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The illegal alien health care argument is a red herring

Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) will probably now be known forever as the man who shouted “You Lie!” during Obama’s speech to Congress.

But it appears that his emotional outburst is backfiring. The Democratic fund raising site ActBlue is showing a huge amount of money is being donated to Wilson’s opponent in the upcoming election.

And even Time magazine had this to say:

At the moment Wilson exploded, the outburst seemed like an assault on the President. Soon afterwards, it was clear that it had been a gift. Wilson had, in an emotional expression, proven Obama’s point: the summer of town halls had been less a discussion than a circus, a forum where misinformation was vindicated by passion, where disrespect was elevated as a virtue. Now the circus had come inside Congress.

And of course, the normal Internet silliness is already going full steam, including the website JoeWilsonIsYourPreexistingCondition.

Ironically, Wilson called Obama a liar over Obama’s statement “the reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally”. But it is easy to verify what Obama said is true. Both the House and Senate versions of the reform bill clearly state that illegal immigrants will not receive any benefits from the government.

When talking to reporters today, Wilson again claimed that Obama’s reforms would benefit illegal immigrants, because the bill lacked stringent verification procedures. But that claim has already been debunked by PolitiFact. Indeed, the current bills are neutral with respect to illegal immigration. What does Wilson want? To make it illegal for illegal immigrants to get any health insurance of any kind (even if they pay for it entirely themselves)? That would probably cause them to be even more of a drain, since emergency rooms are not allowed to turn anyone away (including illegal immigrants).

Personally, I think the whole illegal immigrant access to health care thing is a red herring. How would you feel if every time a crime was committed, when the police showed up they had to check to make sure everyone was either a citizen or a legal immigrant? So if someone is robbed and it turns out that they can not prove they are here legally, then the police would not bother to help them or to investigate the crime. After all, that would entail the government paying for free police services to illegal aliens!

Not only that, but I’m sure that plenty of illegal aliens are using our nationally funded highways. Don’t we need more stringent verification to make sure all drivers are legal immigrants? And if someone’s house is burning, the fire department should check to make sure they are legal before putting out the fire.

UPDATE: Here’s an interesting angle from NPR:

Actually there is not much evidence that illegal immigrants are using Medicaid in a big way. A few years ago, the government tried to weed out undocumented migrants by requiring Medicaid recipients to prove their citizenship. Only a handful of illegal immigrants were discovered. But large numbers of citizens lost Medicaid because they couldn’t provide the necessary documents. The requirement was later dropped.

Doesn’t this remind you of the conservative noisemaking about voter registration fraud, which was actually a ruse to make it more difficult for low-income people to vote?


Tim Goheen
© Tim Goheen


Indoctrinating Our Children

Matt Davies
© Matt Davies

Read Leonard Pitts’ excellent column, “What are we saving the children from?”


Late Night Political Humor

“Next Tuesday — a lot of people talking about this — President Obama plans to make a televised speech to the nation’s students during school hours. Many Republicans are planning to keep their kids home from school in protest. As a result, those kids have voted Obama ‘Best President Ever.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s a great day for President Barack Obama. He’s getting ready for a speech he’s giving to schoolchildren tomorrow. And he said he wants the speech to be at third grade level, so he tested it on Joe Biden.” –Craig Ferguson

“Some Republicans are saying they want Dick Cheney, that’s right, Dick Cheney, to run for president in 2012. Of course, you have to remember that when they said this, Cheney was torturing them.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hey, you know who’s coming to town next month? Have any idea? Dictator of Libya, Muammar Qaddafi. Thank you,” – David Letterman

“I’m glad Muammar Qaddafi will be here because for once I won’t be the most hated man in New York City.” – David Letterman

“Qaddafi was going to rent — this is crazy — Joan Rivers’ apartment in Manhattan. But the deal fell through at the last minute. Coincidentally, so did Joan’s face.” – David Letterman

“Former President George W. Bush has hired a man to lead his presidential think tank in Dallas. The man was hired because he was the only candidate who could say the words, ‘George W. Bush think tank’ with a straight face.” – Conan O’Brien

