wikipedia, which explains why she kept citing the landmark case Roe v. Wade Boggs.” – Conan O’Brien

“Have you had a chance to watch the confirmation hearings going down at Washington, D.C., with Sonia Sotomayor, to be the next Supreme Court justice? And it’s been like three or four days now. I’m telling you, she is on fire. She is so confident about getting the confirmation. Did you see this morning? She opened up, she goes outside the Capitol, does a couple of songs on the marquee.” – David Letterman

“Here in California, we have no money. Our budget situation is a mess. And when you have no money, what do you do? You sell drugs, right? A state representative from San Francisco just introduced a bill that would legalize marijuana. He claims it would raise almost $1.5 billion a year for the state in taxes, and another $3 billion in Cheeto sales.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ladies and gentlemen, California may have solved its budget problems. True story — a politician in California has proposed a plan that eliminates the state’s budget deficit by legalizing and taxing the sale of marijuana. It’s called Proposition Fo’ Shizzle.” – Conan O’Brien

“I got the latest on South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. Governor Sanford is spending this week on vacation with his wife in order to improve their marriage. Apparently, it’s not going well, because Sanford keeps introducing his wife as ‘my wing man.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton’s in the news. She’s recovering very well from her broken elbow. They revealed this today in the paper. As part of Hillary Clinton’s physical therapy for her elbow, several times a day, doctors have her repeatedly squeeze a gelatinous ball. Yeah, although it was Hillary’s idea to scream, ‘Take that, you son of a bitch!'” – Conan O’Brien

“John McCain’s in the news. CNN reports that Senator John McCain has more than a million followers on Twitter. And apparently, every single one of McCain’s tweets says, ‘The nurse is stealing from me.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Earlier today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he will strike Iran’s enemies ‘in the face so hard’ that they will lose their way home. Then he told Israel to meet him after school by the flagpole.” – Conan O’Brien


Oops, that’s not funny

from MotiFake


We’re Screwed!

Bill Day
© Bill Day


Late Night Political Humor

“Sonia Sotomayor in the news. She’s testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And she has said that she ‘felt out of place attending Princeton.’ Sotomayor says there were so many white males in Princeton, she felt like she was testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.” – Conan O’Brien

“Have you been watching the confirmation hearings going on down there in Washington, D.C.? Sonia Sotomayor, the hearings, have you been watching those? Good news, the FDA has just approved a new, non-drowsy version of Senator Orrin Hatch. Boy, do we need it now!” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, Democrats in the House introduced a 1,000-page national healthcare plan. To make sure at least some people read it, they named it ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Pound Proposal.'” – Conan O’Brien

“How about that Harry Potter movie? Opened today as a matter of fact. In this one, Harry goes up against Dick Cheney and his secret CIA hit squad.” – David Letterman

“Folks see the All-Star Game last night, the baseball All-Star Game? Whew! I thought this was exciting. President Obama threw out the first pitch. Did you see that? Because they were playing in St. Louis at a National League park, he also had to bat. Were you aware of that?” – David Letterman

“Barack Obama threw out the first pitch at the baseball All-Star Game last night. And I know the President is busy, but he really needs a personal shopper. Once again, Obama appeared in public in a pair of heavily starched, stonewashed jeans with a big crease down the front of them, as if his mom had ironed them or something.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But he admitted today that after throwing out the first pitch, his arm was a little sore. And today, Rush Limbaugh offered him some OxyContin.” – David Letterman

“I thought it was fascinating how the New York papers covered the All-Star Game and Obama throwing out the first pitch. New York Times said that Obama threw a perfect strike. Daily News said he threw a ball. The New York Post said he was making out with Kate Hudson.” – David Letterman

“South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is trying to bounce back from his sex scandal. Sanford has cleared his schedule this week to take a personal trip with his wife. Isn’t that nice? Sanford said he wanted to go somewhere exotic and romantic, but he’s going to get this trip with his wife out of the way first.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bill Clinton revealed that he now supports same-sex marriage, even though he opposed it during his presidency. To be fair, during his presidency, he also opposed his own marriage.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This is weird. In a recent interview, Levi Johnston said that Sarah Palin could never handle the responsibility of being president. Then he said, ‘Oh, hell, where did I leave that baby?'” – Conan O’Brien

