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I’ve heard of Cash for Congressmen, but this is ridiculous!

Ken Catalino
© Ken Catalino


Late Night Political Humor

“The two female journalists held captive in North Korea are saying they were shocked to walk into a room and see Bill Clinton there. That’s what they said. Then they said they were even more shocked to see him wearing nothing but a towel.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night, Former President Bill Clinton, under cover of darkness, parachuted into North Korea with a knife in his teeth and a skull on his chest to rescue journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee. And it was a 13-hour flight home, during which, citing standard rescue protocol, Clinton gave both women mouth-to-mouth.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Clinton flew all the way to North Korea, under the cover of night, to rescue two beautiful women from the clutches of an evil dictator. And what’s amazing is that’s the exact same alibi he used on Hillary last week.” – Conan O’Brien

“Former President Bill Clinton yesterday flew behind North Korea’s iron deficiency curtain and secured the release the two journalists. No guns, no bloodshed, just a silk suit, raspy southern charm and, based on personal experience, a hint, just a touch, of P. Diddy’s ‘Unforgivable.'” – Jon Stewart

“Meanwhile, also this morning, Former President Bush rescued two purple stars from his Lucky Charms.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Newspapers around the country are calling former President Bill Clinton a hero for his role in extracting two female journalists from North Korea. As a result, today, Clinton asked to be named secretary of extracting Asian chicks.” – Conan O’Brien

“North Korea, it turns out, they were offered a meeting with Al Gore in exchange for the two American journalists, but Kim Jong Il wanted to meet with Bill Clinton instead. Al Gore said, ‘I have no hard feelings at all,’ and then he gained 70 pounds and grew a beard.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sonia Sotomayor was just confirmed by the U.S. Senate for the Supreme Court. I’m not sure how this works. So, does she sit next to Randy or Simon Cowell? Either way, it’s going to be a great season.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed as the U.S. Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice. Or, as Lou Dobbs reported it, ‘Yet another job gone south of the border.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The latest polls show that President Obama’s approval ratings have slumped to an all-time low, which explains Obama’s new Secret Service code name, ‘NBC.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The Pentagon’s concerned that Facebook could pose a security risk to U.S. military personnel. Yeah, because apparently, there’s no telling what al Qaeda could do if it knows what a soldier’s five favorite romantic comedies are.” – Conan O’Brien

“This week the Toyota Corolla became the most traded-in car as part of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program. After hearing about it, the CEO of General Motors said, ‘Oh my God, don’t tell me Toyota makes even a better clunker than we do.'” – Conan O’Brien


Astroturfing in Action – Blatant Lying

A woman objecting to health care reform at a democratic congressman’s town hall introduces herself as just a “concerned mom”, and claims she is not affiliated with any political party. Turns out, she was vice-chair of the county GOP until 2008, worked in the campaign for the congressman’s opponent, and on her online resume claims that she is affiliated with the Republican National Committee.

My favorite line in the video is where she protests that she hasn’t paid her Republican party dues for two years. I guess that’s proof that she’s non-partisan.

UPDATE: Read this personal account from one health care town hall meeting.


Why Isn’t the Media Telling the Truth?

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson


Late Night Political Humor

“Today, former President Bill Clinton met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il and convinced him to release two American journalists that have been jailed since March. Isn’t that great? This is big, yeah. Or as Clinton calls it, another Asian happy ending.” – Conan O’Brien

“Former President Bill Clinton is on his way home from North Korea right now. He made a surprise visit to attempt to secure the release of two female American journalists — two young, shapely, attractive female journalists who were imprisoned by North Korean police after they illegally crossed the border from China. The rumor is they made a deal. Kim Jong-Il gave the women a special pardon and in return he got 20 pairs of Hillary’s pantsuits. So, a little something to spruce up his wardrobe.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bill Clinton got the two journalists released. This is fantastic news. And then afterwards, Clinton told the hostages, ‘I, too, know what it’s like to be held captive by an evil tyrant who wears ladies’ sunglasses. I feel your pain.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hey, congratulations to former President Bill Clinton. He traveled to North Korea today, met with Kim Jong-Il and won the release of those two female journalists. It was great for Obama to use Clinton that way. I think I know how he got him to go over there. You know, he’s probably like, ‘Bill, I need you to go to North Korea for me.’ ‘I can’t do it. I’m completely booked. I have numerous obligations.’ ‘I want you to visit a woman’s prison.’ ‘What time’s my flight?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s a great day for our former President Bill Clinton. He went to North Korea and negotiated the release of two female journalists. He did it! Clinton agreed to go as soon as he found out the mission was picking up chicks.” – Craig Ferguson