“This is weird. A new book that is coming out claims that Osama bin laden is a huge Whitney Houston fan. Experts say that helps explain why bin Laden’s latest video repeatedly calls for ‘death to Bobby Brown.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Labor Day is Monday. Labor Day, of course, is the day that we set aside to remember when people used to have jobs.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I want to say happy Labor Day weekend. I hope you have a job to be off from on Monday.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Labor day weekend. Remember Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska? She’s having a big cookout for all her family, all of her friends up there in Alaska. And people say, ‘Is she any good? Can she cook?’ Remember last year she cooked John McCain’s goose? Remember that? Tremendous!” – David Letterman

“President Obama is asking Americans to drive safely and not consume too much alcohol this Labor Day weekend. Boy, he really is just like Hitler, isn’t he?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And then next month, Sarah Palin is going to Hong Kong for a speaking engagement in Hong Kong. She says she can almost see Hong Kong from her house.” – David Letterman

“Chinese are all very excited, though. They think they’re getting Tina Fey.” – David Letterman

“But the former governor’s getting ready for her trip. She’s reading all the Chinese menus she can get her hands on.” – David Letterman

“She’s going to do her best to promote capitalism while she’s in Hong Kong, and then I guess in the end of the trip, she’ll be riding around in helicopters, shooting pandas.” – David Letterman

“This is interesting. China has started an educational exchange program that’s sending 23 high school students to schools in Detroit. Once in Detroit, the students will exchange cultural ideas, social theories and gunfire.” – Conan O’Brien

“There’s a big brouhaha going on at the Venice Film Festival, because the guests this year include Michael Moore and the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. That was the guy that called George Bush ‘El Diablo.’ Now, people are saying that the festival shouldn’t have invited that crazy America-hating lunatic, or Hugo Chavez.” – Craig Ferguson

“The economy getting worse. The Department of Labor today announced that unemployment is at a 26-year high of 9.7%, making this the most ironic Labor Day since 1983.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Despite the announcement today that the unemployment hit 9.7%, Joe Biden said that the recovery is more than we had hoped. And when asked to clarify, Biden said, ‘Well, we had hoped that unemployment would only be about 5%, and now it is 9.7%. So, that’s more than we had hoped.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Crazy. There are 15 million unemployed people in America and Michael Vick isn’t one of them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama will be featured in four health magazines this fall to help promote his healthcare proposal. Obama even wrote an article for one of the magazines. It’s called ‘Smoke Your Way To Sexy Abs.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hey, there’s a lot of buzz about who is going to replace Diane Sawyer on ‘Good Morning America.’ Sarah Palin has expressed interest. She said, ‘I’d be honored to quit that job.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Isn’t it Great?

Bruce Beattie
© Bruce Beattie


Term Limits

Dwane Powell
© Dwane Powell

Yup, some people are seriously proposing that we shoot ourselves in the face.


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt

Over at Zero Hedge there is a brilliant article about the National Debt. I’m not going to quote from it, or summarize it. Just go read it. Read the whole thing. Doesn’t matter if you agree with it — it is the funniest thing I’ve read in months.


Did Glenn Beck murder ?

Glenn Beck may not have murdered and raped a young girl in 1990, but he sure is trying to murder the website that discusses evidence of it. Lawyers representing Beck have filed a domain name dispute, claiming that the domain name violates his trademark.

And according to the website in question, they also contacted the website hosting service, the datacenter, and the domain name registrar. Apparently the registrar took down the domain name briefly.

There is an important issue here (somewhere). You can use a trademark in order to protest against the owner of that trademark, but what is the boundary between protest and libel? This, of course, is part of the larger question of the boundary between free speech and defamation. The website is clearly a protest, and contains a clear notice to that effect, but is the domain name itself defamatory?

And the whole thing is ironic because Beck himself depends on the law giving him a huge amount of leeway in what he says on the air. If Beck wins this lawsuit, could he be opening himself up to similar lawsuits from people that he has clearly defamed?

UPDATE: If you are interested in following the legal wrangling on this, here is an excellent web page.


Late Night Political Humor

“In 2012, the Republicans are now talking about the presidential ticket, Dick Cheney and running as vice president Sarah Palin. Talk about your dream ticket. Oh buddy, the comedy recession is over. I mean, come on, talk about your shotgun marriage.” – David Letterman

“There was an article in Vanity Fair that says Sarah Palin — listen to this, this borders on the creepy — that what she was trying to do … was adopt her daughter Bristol’s baby. … Oh yeah, like I’m going to make a joke about this. None of my business. Whatever you want. Live and let live, that’s my motto.” – David Letterman

“But this article is quite an expose. The article claims that Sarah Palin really couldn’t see Russia from her house. The article also says that Sarah Palin was not much of a hunter. And I was thinking, I don’t know, she killed John McCain’s chances.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin is making some dough. She’s going around the world speaking. She’s got a gig over in China. She’s very excited because she thinks that China is a red state.” – David Letterman

“Remember the two Asian-American journalists who were held captive in North Korea and rescued by President Clinton. Well, they have finally written about their ordeal. The two of them said they were frightened, mistreated, and violated, and then someone told Clinton to leave them alone.” – Conan O’Brien

“The healthcare debate is getting crazily intense. Yesterday during a healthcare protest, a fight broke out and a man got his finger bitten off. That’s true. No one knows who started it, but there’s been an awful lot of stub pointing.” – Conan O’Brien


Health Reform is Easy!

Kevin Siers
© Kevin Siers


Presidential Protest – Then and Now

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow


Porky Pig and Daffy Duck explain how insurance works


Late Night Political Humor

“The swine flu just is bad. And everybody’s worried about it. As a matter of fact, former Vice President Dick Cheney is so concerned about swine flu that today he fried his bacon in Purell.” – David Letterman

“A new study from the University of Maryland finds that swine flu easily overtakes other strains of the flu. And you know it’s bad when the bird flu is worried about the swine flu.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I like that Cheney. In eight years as Vice President, the only thing we knew about Dick Cheney was he was always in an undisclosed location. That and he shot his buddy in the face.” – David Letterman

“But now, he can’t keep his mouth closed, and he’s talking about he’s really upset with the Obama Administration about the CIA torture probe. He said he can’t stand it. He said it’s a huge mistake and we shouldn’t be doing it. And then he went back to his mountain fortress to create a mate for his monster.” – David Letterman

“Cheney says that the CIA torture probe is a terrible idea and should never have been authorized. You mean like the war in Iraq? You mean like that, Dick?” – David Letterman

“Hey, here’s good news, ladies and gentlemen — Eliot Spitzer is running for governor again. I’m telling you, the comedy recession is over.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer started work as a professor at New York City College, where he will teach a three-hour long political science class. Last time he did something for three hours, it cost him, like, 15 grand.” – Jimmy Fallon

“He’s talking about running for governor again, although Eliot says he won’t make a decision without consulting his wife. I remember when he used to make quite a few decisions without consulting his wife.” – David Letterman

“It looks like they’re starting to get the wildfires under control. Firefighters in the LA area have been working nonstop all week long. And this morning — this is very nice — this morning, as a reward, Governor Schwarzenegger personally served them breakfast. Unfortunately, due to the California’s budget crisis, he was forced to charge them $12.99 each.” – Conan O’Brien

“Big election scandal in Afghanistan. The loser of the Afghanistan presidential election, a man named Abdullah Abdullah, is claiming that the winner, Hamid Karzai, artificially inflated his number of votes. In response, Karzai is claiming that Abdullah Abdullah artificially inflated his number of Abdullahs.” – Conan O’Brien

“State Department’s conducting a big investigation into a wild party thrown at the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan. Of course, in Afghanistan, a wild party is any event where a girl takes her socks off.” – Conan O’Brien

“In an interview, President Obama has said that picking up his dog Bo’s poop is one of the highlights of his day. The interview was published in ‘The Journal of Depressing Metaphors for the State of America.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Elmo from ‘Sesame Street’ is appearing in a new public service announcement informing people about swine flu. Doctors warn that if you see a red, furry, high-pitched monster informing you about swine flu, you may already have it.” – Conan O’Brien

