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Values Voter Summit Hotbed of Hypocrisy

Media CourageWe already reported on Mitt Romney doing a full flip-flop at the Values Voter Summit earlier this month, but we almost forgot this little gem.

At the summit, Bill O’Reilly received a “Media Courage Award” from the right-wing Family Research Council. But you might not have heard about it, because the award ceremony (including the acceptance speech) was closed to the media.

Now that takes courage!

But what makes this really bizarre is that the announcement of the award says it is being awarded because of O’Reilly’s coverage of Doctor George Tiller, an abortion provider who was murdered (while attending church) by an anti-abortion extremist. Before Tiller’s murder, O’Reilly repeatedly called him “Tiller the Baby Killer” and “Dr. Killer” and said that anyone who didn’t stop Tiller “has blood on their hands”.

What kind of courage does it take to incite murder?



John Cole
© John Cole


Out Foxing Fox News?

So recently, Fox News decided to not air Obama’s speech on health care reform, even though pretty much every other channel did show it. Fox also passed on a few other speeches by Obama. For example, for the memorial service for Walter Cronkite, Fox decided not to air the remembrance from Obama, and instead announced that they were showing “the most meaningful part” live — the part delivered by Cronkite’s friend Andy Rooney.

Soon afterward, Obama appeared on all the Sunday news shows, on every major network except for Fox News. Nobody would have noticed, but Fox itself decided to make a story out of it, complaining profusely that they had been slighted.

So last night, Obama gave a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Phoenix Awards Dinner. This speech didn’t air on MSNBC, nor did CNN show it, but Fox News aired it in its entirety. In fact, and this part is almost unbelievable, Fox preempted 25 minutes of Glenn Beck’s show to air Obama’s speech. Of course, Beck’s show was a repeat, but still. Earlier the same day, Beck gave a speech in Seattle, and was given the ceremonial keys to the city of Mt. Vernon, Washington, where he grew up. Fox News didn’t even mention either of these two things.

Is Fox trying to make nice? (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.)


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s opening week at the U.N., ladies and gentlemen. Security is very tight here in New York City. A lot of dictators all over the city. You know what I’ve noticed? Dictators tend to be tiny. Have you noticed this? Kim Jong Il, a tiny little guy. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Another guy like this: Mayor Bloomberg.” – David Letterman

“Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kicked things off with a hate-filled rant, followed by hors d’oeuvres.” – David Letterman

“Ahmadinejad, quite a speech, that guy. I mean, where is Joe Wilson when you need him, for God’s sakes?” – David Letterman

“This sure should be very exciting at the U.N. General Assembly. It’s being hosted by Neil Patrick Harris.” – David Letterman

“I know that traffic is insane out there. It’s because of the United Nations climate week. And over 150 world leaders are here, including President Obama. It’s good to see all these guys get in their separate cars, commuting back and forth to the U.N., to discuss ways to improve our climate.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, President Obama spoke at the U.N. climate change summit. And he promised to get greenhouse gas emissions back to the level they were at in 1990. And just to show you he’s serious to get back to 1990, Obama gave the whole speech dressed as Kid from Kid ‘n Play.” – Conan O’Brien

“Over 150 world leaders in town for the conference. As a result, there’s also 150 mistresses in town. So it’s just a traffic nightmare.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Several heads of state are staying at the Ritz-Carlton over on 59th. Most check in under an alias for security reasons, although I’m pretty sure that I know who Joe Schmiden is.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama has angered Eastern Europe after dropping the U.S. missile defense system in the area over there; although President Obama says he hasn’t abandoned them. He says in the event they do get hit by nuclear attack, they will be covered by his health-care plan. So, that is nice.” – Jay Leno

“Barack Obama has been working hard to push his healthcare proposal. Obama still wants the bill to be bipartisan, but he’s a realist, and given the near unanimous Republican opposition he’s facing, now says he’d be satisfied if the bill was just bicurious.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You know who was here last night? President Barack Obama was here last night. Politics notwithstanding, what a graceful guy. I mean, after the show, he was nice enough to autograph my swine-flu mask.” – David Letterman

“Actually, did you see Obama the last couple of days – he was on six different TV shows pitching his health-care plan. You know the difference between Obama and the ShamWow guy? You can see the ShamWow guy on Fox.” – Jay Leno

“Obama did interviews on five morning shows on Sunday, and then appeared on ‘Letterman’ last night. And today, Joe Biden taped an episode of ‘Cash Cab.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Did you see President Obama on ‘Letterman’ last night? It was very funny. I especially liked the segment, ‘Stupid Biden Tricks.'” – Craig Ferguson

“It was a bit awkward, though, when Paul Schaefer shouted, ‘You lie!'” – Craig Ferguson

“Actually, I’m getting kind of worried about President Obama. He hasn’t been on a TV show for almost 11 hours. Is everything all right? Is he O.K.?” – Jay Leno

“The President has been making a lot of television appearances. On Sunday, he did all five morning news shows, which they say is a record for a president, and last night he was on with David Letterman. The President has been on so many shows lately, even Ryan Seacrest was like, ‘Dude, slow down.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In his first eight months in office, President Obama has made four times as many TV appearances as President Bush. Of course, Bush hated to be on any TV show that didn’t have a ‘Showcase Showdown.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Late last night, Obama was also on the Maury Povich show. Good news, turns out he’s not the father. John Edwards is.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, more problems for Democratic sleazeball, John Edwards. The campaign official who claims he fathered the child of Edwards’ mistress is writing a book where he says Edwards is the real father. So, looks like USC wasn’t the only one playing with bad Trojans.” – Jay Leno

“No, according to The New York Times, a man named Andrew Young, who is a friend of Edwards, has submitted this book proposal where he reveals John Edwards is the father of the child he had with his mistress, Rielle Hunter. We have a copy of the book right here. It’s called, ‘Duh.'” – Jay Leno

“And how awful is this? This book claims that John Edwards tried to calm his mistress down by promising to marry her, after his wife died, in a rooftop wedding ceremony in New York with the Dave Matthews Band as their wedding band. Really, Dave Matthews at the wedding for these two? Wouldn’t Cheap Trick be more appropriate?” – Jay Leno

“There’s a report going around that John Edwards is getting ready to admit that he did father a child with that woman he had an affair with during his presidential campaign. According to ‘The LA Times,’ one of his aides wrote a book proposal in which he claims Edwards convinced him to come forward and say he was the father of the child, which the guy did, even though he was married. Honestly we should make this guy president. If he can convince a man to say he fathered a child he didn’t, he could convince anybody to do anything, right? ‘Come on, China, keep lending us money. We’re good for it.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This is all just speculation, you know. We don’t know any of this actually happened and we won’t be certain that the baby belongs to John Edwards until we see how the child’s hair responds to blow drying.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today in New York City, it’s the fifth annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative. It’s a very big political event where Bill Clinton gets to spend time with government officials he rarely sees, like Hillary, for example.” – Craig Ferguson

“Also in New York is Bill Clinton, who’s hosting his own Clinton Global Initiative over at the Sheraton Hotel. It’s room 319. Knock three times, ladies.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I’m very excited about the show. I hope you folks are as well because, I’ll tell you what, former President Bill Clinton is on the show tonight. Going to be great. Two old guys talking about their bypasses.” – David Letterman

“Bill Clinton is here for a very important reason. He heard that CBS had an opening in the 10 p.m. slot. Wants to be right there.” – David Letterman

“Actually, you might have noticed, the fall season, begun a little different this year. Even squirrels are kind of distancing themselves from Acorn. Have you noticed that?” – Jay Leno

“Well, you know what’s interesting? Because of all these scandals, the executive director of Acorn, a woman named Bertha Lewis, said Acorn will fire any employees ‘too stupid to understand they are not reaching professional standards.’ Why can’t we get this rule for Congress?” – Jay Leno

“Today’s the first day of autumn, although Sarah Palin said today the dying leaves are because of Obama’s health-care plan.” – Jay Leno

“If you wanted to, you could get on the eBay and you could bid on having dinner with Sarah Palin. Did you know that? Yep, you could bid on it. And the winning bid was $63,000. You get to sit down and have dinner. Of course, you know, for that price – people say that’s a lot of money – she’ll shoot the main course.” – David Letterman

“It’s the most expensive date with a governor since Eliot Spitzer.” – David Letterman

“That’s a lot of money. But you can sit down with Sarah Palin, spend a couple hours; really get to know her. You know, it’s the thing John McCain should have done a year ago.” – David Letterman

“Last week, Dick Cheney had back surgery. You know Dick Cheney? Dick ‘Shotgun’ Cheney? You know, it’s the complications from carrying Bush for eight years. That’s what it was.” – David Letterman

“Doctors are optimistic about the surgery. They said Cheney’s back surgery was quite risky but not necessary. Risky but not necessary. So it’s like the Iraq war.” – David Letterman

“You probably heard this on the news today. There are new security alerts issued to law enforcement agencies all across the country, because Al Qaeda is planning to attack vital economic centers. Well, good luck trying to find one of those. Luckily, Wall Street took care of them about a year ago, so we are safe.” – Jay Leno

“Well, according to the Los Angeles Times, the immigrant population in California actually declined last year. When asked if they had noticed, 80 percent of the people in California said, ‘Si.'” – Jay Leno

“Chrysler just announced that it will no longer put owner’s manuals in their cars. Not only that, Chrysler has pretty much given up on putting owners in their cars.” –Conan O’Brien

“Today’s a big day. The MacArthur Foundation gave out its annual genius awards. This year’s awards went to a journalist, a mental health scientist, and a couple who sold their house three years ago.” –Conan O’Brien

“The U.S. government is giving American Indian tribes $224 million of stimulus money to help fight crime on reservations. The tribes say that they’re grateful for the money and plan to bet it all on black.” – Jimmy Fallon


Welcome to the Private Police Force

Teabagger dream, or nightmare? A BBC comedy with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie:

Is it just me, or are there two insults against Americans in here? The second one is the obvious one, where the policeman asks him to fill out a form (rather then fill in a form, as the British would say) and he asks if everyone has suddenly turned American. But more subtly, the police station has all kinds of coffee, but no tea. The intended reference being that the US (with its private health insurance) infecting the British police.


Insurance Hypocrisy: Property more important than People

It didn’t take very long for the conservative Republicans in the SouthEast, who have been yelling a lot lately about how Government is never the answer, to change their tune and beg for government assistance in the wake of widespread flooding. But I resisted posting a story about that, since I hate to hit people when they are down (even ignorant people).

But that was before I found a couple of stories about how the very same people who are opposing government health insurance, are for the exact same thing, but only if it applies to property and not to people’s health. So if your property floods, and you didn’t bother to purchase flood insurance, then they are all for the government bailing you out. But if you get sick and don’t have health insurance, you can die for all they care.

For example, when Hurricane Katrina hit the home of then Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, and he hadn’t purchased flood insurance, he introduced a bill to provide retroactive insurance to flood victims such as himself. Retroactive benefits were also supported by Mississippi’s other Senator, Thad Cochran, and by governor Haley Barbour. But all three of these Republican have fought health care reform.

Not only does the government pay for disaster relief, the government also subsidizes flood insurance. So the next time someone screams about not wanting to use taxpayer money to finance health insurance, ask them why taxpayer money is spent on flood insurance. Several states, including Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, are lobbying the government to further subsidize flood insurance programs to the tune of an additional $80 billion. Recall that Texas and Louisiana loudly rejected some of the money from the recent stimulus bill, but that isn’t stopping them from asking for an even bigger handout from the federal government.

And while insurance companies will reject you for preexisting conditions, for property the situation is just the opposite — if you live in an area that floods often, such as a hurricane zone, your flood insurance is even cheaper because it is subsidized:

Subsidizing flood insurance for those who live in hurricane zones makes it cheaper for people to live in those zones. This attracts more people to these areas then would naturally choose to live there.

When a hurricane inevitably destroys these areas again, the government will have to pay billions of dollars in insurance claims. Then they will spend more money redeveloping the area. Then they will again offer subsidized flood insurance to the residents of the area, lowering the cost of living, and thereby encouraging more people to move there. Then another hurricane will hit the area…

This has happened so many times before. It will likely happen again and again in the future.

So, why is it acceptable to have a public option for property insurance, but not for health insurance?


Late Night Political Humor

“A big show last night, right here on CBS. The annual Emmy Awards television broadcast. What a show that was. My God, I thought we outlawed torture!” – David Letterman

“I’m happy to say that once again, ‘The Late Show,’ we were nominated this year, in an unusual category. We were right between Governor Sanford’s meltdown and the ‘You lie!’ guy.” – David Letterman

“Have you noticed people are rude now? I mean, that guy just screaming out like that. Listen to this. This is how rude people are in Arizona. People keep ringing John McCain’s doorbell and then running away.” – David Letterman

“By the way, the Emmys was the only Sunday television program that President Obama was not on yesterday.” – David Letterman

“Big news this weekend. President Obama was everywhere. He became the first president to appear on five Sunday morning talk shows. Five talk shows in one day. Even Heidi and Spencer were like, ‘Tone it down!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama was on a record five Sunday TV shows yesterday. Five. I don’t want to say he’s on too much, but today, Kate Gosselin said, ‘He’s overexposed. He needs to pull back.'” – Jay Leno

“Five, that’s a record. Though, he still hasn’t topped Bush’s record of watching 10 straight Saturday morning cartoons.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is on our program tonight. I’m in a great mood because the President is here tonight. I underwent three hours of frisking. Whooo!” – David Letterman

“Don’t kid yourselves, ladies and gentlemen. It’s seamless but security here tonight at the Ed Sullivan Theater is very tight. They even checked under my hairpiece.” – David Letterman

“Security is tighter than Joan Rivers’ face.” – David Letterman

“But, and I think this is a relief to all of us, the building has been cleared now of all Republican congressmen.” – David Letterman

“You know, when you have a big show like this, everybody gets kind of excited about it. And I was talking to my mom today. I said, ‘You know, President Obama is on the show tonight.’ And she said, ‘Well, maybe I’ll switch from Conan.'” – David Letterman

“Great to see President Obama again. Haven’t seen him since he invited me and Sarah Palin to the White House for a beer.” – David Letterman

“The President is here. He’s speaking to the U.N. And also, the President is in town to pardon Ernie Anastos.” – David Letterman

“We were never able to get President Bush on the show when he was president. President Bush was always too busy not working so he couldn’t come through here.'” – David Letterman

“Speaking of President Bush, did you see him last night at the big football game? It was the Giants and Cowboys down there in Texas. And President Bush did the coin toss at the start of the game. Now here’s a bit of trivia. The coin that they used to start the game was the same coin that the Supreme Court tossed that won Bush the election.” – David Letterman

“At last night’s Dallas Cowboys game, President Bush was spotted sitting next to John Madden. Well, actually, a lot of people were spotted sitting next to John Madden. Large man.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaking of former President Bush, according to a new book that’s coming out, former President Bush secretly supports gay marriage. Bush said, ‘If Bert and Ernie can make it work, anyone can.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Now, there’s a new book coming out about former President Clinton. And it claims that when Boris Yeltsin was visiting, Yeltsin got drunk and was found wandering Pennsylvania Avenue in his underwear looking for pizza. The book also claims that when Clinton wanders around in his underwear, he’s not looking for pizza.” – Conan O’Brien

“Jennifer Garner is here tonight. She has a new movie out called ‘The Invention of Lying.’ I think it’s the John Edwards story, if I’m not mistaken.” – Jay Leno

“Well, more problems for Democratic sleazeball John Edwards. The campaign official who claimed he fathered the child of Edwards’ mistress is now writing a book where he says Edwards is the real father. And to make matters worse, it turns out Acorn already registered the baby to vote.” – Jay Leno

“Well, let’s see, the big international story is Iranian President Mahmoud I’m-a-nut-job — Am I saying that right? Ahmadinejad? I’m sorry — is coming to New York City this week. And listen to this, after he arrives, he’s driving his own cab in from the airport.” – Jay Leno

“Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is coming to New York to address the United Nations, but many restaurants say they won’t serve him. You can tell which ones because their signs read, ‘No shirt, no shoes, no Holocaust, no service.'” – Conan O’Brien

“According to Newsweek, the word in Washington is that Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is going to step down next year, which means there’s going to be another opening on the Supreme Court. And you know who Obama is going to pick as the new judge? Have you heard? Ellen DeGeneres.” – Jay Leno

“According to a new study just released, famed Viennese composer Mozart died in 1791 from the strep throat. Really? It took 218 years to reach this diagnosis, huh? You think our health care sucks? Hey, the good news, I just hope this gives the Mozart family some closure.” – Jay Leno

“And doctors are still arguing over whether being fat should be classified as a medical disease. You know, I think it should be. It should be. Because this time, or the next time rather, your wife says, ‘Do these jeans make me look fat?’ you can go, ‘Honey, I am not a doctor.'” – Jay Leno

“And in my home state of Massachusetts, state Republicans are upset over a new tax hike on dogs. It was slipped into a bill by Democrats at the last minute. Democrats claim, though, they’re only going to be taxing dogs that make over $250,000 a year.” – Jay Leno

“Some unfortunate news about California. A new study shows that California has the dirtiest tap water in the country. California officials insist that the dirty water is fine as long as you chew it thoroughly.” – Conan O’Brien

“A woman from Alabama won a dinner with Sarah Palin on eBay. It cost $63,000. Palin says she’ll take the woman out to a restaurant of her choice and leave after the appetizers.” – Jimmy Fallon


Protecting us from big government since 10 minutes ago

Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson

The Republican attitude toward Medicare.


Obama, or Cardboard Cutout?

130 photos taken during Obama’s trip to New York:

Video by Eric Spiegelman.


Late Night Political Humor

“This guy Max Baucus comes out with this bill, it’s everything you would want in a reform bill, except, you know, reform. It is a watered-down, ineffectual blow job to the health insurance industry. No public option, could cost the middle class a lot more, encourages employers to drop coverage. Insurance companies can charge whatever they want. I’m going to start going to town halls and screaming now.” – Bill Maher

“Democratic Senator Max Baucus introduced his health care plan this week, to make it mandatory to get health insurance and … would fine people if you didn’t get it. And if you didn’t pay the fine, you’d go to jail. But the good news is, once you’re in jail, free health care!” – Jay Leno

“After all the wooing of the Republicans, no Republican support. Nobody on the Republican side is backing this thing. So the Democrats are trying to bring the Republicans over there. They have a plan. They want to do the thing the Republicans want, curb medical malpractice. They have a little deal. If the Democrats agree to protect doctors from frivolous lawsuits, Republicans will agree to sue the ones who did Tori Spelling’s tits.” – Bill Maher

“Speaking of fake tits, Carrie Prejean. You know Carrie, the almost-Miss California. She spoke today at the Values Voters Summit. They have great speakers, like crazy Michele Bachmann is there this year, John Boehner, the unemployed Baldwin brother, token black guy and for that segment of the Republican party that finds Sarah Palin too intellectual, they got Carrie Prejean to speak this year. She said, God chose her to give that answer at the pageant against gay marriage. You know what, Carrie, if God is really that interested in what goes on at beauty pageants, he’s gay.” – Bill Maher

“Right now in Washington, D.C., they’re holding something called the Values Voters Summit. This is a gathering of conservative activists at the Omni Hotel. During the day, they get together and talk about values and politics, and then at night, they sneak hookers up to their hotel rooms. ” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s been a very tense week, especially in Washington. In fact, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got all choked up yesterday when she talked about how mean-spirited the debate on health care had become. She was so upset, she spent an hour trying to arrange her face into a frown.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President Clinton is sponsoring a conference called the Clinton Global Initiative. It’s going to be attended by Alicia Keys, Demi Moore, Mira Sorvino and supermodel Molly Simms. It’s in the paper, yeah, that’s true. Apparently he’s calling it the Clinton Global Initiative, ’cause it sounds better than the ‘Bill Clinton Dream Five-Way.’ That didn’t look good on the stationery.” – Conan O’Brien

“Busy weekend for the president. This Sunday, President Obama is going to appear on five different television shows, did you know that? Five different on Sunday. Even more amazing, on all five shows, he plays the wacky neighbor.” – Conan O’Brien


Evangelist goes (even more) Bananas

A few years ago, evangelist (and former child star) Kirk Cameron released a video attempting to prove that God exists and created the world just for us humans by pointing out that the common banana fits perfectly into the human hand. Watch it — it is short and (unintentionally) hilarious:

Of course, Cameron didn’t mention that the common banana sold in stores in the US (and the one in the video) are all of the same variety. This variety, called Cavendish, is (in the words of Snopes) a “sterile, seedless mutant”. What makes this even funnier is that the way humans monocrop these mutant bananas makes them especially susceptible to disease:

New plants are created from cuttings of existing ones, making them little more than clones of one another. Without the natural diversity resulting from sexual reproduction, bananas continue on generation after generation with the same genetic makeup. Their inability to mutate and adapt leaves them vulnerable to species-wide disaster, because what fells one of them will prove the undoing of every plant within that particular variety.

In fact, up until 1960 the common banana was a different variety, the Gros Michel (“Big Mike”), which was significantly better tasting and larger than the Cavendish. But the Gros Michel was completely wiped out by a root fungus. So if you extend Cameron’s logic, God allowed the banana that was best suited to humans to go extinct, or worse, humans killed off God’s perfect creation.

Even more ironically, despite the fact that Cameron doesn’t believe in evolution, the root fungus that wiped out the Gros Michel has evolved, and is now starting to attack the Cavendish, wiping out plantations in SE Asia and Australia. If it spreads to Central America, then the Cavendish will go the way of Big Mike and since there is no ready replacement, humans will not have tasty sweet bananas anymore. But not to worry, scientists are busy using genetic engineering to create a Franken-banana for our eating pleasure.

And as a side note, Cameron assumes that God created the banana for us to eat, but it is just as likely that humans evolved to make them better at eating bananas. After all, the Swahili word for banana is still used in Uganda as the word for “food”.

But all that is old news. Now, Cameron is back with an even crazier idea. In honor of the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Darwin’s seminal book on evolution, “The Origin of Species”, Cameron and Ray Comfort plan to distribute 50,000 100,000 copies of the book at US universities. Huh? The kicker is that this “very special” edition of the book includes a 50 page introduction explaining “Adolf Hitler’s undeniable connection” to the theory of evolution, as well as Darwin’s racism and “his disdain for women”.  The introduction also presents a “balanced view of Creationism”, and exposes the “many hoaxes” of evolution.

You can read the introduction here. Or better yet just watch this scathing (and not safe for work) video (from Romania of all places) attacking Cameron’s plan:

My favorite part is when she asks what Cameron would think if someone released a very special edition of the Bible, including a 50 page introduction covering Adolf Hitler’s undeniable connection with Christianity, along with a discussion of the Bible’s racism and disdain for women, and a list of all of the hoaxes and historical atrocities carried out in the name of Christianity (e.g., the Inquisition, the Crusades, Northern Ireland, etc.).

UPDATE: Apparently Cameron has removed the PDF of the introduction, and is rewriting it to make it more fair to atheists and evolution.


Health Care Reform Frequently Asked Questions

[A few weeks ago, Political Irony added a discussion forum (click the “Forum” button to the right). This post was originally submitted in the forum by Tidetracker.]

Since the health care reform issue has been so controversial, it is hoped that this FAQ (list of Frequently Asked Questions) will help clear things up for interested Americans:

Q. Is there a health care crisis in this country?

A. Of course not. As we have all been told, around 86% of us are satisfied with our current health care coverage. The remaining 14% are simply the slackers and whiners who have lost their health care coverage, or never had any. Some of them were formerly conservative Republicans who objected to health care reform, but have now lost their principles along with their insurance, and therefore deserve no consideration.

Q. Why does President Obama want to reform health care?

A. Because he is evil. He’s the devil’s spawn. He might be the devil himself. He’s a communist. He’s a socialist. He’s a Marxist. He’s a Fascist. He might be several of those, all at once. He’s probably rude to his mother-in-law, and secretly kicks his dog. He hates white people (we know this, because Glenn Beck told us he hates white people… and Glenn Beck would never lie to us). And, for those to whom it matters: have you noticed he’s black?

Q. Why do conservatives, Republicans, and even a few Democrats oppose health care reform?

A. Because of democracy. Republican senators and congressmen, as well as the “Blue Dog” Democrats, couldn’t continue to represent the interests of their constituents without huge contributions from insurance companies.

Q. Does Obama’s plan actually include death panels?

A. Of course. If he doesn’t pull the plug on Grandma, how else will he get what he needs to manufacture Soylent Green? Besides, he’s evil… didn’t you read the second question and answer?

Q. Why do the opponents of health care argue against the so-called “public option”?

A. Because it might become nearly as popular as Medicare, VA health care, Medicaid, and the government employee’s health care plan. And everyone knows that we can’t have socialized, government run, single payer health care in this country. It goes against everything we believe in as Americans.

Q. Shouldn’t everyone have access to affordable health care?

A. Of course not. America is a meritocracy and the only people who merit health care are those with money (or those with legacy admissions to Harvard and Yale).

Q. Will Obama’s plan pay for health care for illegal aliens?

A. Yes, it is possible that several hundred thousand illegal aliens might sneak through the prohibitions against paying for health care for illegal aliens. Because of the danger of that happening, it’s only logical that we should continue to deny health care to 20 million or more uninsured people. After all, what’s more important?

Besides, illegal aliens don’t deserve health care. They should continue to keep a low profile while picking lettuce or cutting the grass.

Q. How should we prevent illegal aliens from getting health care illegally?

A. Well, we certainly don’t want to impose any sort of national ID on Americans. That would be an invasion of privacy and an overreach by big government. It would be better to station patriotic Tea Party members at the entrances to emergency rooms. That way, they could stop any Mexican illegal-looking people from going inside. Of course, true Americans with swarthy complexions should always carry their birth certificate and government approved photo ID (such as a passport). You never know when someone will demand a full forensic examination of your identity, to screen out anyone who might have been born in Kenya.

Q. Why are health care costs rising at three times the rate of inflation?

A. Because it’s the best way to filter out those without merit. See the question on meritocracy, earlier.

Q. Isn’t health care in the best interests of the nation as a whole?

A. No. Health care is in the best interests of those who can either afford it or have jobs with health care benefits. So-called “universal coverage” is NOT in the best interests of those who have health insurance. After all, if we give health care to the slackers, whiners, and po’ folks, there will be less of it for true Americans, and health care rationing is a terrible thing.

This fits well with the conservative ethic, a grand political philosophy dating back over 100 years, first espoused during the Robber Baron era, when a wealthy industrialist said that “the welfare of the middle class depends on the light taxation and lax regulation of the wealthy”.

This philosophy has been refined and restated many times since those wonderful days of the Robber Baron era, most notably by Gordon Gekko (“Greed Is Good”), Pink Floyd (“I’m all right, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack”), and most recently, by the generally accepted and so wonderfully true sentiment, “I’ve got mine, so screw you”.


The Health Care Industry Death Panels Strike Again!

Keith Tucker
© Keith Tucker

We already have death panels:

The North Carolina union organizer who was the inspiration for the movie “Norma Rae” died on Friday of brain cancer after a battle with her insurance company, which delayed her treatment.



From Tim H. via Wonkette

A Fox News ad that was run on the Drudge Report. Apparently, the same thing can’t be said for their proofreaders.


Grassley Individually Mandates Hypocrisy

Here’s a video of Senator Chuck Grassley, the senior Republican on the Finance Committee and one of the main Republicans working on the health care bills, endorsing “individual mandates” — requiring individuals to carry health insurance or face a penalty:

In the video, Grassley claims there is bipartisan consensus on requiring an individual mandate, saying as recently as a month ago “That’s individual responsibility, and even Republicans believe in individual responsibility.” It is not surprising that Republicans would endorse an individual mandate, since requiring people to purchase insurance would mean more money in the bank for the insurance industry.

Which is why the latest Republican attack against health care reform is all the more hypocritical. According to the Wall Street Journal:

Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, the Finance Committee’s senior Republican, said the mandate is among the reasons that he couldn’t support the bill despite months of negotiations with Mr. Baucus. “Individuals should maintain their freedom to chose health-care coverage, or not,” he said.

Jon Kyl, the Senate’s second ranking Republican, called it “a stunning assault on liberty”.

So much for bipartisan consensus.
