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Late Night Political Humor

“It’s time for Health Care Town Hall Snaps! You better hope Blue Cross doesn’t consider ‘ugly’ a pre-existing condition! Oh, damn! Your mama’s so dumb, she thinks the public option is a port-a-potty! Your mama’s so old, we’re going to get together a panel and euthanize her. No. Sorry that was too real.” -Jon Stewart (watch the video)

“Are you folks familiar with the Cash for Clunkers program? I’m feeling pretty good about this. I think the government owes me some money because we must have had at least a dozen clunkers on last night’s show.” -David Letterman

“Happy birthday to former President Bill Clinton — 63 years old. And you know, when someone famous like that has a birthday, people think, well, should we get him something? Don’t worry about Bill. He’s fine. He’s doing great. His wife is out of the country most of the time. He couldn’t be happier.” -David Letterman

“Yesterday, Bill Clinton had a separate meeting with Barack Obama, and then Hillary Clinton had a separate meeting with Barack Obama. I mean, something is going on with the Clintons. Obama can’t even get them together in the White House for a beer.” -David Letterman

“Are you despondent and confused about the healthcare issue in this country? Thank God I don’t have to worry about health coverage. I’m with CBS. When I die, I get a guest shot on the ‘Ghost Whisperer.’ But the one drawback — when I get sick, the only doctor I can see is Dr. Phil.” -David Letterman

“I didn’t think this day would come. Squeaky Fromme tried to assassinate President General Ford. She’s been let out of prison. She was paroled. Is she going to get a job? If you think about it, there aren’t many jobs for unstable, gun-toting women, unless she wants to run for governor of Alaska.” -David Letterman

“I’d like to apologize for that joke.” -David Letterman

“Squeaky Fromme has been in prison since the ’70s for trying to shoot President Gerald Ford. Out of prison now. But she’s described as an unstable gun nut. Here’s how unstable and nutty she is. Even Dick Cheney won’t go hunting with her.” -David Letterman


Use the Force, Luke?

Barry Deutsch
© Barry Deutsch


With Stupidity, All Things Are Possible


Facebook is officially not useless

There is a new Facebook group: 1 Million Strong Against our SOCIALIST Fire Departments that gives powerful and convincing (cough) arguments why we should privatize our fire departments. Help get rid of “Government Redtrucks!” They even have a slogan:

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in asbestos and carrying a fire hose.

They are organizing protests in front of fire stations nationwide on 09/09/09, starting at 4pm.

They also have a twitter account and a website: Angry Town Hall — with a bonus slogan:

The Revolution will not be Extinguished.

They also have some great images:

townhall hitlerbama


And be sure to read their discussion boards, including Pre-Existing Conditions that Should Invalidate your Fire Department Coverage (“Denial of service if your house happens to be next to a house that’s on fire. I mean DUH! You should have known it was a risk to have a house next to one that’s on fire!”).


Teddy and Ronnie

Most people didn’t realize the friendship, or didn’t accept it, or didn’t know about the friendship. You know, Ronny was so identified with the Republican Party. And Teddy obviously with the Democrat Party. But that doesn’t make any difference, Larry, really. It shouldn’t make any difference. I’m afraid it does now, but it shouldn’t.

They both had very definite opinions about things. It was a wonderful, wonderful friendship.

Nancy Reagan talks about the deep friendship between her husband and Ted Kennedy on the Larry King show.


The Death Panels are REAL!


How one black man defeated the KKK

This is both funny and beautiful:


Late Night Political Humor

“I am ecstatic. We are close to defeating President Obama’s evil plan to keep people healthy. The president is so desperate that he resorted to publishing an op-ed called ‘Why We Need Health Care Reform’ in yesterday’s New York Times. Textbook sign of surrender. … Of course the president blamed our problems on the health insurance industry, but where is the balance? Why won’t the Times print the insurance companies editorials, like this one I got today: ‘Dear Mr. Colbert, we regret to inform you that we cannot cover your hip surgery due to your pre-exsisting wrist injury.'” -Stephen Colbert

“Hot in New York City today. It was so hot, I was sweating like Granny before a death panel.” -David Letterman

“Happy birthday to Madonna — 51 years old on Saturday. And I thought this was nice. President Obama phoned Madonna on her birthday and reassured her that no one was going to pull the plug on her.” -David Letterman

“Seriously, is this an audience or a death panel? By God, let’s get something going. Do you understand the problem? Health insurance, Congress not doing anything. They have town halls, people getting hot, everybody worked up about health insurance, I think, thank God I’m with CBS. CBS has a tremendous healthcare package. Here is the deal. If I get sick, I can only be treated by Dr. Phil.” -David Letterman

“And then, under the CBS health plan, when I die, I get to be a corpse on a ‘CSI’ show.” -David Letterman

“People are worried that, if the health care plan that the President wants goes through, that a death panel will decide what life-sustaining measures should be applied to the elderly. Well, you know, it’s the same thing ABC does with Regis.” -David Letterman

“Oh, man, did you see the PGA Championship over the weekend? Tiger Woods never lost a major when he’s been leading, you know, halfway through the dang tournament. And then this kid, Y.E. Yang, comes along and he defeats him. And I felt bad for Tiger. He was upset. He was upset. As a matter of fact, Obama had been watching the contest. He knows that he is upset. So he invited Tiger and Yang to the White House for a beer.” -David Letterman

“Did you see Hillary Clinton? There was videotape of her in Africa at a press conference and somebody asks her something and she gets angry. Did you see that? Well, now they’re talking to her husband, Bill Clinton, and he says that he had not seen the press conference and had not seen the videotape of the press conference. And I’m thinking, I bet this guy’s got a pretty good idea of what Hillary’s like when she’s angry.” -David Letterman

“The Obamas visited the Grand Canyon and I was thinking, yeah, well, New York City’s got potholes bigger than that.” -David Letterman

“And then Obama was in Mexico the previous week. And he met with a group of North American leaders. And afterwards he laid a wreath at the grave of the Taco Bell Chihuahua.” -David Letterman

“You know what? It’s the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. Did you realize that at the original Woodstock, Dick Cheney was there, later Vice President Dick Cheney. Yeah, he was there hunting hippies.” -David Letterman

“Do you remember the governor of South Carolina, Governor Mark Sanford? He told everyone he was going for a hike and in actuality he went to Argentina. Now, his wife says — and you can’t blame her — that she was so curious about the woman that her husband was having the affair with down there in Argentina, that she googled his mistress. And I thought, wait a minute, that’s what got him in trouble, was googling his mistress.” -David Letterman

“Now, here is a statistic that, I don’t know if it means anything — it’s got to mean something — 90% of all paper currency — money, you know — has traces of cocaine. Ninety percent of all paper money in this country, traces of cocaine. Talk about your stimulus money.” -David Letterman

“Had a $20 bill today. I thought Ben Franklin looked a little jumpy.” -David Letterman

“On the bright side, at least American money is worth something again.” -David Letterman


Keep it Simple, Stupid!

Matt Wuerker
© Matt Wuerker



Adam Zyglis
© Adam Zyglis


Late Night Political Humor

“You remember John Edwards? He finally admitted he’s the father of his mistress’ baby after denying it for over a year. So it’s a pretty classic case of whoever denied it, supplied it.” -Jimmy Fallon

“A paternity test revealed John Edwards is in fact the biological father of his mistress’ child. Yep, experts say they could tell it was Edwards’ DNA cause it kept grooming itself in the microscope.” -Conan O’Brien

“Edwards says he’s ashamed, he can hardly look at himself in the mirror. On the bright side, that frees up an extra 4 hours a day for him.” -Jimmy Fallon

“Fortunately, some good news came out of the whole thing, he agreed to join Bristol Palin on the abstinence tour.” -Jimmy Fallon

“Every time I turn on the television this week, all I see is angry mobs of chunky old white people. You know I wasn’t for these death panels before, but I’m starting to come around.” -Bill Maher

“Who knew that electing a black man with a foreign sounding name would make rural white people insane? I don’t know how we didn’t see that coming.” -Bill Maher