“The Obama administration is considering replacing the color-coded terror alert system. Yeah. They’re not sure what they’re going to replace it. But anything where you spend ten minutes at the airport going, ‘Wait. Is the orange bad or is the orange good?’ ‘Well oranges are good.’ ‘I don’t like oranges.’ ‘What do you mean you don’t like oranges?’ ‘I don’t like them. I never liked them.’ ‘You don’t like clementines?’ ‘What are clementines?’ ‘They’re like tangerines or something.’ ‘No, tangerines are tangerines. What is a clementine?’ ‘I don’t know, oh wait we missed our flight.’ Terrorists! Terrorists, they do this to us.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend is the 10th anniversary of ‘SpongeBob SquarePants.’ President Obama recently said SpongeBob is his favorite cartoon. He loves to watch that silly little guy run around and say crazy stuff, annoying everyone. Reminds him of Joe Biden.” – Craig Ferguson

“Nine survivors of shark attacks recently went to Washington, D.C., to press the Senate to put new restrictions on shark fishing. The Senate met with the leader of the group, Torso Jones.” – Conan O’Brien


Republican Rumble

RJ Matson
© RJ Matson


The Bono-Bush Hug Dodge

At the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast, U2 singer Bono stiffed then-president Bush out of a photo op when Bush tried to give Bono a hug. He dodged the hug by stepping behind the podium, and thought that nobody noticed. But when he sat down, he was sitting next to then-Senator Barack Obama. In the following video, Bono relates that Obama leaned over and said “Nice work with the hug dodge.”


One Dumb Comment

The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee keep bringing up the Wise Latina quote:

Clay Jones
© Clay Jones

Mike Luckovich
© Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor had her second day in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. I guess they have to do that in order to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Her confirmation is pretty much a forgone conclusion, but even the leading Republican said the only way she would not be confirmed is if she had a meltdown, in which case she’d be named the governor of Alaska.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I spent all day watching the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings. It was like watching Ambien-colored paint dry. It was so boring, it put her own family to sleep. I believe they were dreaming about something much more exciting, like Joe Biden filling ice cube trays.” – Stephen Colbert

“I guess everyone is following Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Did you hear what happened yesterday? Her twin nephews fell asleep during the hearings. But in their defense, they were watching a Supreme Court confirmation hearing. What are you supposed to do? Root for it? Start the wave?” – Jimmy Fallon

For her part, Sonia Sotomayor sat perfectly still as senator after senator after senator talked over her, at her, and down to her. Never, ever moving. In fact, at one point, she sat so still her body’s screensaver came on.” – Jon Stewart

“More details are coming out about Judge Sotomayor. Apparently, she’s a big New York Yankee fan. This is good news for the Yankees because they really need a strong lefty off the bench.” – Conan O’Brien

“Are you watching the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court? Are you watching those? Day two. Fascinating stuff. And, man, did you see it this morning? Had the place going crazy. She shows up and right off the bat, she opens up with ‘I Dreamed a Dream’. Wow!” – David Letterman

“Then this was odd. Kind of awkward. When everybody calmed down, Clarence Thomas sent over a mojito.” – David Letterman

“Of course, Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings are under way. It’s interesting. Political experts say that if Republican senators attack Sonia Sotomayor too harshly, they could alienate Latino members of their own party. This may explain with Republicans opened every question with, ‘As a huge fan of Santana.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Everybody knows Sotomayor will get confirmed. Even the GOP can’t take her on, because she is the first Hispanic nominated to the Supreme Court, and they don’t want to offend Latino voters. That’s why they no longer talk about the ‘border fence.’ It’s now called the ‘welcome wall.'” – Stephen Colbert

“Democrats want an investigation into a secret CIA program that was concealed from Congress by Dick Cheney. The program is so secret, Cheney could tell you about it, but then he’d have to take you hunting.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You remember Dick Cheney, who was the Vice President for eight years with George W. Bush? And we didn’t think much about Dick Cheney and then one day he goes hunting, boy, that changed everything. Well now it turns out that for eight years, Dick Cheney had a secret hit squad to assassinate al Qaeda leaders. And the team was unbelievable. Here’s who was on the team: Lee Marvin; Jim Brown; John Cassavetes; Telly Savales; and Trini Lopez as Pedro.” – David Letterman

“But the secret assassination squad, tough group of guys. To make the team, you had to survive a hunting trip with Cheney.” – David Letterman

“Now here is the thing. Here are the two sides of this. The ying and the yang. Idea was we’d kill off al Qaeda leaders. That’s the ying, I guess. The yang is completely illegal. But, listen to this. Before you make your judgment, before you decide, if it weren’t for Dick Cheney and his secret assassination squad, Osama bin Laden would be alive today.” – David Letterman

“Now, you know, there’s a brand new audio tape from Osama bin Laden. You know what the guy does, like, every couple of months, he’ll shoot out a new audio tape. It’s just to irritate people and get them all worked up and stuff. Should really be stopped. But in the new tape, they know it’s current because he talks about his ex-wife’s new book that she’s written about him. In the new tape, he says, ‘Yeah, well, let me tell you something. If you’d be married to her, you’d be drunk all the time, too. You try living in a cave with that woman!'” – David Letterman

“Did you see this, yesterday in Washington? President Obama was in the middle of giving a speech when his teleprompter fell to the floor and shattered. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s teleprompter has been treated for exhaustion.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama’s teleprompter fell to the ground and shattered yesterday during a speech on the economy. Wow, even speeches about the economy are crashing. That’s bad. That’s not good.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This happened yesterday at the White House. President Obama was talking to a bunch of people and he’s using a teleprompter, tells him exactly what to say, they got the teleprompter, the things rolling by like that. All of a sudden, it overheats and explodes and crashes to the ground. The teleprompter. I read that, I said, ‘Boy, I’m disappointed in this guy. What kind of a guy can’t think and speak on his — flip the card for me — on his feet.'” – David Letterman

“I mean, you probably know what a teleprompter is, the machine that tells you what to say. In Bush’s case, it was Cheney.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, former President Bill Clinton said he supports gay marriage. However, Clinton still remains very much strongly opposed to straight marriage.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaking of former presidents, yesterday, former President George W. Bush released the final list of all the guests who stayed overnight at the White House when he was president. The most frequent visitor was someone known as ‘The Wiggles.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Sarah Palin’s friends say they are worried about her because she looks frail and her hair is thinning. It’s all part of her plan to run for president in 2012 as John McCain.” – Jimmy Fallon


Gold in Sacks

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson

Paul Krugman, on the massive bonuses that Goldman Sacks is preparing to hand out to their employees (an average of over $1 million per employee!), just a few months after the massive federal bailout, and why this is almost certainly very bad for America.

And Andy Borowitz reports that Goldman Sachs is in talks to acquire the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The big benefit would be that this will “streamline things”. The biggest problem Goldman Sachs has with the acquisition? “Trying to figure out which parts of the Treasury Dept. we don’t already own.”


Fishing for Answers

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Today, the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor got under way. And, of course, people have opinions on both sides. Critics of Judge Sotomayor claim that she has a bias against white people. But this morning, she proved them wrong by showing up at the hearings wearing a Coldplay t-shirt and carrying a yoga mat.” – Conan O’Brien

“They began the confirmation hearings down in Washington for a new Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor. Anybody see it? Something always goes haywire. The hearings for the confirmation were delayed until security could quiet down all of the Chuck Schumer groupies.” – David Letterman

“People in New York are especially excited by Judge Sotomayor because she comes from the Bronx. In fact, Judge Sotomayor famously presided over the landmark New York City case, Shut Up vs. No, You Shut Up.” – Conan O’Brien

“But Sonia Sotomayor is in for a couple hours of intense grilling, you know, like me when I get home late.” – David Letterman

“But if you’re interested in the confirmation hearings, you can watch them live on C-SPAN Dos.” – David Letterman

“President Obama has another nominee in the news. That’s right. President Obama’s nominee for surgeon general is a doctor who practices in rural Alabama and still makes house calls. Can you believe that? Of course, in Alabama, a house call is when the patients drive their house to you.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is going to be working in the broadcast booth during the All-Star Game. Everybody says, ‘Oh, that’s cute.’ But let me tell you something. You know the economy is bad when the President has to take a second gig.” – David Letterman

“California lawmakers still trying to close the state’s massive budget deficit, so they’re now talking about saving money by consolidating all the state agencies into different groups. By far, the most controversial proposal is for a Department of Education, Firearms and Alcohol.” – Conan O’Brien

“So now it turns out that Dick Cheney, while he was Vice President, had a private deal going with the CIA And he goes to the CIA — and those guys are pretty good at keeping a secret — and he goes to the CIA, and he says, ‘Boys, this will just be between you and me. We’re going to run our own antiterrorism program. You and me. Don’t tell Congress.’ Eight years this was going on. And when I heard this, I said to myself, ‘Gosh, that doesn’t sound like the Dick Cheney I know.'” – David Letterman

“They tried to get a hold of Cheney for comment, but his staff said, ‘No, no, you can’t talk to Cheney. He’s taking a hike on the Appalachian Trail.'” –David Letterman

“Very secret operation, went on for eight years. Nobody knew anything about it. The only thing they knew was that it was called ‘Operation Hunting Accident.'” – David Letterman

“Beautiful weather here in New York City. Sunny, beautiful, sunny, clear day. It was so bright and sunny, you could even see what Dick Cheney was up to.” – David Letterman

“Hot today in New York City. So hot today that Sarah Palin had to wear sunblock for her rambling press conference.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin said when she leaves the governor’s office at the end of the month, she’s open to campaigning for some Democrats. Well, that’s great news for Republicans.” – Jimmy Fallon

“As I watched the press conference, I realized finally we have a candidate for the people who loved George Bush’s certainty but were bothered by his rationality and executive experience.” – Jon Stewart

“Yeah, I guess you could stay in your job and overcome the distractions and difficulties that have come from your national candidacy, but that’s what dead quitty fish would do. And you’re no dead quitty fish! You are leaving the water, and living on land, like smart fish! You’re quitting.” – Jon Stewart

“Take it from a guy who’s quit a lot of jobs. You’re quitting. I’ve done the whole ‘dead fish’ thing myself. ‘Hey, f*ck this bakery! I’m no dead fish! I’m outta here.'” – Jon Stewart

“There is a new Osama bin Laden tape. And people say, ‘Well, is it a new tape?’ Yes. They verified it, it’s a new audiotape because in it, he says he doesn’t think that ‘Bruno’ is as funny as ‘Borat.'” – David Letterman

“The U.S. government has issued a warning to builders not to use a Chinese drywall because they say it’s defective. The Chinese government denied this and said, ‘Hey, if there’s one thing we know how to build, it’s a wall.'” – Conan O’Brien


Beam me up!

Mike Thompson
© Mike Thompson


Your Country for Sale

Two stories today make it clear that, in the words Paul Krugman in the NY Times:

I don’t think many people grasp just how raw, how explicit, the corruption of our institutions has become.

The first story is about the American Conservative Union, who claim to be the “nation’s largest and oldest conservative grassroots lobby.” This “grassroots” organization asked FedEx for a check for $2 to $3 million in order to buy the ACU’s support in a legislative dispute. When FedEx refused, the ACU flipped sides and supported their competitor, UPS. If you really want to see how “pay to play” works, read the letter from the ACU offering to support FedEx if they pay. Then read the letter the ACU signed after FedEx refused to pay.

What makes this doubly ironic is that when the ACU was confronted by the evidence, their response was to deny that UPS paid them any money. So I guess it is all right since they only signed the letter supporting UPS to spite FedEx for not paying.

The second story is about Joseph Biederman, the Harvard psychiatrist who conducted the primary studies that led to the explosion in the use drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder. It turns out that he was being paid off by the drug companies. In fact, he proposed studies to the drug companies (which they would pay for), complete with assurances of the results of the studies (even before he bothered to perform the studies). In other words, he was asking for money to perform studies that would have the results that the payer wanted. Of course, the big pharma companies gladly paid for these studies, so they could hook our kids on drugs.

Unfortunately for them, these “studies” are now falling apart. There is an article in the July issue of Scientific American about the long term dangers of these drugs, even though Biederman’s studies claimed that they were safe. For example, it has been established that these drugs stunt growth in humans, in direct contradiction to Biederman’s findings. How much did they pay him to do that study?

The second story also has an ironic twist. During a deposition in February 2009, Biederman was asked his rank at Harvard, and responded he was a full professor. When asked if there was a rank after that, Biederman responded “God”.
