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Did Glenn Beck murder the American media?

A new website probes the controversial question about whether “Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990”.

But in reality, the site is cleverly deconstructing of what passes for news in America. First, someone (usually with a vested interest) starts a rumor. Other people repeat the rumor. Now you have multiple sources for the story “People are asking whether Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990”. Plus, there is the video.

Next, you point out that Glenn Beck has not denied these reports. Why hasn’t he? What is he hiding?

Word spreads. Then you point to other evidence linking Glenn Beck and rape. And more evidence. But wait, there’s more! Then it spreads! And the questions go full circle.

Then you offer a million dollar reward for evidence disproving the rumor. After all, people are talking, and we want answers.

Or then again, maybe this is just an elaborate publicity stunt for Fark.

Beck the Joker

UPDATE: Now there is an image of a (completely legit, I’m sure) police report. And more photos. The evidence just keeps growing. And Fark denies any involvement and scrubs their site of any mention of the rumor, proving that they are farking chickens (I guess I should have blamed Reddit?)

UPDATE 2: 83% of people polled believe that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. What other proof do you need? And 100% believe that he hasn’t stopped.

UPDATE 3: Additional evidence. Why is Beck still silent?


Has Sarah Palin fallen for a practical joke?

Sarah Palin has accepted an invitation to be the keynote speaker at a high profile Asian investment conference later this month.

CLSA, the brokerage research firm that invited Palin, is well known for playing elaborate jokes. One year, they polled Asian fortune tellers to help determine financial index targets. Another time, they invited anime cartoonists to draw Japanese financial research.

On the other hand, they are a legitimate research firm, and Palin may relish to opportunity to burnish her foreign policy and finance credentials.

Note that this will be her first-ever commercial speaking engagement. Her speaking fees were not disclosed. This will also be her first trip to Asia. She received her first passport in 2007 in order to visit Alaska National Guard members serving in Kuwait and Germany.

Other speakers at this conference have included Alan Greenspan, Bill Clinton, Archbishop Desmond Tutu (winner of the Nobel Peace Prize), and rocker turned anti-poverty activist Bob Geldof.

So what do you think? Is CLSA playing a joke on Palin? And if so, does Palin realize it? Or is she laughing all the way to the bank with her speaker’s fees?


Late Night Political Humor

“This is weird. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il recently met with the C.E.O. of Hyundai. Apparently, the story is Hyundai wants to build cars in North Korea while Kim wants to use their windshields as sunglasses.” – Conan O’Brien

“You folks have been following, probably, the elections in Afghanistan. You know what’s going on over there? Hamid Karzai and those boys running an election over there and there’s now charges of election irregularities. I didn’t see that coming.” – David Letterman

“Apparently, they say there was cheating, voter intimidation, miscounted votes, and one of the candidates may have been sleeping with Paula Abdul.” – David Letterman

“But one of the guys on the ballot is a candidate named Abdullah Abdullah. He had what I thought was a great campaign slogan if you’re running for office in Afghanistan. You know the slogan? It’s ‘Is your goat better off today than it was four years ago?'” – David Letterman

“President Obama, I found out about an hour ago, they’re saying, took five books with him on vacation. … Of course, President Bush took five books on his vacation, but four of them were backup copies of ‘Goodnight Moon.'” – Conan O’Brien

“When you’re President of the United States, you don’t get a vacation, you don’t get time off, it’s around the clock, 365 — For example, today, President Obama had to interrupt his vacation to announce the appointment once again of Chairman of the Fed Ben Bernanke. In order to keep him, they promised to give him the 10 p.m. slot.” – David Letterman

“But if you remember, the chairman of the Fed used to be Alan Greenspan, and then in 2006, I think Ben Bernanke replaced him after Greenspan got in trouble for organizing dogfights. Do you remember that?” – David Letterman

“The White House is denying rumors that President Obama has plans to play a round of golf with Tiger Woods, although Obama is planning to ask Tiger Woods if the government can borrow $300 trillion.” – Conan O’Brien


A Big Thumbs Down

Mike Luckovich
© Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“There’s talk that the elections last week in Afghanistan were rigged. Boy, I didn’t see that coming.” – David Letterman

“Couple of years ago down in Cuba, Fidel Castro they thought, oh, he might be dying because he had some kind of surgery and he is an older fellow, in is 80s. But now, over the weekend, it’s all Fidel Castro. He is everywhere. And he was on television. He looked fit. He looked healthy. He looked happy. He was so impressive, as a matter of fact, CIA is actually thinking of sending Squeaky Fromme down there to take a shot at him.” – David Letterman

“Meteorologists are now saying Hurricane Bill has been downgraded to a tropical depression. They say Bill officially hit the depression stage after a surprise run-in with Hurricane Hillary.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaking of former President Clinton, this is weird. Former President Clinton recently had to clear out of his office for a few days because it’s infested with bed bugs. Experts are calling it the 500th reason President Clinton shouldn’t be allowed to have a bed in his office.” – Conan O’Brien

“Barack Obama is taking a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. Earlier today, you know, bound to happen, awkward moment. He is out on the beach, runs into John McCain looking for coins with a metal detector.” – David Letterman

“But President Obama says he’s going to play golf, he’s going to swim, and he’s going to work his way through the Julia Child cookbook.” – David Letterman

“But Obama is spending the week at a $30,000 dollar-a-week beach house. And they call this guy a socialist? Come on!” – David Letterman

“But Obama is going to take two weeks to unwind, as opposed to President Bush, who never wound.” – David Letterman

“Fox News host Glenn Beck has lost over 30 sponsors since he called President Obama a racist. And the latest sponsor that he just lost is Clorox bleach. That’s amazing. Even a company whose sole purpose is to make things whiter thinks Glenn Beck has gone too far.” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, ‘cash for clunkers’ ended today. But they’re coming out with a new ‘cash for clunkers’ program that will give consumers a rebate when they trade in old home appliances. Have you heard that? It’s great news for anyone who owns a Buick toaster oven.” – Conan O’Brien

“Anybody take advantage of the government’s ‘cash for clunkers’ program? I was able to unload a couple of shows from last week.” – David Letterman

“Miss Venezuela is our new Miss Universe, ladies and gentlemen. Beautiful, beautiful. She came out dressed as a barrel of overpriced oil.” – David Letterman

“But the Miss Universe pageant is fascinating. It’s judged on poise — you have to have poise — judged on beauty, and also how you walk in high heels. What a coincidence, it’s also how the Republicans pick a vice presidential candidate. The same criteria.” – David Letterman


Conservatives can run (for office), but they can’t hide

Robert McDonnell, who is running to be governor of Virginia, seems to have stepped into a huge pile of poo of his own making. During a recent interview with the Washington Post, McDonnell brought up the master’s thesis he wrote in 1989 for Regent University, an evangelical school founded by Pat Robertson, claiming “I wrote my thesis on welfare policy.”

Little did he know that the Post would look up his thesis, which is publicly available. What they found was that the thesis was actually “The Republican Party’s Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of The Decade” and contained a blueprint to promote conservative values though tax policy and changes to schools and welfare.

For example, he claimed “Leaders must correct the conventional folklore about the separation of church and state”. He promoted redefining child abuse to “exclude parental spanking”, and wanted to end federal tax credits for child care costs because they encouraged women to work, saying that “working women and feminists” are “ultimately detrimental to the family”. He even said that feminism is one of the “real enemies of the traditional family.” He asserted that governmental policy should favor married couples over “cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.” And he described a 1972 Supreme Court decision that legalized the use of contraceptives by unmarried couples as “illogical”.

McDonnell is now hypocritically trying to distance himself from his own opinions, saying that his thesis “was simply an academic exercise and clearly does not reflect my views.” Which is funny, because during his ensuing political career, he has actively pursued at least ten of the fifteen policy goals he laid out in the paper.

He further claimed “Virginians will judge me on my 18-year record as a legislator and Attorney General and the specific plans I have laid out for our future — not on a decades-old academic paper I wrote as a student during the Reagan era and haven’t thought about in years.”

But if he hasn’t thought about it in years, why did he just bring it up in the interview?

Ironically, by protesting that he no longer believes in those things that he wrote in his thesis, he just makes things worse. Moderates will view him as trying to hide his true conservative beliefs, while conservatives think he is a traitor.

Some days, it just doesn’t pay to be political.


The Republicans’ Public Option

Bruce Beattie
© Bruce Beattie


$80 Billion of WHAT?

In June, Obama announced an agreement with the drug companies to cut the price of medicines by $80 billion over the next ten years. Now, $80 billion might sound like a huge amount of savings, but the bigger question is how much savings is this really?

So Greg Palast rummaged through the government health statistics, and discovered that spending on prescription drugs is projected to be $3.6 trillion dollars. In other words, $80 billion is only a 2% savings. Hmmm, doesn’t sound quite as good, does it?

But it gets worse. Much worse. First of all, this $80 billion “savings” is not on what we are currently paying for drugs, it is a savings over the amount the drug companies were planning on raising their prices. In plain English, the drug companies were planning on doubling the price of drugs over the next ten years, but now they will limit themselves to only raising prices 1.98 times. How absolutely generous.

What did big pharma get in return for this $80 billion pledge? Obama promised them that the government would not be allowed to bargain down drug prices, nor would the government be allowed to buy cheaper drugs from Canada.

Mind you, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, thirteen countries in Europe negotiate drug prices, and they are able to reduce the price of drugs between 35% to 55%. Even in the US, the Veterans Administration is allowed to negotiate the price of drugs, and they save 40%. (Medicare is not allowed to negotiate drug prices, a ban that Obama promised to overturn.)

Suddenly, $80 billion sounds quite small.

Incidentally, when I lived briefly in New Zealand I had to refill some prescriptions, and because I didn’t qualify for their national health plan I had to pay full price for them. I was shocked to find that full price there was less than my prescription co-pay for drugs in the US.

UPDATE: Obama Reverses Stand on Drug Industry Deal.


Late Night Political Humor

“Have you seen these town hall meetings about the health care? People are screaming. And I’ll tell you, because if there’s one thing Americans hate, it’s comprehensive health coverage.” – David Letterman

“Polls now are showing that people are actually believing the right-wing corporate-inspired myths about health care, and that’s why this is going down the tubes. Forty-five percent of the people in this country believe that the government will now get to decide to pull the plug on grandma. Fifty-five percent think that the health care overhaul will give coverage to illegal immigrants. And the same number think Obama is an illegal immigrant. Fifty-five percent think it will cover abortions.” – Bill Maher

“Congress has been agonizing over health care for months now. Squabbling, fighting, the town hall meetings going crazy. Meanwhile, while they’re arguing about health care, we’re stuck in two wars that were rubber-stamped in about 10 minutes. What? How does that make any sense when you think about it?” – David Letterman

“And then there’s the people who come to the town hall meetings about health care and think that Obama is going to do the same thing that Hitler did. I mean, what can’t you tell these people that they won’t believe? I could start a rumor right now. I could say, you know what? Under Obama’s health care plan, when you bring your child to a pediatrician, from now on, when he’s done, instead of giving him a balloon, he’s going to give the kid a condom. Stupid is a preexisting condition, yes.” – Bill Maher

“People are always saying to me, ‘Well, Dave, are you worried?’ No, I’m not worried about health care, and I’ll tell you why. Because I’m with CBS. … They have a tremendous health care plan. And here’s what it is. Simply, when I die, I get to appear on a ‘CSI’ show as a corpse.” – David Letterman

“And apparently, it’s now no longer enough to be screaming as they’ve been doing at the town hall meetings. They’re now bringing guns. I would say these people are armed to the teeth, but they have no teeth.” –Bill Maher

“That’s what American democracy has come down to at these town hall meetings: old people and gun nuts, which is a terrible combination. I heard somebody yell ‘AK-47!’ and a lady yelled, ‘Bingo!'” –Bill Maher

“I’ll tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, if I want to see a death panel, I’ll tune into a George Stephanopoulos roundtable.” – David Letterman

“Speaking of death panels, Dick Cheney said, ‘Death panels! Count me in!'” – David Letterman

“And they’re also bringing guns to events with the president of the United States. Did you see these people with the assault rifles? There was a guy — and it was a black guy — holding a big assault rifle, which is terrible news for white people. I mean, first we lose our dominance over music, then sports, then golf, then the presidency. Now, black people are taking over the gun-toting redneck industry.” – Bill Maher

“Dick Cheney has a brand new book. It’s a memoir about his life and times, and I believe the title of it is called, ‘Too Fat to Waterboard.'” – David Letterman

“I didn’t know this, but according to the book, there was a time when President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney weren’t speaking. They got into a fight and they weren’t speaking. It really got so bad that earlier today, President Obama invited them both to the White House for a beer.” – David Letterman

“And Cheney said that President Bush, there was a point during the second term, that he stopped listening to the vice president. George Bush stopped listening to his vice president. And I said to myself, ‘Whoa. Well, maybe this guy wasn’t as dumb as we thought.'” – David Letterman

“But the president, he always stays cool. He’s starting his vacation and going to Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday with the family, renting an estate that costs $30,000 a week. Republicans are saying that makes him seem aloof and uncaring. And that is their job!” – Bill Maher

“But it’s his first week-long vacation that he’s had since he became president, which is quite a contrast with George Bush. Because George Bush, during his first eight years in office, he was on vacation a grand total of eight years.” – Bill Maher


Cognitive Dissonance

David Horsey
© David Horsey

This is even funnier because it actually happened.

And speaking of Cognitive Dissonance, Daily Kos noticed the recent upswing of people who are claiming to be Libertarians while acting otherwise, so they published a handy-dandy guide to the “Top 10 Signs You Might Not Be A Libertarian“. My favorite is:

6. You might not be a Libertarian if you think recreational drug use, prostitution, and gambling should be illegal because that’s what Jesus wants.


The Issue, Reframed

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles


Republicans want to pull the plug on Granny

I have this theory that those people who protest loudly about some (usually social) issue are the people most guilty of it. Like staunch family-values politicians who turn out to be closeted homosexuals or are having wild affairs in Argentina.

Likewise, Jacob Weisberg has a fascinating editorial in Newsweek magazine that points that that it is the Republicans — the same people who are screaming about Obama’s mythical “death panels” — who have been enacting legislation right and left that effectively pulls the plug on old people.

For example, it was Chuck Grassley, who started the whole “pull the plug on Grandma” talking point, who created the “Throw Mama From the Train” provision of the GOP’s 2001 tax cut. Anyone who dies in 2009 will not have to pay any estate tax, but in 2010, the tax jumps to 55%. Talk about a huge incentive for old people to shuffle off this mortal coil (not to mention their children to turn off their respirators).

Indeed, a study done in 2001 by two prominent universities found that older benefactors die in greater numbers just before estate tax hikes and just after estate tax cuts in statistically significant numbers.

This is not the only example of Republicans trying to throw seniors from the train. Social Security, which has contributed to a reduction in the senior suicide rate of 56% since 1930, is a favorite target of the GOP. If Bush had succeeded in privatizing Social Security, allowing seniors to gamble their retirement on the stock market, we can only guess what would have happened when the stock market crashed. Not only would suicide rates go up, but millions of seniors would not have been able to afford the necessities of life, such as food, medicine, and heating.

And then there is the GOP opposition to stem-cell research, which is one of most promising ways to fight diseases that kill and disable seniors, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. And seniors disproportionately die from air pollution — the EPA estimates that 23,000 lives a year could have been saved by the clean air legislation that the Republicans defeated in 2002.

So the next time you hear a Republican screaming about “death panels”, even though there is no such thing in any of the health reform legislation being proposed — you can smile knowingly, or — if you are feeling brave — point out to that person that they are the ones who are killing grandma.


Late Night Political Humor

“Ladies and gentlemen, before I came out here, I got some early results from the Afghanistanian election. And this just in, apparently Al Franken is ahead.” – David Letterman

“You folks excited about the Afghanistan election? Well, don’t get too excited because there’s already reports of irregularities in Broward and Dade County.” – David Letterman

“The current Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, is opposed by the Taliban. You know the Taliban? Over here, the Taliban, we call them healthcare protestors.” – David Letterman

“You think campaigning is difficult here in the United States. You try campaigning in Afghanistan. You ever try to put a bumper sticker on a camel? I mean, come on.” – David Letterman

“How about this Brett Favre guy? He retires, then un-retires, then he retires, then he un-retires, then he retires and un-retires, then he retires again and un-retires. Now he’s playing for the Minnesota Vikings. And it’s not easy. I’m not saying he’s old, but he’s getting older. Before playing, he had to pass a rigorous physical and also a death panel.” – David Letterman

“They did this survey of money down there in Washington, D.C. I’m talking about cash money. And they found that 90% of all of our currency has traces of the drug cocaine on it. Yeah. And I said, ‘Well no wonder Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is so crazy!'” – David Letterman

“Here’s something else came to us from a new survey. You folks like to eat fish? You enjoy seafood? Boy, I do. When they got done testing money in Washington, they tested fish in the United States. And they found out that every single fish in the test contained mercury. Jeremy Piven said, ‘Well who’s laughing now?'” – David Letterman

“But you know, this is a great thing about the United States of America. We take any situation, make it something good. You know, we are a glass half full country. Mrs. Paul’s, the fish sticks people, they heard about the mercury in the fish and they’ve come out now with a tasty new fish stick which you can also use to take your temperature.” – David Letterman

“Wait a minute, hey. What is this, an audience or a death panel?” – David Letterman


Summer Vacation

Steve Sack
© Steve Sack


“I’ll be danged if I am going to give up my Social Security because of socialism”

UPDATE: It turns out that Schaffer’s remarks were misinterpreted, and he was actually defending Social Security and Medicare. Sorry for the mixup. Which also makes my final comment backwards — Schaffer’s remark was met with boos because he was defending “socialized medicine”.

LeRoy SchafferThus spake LeRoy Schaffer, who is an elected city council member from the town of St. Francis, Minnesota, at a town hall meeting held by right-wing-nut Congresscritter Michele Bachmann. Not to mention that for some unknown reason, Schaffer dressed in a tuxedo and a top hat for the occasion.

I’m afraid that these people’s irony detectors have worn out. They don’t seem to realize that Social Security is Socialism. If you need a clue, they even both have the word “Social” in them. See, words actually do mean something; they aren’t just weapons to be thrown around.

This reminds me of the people who stand up at town hall meetings and say things like “keep your government hands off my Medicare.” Of course, Medicare is already completely run by the government.

The only good news is that the town hall meeting seemed to have supporters of health care reform — Schaffer’s remark was met with boos.
