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Snowe Flaked

Steve Breen
© Steve Breen

Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine became the first and only Republican in Congress to actually vote for Health Insurance Reform, although it was a vote to move the bill out of committee, not the vote of the full Senate. Even though Snowe has not said that she would vote yes on the final legislation, Republicans are up in arms. They have called her everything from a RINO to a traitor, and some have even threatened to kick her out of the Republican Party.


Scalia claims cross is not a religious symbol!

At the Supreme Court today, Justice Scalia was either playing straight man to give the ACLU lawyer the laugh line, or else he is just showing why people call him the most conservative justice on a very conservative court.

The case involves a large cross that was erected on public land as a war memorial. Some non-Christians objected to the placement of the cross on public land, saying that a cross is a religious symbol and cannot represent their war dead. But Scalia disagrees:

Scalia: The cross doesn’t honor non-Christians who fought in the war? Is that — is that —

Eliasberg: I believe that’s actually correct.

Scalia: Where does it say that?

Eliasberg: It doesn’t say that, but a cross is the predominant symbol of Christianity and it signifies that Jesus is the son of God and died to redeem mankind for our sins, and I believe that’s why the Jewish war veterans —

Scalia: It’s erected as a war memorial. I assume it is erected in honor of all of the war dead. It’s the — the cross is the — is the most common symbol of — of — of the resting place of the dead, and it doesn’t seem to me — what would you have them erect? A cross — some conglomerate of a cross, a Star of David, and you know, a Moslem half moon and star?

Eliasberg: Well, Justice Scalia, if I may go to your first point. The cross is the most common symbol of the resting place of Christians. I have been in Jewish cemeteries. There is never a cross on a tombstone of a Jew.

At this point, the court broke out in laughter.

And of course, Stephen Colbert gives his unique perspective on this legal quandary:


Vote Yes on the California Marriage Protection Act

More fun on their website.


Late Night Political Humor

“Congratulations to Barack Obama — he has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, the Nobel committee wanted to recognize the president’s fine work in bringing peace to a black professor and a white cop through the strategic use of beer. ” – Jay Leno

“President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The committee said they gave it to Obama partly for his idealism and commitment to global cooperation, but mostly for calling Kanye West a jackass.” – Conan O’Brien

“In a surprise decision, President Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Friday. In other premature awards this week: high school football player Billy Reynolds has been named this year’s Heisman Trophy winner; fifth grader Amber Collins has been named Miss America; and nine-year-old Dylan Holt has been named People’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive.'” – Seth Meyers

“President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize comes with $1.4 million in cash. Or as Fox News reported it, ‘Obama Caught Taking Bribe from Swedish Government.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama said he will attend the ceremony in Oslo if he’s not too busy with the two wars he’s conducting.” – Bill Maher

“Congratulations to President Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize this morning. That’s quite an accomplishment. I’m sure he’ll pick it up as soon as he’s finished fighting two wars.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama said he will go to Oslo, Norway to collect the award. Roman Polanski said, ‘It’s a trick — don’t go; you’ll be arrested.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said he was humbled to win the prize. Not as humble as he was when Rio got the Olympics. But still humble.” – Jay Leno

“It’s a great honor for America that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Unfortunately, our economy is so bad, Obama’s already been forced to trade the medal in at ‘Cash 4 Gold.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Along with his trophy, the president will receive $1.4 million in prize money … so say hello to a whole new closet of mom jeans everybody.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Along with the Nobel Peace Prize, President Obama also gets $1.4 million. Usually to get a check that big you need to blackmail David Letterman.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Nobel committee said he won for creating a new climate for international politics. which sounds so much nicer than ‘In your face George Bush you cowboy a**hole.'” – Bill Maher

“That’s pretty amazing, winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Ironically, his biggest accomplishment as president so far: winning the Nobel Peace Prize.” – Jay Leno

“Vice President Biden was awarded the Nobel Hair-Piece Prize.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Conservatives say the award represents everything they stand against: black people, foreigners, and peace.” – Bill Maher

“Big news: We bombed the moon this morning. We sent a missile into its surface. That’s gotta be a lesson to North Korea and Iran — we bombed the moon for no good reason at all.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A day after declaring war on the moon, President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The White House admitted that they made a mistake by not inviting women to play in President Obama’s basketball game last night. Although it would have made ‘shirts vs. skins’ a little awkward. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“The women really wanted to play. Nancy Pelosi had her game face on. Of course, when does she not have her game face on?” – Jimmy Fallon


Not a Preexisting Condition

Mike Luckovich
© Mike Luckovich


Gingrich named Porn Fan of the Year

Last month, we reported on how Newt Gingrich’s organization, American Solutions for Winning the Future, had named Allison Vivas, president of a porn superstore, a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year and invited her to a private dinner “in recognition of the risks you take to create jobs and stimulate the economy”. But they must not have wanted to stimulate the economy that much; they quickly backpedaled and took back the award after it hit the press.