“During the election, these people could not quite put their finger on why they didn’t like Barack Obama, it was something…now they know, he’s for death panels. That’s what it was, death panels.” -Bill Maher

“And who put this idea in their heads? Sarah Palin, who has settled in to her job very well, an unemployed right-wing blogger. Apparently Sarah Palin quit her job as Governor of Alaska to spend more time on Facebook. I’m serious. She’s on Facebook every day now. Because this is the proper forum to confront the President of the United States on the most important issue of our day, a social networking site for teenagers.” -Bill Maher

“In her case I can see how pulling the plug on brain-dead people would be threatening.” -Bill Maher

“It does seem to be a tad ironic that she’s so against killing old people because she’s the one who smothered the life out of the McCain campaign.” -Bill Maher

“Everyone’s on vacation right now. President’s taking a vacation at this very moment, you hear this? Tomorrow President Obama is taking his family to Yellowstone Park to see Ol’ Faithful, isn’t that nice? Yea. And meanwhile, Hillary Clinton returns from overseas to see Ol’ Unfaithful.” -Conan O’Brien

“President Obama was in Montana today. That’s right. He met with residents, he held a town meeting and then he went fly-fishing. It’s true. Montana residents came from miles around for the once in a lifetime chance to see a black guy fly-fishing.” -Conan O’Brien

“An 11-year old boy interviewed President Obama, and the boy asked Obama what to do about bullying. That’s right. The response Obama said, ‘Shut up, nerd.’ And he shoved the kid.” -Conan O’Brien


Drill Baby, Drill

R. J. Matson
© R. J. Matson


Cheney accuses Obama of playing politics with the Justice Department

In what must be one of the most hypocritical statements in recent history, former VP Dick Cheney accused president Obama of using the Justice department to launch politically motivated investigations against CIA personnel for their use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (i.e., torture).

This is triply hypocritical: Firstly, how can he accuse Obama of playing politics with the Justice Department? The Bush/Cheney administration put huge amounts of pressure on Justice Department attorneys to launch politically-motivated investigations against Democrats, and even fired nine attorneys when they refused.

Secondly, the Justice Department is launching this investigation against Obama’s wishes. Obama does not want to investigate the use of torture, but Attorney General Eric Holder had little choice but to investigate based on a newly released report by the CIA inspector general, which says that some investigators went too far, using techniques beyond what was authorized.

Thirdly, Cheney claims that the inspector general’s report proves that the use of torture “saved lives and prevented terrorist attacks“, which is wrong. In fact, the report casts doubts on the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding.

But Cheney puts the icing on the cake when he ends by saying that this “serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this Administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security.” Yes, this is from the administration that ignored all the warnings about 9/11, and allowed the worst terrorist attack against the US to happen during their watch. And afterwards responded by lying us into a war in Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11.

UPDATE: After posting this, I heard on the radio a GOP congressman say that these CIA agents “should be given medals” not prosecuted for torture. This makes me sick.

Let me be clear. If a CIA agent was ordered to use certain “enhanced interrogation techniques” by his superiors, which he was told were legal by Bush’s justice department (even though those legal opinions were later reversed), then I say that we should not prosecute the agents, even if they performed what we now believe to be torture. Instead, we can investigate and prosecute those who authorized the torture, up to and including the president.

But if a CIA agent went beyond what was authorized, no matter what their motivation, then they must be investigated. Threatening someone with a power drill in their face, raping them, torturing their children, and other acts that we absolutely know were done are not “enhanced interrogation techniques”. They are torture, they are illegal, and they are immoral. These same congressmen who want to hand out medals would be howling for us to drop nuclear weapons on any country who did anything like this to our citizens or soldiers.

What they are saying is that our government has unilateral power to detain people without arrest, warrant, or charges, hold them indefinitely, and torture them, even kill them. Once upon a time, some Americans accused the Soviet Union and other dictatorships of doing the same thing, and called them evil. They applauded the demise of the Soviet Union as a victory of good over evil. If we don’t hold ourselves to the same standard, then we deserve no better.


Brought to you by your good friends in the banking industry

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow


HealthStar Insurance

Lalo Alcaraz
© Lalo Alcaraz