“I don’t know what exactly Clinton said to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, but it worked, because they released them. And I have to say, it was nice to see Bill Clinton get a release he’s not almost impeached for, for a change.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“So that’s pretty impressive. Clinton goes over there, frees the prisoners, and brings them back. I mean, that’s like Rambo, you know. And by the way now — plenty of time for the ladies to say thanks on the long plane ride home.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And May God help any nation that tries to kidnap Megan Fox!” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I want to say happy birthday today to Barack Obama. The President just turned 48 years old, if he was ever really born, that is.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I guess it all depends on whether you believe his ‘birth certificate’ or not.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But Obama’s birthday is a reminder of why healthcare is so important. As you probably know, due to a lack of healthcare coverage, Obama’s mother was turned away from a number of hospitals and was ultimately forced to give birth in a manger.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s President Obama’s 48th birthday. The President has asked that in lieu of sending a gift, people just make a donation to his favorite charity, General Motors.” – Conan O’Brien

“I thought this was nice. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, got him a brand new pair of her jeans for his birthday.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But what do you get for the man who has Oprah, you know?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The White House today said that President Obama will not call Iranian Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to congratulate him on his re-election. Even worse for Ahmadinejad, Joe Biden will call.” – Conan O’Brien

“Yesterday, Senator John McCain announced he’s going to vote against the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor. However, McCain did say he thought she was great in ‘West Side Story.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is on vacation. And today — I don’t know if you saw this — he was photographed on horseback without his shirt. The photograph won’t appear in the newspaper, but it will appear on the cover of Danielle Steele’s new novel ‘Iron Fist, Velvet Heart.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The United States Postal Service says they might lose $7 billion this year. Apparently, the post office will lose the seven billion when it mails the money to itself.” – Conan O’Brien

“This is something. Because of the economy, the Postal Service is being forced to close several hundred post offices around the country. … The Postal Service is facing a $7 billion budget short fall this year. So in addition to closing the post offices, they’re also raising the price of a first-class stamp. It will now be $4,000.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And it’s a shame to see people out of work, but I have to admit I am looking forward to hearing postal workers complain how slow the lines are at the unemployment office. Right?” – Jimmy Kimmel


Fox News Finds a Dark Cloud Inside Every Silver Lining

Jon Stewart points out the obvious hypocrisy of Fox News:


Seeking Attention

Signe Wilkinson
© Signe Wilkinson


Late Night Political Humor

“This is actually a true story. It was in the news today. The latest slang dictionary reports that the word Obama means ‘cool,’ as in ‘you are so Obama.’ Also gaining popularity: the phrase ‘shut your Biden-hole.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A very happy birthday to President Obama, who turns 48 tomorrow. As a special gift, Joe Biden is giving him 24 hours of complete silence.” – Jimmy Fallon

“First they had a beer at the White House. Well, now, Professor Gates and the cop who arrested him are planning to go to a Red Sox game. It’s getting to be a bit much. Last night, they went to a piano bar and sang ‘Ebony and Ivory.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The man who wrote many of the speeches for President George W. Bush is now working on his memoirs. True story. The book will be called ‘Me Do Bad Job.'” – Conan O’Brien

“‘The Washington Post is doing a big story on the 2008 John McCain campaign. And it now says after all this research that he picked Sarah Palin because of a ‘high risk/high reward strategy.’ Apparently, it’s the same reason McCain uses Metamucil.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaking of Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her husband Todd are denying rumors that they’re getting a divorce. When asked about it, Palin said, ‘When have you ever known me to not see something through?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hey, there was a rumor on the Internet this weekend that Sarah Palin was getting divorced. I knew that wasn’t true, because when Sarah Palin takes an oath, she doesn’t bail.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama just announced he’s considering transferring prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Michigan. The idea is to scare the prisoners into revealing information about terror plots by showing them a bus ticket to Detroit.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hey, at a concert in Washington, D.C., Paul McCartney dedicated the song ‘Michelle’ to Michelle Obama. And then, I thought this was sweet, he dedicated the song ‘Taxman’ to Barack.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took a submarine to the bottom of Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake. He got to see some rare exotic fish and his past political opponents.” – Jimmy Fallon


Evolution in Action

Creationist dinosaur theme park in Pensacola to be seized by the federal government because of tax evasion. The owner claimed he was employed by God and his “ministers” were not subject to payroll taxes. I guess they didn’t see that situation evolving.


A Message to America’s Wingnuts

Created by Lee Stranahan.


Late Night Political Humor

“I know why you’re happy today: racism is over, and we did it with beer. We did it with beer! See, this is the change we can believe in, that Obama was always talking about. Black Americans and white Americans coming together to get shitfaced. When you think about what could have been accomplished if they lit up a joint. Wow. … If they had lit up a joint and then said, ‘This incident is completely forgotten,’ that would really have the ring of truth.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama, Professor Gates, and Officer Crowley had their beer summit. And the big surprise was they were joined by Vice President Biden. That was the surprise, yeah. The highlight of the evening was when Officer Crowley told Biden, ‘You have the right to remain silent.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night — I’m sure you heard — President Obama had the Harvard professor and the police officer who arrested him over to the White House to talk, and more importantly, get stinking drunk together. Vice President Biden was there, too. This is interesting. Apparently, Joe Biden was upset that Obama had put his foot in the mouth by saying that the Cambridge police acted stupidly, because that’s normally his thing.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“No, it was a great summit, the beer summit, and I think it’s important to note what Sergeant Crowley said. He said, ‘It’s funny. The guys back at the station always joke how they wished they had a beer for every time a black man was arrested. And now it came true.'” – Bill Maher

“I don’t think he’s a racist. I don’t. I think he’s a cop. Seriously. But there was one little awkward moment when he arrived at the White House and got out of the car and he threw Obama the keys.” – Bill Maher

“And then, when Sonia Sotomayor came out with the guacamole, I said, ‘What the hell is going on here?’ … People were so fascinated about what beer they were drinking. Apparently Gates had Red Stripe. … And Crowley had Blue Moon. And Obama, just to screw with the conservatives, had a forty of King Cobra.” – Bill Maher

“Now, this was awkward. He actually had a Bud Light. At one point, Obama said he had Bud. And the professor took out his pipe.” – Bill Maher

“The White House is big, and it can be very a confusing place when you’re buzzed. Apparently, the president woke up this morning spooning Rahm Emanuel.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This is nice, though, President Obama served Professor Gates and Officer Crowley beer and pretzels. Did you know that? Pretzels. Yeah, it’s the first time pretzels have been served at the White House since the time one attacked President Bush. Remember that one?” – Conan O’Brien

“But they had a beer or two or three or maybe four. And then I guess things really got wild. About 2:30 this morning, Obama declared war on Iceland because he decided it wasn’t icy enough.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But apparently, it went so well that the professor and Crowley plan to meet again. But not at the White House. It’s a little tense there.” – Bill Maher

“This is good, though. Last night’s meeting went so well, Gates and Crowley plan to meet again. Isn’t that nice? … Yeah. Apparently they’ll meet the next time Gates tries to get into his own house. It’s a habit now that’s hard to break.” – Conan O’Brien

“They want to meet at a place where both men just feel comfortable walking into. Like Gates’ house. And if that goes well, then they’re going to be paired up on ‘Dancing With The Stars.'” – Bill Maher

“What a crowd last night. Phew! Couldn’t really blame them. The show was awful. It did not go well. Show last night did not go well. Afterwards, I get a call from President Obama, and he said I acted ‘stupidly.'” – David Letterman

“Everything’s OK now. President Obama has invited myself and Sarah Palin down to the White House for a beer.” – David Letterman

“Thank you all for coming to my beer summit. I’m so happy. I read online today that, this morning, President Obama’s approval rating has dropped to an all-time low of 48%. Or as George Bush calls it, ‘kickin’ ass.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama said today that Congress probably won’t vote on his health care bill until October. Yeah, what’s the rush, Congress? Take your time. It’s not like there’s some crazy flu epidemic out there or anything like that. Swine!” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi accused insurance companies of deliberately trying to kill the health care bill. Pelosi was so angry that she started arranging her face into a scowl.” – Jimmy Fallon

“One program that is an unqualified success — that’s working — the Cash for Clunkers. Have you done this? Have you traded in your clunker? See, you can take your old gas-guzzling clunker to your GM dealer and trade it in for a new, gas-guzzling clunker. 250,000 people have already done this. … For the first time in years, people in Kentucky can see their front yard.” – Bill Maher

“Some people have misunderstood this concept of trading old for new. For example, today, South Carolina Governor Sanford tried to drop off his wife” – Bill Maher

“Only 42% of Republicans believe Obama was born in the United States. That’s an amazing statistic. How come in America, Christians are the ones who won’t take anything on faith?” – Bill Maher

“It’s been reported that Larry King has opened a Twitter account. Yep. So far his tweets have been, ‘My name’s Larry,’ ‘I like pie’ and ‘Who moved the toilet?'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama’s awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Stephen Hawking. Not for his work in physics; just for being the voice that inspired Kanye West” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama — and the guy’s been hardworking. I mean, we don’t know if he’s getting anything done, but he’s sure hardworking. … And so, he’s going on vacation. They’re going to be on Martha’s Vineyard. They’ve rented a big beach house on Martha’s Vineyard for the summer. I want to tell you something — nothing says ‘vacation’ like two weeks on an island with your mother-in-law.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin left office on Sunday. She’s just not sitting around. A lot of people are thinking, ‘Oh, what’s she going to do?’ Reality TV show! That’s what she’s got. ‘Todd And Sarah Plus Eight.’ Look out, look out.” – David Letterman

“No longer governor of Alaska, so whenever she waves at Russia, nobody waves back.” – David Letterman


The Media View of the Beer Summit

Mike Luckovich
© Mike Luckovich


What if a bank told half their highest net worth clients ‘sorry, you misspelled your address when you opened your account, we’re confiscating your balance’

In his Congressional testimony, the CEO of a health insurance company said:

Rescission is rare. It affects less than one-half of one percent of people we cover.

As you probably already have learned, rescission is the insurance company practice of refusing to pay for health care because they found an (even unrelated) mistake on your original health insurance application.

But in claiming that this practice is rare, the insurance companies, whose very business depends on understanding statistics and probability, are betting that you don’t understand probability enough to catch the lie. Indeed, “Figures never lie, but liars always figure.”

For starters, even if you take the insurance company’s statement at face value — that it only affects one-half of one percent — this is a huge number of people. The population of the US is greater than 300 million people. Even if you assume that insurance companies only insure two-thirds of all Americans, one-half of one percent of that is over one million people. They are depending on the fact that “one-half of one percent” sounds small.

But the much bigger lie is carefully documented in a brilliant article in Taunter Media, which points out that calling rescission rare is, shall we say, misleading at best. Yes, the insurance company may only cancel the policies of one-half of one percent of the total people they cover, but the more significant statistic would be what percentage of the people who have very expensive medical care claims do the insurance companies cancel? After all, the insurance companies only try to use rescission on people who have expensive claims. The insurance companies do not provide this data, of course, but based on other hard data, Taunter calculates it to be somewhat higher than fifty percent.

Let me clarify that. If you are one of the lucky people who has adequate health insurance, but you are unlucky enough to contract a disease or have an accident that is very expensive to treat, you have a greater than 50% chance that the insurance company will find some reason to cancel your policy, and not pay for your treatment (likely forcing you into bankruptcy at the same time that you are trying to deal with a serious health problem). And of course, the health insurance company will keep all the money you paid to them in premiums.

One more time. If you ever really need your health insurance policy, you have less than even odds that the insurance company will actually pay for your health care.

Would you put up with a bank that confiscated your life savings when you tried to withdraw it, because of a trivial mistake you made on your original application form? The insurance companies have even cancelled policies for omissions on application forms that the applicant had absolutely no knowledge of.

No wonder we have so many people in the US who don’t have health insurance. It is a ripoff. No wonder the health insurance industry is spending millions of dollars in misleading ads and campaign contributions to defeat a public option. Who wouldn’t choose a public option over such a ripoff?


American Capitalism Made Perfect

Ted Rall
© Ted Rall


Obama drinks the Beer / Rush drinks the Kool-aid

Steve Benson
© Steve Benson
