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Caught between an Acorn and a Hard Place

Congress was falling all over themselves to pass a bill punishing ACORN. In fact, they refer to the bill (in the bill itself) as the “Defund ACORN Act”. The bill passed both the House and Senate.

There is only one problem with that — bills that punish a single person or organization without a trial are unconstitutional. Such a law is called a “bill of attainder” and is specifically barred by the constitution. So even though the law doesn’t hide the fact that it is punishing ACORN, the language of the bill itself had to be written more broadly. So instead of defunding ACORN, it defunds “any organization” that has been indicted on charges of breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws, or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency.

So, are there any other organizations that have been indicted for those things and receive federal funding? Lucky for us, the Project On Government Oversight has a handy list of federal contractors who have been guilty of fraud. The top ten on the list starts with Lockheed Martin, followed by Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General dynamics, Raytheon, BAE, L-3 Communications, United Technologies Corp., SAIC, KBR. In fact, pretty much every major defense contractor is on the list. So if this bill is signed into law by Obama, it would explicitly defund the entire military-industrial complex.

If Congress tightens up the language of the bill so it only applies to ACORN, then the bill is unconstitutional. But if they don’t, then the bill requires federal funding to be cut off to all those corrupt organizations. That would save a lot of money!

Lee Judge
© Lee Judge


Late Night Political Humor

“Oh, and of course, there’s that big scandal with A-porn, I mean Acorn. They’re an organization that gets government money to help poor people. Well, now, they’re in a lot of trouble. It seems these two filmmakers went to Acorn’s office posing as a pimp and a prostitute, saying they wanted to buy a house and run it as a brothel. And Acorn workers gave them advice on how to get away with prostitution and how to avoid paying taxes. See, here’s my question. If they want to get away with prostitution and not paying taxes, go to Congress. These are the professionals. These are the people that know.” – Jay Leno

“A new Nielsen survey found that Washington, D.C., has the most 25- to 34-year-olds in the country who make over $100,000 a year. Yeah, and they’re called hookers.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Big story. Earlier today, President Obama said that he’s dropping President Bush’s plan for a missile defense shield. Obama is also dropping President Bush’s plan to build an elite army of Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots.” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, according to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, he says the recession is over. You know, where is that ‘You lie!’ guy when you need him?” – Jay Leno

“You know, they used to say a recession was when your neighbor lost his job, and a depression was when you lost your job. You probably heard this, right? See, now, a recession is when Wall Street guys get bailed out, and a depression is what you get thinking about it.” – Jay Leno

“The Senate just passed a bill allowing Amtrak passengers to carry guns in their checked luggage. However, folks, Greyhound passengers are still not allowed to carry deodorant.” – Conan O’Brien

“Senator Max Baucus has unveiled his health-care reform bill. It will require that every single American obtain health insurance. Well, let’s hope it works out as well as that California law that says that everybody has to have car insurance. O.K., what happened to that one?” – Jay Leno

“Today, what else is going on? Former Vice President Dick Cheney underwent minor surgery on his back. The doctor told Cheney it’s a simple operation, he’d be up and having heart surgery in no time.” – Conan O’Brien

“Dick Cheney is having surgery today to relieve his lower back pain. And do you know how they administered the anesthesia? They just shot it right in his face.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vince McMahon’s wife, Linda, is stepping down as the CE. of World Wrestling Entertainment to run for the Senate in Connecticut. Things are going well for her. She’s already raised a ton of campaign money from the folding chair industry.” – Jimmy Fallon

“She’s promising to lower taxes, reduce government, and pile-drive the Iron Sheik.” – Jimmy Fallon



Dwane Powell
© Dwane Powell


Hollywood speaks out to help health insurance companies

Why should sick people get all the sympathy?


Late Night Political Humor

“Of course, you know President Obama yesterday created quite a stir, because he apparently called Kanye West a jackass. Yeah, well, some people are now upset with President Obama for calling Kanye a jackass. They’re upset about it. Yeah, and Joe Biden is furious, because ‘Jackass’ is his Secret Service code name.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, here’s a story that won’t go away. Congressman Joe Wilson has refused Democrats’ demand to apologize to Congress on the House floor, to which Kanye West said, ‘I’ll do it. That’s okay, I’ll do it.” – Jay Leno

“Joe Wilson is now the only United States congressman to be formally rebuked for speaking out while the President was giving an address. That could explain his Secret Service codename, ‘Kanye.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Wait, have you heard about this? Oh, I love this. They have new House rules saying members of Congress cannot call the President a liar. They cannot call him a hypocrite. They cannot say he is dishonest. Today, President Bush said, ‘Hey, where were these rules when I was President?'” – Jay Leno

“Hey, if they start banning hypocrites and liars from the floor of Congress, there won’t be anybody in the building.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, former President Jimmy Carter said that Congressman Joe Wilson’s outburst during President Obama’s speech last week was based on racism. When Joe Wilson heard that, he said, ‘I can’t get mad at Jimmy Carter. He’s white.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In Connecticut — this is weird — one of the Republican candidates running for Congress is the former CEO of the W.W.E. wrestling organization, which could be good. Congressmen will be less likely to scream out, ‘You lie!’ if they could get hit with a folding chair.” – Conan O’Brien

‘Yesterday, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said it is ‘very likely’ that the recession is over. I hope this isn’t like when President Bush told us the war in Iraq was over.’ – Jimmy Kimmel

“And a year after the economy collapsed, Goldman Sachs executives gave each other over $11 billion in bonuses. See, what gets me, whenever these Wall Street guys get these huge bonuses they always spend it on something useless, like Senator Chris Dodd. Buy a boat! Get a car.” – Jay Leno

“Osama bin Laden has released yet another new audiotape. See, they’re audiotapes. I don’t think he quite gets the Twitter thing. He can’t — he doesn’t have the opposable thumb, I guess.” – Jay Leno

“Well, listen to this. Here’s some good terrorist gossip. According to a Sudanese novelist who once lived with Osama bin Laden for four months, Osama bin Laden is a huge Whitney Houston fan which is surprising. I mean, considering the way those people treat women, you’d think he’d be a bigger Bobby Brown fan.” – Jay Leno

“They always do this when there’s a holiday, whenever people want something. The latest rumor is there may be a pumpkin shortage this year. They say a chilly, damp summer in the Midwest and Northeast has hurt the pumpkin crop. They say large pumpkins are going to be hard to find. Isn’t that unbelievable? I mean, our pumpkins are getting smaller and thinner, and our trick-or-treaters are getting bigger and fatter.” – Jay Leno

“And in honor of gay marriage now being legal in the state of Vermont, Ben & Jerry’s is now selling ‘Hubby Hubby’ ice cream. You know, if you want to name an ice cream after gay marriage, why not just call it ‘Ben & Jerry’s?'” – Jay Leno


The GOP Health Care Plan

All Hat, No Cattle
Thanks to All Hat, No Cattle


ACORN could have gotten away with it if they said this

ACORN is under fire for appearing to encourage tax evasion and prostitution, but perhaps the real problem was that they were giving this advice to poor people.

Kevin Siers
© Kevin Siers


Late Night Political Humor

“According to some reports coming out of Washington today, President Obama said Kanye West is a ‘jackass.’ Not since ‘yes, we can’ has Obama found a slogan so many Americans can get behind.” – Conan O’Brien

“He’s going to get healthcare passed on that slogan alone. ‘I’ll vote for it. He is a jackass!'” –Conan O’Brien

“Kanye was pretty hurt when he heard the President called him a ‘jackass.’ But then Joe Biden said, ‘Ah, you get used to it.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This Kanye West/Taylor Swift thing will not go away. Even former President Bush spoke out about it today. He said, ‘Kanye West doesn’t care about white people.'” – Jay Leno

“Even the President is talking about Kanye West. Did you hear about this? In an off the record remark recorded by ABC, Obama said that Kanye West was a quote, unquote, ‘jackass.’ In even bigger news, ABC doesn’t understand the meaning of the phrase ‘quote, unquote, off the record.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know, President Obama is pushing so hard for healthcare, he’s going to appear on an unprecedented five shows this Sunday. What’s strange is, two of them are ‘Entourage’ and ‘Family Guy.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is on a media campaign for his healthcare program. He’ll appear this Sunday on ‘This Week,’ ‘Meet the Press,’ ‘Face the Nation,’ CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ and ‘Univision.’ Meanwhile, Vice President Biden will find out if he’s the father on ‘Maury Povich.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The President says he’s also going to appear on ‘David Letterman’ next Monday night. That’s great for David. The best we could get was the guy from the free credit report commercial.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday in New York City, President Obama gave a tough speech to the Wall Street executives. See, Wall Street is considered a safe place for Obama. You see, on Wall Street, if someone yells out ‘you lie,’ you could be talking to anybody.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday in New York, President Obama had lunch with former President Clinton. Afterwards, Clinton told Obama, ‘Remember, if Hillary asks, we had lunch and dinner, then I slept over at your place.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A group of musicians that includes Khalil Fong, the Scorpions, and Youssou N’Dour are recording a song in an effort to raise awareness of global warming. First, they have to raise awareness about who those musicians are.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new book that’s coming out about former President George W. Bush said that Bush once called Barack Obama ‘a cat’ with ‘no clue.’ Of course that was back when Bush’s speeches were written by jazz legend Wynton Marsalis.” – Conan O’Brien

“And folks, they are doing it again. It’s being reported that Goldman Sachs gave out $11 billion in bonuses. But they told their executives to be discreet with their money. What do you mean their money? It’s our money!” – Jay Leno


The Southern Gentleman?

Joel Pett
© Joel Pett


Teaching Stupidity!

Occidental College in Los Angeles is offering a course on stupidity. Here’s the course description:


Stupidity is neither ignorance nor organicity, but rather, a corollary of knowing and an element of normalcy, the double of intelligence rather than its opposite. It is an artifact of our nature as finite beings and one of the most powerful determinants of human destiny. Stupidity is always the name of the Other, and it is the sign of the feminine. This course in Critical Psychology follows the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze, and most recently, Avital Ronell, in a philosophical examination of those operations and technologies that we conduct in order to render ourselves uncomprehending. Stupidity, which has been evicted from the philosophical premises and dumbed down by psychometric psychology, has returned in the postmodern discourse against Nation, Self, and Truth and makes itself felt in political life ranging from the presidency to Beavis and Butthead. This course examines stupidity.

Which prompted The Huffington Post to ironically complain about its use of hyper-deconstructionist language (i.e., excessive use of big words):

We honestly don’t know what’s funnier the class title or the hyper-deconstructionist language used in the course description. Only in the bubble of the academy is it acceptable to use these words and phrases: organicity, postmodern discourse, Beevis and Butthead.

Even more ironic is an article in the British media that talks about the class:

It is not necessarily the case that people are becoming more stupid, Professor Griffin said, notwithstanding, he added, the incompetence evidenced in the national response to Hurricane Katrina, the Iraq war, the wilful ignorance that led to the global economic crisis, celebrity magazines and reality TV.

Instead, Professor Griffin likens the rising awareness of stupidity to the increasing consciousness of autism. It is not that there is more of it; it is just that there are more ways to discern it.

Indeed, 40 books have been written on Stupidity in the last decade, and many of them specifically on anti-intellectualism in America. However, Professor Griffin quickly points out:

No one who has been to England or felt its presence in a former colony can imagine that America has a corner on stupidity.


Romney starts flip-flopping; it must mean he is running again

Not that there was ever any doubt whether Mitt Romney would run again for president in 2012, but it seems like he just can’t wait to start campaigning, as shown by this interesting pair of quotes from Below the Beltway. Back in February (before all the tea baggers started making so much noise), he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference:

I know we didn’t all agree on TARP. I believe that it was necessary to prevent a cascade of bank collapses. For free markets to work, there has to be a currency and a functioning financial system.

But yesterday, at the Values Voter Summit, Romney dramatically reversed course:

When government is trying to take over health care, buying car companies, bailing out banks, and giving half the White House staff the title of czar – we have every good reason to be alarmed and to speak our mind!

So if Romney is speaking his mind now, whose mind was he speaking back in February?

His speech at the Values Voter Summit is an interesting read, if only to confirm that the fear-mongering that has enthralled the far-right has also spread to what used to be the moderate Republican leadership.

It is only his conclusions that are different: Romney says he wants to pour more money into the military and to continue what he calls “intensive interrogation of terrorists”. Thus Romney condemns the government while simultaneously wanting to expand it, and give it powers beyond those provided in the constitution.

UPDATE: Photos from the Values Voter Summit. Crazy Michele Bachmann claimed that 95% of our health care problems would be fixed if we allowed people to buy their own insurance. Plus a little tort reform. And Carrie Prejean said “Even though I didn’t win the crown that night, I know that the Lord has so much of a bigger crown in heaven for me.” The crowd cheered.

UPDATE 2: Top Romney flip-flops from the past.


Catholic bishops hypocritically oppose health care reform

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has strongly condemned the health care reform bill working its way through the House. They claim that the bill’s prohibition of federal funding for abortion is a “legal fiction”.

Their position is hypocritical for a number of reasons. First, it doesn’t matter if a health care reform bill explicitly prohibits funding abortions. The Hyde Amendment already prohibits federal funds from being used to fund abortions (except in cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is in danger).

But even more hypocritical is the fact that the church has never protested against private insurance companies that provide abortion services. All the major health insurance companies — including Aetna, Blue Cross, Cigna, and United Healthcare — cover abortions.

Why is it acceptable for private insurance companies to pay for abortions, and there is nary a peep from the church, but even the faint possibility that the government might possibly fund abortions, through some legal technicality, bring out their strongest condemnation? Indeed, is their position really about abortion, or is it actually against public funding of health care?

But what makes their position stunningly hypocritical is the fact that even though lack of universal health care causes 45,000 extra deaths every year, you don’t see the Catholic Church vigorously advocating for universal coverage. Instead, you see them impeding health care reform. It might make you wonder if they really do care about life. Or are they just being political? As one blogger put it:

The long running alignment between the church’s antiabortion activism and the right wing has been plausible as just circumstance, but we may now be entering an area where the American Catholic Church risks looking like nothing so much as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican party.


The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right

I’m just sayin:


You lie!

All actual quotes:

Terrence Nowicki, Jr.
© Terrence Nowicki, Jr.


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, people are still talking about last week when President Obama gave his speech on healthcare and that Republican congressman yelled out, ‘You lie!’ He yelled out, ‘You lie!’ to the President. So, at least the two sides are talking. You know, and that’s good. There’s dialogue.” – Jay Leno

“Vice President Joe Biden really upset about President Obama being interrupted. He said, ‘Hey, that’s my job.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama, of course, hard at work, traveling the country, selling his healthcare plan. He’s going everywhere. This weekend, in Minnesota, President Obama spoke about healthcare reform, and he warned Americans not to be tricked by scare tactics. Then someone yelled out, ‘What do you call sending a black man to Minnesota?'” – Conan O’Brien

“The President spoke about some of the scare tactics that are being used to fight healthcare reform. And I tell you, some of them are pretty scary. Like, have you seen this new commercial where this older couple gets mailed a box from Liberty Medical and it’s got Wilford Brimley’s head in it? Have you seen that one?” – Jay Leno

“This Saturday in Washington, over 70,000 people protested because they think President Obama is trying to shove government healthcare down their throats; also known as the ‘Serena Williams option.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Osama bin Laden has released a new audio recording slamming the President, America, Israel and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Then at the end, when he’s really worked up, he yells, ‘And Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!'” – Conan O’Brien

“Osama bin Laden released a new 11-minute audio tape, where he calls President Obama powerless in the war in Afghanistan. Well, that was the first six minutes. He gave Taylor Swift the last five to finish her acceptance speech.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Of course, you all saw this. This is what I’m talking about. Kayne West at the Video Music Awards. Kayne West interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech. And after he did that, after he was done interrupting her, MTV threw him out of the building. So it’s official. MTV has a lower tolerance for bad behavior than the United States Congress.” – Conan O’Brien

“Been a busy week for President Obama. I notice that he’s having Kanye West and Taylor Swift to the White House for a ‘root beer summit’ this weekend. See, she’s only 19. So, it’s got to be root beer.” – Jay Leno

“Yet another family values Republican has been caught in a sex scandal. I love this story: This time, California Assemblyman Mike Duvall (the guy is married) was caught on tape bragging having sex with two different lobbyists. A politician having sex with two lobbyists. Now, I’m not a mathematician, but I believe that’s a total of 3 whores, right?” – Jay Leno

“And while we were off, the government started this program that gives people money for their old cars. I made $5 billion.” – Jay Leno

“Oh, hey, and the University of Wyoming will open the new Dick Cheney Center for International Students. And really, who loves foreigners more than Dick Cheney?” – Jay Leno

“And according to the Wall Street Journal, Wal-Mart will now pay its workers in the United States electronically. I mean, it’ll still be in pesos, but electronic.” – Jay Leno
