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Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama made his big healthcare address to a joint session of Congress last night. It went pretty well, except for one weird part in the middle of it, when a congressman from South Carolina suddenly yelled out, ‘You lie!’ It’s amazing this guy was able to sit through seven years of President Bush telling him everything in Iraq is fine without a peep, but last night, he yells out, ‘You lie!'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I am not getting on Congressman Wilson’s case for disagreeing with the president… Every congressman has a vote, he should use it, but not in the middle of a speech to a joint session of Congress. That’s not what you do. It’s not the Jerry Springer Show. You can’t stand up in the middle of Congress and say ‘Oh no you did not!’ What the hell is wrong with you? He said his emotions got the better of him. Sometimes I want to have sex with a hooker, but I don’t!” – Craig Ferguson

“After Joe Wilson’s outburst, everyone was shocked. Because usually when a politician shoots off his mouth and makes a fool of himself, his name is Joe Biden. But even Vice President Biden said he was embarrassed by Wilson’s behavior. This is Joe Biden we’re talking about. Joe Biden saying it’s embarrassing is like an Australian bartender saying you’ve had too much to drink.” – Craig Ferguson

“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, also shocked. At least that’s what she said. You can’t tell because her face doesn’t move.” – David Letterman

“During President Obama’s speech, a congressman heckled him. This guy from South Carolina begins to heckle the guy, and I thought, OK, so now Gov. Mark Sanford is the second most embarrassing politician from South Carolina” – David Letterman

“When Wilson yelled ‘you lie’ at the president, I don’t think he handled it very well. The president should go out and hone his material in some comedy clubs and deal with hecklers. Obama should have said, ‘Hey buddy, do I come to your state and knock the wiener out of your governor’s mistress?'” – Craig Ferguson

“Even his fellow Republicans were horrified. He apologized immediately after the speech. He said he was watching ‘Gossip Girl’ on his iPod, and that Blair such a bitch he just couldn’t hold it in.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Even John McCain chastised Wilson for shouting. When you’re McCain’s age, you’re opposed to anything loud.” – Craig Ferguson

“John McCain, here’s a guy who’s seen it all, he was shocked. He said he hasn’t seen anything like this since Aaron Burr heckled Alexander Hamilton.” – David Letterman

“It doesn’t matter what the Congressman thinks about the President’s policies, but he acts like he learned manners in the same place Michael Vick learned about pet care.” – Craig Ferguson

“Barack Obama, of course, is not the first president to have ‘you lie’ yelled at him. Bill Clinton got that all the time, but only from Hillary. And that was only after he came home and told her he lost his pants in a tornado.” – Craig Ferguson

“Back when George Bush was president, Democrats in Congress, to be fair, would occasionally go ‘Boooo!’ But President Bush never took it personally, he just thought Congress was haunted.” – Craig Ferguson

“Republican Congressman Joe Wilson apologized for calling President Obama a liar during his speech on health care. Obama accepted Wilson’s apology, and then invited him to appear before a death panel.” – Conan O’Brien

“During last night’s health care speech, President Obama’s told Republicans that the time for games has passed. Obama had to say that because most Republicans were on their Blackberrys playing Brick Breaker.” – Conan O’Brien

“Everybody is talking about the big health speech last night. In his speech, President Obama said that he will not sign a health-care plan that adds one dime to the Federal deficit. And then he interrupted himself and said, ‘You lie!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, he’s still going, President Obama gave another speech about health care. This one to a roomful of nurses. Yeah. Still no word on what Bill Clinton was doing there.” – Conan O’Brien

“The President said that he wants to bring affordable health-care insurance to every American. Joe Biden got really excited. He thought he was finally going to meet the Geico gecko.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin had a big op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, and she said she’s against death panels. And I thought, ‘Really? She’s the one who pulled the plug on the McCain campaign.'” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, Florida Senator Mel Martinez, the only Hispanic Republican in the Senate, officially stepped down. Yeah. The Republican senator who replaced Martinez thanked him, and then had him deported.” – Conan O’Brien


We’re Number 37

A sampling of the brilliant lyrics by Paul Hipp:

We’re number 37
We’re the USA
We’re No. 37
And we’re so proud to say
We got old people crying at the pharmacy
Pay your deductible
This ain’t the land of the f-f-f-free, Grandma
We’re No. 37
We’re the USA

I also believe this is the first time that PolitiFact has analyzed a music video.


Reality still has a liberal bias and Matt Kibbe has a unit problem

Photos do lie!Conservatives lost no time trumpeting the huge crowds they attracted for the “tea party” protest on 12 September. While most estimates were in the “thousands” or “tens of thousands”, conservatives were claiming as many as 2 million protestors, based on a photo (shown at right) published by the conservative “Say Anything” blog.

One conservative blogger wrote: “‘Media’ estimates range from 60,000 to 500,000 to around 2 million (yes, 2,000,000). Those estimates, the language employed, and the visuals chosen for use in reporting the rally and representing the people gathered, vary greatly based solely on bias.” The claim being that the more liberal the media outlet, the smaller numbers they reported for the protest.

There’s only one problem. The photo is at least 10 years old. It doesn’t include the “National Museum of the American Indian”, which opened in 2004. Closer inspection also shows construction cranes on the left side of the Natural History Museum, which were there during the 1990s when the IMAX theater was built.

Not only that, but reports of the actual protest on 12 September said that the protestors were mainly in the streets, not on the mall (as in the photo).

So, I’m going to have to agree with the blogger who claimed bias. It seems that the more conservative someone is, the more likely they were to report grossly inflated numbers.

Even funnier is the report at FiveThirtyEight, which blames the fabricated numbers on Matt Kibbe, the president of conservative FreedomWorks, who claimed that ABC had reported numbers between 1 and 1.5 million people, when they had actually said 60 to 70 thousand. This was then picked up by Michelle Malkin, but somehow grew to two million people.

The best line is when FiveThirtyEight points out that this is no small overstatement — this is a whopping 30-fold exaggeration. Or as Nate Silver put it, this is equivalent to Kibbe “telling people that his penis is 53 inches long.”  (Note that the art of the delicious insult is not dead — if 53 inches is a 30-fold exaggeration, then Kibbe’s penis must be less than 2 inches long.) Here’s a website that shows the exaggeration graphically.


Joe Wilson’s Medical Diagnosis: (Hypo)critical condition

Rep. Joe Wilson claims he feels so strongly that illegal immigrants should not benefit from health care reform that he shouted “You lie!” at the president during a joint session of Congress.

Now, let’s ignore whether Wilson’s outburst was rude or disrespectful. Let’s also ignore whether providing health care for illegal aliens is a good idea (since emergency rooms won’t turn anyone away, we’re already paying for health care for illegals anyway).

In 2003, Wilson himself voted for a bill that provided federal funds to pay for the health care of illegal aliens.

My question is, does that make Wilson a flip-flopper, or merely a liar?

Maureen Dowd has an interesting read about Joe Wilson and South Carolina politics in general, that might explain the real reasons for Wilson’s outburst.

Or for a fun rant, read this.


My Healthcare Nightmare

A good story, followed by a good rant:


Scopes Monkey Trial, part 2?

The Scopes Monkey Trial in 1926 challenged a state law that made it illegal to teach evolution in public schools. But now, evolution is being challenged in a much more insidious way.

A new movie about Charles Darwin, from BBC Films and the UK Film Council is being released this weekend, and although it was directed by oscar-winner Jeremy Thomas (The Last Emperor and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence), and has received rave reviews, it has been unable to find a US distributor. No US distributor will touch it because evolution is too controversial. The movie has had no problems finding distributors in pretty much every other country in the world, and has even been picked to open the Toronto Film Festival (one of the most prestigious in the world).

But not here. According to Thomas:

The film has no distributor in America. It has got a deal everywhere else in the world but in the US, and it’s because of what the film is about. People have been saying this is the best film they’ve seen all year, yet nobody in the US has picked it up.

The film is being widely attacked on US Christian websites, despite the fact that it is actually fairly even handed. Most of the attacks are against evolution (not the film itself) with one site calling evolution “a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying.” Surveys have shown that only 39% of Americans believe in the theory of evolution.


Surprise Us

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama giving a lot of very important speeches. He gave a speech about healthcare tonight, and yesterday he gave a pep talk to students. He told them that in order to succeed they need to work hard and study hard. Then today, former President George W. Bush presented the rebuttal.” – Conan O’Brien

“Yesterday, you know, this was a big stink about this. President Obama spoke to the kids, the school kids, and people were upset. They said, ‘Hey, whoa, no!’ They were upset that he was going to somehow — that it would be some sort of political thing, he was trying to brainwash the kids. Here’s what he said. He said to the kids, ‘Hey, kids’ — that’s how he opened — ‘work hard, get good grades, be constructive members of society.’ Well, that Commie. Come on, what’s he trying to pull? What’s going on here?” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, when President Obama addressed the country’s schoolchildren, he told them to stop dreaming about becoming professional athletes. In fact, it was the same exact speech Obama gave last year to the Los Angeles Clippers.” – Conan O’Brien

“Florida’s Republican governor, Charlie Crist, got a hold of President Obama’s speech to students in advance, because everyone was talking about how controversial it might be. He decided there was nothing partisan and he allowed his kids to watch it. Of course, like everyone else in Florida, Crist’s kids are in their late 60s.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama gave his big pitch to a joint session of Congress tonight. A joint session of Congress is very rare. It’s when the House and Senate get baked out of their minds and have a session of Congress.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama gave his speech before a joint session of Congress, and college students across the country held a joint session before watching it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Did you see president Obama’s address to Congress? It was on earlier tonight. It must have gone well because NBC is going to run it five nights a week. You know that’s a sign of success.” – Craig Ferguson

“It was big night on television tonight. And instead of showing President Obama’s healthcare speech that was on tonight, Fox aired its season premiere of ‘So You Think You Can Dance.’ I guess they wanted to give viewers a choice between hearing what’s wrong with our country and watching what’s wrong with our country.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Fox aired ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ and ‘Glee.’ So, you’ll probably spend the next couple of days explaining the healthcare plan to your gay friends.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Then, earlier tonight, President Obama spoke to Congress to explain his healthcare plan and Speaker Nancy Pelosi is very happy because apparently her Botox is covered, so that’s good.” – David Letterman

“And also under the healthcare plan, pop stars will still be able to choose their own creepy personal physicians. So that’ll be good.” – David Letterman

“But Obama’s been trying to pass a healthcare plan. Meanwhile, John McCain is trying to pass a kidney stone.” – David Letterman

“The University of Wyoming recently announced they are naming an international student center after former Vice President Dick Cheney because if there are two things that make you think ‘welcome foreigners’, it’s Dick Cheney and Wyoming.” – Conan O’Brien

“The University of Wyoming will open the new Dick Cheney Center for International Students. Cheney is planning on attending. He’s going to take part in the ceremonial ribbon shooting.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Dick Cheney Center for International Students. It’s just two buildings over from the George W. Bush Institute for Pretzel Safety.” – Jimmy Fallon

“And how about Dick Cheney? Remember when Dick Cheney was Vice President for eight years and you never heard anything out of Dick Cheney? Here’s what we knew about Dick Cheney. Always at an undisclosed location and the other thing is he shot his buddy in the face; those are the only two things we knew about Dick Cheney.” – David Letterman

“Now, we can’t keep him quiet. He’s talking about maybe running for president in 2012. And he says he’s willing to return to the White House, he’ll go back to the White House, but only if he can bring his assistant, Egor.” – David Letterman

“Cheney’s got a great campaign slogan. It says, ‘Are you better off now than you were four heart attacks ago?'” – David Letterman

“At a press conference this week, NASA made a big announcement. They announced that they’ve created a magnetic device that can levitate mice. NASA’s spokesperson said, ‘If you don’t let us go to Mars, this is the kind of stupid crap we’re going to do.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Here’s kind of an interesting deal. This is the sort of thing that happens only in the United States and I guess we’re happy about that. You go onto the eBay, and you can bid on having dinner. You fly to Alaska and have dinner with the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. And the bidding starts at $25,000. I know a lot of people think that’s a pretty steep price to pay but you get an appetizer, you get entrée, and ammo. So, not that bad.” – David Letterman

“And for an extra $1,000, she’ll treat you like John McCain and cut up your meat.” – David Letterman

“But Sarah Palin, very serious now she’s out of office up there in Alaska. She wrote a critique of President Obama’s health care plan and then she went back to seating customers at the Olive Garden.” – David Letterman


Does Anyone Believe Our Current Health Care System is Working?

Lee Judge
© Lee Judge


Late Night Political Humor

“Earlier today, President Obama delivered a speech to America’s schoolchildren. And he encouraged them to work hard and study hard. Yeah, then he said if that doesn’t work, grab the seat next to the Asian kid.” – Conan O’Brien

“The President also said that kids — he told them if they study hard, the United States will continue to prosper. Then he added, ‘But just to be safe, bone up on your Chinese.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama addressed the United States schoolchildren. He had like a speech and it went right to the classes and the kids. Then I thought, wait a minute. He might be trying a little too hard. You know what I’m talking about? At the end he invited all the kids to the White House for a beer.” – David Letterman

“President Obama told them, this is a quote, ‘Be careful what you post on Facebook.’ That’s what he said. Obama then told them about bad things that could happen, like the time he accidentally friended Joe Biden.” – Conan O’Brien

“A lot of people were upset. They said that Obama was going to get in there in the schoolrooms and start brainwashing the kids. At first I was skeptical. But I was talking to my son after he came home from school today. Honest to God, he said, ‘Must have socialized medicine.'” – David Letterman

“Obama said if he could have dinner with anyone in history — he was asked this — he said if he could have dinner with anyone in history he would pick Gandhi. That’s right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, very good answer. Yeah. Yeah, Obama says he picked Gandhi because he’d get to eat two entrees.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama told the kids to work hard and listen to their teachers. Ladies and gentlemen, what a load of socialist propaganda. Work hard and listen to your teachers? I don’t think so.” – David Letterman

“During his speech to American school children earlier today, President Obama said that what you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. But no pressure.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The President also told the kids that sleep is very important because it helps the development of the brain. Sleep very important. That’s what the President said. He told the kids sleep is so important that they should go to bed right after Jay.” – David Letterman

“Some Republicans were so mad about Obama’s speech to schoolchildren, they had Dick Cheney give a rebuttal. He showed kids the proper way to stuff a geek into a locker.” – Craig Ferguson

“There’s a rumor that Dick Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney, may run for president in 2012. 2012. No, no. That’s his cholesterol.” – David Letterman

“They said to Dick Cheney, really, seriously, why would you think about after eight years as Vice President, why would you think about running for president? Cheney said, ‘Well, I still get a kick out of starting wars.'” – David Letterman

“I remember when the Obamas first moved in and the Bush girls were giving the Obama girls a tour of the White House. And the little girls got scared because they heard the organ music coming from Dick Cheney’s underground dungeon.” – David Letterman

“Labor Day is the great American holiday where we honor American workers by going out and buying products made in China.” – David Letterman

“Former President Bush learned a great deal, a lot of things from Tony Blair. Cheeky. He learned about cheeky. He learned the word fortnight. Learned bangers and mash. And Blair learned some things from George W. Bush: Oops. Uh-oh. Dang.” – David Letterman


Stimulating the Economy — oops!

Newt Gingrich, whose 1995 “Contract with the American Family” promised to fight pornography, has named Allison Vivas of Pink Visual a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year.

The only problem? Pink Visual is a porn DVD superstore. How’s that for “stimulating” the economy?

When Gingrich’s American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) was informed of the business nature of the recipient, they called back and said that they had named her “inadvertently”.



Would Jesus Discriminate?

A church group (who also have a website “Would Jesus Discriminate?“) has put up four billboards along a freeway in north Texas that quote the Bible in support of gay rights. Here’s one of them:

gay billboard

You can see more of them here and also here.

But what made me laugh was this story in the local news about Christine Lutz, who was so offended by the billboards that she fired off an angry email saying “how dare you take the scriptures and twist it to fit your needs”.

As one blogger said, “My irony meter just exploded.”


Tax Buffett

Warren Buffett, who is the second richest man in the world, met with Senate Democrats yesterday, and told them that the rich are not paying enough taxes.

One of those Democrats, Claire McCaskill (D-MO) put it this way:

It was interesting to see someone who is such an aggressive capitalist, who believes so much in our capitalist system, saying we’ve got the scales way too heavily toward people who are very, very wealthy.

I think Warren Buffett is a hero. He is someone who worked hard and succeeded, and now wants to give back to the country that made it possible for him to become rich. That is someone who truly loves his country.


Ironic New Discussion Forum

By request, I have added a discussion forum so you can chatter amongst yourselves. It is a Google Group found at

There is also a link (FORUM) in the sidebar.

The forum is for friendly political discussions. Extra points for humor. Demerits for hypocrisy.

Liberals, Conservatives, Marxists, Libertarians, Religious, Atheists, or whatever, you are all welcome here (as long as you respect other people’s opinions).

The only restrictions I’ve placed on it are that you have to be a member to post anything, and your first post will be moderated (after that, I trust you not to be a spammer).

Have fun, but don’t stay up too late!


The Public Option Explained in 2-1/2 minutes

Robert Reich does a great job of explaining concisely what the public option is, and why we need it. The opposition knows that their only chance is to confuse everyone by throwing out all kinds of disinformation, so if someone you know is confused about health care reform, have them watch this video.