“Summer vacation’s sadly coming to an end. Not for the Obama family. They just got back from Martha’s Vineyard. And now they’re going on another vacation to Camp David. Joe Biden is really excited for the car trip. He loves sticking his head out the window.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Toyota Camry is the number one selling car in the U.S., because of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program. I think Obama’s getting a little carried away. Now he’s letting people trade in old American children for newer Japanese children.” – Jimmy Fallon


Advice for Schoolchildren

Chan Lowe
© Chan Lowe

Ironically (especially given this cartoon), Laura Bush is defending Obama’s school speech, saying it is “really important for everyone to respect the President of the United States.”

The full text of Obama’s speech to schoolchildren.


Confusing the Confused

One of the strategies used by opponents of health care reform is to throw out so many confusing things that people don’t know what to think. At the very least, this works to slow things down.

But it appears that some people actually believe some of the crazier things being thrown out there. A poll performed recently asked people the following question:

Do you think the government should stay out of Medicare?

Of course, it would be impossible for the government to stay out of Medicare — Medicare is run by the government!

But that didn’t stop 39% of people polled from answering Yes. And an additional 15% weren’t sure. Seriously, 54% of Americans have that tenuous a grasp on the facts surrounding health care reform.

Satirical Sign

(note that the person holding the sign in this photo was being satirical, but I couldn’t resist including it)


Late Night Political Humor

“As of today, same-sex couples may now legally get married in Vermont. So finally, finally, after years of waiting, we’ll get to hear these words out of Vermont: ‘I now pronounce you Ben and Jerry.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s great day for America, everybody. I’ll tell you why. Because, as of today in the state of Vermont, as of today, no going back now, same-sex marriage is legal in Vermont. It is only a matter of time before Ben marries Jerry.” – Craig Ferguson

“A spokesperson for Sarah Palin says she’s about 85% finished with her book which means that Sarah Palin is finished with her book.” – Conan O’Brien

“A political group is urging Dick Cheney to run for president in 2012. It’s a political group known as the Democrats.” – Conan O’Brien

“Of course, the healthcare debate is raging. And yesterday, John McCain spoke to nearly 100 doctors and nurses. It wasn’t a political meeting. It was McCain’s annual checkup.” – Conan O’Brien

“In preparation for the swine flu outbreak, colleges all over the country are warning students to avoid kissing, drinking games, and using drugs. College students have reacted to the news by immediately getting the swine flu.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, we went through this last year. Now they’re saying that the swine flu this year could be even worse. They’ve got to stop the spread of the swine flu so there’s a school in Long Island that is banning touching. No touching. Sounds like my honeymoon.” – David Letterman

“Meanwhile, in New York, Governor David Paterson has been busy for the last couple of weeks trying to shave off his beard. And he did it. He did it with Gillette’s new Seeing Eye Razor.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This makes Governor Paterson the first governor to get rid of his beard since former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey filed for divorce back in, I think, ’06.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, you know who’s back in town? Eliot Spitzer. Former governor of New York Eliot Spitzer is back in town, and he’s going to run for governor again. He says he wants to spend less time with his family.” – David Letterman

“I read today that former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer is considering running for the Senate. In fact he’s already holding fundraisers: $500 for the full hour and $300 for a half hour.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Do you remember Governor Eliot Spitzer, the guy who pioneered the ‘Cash for Hookers’ program?” – David Letterman

“Things are getting tough for President Obama. Every day, he slips a couple of points in the approval. He’s now at 45 percent, mainly because of this healthcare thing. You know things are bad. Today, Bo refused to go to the vet if he had to use the public option.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I don’t know if you remember. We threw Gray Davis, the former governor, out of the office because he wasn’t running the state effectively enough. Now, we’re burning to the ground and holding garage sales on eBay to pay our bills. This is what we get for hiring cheap foreign labor.” – Jimmy Kimmel