In return, Vivas’ company has created a special award for Gingrich, naming him the “Family Values Porn Fan of the Year, 2009”. They even created a plaque for him.

Porn Award

There is no doubt that Gingrich deserves the award, considering his “family values” (as reported by Washington Monthly):

The most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, “Let Our Family Represent Your Family.” (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair’s Gail Sheehy: “We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.'” Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

But the best part is that Vivas plans on sending a followup letter rescinding the award, and offering the explanation that this particular honor was not intended for fans of their (NSFW) “Wife Switch” DVD series.


CNN fact checks SNL but not their own guests

Jon Stewart totally skewers CNN for doing a fact check on Saturday Night Live’s recent Obama skit, but letting guests get away with blatant lies:


Late Night Political Humor

“This is an historic night. Tonight, for the first time in American history, we are preparing to attack the moon.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“NASA is going to launch a rocket to the moon on Friday. They’re going to shoot a rocket to the moon. Just going to — kaboom, kaboom! The government says don’t worry, that they’re pretty certain we will be greeted as liberators.” – David Letterman

“Well, here’s something interesting. Tomorrow, NASA scientists will crash two spacecraft into the surface of the moon in an effort to find ice. The spacecrafts are named ‘Amtrak One’ and ‘Amtrak Two.'” – Jay Leno

“The United States is bombing the moon tonight. NASA is honestly planning to fire a rocket-powered explosive into one of the lunar poles. See, this is what happens when your president’s slogan is ‘Yes we can.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I was reading that NASA is going to fire that rocket into the crater of the moon tomorrow morning, and people can follow the mission on Facebook and on Twitter. And you can go to Friendster, too, and follow the original moon landing.” – Jimmy Fallon

“We’re bombing the moon. We’re attacking the moon. And we hope to find out if there’s water. And you know that is how we do stuff. We launch the attack then we look for the evidence.” – David Letterman

“Scientists are very excited about the possibility of ice on the moon. Not as excited as personal injury attorneys, but almost as excited.” – Jay Leno

“This bombing expedition cost NASA $79 million. Do you have any idea how many Nicolas Cage movies you could make for $79 million? Almost one.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If I was NASA, I would have auctioned the chance to fire the missile that blows up the moon on eBay, right? I mean, it would have paid for itself. ‘Dude, who gets the push the button to explode the moon? Me, that’s right.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Speaking of NASA, you guys heard about this asteroid that can strike the Earth in 2036? NASA just downgraded the threat collision to 1 in 250,000. That means you have a better shot at getting crushed by an asteroid than winning the grand prize of McDonald’s ‘Monopoly.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night, President Obama had dozens of middle school students over to the White House. And they set up 20 telescopes outside to look at the stars. The kids were kind of bratty, though. One of them was like, ‘Hey, look, I can see Rio de Janeiro.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend, President Obama plans to appoint his Administration’s first openly gay ambassador, David Huebner. Huebner will serve as the U.S. ambassador to Barbra Streisand.” – Conan O’Brien

“Here is an example of how quickly things can turn around. According to a recent poll, President Obama’s approval rating in California has dropped. In fact, among Hollywood celebrities, it is now down to just 99 percent.” – Jay Leno

“Well, the big question now, with the troops in Afghanistan, is how soon can we expect a decision from President Obama on this troop thing? We’ve been waiting, but I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon. Remember, it took him five months to decide on a puppy.” – Jay Leno

“And tonight, Obama hosted a basketball game at the White House for several members of Congress. He didn’t even want to play, he just wanted to see Congress pass something.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The basketball game was very intense. At one point, Hillary landed hard and sprained her cankle.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Nobel Prize for lack of chemistry went to John McCain and Sarah Palin.” – David Letterman

“Congress is now considering giving $500 to every baby born in the United States. They want to promote savings. And listen to this. It’s $1,000 if it turns out your congressman is your baby’s father.” – Jay Leno

“Is that a good idea? Have a baby, get $500. You thought a lot of illegals were coming here to have kids before?” – Jay Leno

“News out of Afghanistan. The Taliban say that they have no plan of harming countries of the world, including those in Europe. I’m not sure how convincing that sounds. It is like telling your RA, ‘I have no beer in this room at all, especially not under my bed.'” – Jimmy Fallon


It’s uncanny! Obama is exactly as I imagined him!

