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Late Night Political Humor

“A year ago today, Barack Obama was elected president. It’s been a year, can you believe that? Yeah. A lot’s happened. Yeah. In one short year, Obama’s slogan has gone from, ‘Yes, we can,’ to ‘Wow, this is freakin’ hard.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Do you believe it’s been a year since Barack Obama was elected president? Amazing, huh? Well, actually, there’s been some changes. His new slogan is now, ‘Yes, we can, but don’t hold your breath.'” – Jay Leno

“Reporters are saying President Obama has been skipping meals lately, and now photographs show he has lost a lot of weight. Folks, if this is true, then maybe Obama really has lost touch with the American people.” – Conan O’Brien

“A lot of people have been noticing that President Obama is getting very skinny. Have you noticed this? And he is thin. If it wasn’t for his ears he’d weigh less than 100 pounds.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Insiders say that Obama has been too busy to eat, which is a problem President Clinton never seemed to have.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“On Saturday night, the President and Mrs. Obama had a couple thousand kids at the White House and instead of candy, they gave out dried fruit. That’s great. You go to the White House, you stand in a security line for three hours, they give you a bag of prunes?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In his first year in office, President Obama has traveled to 16 foreign countries, more than any other president in history. Bush only traveled to 11, but most of those were just different parts from the ‘It’s a Small World’ ride.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President Bush is in Japan, and he was met with protesters carrying signs that said, ‘Arrest Bush’ and ‘Bush is a war criminal.’ Yeah. When he saw the signs, Bush said, ‘Thanks for making me feel at home. Appreciate it.'” – Conan O’Brien

“I kind of wish Al Gore had been with us last night to kind of help out with the audience last night because, oh, my goodness. Over the course of the show the climate went from bad to worse.” – David Letterman

“Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, scolded Pakistan leaders for not going after Al Qaeda and just pretending that they didn’t see a problem that everyone else in the world could see. Ouch. How about that, huh? Imagine, Hillary Clinton lecturing you on turning a blind eye to a problem that the rest of the world could see.” – Jay Leno

“The White House has approved a new plan to pay — they’re going to pay members of the Taliban to change sides and support the U.S. And if it works there, they’re going to try it with Fox News.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, the program’s got kind of a catchy title. It’s called ‘Don’t ask, don’t Taliban.'” – Jay Leno

“The government says this swine flu vaccine shortage could last through December. Through December. Great. Now I’ll go to the mall and see Santa sitting there with a big, red nose, probably from the flu instead of the usual alcoholism.” – Jay Leno

“Now, why is there a swine flu vaccine shortage? You ever notice in this country, we never seem to run out of illegal drugs. You know, we should pay the guys who make crystal meth to start making this stuff.” – Jay Leno


Thank Heavens for Olympia Snowe!

Steve Sack
© Steve Sack

Joel Pett
© Joel Pett


A Snowe-Ball’s Chance in Hell

Steve Benson
© Steve Benson


When someone says “I am not a racist” they probably are

An interracial couple in Louisiana went to a justice of the peace to get married, but were turned down, being told “We don’t do interracial weddings or marriages.”

But the ironic part is that in an interview with a local newspaper, the justice of the peace, who is an elected official, said he was not a racist, he was merely concerned for the children who might be born of the relationship since in his experience most interracial marriages don’t last.

Um, someone needs to tell him that most marriages don’t last.

Laws against interracial marriage were struck down only in 1967; as of 2005 there are almost 8.5 million interracial married couples in the US.


Taking Stock in your Housing Situation

Mike Thompson
© Mike Thompson

Dan Wasserman
© Dan Wasserman


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, the big story out of Washington is this healthcare bill passed the Senate Finance Committee by a vote of 14-9, I believe it was. The Bill cost over $800 billion. And that’s just what lobbyists had to give to members of Congress.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, the Democrats’ health-care bill made it past the Senate Finance Committee, in a 14-9 vote. Sorry if I spoiled the ending for you guys. I know a … lot of you probably TiVo C-SPAN.” – Jimmy Fallon

“But yes, that’s what happened. Republican Senator Olympia Snowe broke ranks with her party and voted for the Democrats’ healthcare bill. She’s been missing ever since.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I’m so excited, because I had Olympia Snowe on my fantasy Congress team. I’m like, ‘Yeah! Score, man!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“But even though the bill passed, President Obama said that now is not the time to pat ourselves on the back, mostly because you might pull a muscle. He says, ‘Wait until you actually have health insurance before you do anything.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The good news is we’ll probably have some kind of improvement in our healthcare system. The bad news is it won’t be in our lifetime. It will never happen.” – Jay Leno

“Health care has now passed the Senate Finance Committee. So now here’s what the Republicans are going to do to try and kill the health-care bill. They’re going to go into filibuster where the guy gets the floor and he just keeps yacking and yacking and yacking and yacking and yacking. And people get tired and go home. Hey, wait, that could happen right now.” – David Letterman

“John McCain’s going to do the filibustering and he’s going to talk about his collection of big band records.” – David Letterman

“And the Fox News White House correspondent, a man named Major Garrett, has the swine flu. President Obama has ordered Fox News quarantined for up to five years, as long as it takes!” – Jay Leno

“Obama’s doing a great job, in impossible circumstances, by the way. You know he won the Nobel Peace Prize a couple of days ago. And the week before that, he won the daytime Nobel Peace Prize. So he’s won them both.” – David Letterman

“And, of course, the Republicans still can’t believe that Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. And the Democrats can’t believe that Sarah Palin wrote a book. So, it’s even.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin’s memoir will be out next month. Revelations in the memoir. The last couple of months on the campaign, it was actually Tina Fey.” – David Letterman

“They also say that during her debate with Joe Biden — the vice presidential debate — she got confused and at one point actually said, ‘I’m ready to solve the puzzle, Pat.'” – David Letterman

“A top adviser to President Obama says that the most important interactions the President has with Joe Biden happen when no one else is around. Obama says that the best interactions with Biden happen when Biden isn’t around.” – Conan O’Brien

“And over the weekend, they held a big gay rights march in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousand of gay Americans of all political persuasions filled hotel rooms in D.C. Actually, it was just the Democrats in the rooms. The Republicans were still in the closet.” – Jay Leno

“Rush Limbaugh, who is trying to buy the St. Louis Rams, has downplayed racial comments that he’s made in the past by saying if he was a racist, why would he want to be part of a business that is 70% African American? Well, I don’t know. Maybe because you would own them? Think that has anything to do with it?” – Jay Leno

“Last night, the White House hosted a tribute to Latin music. President Obama wiggled his hips a little on the dance floor at which point a committee in Sweden immediately awarded him a Latin Grammy.” – Conan O’Brien

“Some of the celebrities at the White House Latin music event included Gloria Estefan, George Lopez, Eva Longoria, and Jose Feliciano. Apparently it was much more fun than last year’s party, which was just President Bush and Dora the Explorer.” – Conan O’Brien

“Thank you for coming out on such a wet day. Man! The rain we’ve been having. What a storm this has been. The roads are slicker than John Edwards on ‘Cheaters.'” – Jay Leno

“NASA recently announced they have a photograph from the Hubble Telescope that shows two galaxies colliding. Then they took a closer look and said, ‘Wait a second. Those galaxies aren’t colliding. They’re doing it.'” – Conan O’Brien

“And for the first time in a year, the Dow closed above 10,000. You know what that means? More AIG bonuses!” – Jay Leno

“And the Department of Homeland Security announced that instead of putting illegal immigrants in jail, what they’re going to do is let them stay at converted hotels. Let me explain how this works. If you’re a homeless American whose house has been foreclosed on, you’re desperate for shelter, here’s what you do. You sneak across the boarder to Mexico, you walk back in; the government puts you up at the Sheraton. Fantastic deal.” – Jay Leno


I’m on Vacation!

I’m on vacation for a few weeks. I will try to post a few stories while I’m away — they will appear after this post (I made it sticky so it will stay at the top).

While I’m gone, please visit the many fine and funny websites listed under LINKS (down and to the right on the main page). Or feel free to share stories in the FORUM.

-Iron Knee

Andy Singer
© Andy Singer


Obama turns the other cheek, again

After all the crap that the Republicans have thrown at Obama, he is still a class act to them. At a speech in New Orleans, he thanks Gov. Bobby Jindal and the crowd boos, and he defends Jindal for working hard and doing a good job:

In a different speech, he does comment about some of the rhetoric being thrown at him from the right, and responds with a challenge:

What I reject is when some folks say we should go back to the past policies when it was those very same policies that got us into this mess in the first place.

Another way of putting it is when, you know, I’m busy and Nancy’s busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess — we don’t want somebody sitting back saying: “you’re not holding the mop the right way; you’re not mopping fast enough; that’s a socialist mop”. Why don’t you grab a mop, why don’t you help clean up? Grab a mop — let’s get to work.


The Senate Health Reform Public Option

Chip Bok
© Chip Bok

The bill coming out of the Senate Finance committee mandates everyone to have health insurance, and even has teeth — a fine if you fail to have insurance. But no provisions to control costs, so now the health insurance companies will be able to charge whatever they want (like they do now), but you will have no choice but to pay it, or pay a hefty fine. What a lovely gift to the insurance industry.


Late Night Political Humor

“People still upset that Barack Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. And today the head of the Nobel Prize Committee defended the decision to give Obama this year’s peace prize, saying that Obama’s already accomplished quite a bit. When asked for an example, the committee chairman said, ‘Come on, he won the freaking Nobel Peace Prize.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hey, did you see what happened today? President Obama won another Nobel prize today, this time in medicine, for pretending to give up smoking.” – Jay Leno

“The Nobel committee is saying the reason they gave Obama the peace prize is for reducing tension around the world. So, the runners-up for this year’s Nobel Prize were red wine and the Brookstone three-speed massaging recliner.” – Conan O’Brien

“Did you know the Nobel Peace Prize comes with a cash award? It’s like a million dollars. Actually, it’s $1.4 million. See, apparently, this is President Obama’s plan to finance healthcare reform. Keep winning these awards — the Nobel, the Powerball, the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes — keep winning these, and we can pay for the whole healthcare thing.” – Jay Leno

“Well, here’s some news. President Obama’s healthcare plan passed the Senate Finance Committee this afternoon. Republicans are disappointed because they had their own version of the health plan. That was going to be swine flu masks and Purell.” – David Letterman

“Do you know in Washington today, a Republican senator from Maine voted with the Democrats on health care? That’s the first time a Republican switched sides and was not arrested in an airport bathroom.” – Craig Ferguson

“The Republicans are quite upset. John McCain had to console that ‘you lie’ guy.” – David Letterman

“John McCain said that Sarah Palin is still a force in the Republican Party. Then he got in his car and backed over his mailbox.” – David Letterman

“A new article just came out. It shows that the phrase used most often by President Obama is, ‘Let me be clear’ whereas the phrase used most often by Joe Biden is, ‘Hey, where are you all going?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Ladies and gentlemen, President Obama wants to put an end to the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy in the military not to be confused with Dick Cheney’s policy, ‘Don’t Look, Don’t Aim.'” – David Letterman

“And in NFL news, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh trying to buy the St. Louis Rams. So far, this season, the Rams are what, 0-5? What is it with the Republicans? They can’t seem to pick a winning team lately. What’s going on?” – Jay Leno

“Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, says she will eventually retire and will not be running for president ever again, unlike George W. Bush, who retired as soon as he was elected president.” – David Letterman

“The Treasury Department said yesterday that the Taliban is much better funded than al Qaeda. Al Qaeda said they would have done better if they had not invested everything with Bernie Madoff.” –Jimmy Fallon

“Colorado will become the first state ever to lower its minimum wage by 3 cents an hour, from $7.28 to $7.25. As a compromise, Colorado workers will be allowed to leave work 9 seconds earlier.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Wal-Mart employees were like, ‘There’s a minimum wage?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Congress making health reform way too hard

David Horsey
© David Horsey

Horsey’s comic captures the irony of Congress’ efforts at health care reform. They keep arguing over nit-picky issues. Wouldn’t it be much simpler, cheaper, more effective, and save more lives to just extend Medicare to everyone?


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, President Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize. How about that? Meanwhile, right now at an Arizona senior citizens center, John McCain is screaming, ‘Bingo!'” – David Letterman

“Congratulations to President Barack Obama. Won the Nobel Peace Prize. Very exciting. Hang on now. Don’t get too excited. He hasn’t actually collected it yet. Let’s see if he can follow through on this. He went to Europe for the Olympic thing. That was a sure thing, too. So, let’s just wait a minute.” – Jay Leno

“When I call your name, please come up and claim your Nobel Peace Prize, all right?” – David Letterman

“Actually, when Vice President Joe Biden heard that President Obama won the Nobel Prize, he was speechless. So, it’s already doing some good.” – Jay Leno

“Earlier today, the Nobel Prize for economics was awarded to a woman for the first time ever. So, congratulations, Michelle Obama.” – Conan O’Brien

“Do you know who was the runner up for the Peace Prize? Oakland Raiders defense. They are true pacifists.” – Jay Leno

“Now, it was announced today they gave the Nobel Prize in economics to two American economists. Really, we have economists? Where the hell they been the last five years? We don’t even have an economy. How can we win that?” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday morning, Pope Benedict named five new saints to the Catholic Church, though some are questioning whether Obama really deserved it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Happy Columbus Day, ladies and gentlemen. By the way, in honor of Columbus Day, Dick Cheney’s cholesterol was 1492.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday, Israel threatened to attack Iran if international sanctions are not placed by Christmas, to which people in both nations said, ‘Um, what’s Christmas?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Congress is now proposing to give everyone who has a baby $500. Oh yeah, great! Let’s make these NBA players even richer.” –Jay Leno

“The Chicago Cubs declared bankruptcy today, a move that they say will help them sell the team. It’s part of the new ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to The New York Times, the mob has now gotten into Medicare fraud. But the good news — when they do break your legs, there’s a good chance you’re covered now.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama says he wants to put an end to the policy, ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Yeah, in the military. This is not to be confused with George Bush’s policy, ‘Don’t Know, Don’t Care.’ That’s a whole different deal.” – David Letterman

“This weekend in Washington, D.C., there was a huge gay rights rally. And one of the most popular chants was, ‘Hey, Obama, let mama marry mama.’ Historians are calling this the best gay rights chant since ‘Hey, Dwight D. Eisenhower, let Mike and Steve share a shower.'” – Conan O’Brien

“How awful is this? Police arrested a 30-year-old, Bountiful, Utah, man for fondling the nurse who was helping to deliver his baby. Move over John Edwards. We have a new nominee for husband of the year.” –Jay Leno

“Rush Limbaugh has been named one of the official judges of the Miss America Pageant. I’m like, what? A loudmouth judge who loves prescription painkillers? Wait, wait, it worked for ‘American Idol.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will make an appearance on Donald Trump’s ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’ It’s part of Trump’s plan to make his own hair look normal.” – Jimmy Fallon


Forget about Gay Marriage, what about Gay Divorce?

The current situation where some states allow gay marriage, and some states (vigorously) don’t is causing some interesting problems.

Take the case of two men who were legally married in Massachusetts, but then moved to Texas, and now they have decided to split up. The only wrinkle is that Texas won’t allow them to divorce. You would think that people who are against gay marriage would love nothing more than to help a married gay couple divorce, but the Texas Attorney General stepped in personally to stop the split.

If they can’t divorce in Texas, then their only recourse is to move back to Mass., wait a year, then file for divorce. The couple claims that they only want to be able to split up without all this cost and time, as any heterosexual couple would have been able to do.

What’s ironic about this is that opposition to gay divorce may cause state constitutional amendments against gay marriage to be found to be in violation of the right to equal protection under the 14th Amendment. In fact, a judge in Texas has ruled exactly that way. On appeal, maybe this will make its way all the way up to the US Supreme Court.

Of course, it is also ironic that in order to avoid going back to Mass., the couple in question may have to spend a bunch of time in Washington DC. I guess what we really have is equal protection to be able to be screwed around by the law!


Fox News tries to credit Bush for economic recovery

After trying to blame Obama for the current economic mess (which happened even before Obama was elected), now that the economy is showing signs of recovery, Fox News host Neal Cavuto is trying to give credit for the recovery to Bush.

Maybe Fox News is just an arm of the Republican Party. Don’t they know that the economy turned around because Obama won the Nobel prize?


Obama’s Nobel Prize – the unknown story

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen
