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Then and Now – the Pendulum Swings

I was listening to a radio program today, and the commentator was talking about how most people in this country are for health care reform (most are even for single payer), but that it is the noisy few who are against reform who get all the attention from the media. He even compared the people in favor of reform to Nixon’s “silent majority”.

Isn’t it ironic that back in the 60’s and 70’s, it was the idealistic, anti-war, peace-loving hippies who were making the most noise and were getting all the attention, but now to a large extent those same people have become the new silent majority?

And strange that the “noisy minority” has swung completely in the opposite direction, ideologically.


Rationing? Death Panels? We already have them!

The Republicans keep repeating the lie that health care reform will institute “death panels” where government bureaucrats will decide who can have treatment and who will die.

So it is interesting to do a reality check and realize that the truth is that we already have death panels, but that they are run by the private insurance companies. In a shocking new study that is prompting investigations into wrongful business practices, the California Nurses Association analyzed data from California’s health insurance companies, and found that from 2002 through the first half of 2009, the health insurance companies rejected 45.7 million claims, which is a stunning 22% of all claims.

But the bad news is that the rejection rates are going up. If you only consider the first six months of 2009, PacifiCare rejected an almost unbelievable 39.6% of all claims. Other insurers are not far behind.

In other news from the health care crime syndicate, drug company Pfizer is paying $2.3 Billion — the largest criminal fine of any kind ever — for glaring health fraud. The size of the fine was in part due to the fact that this is Pfizer’s fourth settlement for illegal activities. My question is, if corporations are legally treated as persons, shouldn’t the three strikes law apply to this?


Late Night Political Humor

“Barack Obama and his family took a vacation on Martha’s vineyard and they’re back. And the President now has asked all of the major networks for some air time tomorrow night to show his vacation photos.” – David Letterman

“But now here’s the deal. When are you a president, you can’t do anything. People always looking for you to make some kind of trouble for you. Did you see the picture of Barack Obama out bicycling with the kids? He’s not wearing a helmet. And people are all over him now. And I, well, I hope this guy has got some pretty good health insurance.” – David Letterman

“I believe the President is the most prominent Democrat to go without protection since John Edwards.” – David Letterman

“Reporters in Washington are saying that President Obama’s hair has gotten visibly grayer in the seven months since he took office. Amazingly, each of his gray hairs is the result of a black hair and a white hair being brought together by Obama last year.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s interesting to me that since they’ve been out of office, Dick Cheney has really got his nose out of joint. Have you noticed this? He’s out there. He’s upset. He’s attacking people. He’s shooting his mouth off. And now he is criticizing the Obama Administration for looking into the CIA torture policy. He says ‘You shouldn’t be looking into the CIA torturing policy.’ He made that announcement, then he went back to his private island to hunt human prey.” – David Letterman

“But Cheney says he won’t cooperate with the prisoner abuse program probe. The only way we cooperate is if he tortures himself into talking. And he said, ‘I’m not going to do that.'” – David Letterman

“Cheney accused Obama of setting a ‘terrible precedent.’ That’s what Cheney said, Obama is setting a ‘terrible precedent,’ not to be confused with George W. Bush, who was a terrible president. That’s a different deal.” – David Letterman

“In a new interview, Dick Cheney says former President Bush ignored his advice to take military action against Iran’s nuclear program. That’s true. Bush also ignored Cheney’s advice to attack Switzerland, Jamaica, and Antarctica.” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, it’s back. You know what I’m talking about. Swine flu. And they say now this year it may be worse than ever. And I was thinking, well, thank God we fixed our healthcare system.” – David Letterman

“In Afghanistan, a presidential candidate named Abdullah Abdullah says there has been election fraud, and that he deserves to be president. Abdullah Abdullah said, ‘They’re going to hear from my lawyer, Shapiro Shapiro.'” – Conan O’Brien

“There was a minor earthquake in South Carolina. As a matter of fact, Governor Sanford, because of the minor earthquake, was actually knocked on to his wife.” – David Letterman

“And you know, now they’re talking that Governor Sanford may be impeached for having an affair. And today, he was made an honorary Democrat, so congratulations.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin announced that she will make her first trip to Asia in September, where she’ll be giving a speech in Hong Kong. Palin says she’s thrilled because Hong Kong and Asia are two of her favorite places.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Do you remember when George W. Bush was the President? Eight years of big time fun. And he had the daughters, the Bush twins. And well, listen to this. One of the Bush twins, Jenna, 27 years old now, not just a kid. So now, listen this. Jenna Bush — talk about a great gig — is going to be on the ‘Today’ show. And if there is anything this country needs, it’s more of that family. They can’t get enough.” – David Letterman

“Jenna Bush was hired as a correspondent for the ‘Today’ show. People wonder if her dad was a factor in her getting the job. If he was, it looks like she overcame it and got the job anyway.” – Craig Ferguson

“Big announcement at NBC. George Bush’s daughter, Jenna, was just hired as a correspondent on the ‘Today’ show. The show said they wanted someone who would make Kathie Lee look sober.” – Jimmy Fallon

“And I just hope she has her father’s facility with words. That would be nice.” – David Letterman

“They say Jenna will contribute about once a month. It’s the same schedule her old man had.” – David Letterman


The Future of News?

The takeover of mainstream media by large corporations has had two devastating effects. Most obvious is the editorial control that the corporations have exercised over their properties, but I think a bigger problem is the resulting fiscal control. The need to control costs and increase profits has led to a media that can afford to do little more than repeat talking points fed to them, while doing little or no original work or investigative journalism. If you believe that a vibrant media is essential to a vibrant democracy, then this is clearly a disaster.

One of the biggest things I enjoy about running this blog (which takes a massive amount of time for pretty much no pay) is the community that has grown up around it. It often surprises me that I have not needed to install controls on comments like many websites have, but the level of discourse remains largely friendly and informative. On the other hand, it does bother me that I don’t have the resources to do original research or investigative journalism.

Which is why I’m enjoying watching the Daily Kos evolve from a (vibrant) blogging community, into what might become the future of news in this country. For example, consider this video on DailyKosTV from Jed Lewison (who many of you may remember from the election for the excellent blog The Jed Report). Lewison is able to easily debunk a blatant lie from Fox News:

In addition, DailyKos is now doing their own polls (just like a “real” newspaper!).

So what do you think? Can blogging communities become the new sources of hard news when the mainstream (corporate) media withers and dies?

Incidentally, the media problem is not limited to the US — two mainstream Bangladeshi newspapers reprinted an article they took from The Onion, not realizing that it was a satirical website.

UPDATE: Another viewpoint on the Future of News — Why I Love Al Jazerra — brilliantly written, too.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Obama family is taking a vacation up there in Martha’s Vineyard, it is a good time for the president to take a vacation, I think. I mean, everything is fixed, right? Why not knock off? And they are talking about Obama may play a round of golf with Tiger Woods. That is a little different than President Clinton on vacation, he just liked to play around.” – David Letterman

“Publishers are saying that every time President Obama is seen reading a book on his vacation, sales of that book skyrocket, go through the roof. It’s incredible. Yeah. And historians are saying we experienced this before when President Bush was photographed reading ‘Everybody Poops.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Health care debate, of course, still rages. John McCain in the middle of the debate now. Earlier this week, in a television interview, John McCain said he has never experienced anything like the current debate on health care. Then McCain turned to the camera and said, ‘I’ve also never experienced anything like the rich, bold flavor of lemon zest Metamucil.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Celebrity birthdays, happy birthday John McCain, 73 years old tomorrow. And if you are looking for a gift, you can’t go wrong with something from the Very Old Navy.” – David Letterman

“McCain has had a tremendous career, ran for president, Sarah Palin was his running mate for vice president, and now, and now I don’t know, he is at Applebee’s blowing on his soup.” – David Letterman

“California is trying very hard to get out of debt. I can’t believe this. The government of California is holding a garage sale to raise money for the state. A garage sale, ladies and gentlemen. Now, folks, even if you don’t really need anything, this may be your only chance to haggle with Governor Schwarzenegger over a $2 spatula.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today and tomorrow, the state of California is having a big garage sale up in Sacramento. Which is probably not a good sign for the economy, when the largest state in the union is holding a garage sale to pay its debts. Our governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, actually signed a lot of the items for sale, I guess to raise their value.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You know, a garage sale is fine, but we owe $30 billion. If we really want to make money, forget the garage sale, take some of that confiscated pot and have a bake sale.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ladies and gentlemen, I didn’t even realize this until this morning, Sunday will be the 16th anniversary of Paul and myself doing the show here at CBS. Sixteen. And that is assuming I make it past tomorrow’s death panel interview.” – David Letterman


Ted, we’ll miss you

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman


Senseless Seniors

Matt Wuerker
© Matt Wuerker


Reforming Health Care Reform

The media has been concentrating on the more lurid and confrontational aspects of the debate over health care reform; for example, the protestors at town halls, including the recent case of a man who had his finger bitten off during a fight (which was itself ironic, since he was against health care reform, but having his finger reattached was paid for by Medicare).

But the reality is that most of the town halls have happened without incident, and even at the ones where there are disruptions, the people being disruptive are a small minority. It turns out that in the area of health care reform, most Americans agree on more things than they disagree on.

Don’t believe me? Watch this video of new Senator Al Franken at the State Fair in Minnesota, confronted by some people who say they are against health care reform. Franken manages to have a civil, intelligent, and substantive discussion about health care in the US, and how we can reform it.

Naturally, this won’t get any attention from the mainstream media.


Inquisitor in Chief Cheney

Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s enjoying himself. He’s having his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard all week. So far — this is what the news says — so far, he’s played tennis, golf; he’s gone swimming. Now it’s rumored he may play a game of bocce ball. It’s true. In other words, America is still waiting for its first black president.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama family vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard and Obama has been mostly relaxing with just a little bit of work. And you know, that sounds like George Bush’s entire eight years.” – David Letterman

“The entire island of Martha’s Vineyard has gone Obama crazy. There’s even a cocktail that they’ve named after Barack Obama. It’s called the Obamarita. Not to be confused with a cocktail inspired by John McCain, the Cosmopoligrip. And then there was one a couple of years ago inspired by George W. Bush, the Mojidiot. Of course, there was the Bill Clinton Screwdriver.” – David Letterman

“John McCain is out there in Arizona. He had a town hall meeting and you know these town hall meetings. Have you been watching? They’ve got out of hand completely. There’s one old guy, had a gun rack on his walker, honestly.” – David Letterman

“McCain at one point had to have a crazy woman removed by security at one of these town hall meetings. And I’m thinking, jeez, he should have done that a year ago.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday in Arizona, Sen. John McCain had an out of control woman thrown out of a town hall meeting because she wouldn’t stop yelling at him. I’m guessing he still hasn’t patched things up with Sarah Palin.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaking of John McCain, he says that people are so angry and concerned about America’s future, that he sees a revolution coming. McCain said, ‘I had this exact same feeling in 1776.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will serve four more years, or until the United States becomes a colony of China.” – David Letterman

“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been a victim of identity theft. His credit card company became suspicious when they noticed repeated purchases of large, failing American car companies.” –Conan O’Brien

“Bernanke looks like a guy you see at the airport holding a sign that reads ‘Dr. Rothman.’ He looks like a guy who ran a Madoff feeder fund. He looks like a personal physician to a pop star. He looks like a medical examiner on ‘Kojak.'” – David Letterman

“Ladies and gentlemen, here’s an example of why we’re all screwed. You know the stimulus checks that the government’s sending out? Thousands of these stimulus checks have been sent to prison inmates. Well, I’m pretty sure they’ll give ’em back. I mean, if you can’t trust a con who — I mean, seriously.” – David Letterman

“It’s all part of Obama’s new ‘Cash for Convicts’ program.” – David Letterman

“The good news is the checks arrived today, just in time for the big dance on Saturday.” – David Letterman

“Hey, wait a minute, you know on Sunday, it’ll be 16 years that Paul and I and everybody else have been here at CBS on the ‘Late Show.’ Sixteen years, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve been torturing people longer than Dick Cheney.” – David Letterman

“But according to a newly released memo from the CIA, they used horrible torture techniques on prisoners. Dick Cheney claimed that it wasn’t torture. Enhanced interrogation techniques, that’s what he called it, enhanced interrogation technique. And he didn’t shoot that guy in the face. No, no, that was enhanced quail hunting.” – David Letterman

“There’s a big presidential election in Afghanistan and President Hamid Karzai’s opponent is a man named Abdullah Abdullah. Of course, he usually goes by his middle name, Kevin.” – Conan O’Brien


The Link Between Climate and Health?

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles


Marvel Universe President Obama versus Fox News President Obama – Who’s Worse?

[This post was submitted by special ironic correspondent Avi Brand]

The recent blockbuster news flash that Disney is buying Marvel Entertainment for $4 Billion made me wonder once again who is the worse President of the United States: Barack Obama as portrayed by the Marvel Universe, or Barack Obama as portrayed by Fox News. Well, I decided to stack them up head-to-head to settle the question once and for all.

The newly elected Marvel Universe Barack Obama made one of the most infamous cabinet appointments of all time, choosing Norman Osborn (formerly the murderous and insane Green Goblin) as head of all global peacekeeping agencies, including the revered Avengers. This version of Barack Obama has literally handed the reins of world peace and safety over to one of the most evil men on this or any other planet. Osborn has already clandestinely allied himself with Doctor Doom, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Loki the Norse God of Mischief, and the Criminal Syndicate Boss/Demon Sorcerer The Hood in an attempt to cement his power base and further extend his villainous tentacles into every corner of the Marvel Universe. Meanwhile, his agents are hunting down heroes like Tony Stark (Iron Man) and even Captain America, the very symbol of American power. And all with the Marvel Universe Obama’s tacit approval. Makes Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers look like kindergartners.


The Fox News Barack Obama is a shady, smooth-talking totalitarian communist who is on an unholy mission to strengthen the federal government by any means necessary to a deadly sharp edge at home while systematically weakening our military oversees. His failed economic policies have destroyed this great country that we grew up in, and he will stop at nothing to blame America first for any problem anywhere in the world. Under his iron-fisted rule, the US will devolve into a Soviet-style, Nazi dictatorship that will enforce mandatory abortions on women, Koran classes on men, and euthanasia for old people. After barely seven months in office, he is already the worst president this nation has ever had. He is certainly the most anti-American. Makes Stalin and Hitler look like amateurs.

Fox News

So who’s worse?

While Fox News Barack Obama is certainly a terrible tyrant and a phony (I certainly wouldn’t vote for him), his evil pales in comparison to what the naive, weak, and ineffectual Marvel Universe Barack Obama has allowed to happen. Norman Osborn holds the real reigns of power in that world (kind of like Dick Cheney) and he is putting his nefarious plans into action as we speak. The Marvel Universe electorate would do well to elect a Republican in 2012.

Hmmm… I wonder what The Marvel Universe Fox News is saying about Norman Osborn? No doubt that he’s doing what’s necessary to protect us from the Skrulls.

– Avi Brand


Late Night Political Humor

“There’s a big presidential election in Afghanistan. And President Hamid Karzai’s opponent is a man called Abdullah Abdullah. Apparently, his campaign slogan is, ‘The Abdullah so nice, they named him twice.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Here’s the way it stands now. Hamid Karzai is leading in the election and he picked up a lot of swing voters, they said, in the Afghanistan elections, because of his No Infidel Left Behind program.” – David Letterman

“One of the candidates, Abdullah Abdullah, has dropped out of the running, and they think now his dumb son is thinking about running, Abdullah W. Abdullah.” – David Letterman

“Boy oh, boy, they got a new memo from the CIA talking about torture activities. Don’t you love that kind of stuff? … Here’s the approved CIA torture methods: sleep deprivation; waterboarding; face slapping. Sounds like attending a Donald trump real estate seminar, or watching a Ben Bernanke confirmation hearing.” – David Letterman

“Anyway, he’s being re-nominated for the Federal Reserve chairman. And I’m already planning my big Ben Bernanke party.” – David Letterman

“I like Ben Bernanke. He looks like the guy who OK’s your check at Kroger.” – David Letterman

“He looks like every guy at your high school reunion.” – David Letterman

“He looks like a porn kingpin. That’s it. Ben Bernanke, that’s what he looks like.” – David Letterman

“Boy, it’s hot in New York City today, huh? I know what you’re thinking right now. You’re thinking, OK, OK, go ahead and pull the plug on the old folks, just don’t pull the plug on the air conditioner.” – David Letterman

“The Obamas taking a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. When something like that happens, it’s like a big deal for the community. And people on Martha’s Vineyard are going crazy and they’re buying Obama T-shirts, they’re buying Obama mugs, they’re buying Obama caps. The only thing they’re not buying is Obama’s health-care plan.” – David Letterman

“But on Martha’s Vineyard, they’re serving a new drink inspired by Obama. It’s an Obamarita. After three Obamaritas, a $9 trillion deficit doesn’t look so bad.” – David Letterman

“This is not the first time a president has inspired a cocktail. We have the Obamarita. And remember George W. Bush? He inspired the Mojidiot.” – David Letterman

“Obama has a great money-saving idea for health care. Here’s what he’s saying — if you need an X-ray and you don’t have the money or you don’t have proper health coverage and you need that X-ray, just drop by an airport, go right through the scanner. They’ll send you the results.” – David Letterman

“The latest rumor is that President Obama is going to have dinner on Martha’s Vineyard with Oprah Winfrey. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. The most powerful person in the free world is going to have dinner with President Obama.” – Conan O’Brien

“Governor Schwarzenegger is trying to reduce California’s deficit by auctioning off state holdings that he says are no longer needed. So check out the auction if you’re looking to buy real estate, construction equipment, or the Los Angeles Clippers.” – Conan O’Brien

“General Motors has announced it’s going to be removing its GM ‘Mark of Excellence’ logo from all GM cars. Of course, the GM Mark of Excellence logo doesn’t usually have to be removed because after 50 miles, it just falls off.” – Conan O’Brien


This is what passes for news anchors in America

CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo starts ranting about public health care in England. Congressman Anthony Weiner tries to explain to her that we don’t need to look at other countries, that we already have public health insurance in this country — namely Medicare — and that people who use it are very satisfied.

This is when Maria shows on what planet she is spending her time. She counters “How come you don’t use it? You don’t have it. How come you don’t have it?”

Weiner: “Because I’m not 65.”

Bartiromo: “Yeah… c’mon!”

Seriously. Watch it yourself:


We have met the enemy, and he is Us

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow