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Everyone has their own fantasies.


Satire is a dangerous thing

Here is a video making the rounds of the innertubes called “Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned”:

Yes, of course it is being sarcastic — the clear intent is to make fun of arguments against gay rights. But what’s really ironic are the comments — there are over 12 thousand of them already on YouTube — that think the video is serious. I don’t know what is funnier, gay rights supporters who are bashing the video, or homophobes who are praising it. It is unclear if these people watched the video; some of them couldn’t be bothered to take the time and were just reacting to the title, but seemed to find the time to comment about it, but I’m sure that some people watched it and still didn’t get it.

Also enjoyable are the people commenting about the people who think it is serious. Although even most of those comments don’t manage to rise above the level of name calling. Like

Haha good one, look at all them folks taking this seriously… you know satire is dangerous cause stupid people don’t get it.

Personally, I think we need a video “Why Satire on the Internet Should Be Banned”. After all, how many innocent people are needlessly fooled by The Onion?


Ironically, the best thing Obama could do would be to refuse the Nobel prize

Wouldn’t it be interesting if Obama turned down the Nobel Peace Prize? He could simply say that he doesn’t deserve it … yet, and that the Nobel committee should wait until he really earns it.

That would drive the right-wing crazy.

Scott Stantis
© Scott Stantis

Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson

UPDATE: The Nobel committee defends their decision to award the Peace Prize to Obama, saying that the decision was unanimous, and that they awarded it for what he has done to bring about peace in the last year, not for what he might do in the future.


Glenn Beck Can’t Win

Why is it the best articles about American politics come from the foreign press? Is it because you need a little distance in order to get a good perspective, or is it that the US press just really sucks?

Anyway, there is a very good article written by a British journalist about Glenn Beck. The whole article is worth a read, but there was one part in particular that caught my attention:

In the end, I wonder if Beck even wants to win. Like most cult leaders, he is happiest playing the role of the Great Misunderstood Prophet, whose people are forever consigned to roam the wilderness. Occasionally, they may glimpse the Promised Land, but they can never make it their home—for if they did, they might realize that they need a new leader. In a curious way, then, Beck’s status depends on Obama’s success. Nothing else can advance his agenda as effectively as the president achieving his goals. Whether Beck’s audience appreciates this apparent paradox is a different matter.

We’ve seen this paradox in the right wing in other areas. For example, the fact that the fundamentalist Christians work so hard to elect right-wing politicians, who never seem to be able to pass any of the fundamentalist agenda (outlawing abortion, gay marriage, etc.). They need these people to be riled up in order to donate money and work for their election, but — like Glenn Beck — they don’t actually want to win.

UPDATE: Or as Rush Limbaugh just put it “Lord, thank you for my enemies”.


The Economy has a Liberal Bias

Here is an interesting graph, showing the year-over-year growth of the Gross Domestic Product over the last two decades for the G7 countries, the seven major western economies. You can click on it to see a larger image:

GDP of the G7

There are several interesting things we can see from this graph:

  • The current economic mess started early in 2008, a year before Obama took office (and before he was even expected to win the election). So people who blame this on Obama are either wing-nuts, or just nuts.
  • Compared to the economic swings since 1992, this one is pretty bad. But several countries are already starting to come out of it.
  • The countries whose economies dropped the most are Japan, Germany, and Italy. These happen to be the countries that went fascist (i.e., far right wing) in WWII. Coincidence?
  • The country whose economy fell the least (so far) is Canada. France was next, and it is one of the countries that is starting to recover. These are the most liberal countries in the G7.
  • The US GDP did best during the Clinton presidency (92-99), took a hit right after Bush took office in 2000, and then dropped the most during his last year in office. During Obama’s first six months in office, the economic downturn slowed considerably. Based on the recent economic news, I expect it to improve over the next six months.

Jumping the Gun

Mr. Fish
© Mr. Fish


Money, Politics, and Health Reform

Bill Moyers explains it in terms even a teabagger could understand:
