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Late Night Political Humor

“CBS News is reporting that President Obama has decided to send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Obama says it’s all part of his plan to finally deliver on the campaign promises made by John McCain” – Jimmy Fallon

“NASA’s been on a campaign to ease people’s fears about the end of the world in 2012. Does anybody really think this is going to happen? No, this true. NASA announced that the movie ‘2012’ is fiction and the Mayan calendar is wrong. And there is no mystery planet headed towards Earth that’s gonna destroy it. People believe this stuff. They say the only thing that can really destroy the planet by 2012 would be, I guess, Countrywide Mortgage, AIG, and Wall Street.” – Jay Leno

“You guys hear this? In a speech yesterday, New York Governor David Paterson said that New York will broke by Christmas broke unless it begins cutting jobs. New Yorkers were like, ‘Good call, let’s start with the governor.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bad news for New York. Governor Paterson, the governor of New York, announced that by the end of the year, New York City will be broke. Yep. So we’re going to have to make lots of cuts. The Midtown Tunnel. That will be by appointment only. Call ahead. Let them know you’re coming through. Metropolitan Museum has laid off three mummies. And the city temporarily has stopped constructing potholes” – David Letterman

“40th anniversary of ‘Sesame Street.’ Yeah, this is big. First Lady Michelle Obama was on ‘Sesame Street’ today, showing children how to plant their own healthy vegetable gardens. Isn’t that nice? Yeah, then the kids said, ‘Screw the vegetables,’ and they barbecued Big Bird” – Conan O’Brien

“Google has announced that they’re going to give free Internet access in airports all across the country. It’s fantastic! Up until now, the only way to see something pornographic at an airport was to follow a senator into the bathroom.” – Craig Ferguson

“It’s the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. Before that, the only way to get from East Germany to West Germany was your dad would have to put you in a balloon.” – David Letterman

“Former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, got into trouble for making a sex tape. She’s the only one in the tape. But I think this could be innocent too — last time for the racy photos, she said the wind blew her vest open . . . so maybe the wind blew her into some sexy positions and made her do some sexy gestures.” – Craig Ferguson

Carrie Prejean is in the news again. She’s the beauty pageant contestant who spoke out against gay marriage. She’s a very family-values-oriented woman who, in her spare time, made a pornographic video tape. She says it is not a sex tape because she’s the only one in it. It’s s solo sex tape. It’s the first female solo sex tape … she flies solo. She’s like the Amelia Earhart of the naked.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“She’s trying to downplay the incident. In pageant terms, it was a swim-suit competition minus the swim suit but with a lot of baton twirling.” – Jimmy Kimmel


If we really had “pro-life” legislators

August J. Pollak
© August J. Pollak


The Lloyd’s Prayer

Our Chairman,
Who Art At Goldman,
Blankfein Be Thy Name.
The Rally’s Come. God’s Work Be Done
On Earth As There’s No Fear Of Correction.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Gains,
And Bankrupt Our Competitors
As You Taught Lehman and Bear Their Lessons.
And Bring Us Not Under Indictment.
For Thine Is The Treasury,
The House And The Senate
Forever and Ever.

From an email making its way around Wall Street this morning, via Political Wire.


Irony Curtain

Matt Davies
© Matt Davies


Late Night Political Humor

“The health-care reform bill has passed by the House. Well, that was easy. And you know what that means, it’s just one step away to being defeated by the Senate.” – David Letterman

“Now it gets tricky because the bill goes to the Senate, where Senator Lindsey Graham vowed it would be dead on arrival. That’s what he said. In fact, right now, Graham is leading a Southern white coalition against the bill called the Graham Crackers.” – Jay Leno

“It was close, 220 yeas, 215 nays and one — you lie, you lie!” – David Letterman

“Actually, to win passage for this health-care bill, President Obama went up to Capitol Hill and personally lobbied some of the wavering congressmen. And of course, the health insurance industry, they were very upset. You know, they said they bought and paid for these congressmen, he has no right to go up to them and talk to them.” – Jay Leno

“But it’s a big victory for the Democrats. And today Nancy Pelosi was named MVP.'” – David Letterman

“As you know, on Saturday night the House narrowly passed the health-care bill. They said the reason it passed was because Nancy Pelosi didn’t blink. But — she hasn’t blinked since what, ’82?” – Jay Leno

“You sound like a bunch of people who heard they just got free health care.” – Jay Leno

“First lady Michelle Obama appears on ”Sesame Street’ to celebrate the show’s 40th anniversary. It’s going to be a big episode. Yes, sources say the episode gets a little tense when Ernie and Bert ask the first lady why her husband’s dragging his feet on gay marriage.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Berlin Wall, very famous. That’s where Dick Cheney delivered his famous line, ‘Ich bin ein water boarder.'” – David Letterman

“When you think about it and think about what it meant at the time and what it has meant since it really is one of those things that in our lifetime we have been tremendously lucky to observe the end of the wall in Berlin. The wall came down 20 years ago today. And that signaled the end of communism. Until, of course, Obama and his pinko buddies took over.” – David Letterman

“It was reported today 237 members of Congress are millionaires. Almost half of Congress are millionaires. Isn’t that unbelievable? So, apparently, Congress is pretty good at managing their own money …” – Jay Leno

“Glenn Beck had an emergency appendectomy, but he’ll be back on the air tomorrow. That’s right. However, for his first day back, doctors are warning Glenn to take it easy and only compare Obama to Hitler three times an hour.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Secret Service has to protect the President now on a budget. In fact, like, after 5, you know the President just wears a life alert.” – Jay Leno

“You know when you see the agents running alongside the car? That’s just to save gas now.” – Jay Leno


The Irony of Greed

An article in the NY Times points out with stark evidence what everyone already knows — our politicians are bought and paid for by large corporations and their lobbyists. More than a dozen lawmakers — both Democrats and Republicans — gave speeches that were written (sometimes wholly) by lobbyists working for Genentech, one of the world’s largest biotech companies and a subsidiary of Swiss drug giant Roche. Genentech even went as far as to provide customized talking points for each party, and 22 Republicans and 20 Democrats obediently repeated them into the Congressional Record.

But that’s not what’s ironic. I’m sure these politicians feel that if they don’t take money from large corporations and do their bidding, then their opponents will. And the same thing is true of the corporations. Corporations are loathe to spend money if they don’t have to, so I’m sure that they feel like they have to funnel money into the campaign chests of politicians and lobbyists, because if they don’t their competitors will.

It is the end result that is truly ironic. By being “pro-business” for narrow corporate interests, the government actually makes the economy worse, hurting business. And by accepting money from corporations, politicians who desire to govern this country squander their ability to do so.

It is a death spiral we have gotten ourselves into. Will we be able to get out of it before it is too late? Don’t look to the mainstream media to help — they too are bought and paid for by large corporations who care only about the bottom line, which ironically is also killing them.


Palin Going Rogue on the Facts

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett

It isn’t officially released until Tuesday, but a pre-release fact check of Palin’s new book indicates that it should really be placed in the “fiction” section of bookstores.

UPDATE: The Republicans who worked with Palin during the presidential campaign are calling her book “total fiction“.

UPDATE 2: On the eve of the release of her book, Andrew Sullivan provides a convenient roundup of all the verifiable lies that Palin has told in the past. It is a long list, but it will get even longer as people fact check the book.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday at the White House, President Obama met with Native American tribal leaders, and they gave Obama the Indian name, ‘He Who Cares.’ Isn’t that nice? That’s nice. Yeah. Then, they gave Vice President Joe Biden the Indian name, ‘Big Chief Running Mouth.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama hosted a conference of all the Native American tribes. I know the U.S. economy’s in bad shape, but Obama told the Indians, ‘Look, you can have the country back. Okay, fine.'” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin’s new book, new memoir, is coming out next month. It’s called, ‘Going Rogue.’ Ooooh. She was like Rambo, out there on her own. Hidin’ in the trees, swoopin’ down on vines. Out there lookin’ for bogies.” – David Letterman

“She’s already received … a million dollars. … You know what she did? She went shopping. You know where she went? Bed, Bath And You Betcha.” – David Letterman

“The unemployment rate went above ten percent for the first time since 1983. Last week, economists were saying the recession is finally over, but this week, all those economists were laid off. So it’s just tough.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chrysler announced it’s coming out with a new logo that’s going to appear on all of its cars, and they hope it will boost sales. And it should help, because the new logo says, ‘Toyota.'” – Conan O’Brien

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters that although they lost the governorship in New Jersey and Virginia, Democrats were the real winners on Election Night. In a related story, scientists now say Botox can cause delusions.” – Jay Leno

“Congressman John Boehner told a crowd of protesters yesterday that the new health care bill was the ‘greatest threat to freedom he’s ever seen.’ And then the Taliban was like, ‘Uh, helloooo? What?!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Happy birthday to Maria Shriver. Maria celebrated quietly with Governor Schwarzenegger in his lair on Skull Island.” – David Letterman

“Big day in New York for the Yankees. Ticker tape parade. Anyone here go to the parade? Mayor Bloomberg was there. He called New York City the ‘Capital of Baseball.’ Then he spent 85 million dollars of his own money to become the new Mayor of Baseball.” – Jimmy Fallon


Health Care Skunk Works?

Gary Varvel
© Gary Varvel

Lisa Benson
© Lisa Benson


So Much Work to be Done

Joel Pett
© Joel Pett


Do as we say, not as we do

The Republicans have been making a big stink about the health care bill paying for abortions. But Politico has found that the insurance plan that the Republican National Committee offers to its employees pays for elective abortions. Their health insurance company, Cigna, says that the RNC has the option of not covering abortions, but has covered them since at least 1991.

UPDATE: GOP Chairman Michael Steele, who was pro-choice before taking the job, has announced that the RNC medical insurance plan will stop paying for elective abortions immediately.

UPDATE 2: What makes this stunningly (and doubly) hypocritical and ironic is that not only was the RNC privately paying for abortions while publicly condemning them, but by reversing their position, they are now doing the same thing they were accusing the Democrats of trying to do. Republican wing-nuts have been claiming that publicly funded health insurance will control your health care decisions. But this puts the RNC in the position of controlling its own employees’ health care decisions.


Late Night Political Humor

“During a speech, President Obama embarrassed his daughter, Malia. Did you hear about this? Embarrassed his daughter Malia by revealing that she recently got a 73 on a science test. Yeah, yeah, then Malia embarrassed him by asking him how the governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey turned out.” – Conan O’Brien

“During his speech in Wisconsin yesterday, President Obama explained that he was upset with his daughter, Malia, after she got a 73 on her science test. When I heard that, I was like: ‘Seventy-three? I would have killed for a 73.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama says that his economic plan has saved or created one million new jobs. Well, one million and two if you count the jobs he created for governors of Virginia and New Jersey.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, you know, a lot of people are saying these Republican victories are a backlash against Obama’s policies. What policies? Don’t know what the policies are.” – Jay Leno

“The White House says that President Obama did not watch the election results the other night. He watched the Chicago Bulls instead. So at least one of his teams won.” – Jay Leno

“Later in his speech, President Obama said that the currency of today’s economy is knowledge. Great, another currency where China has us beat.” – Jimmy Fallon

“HBO is running a documentary about the election of Barack Obama called ‘By the People.’ ‘By the People.’ It’s all about the election of Barack Obama and after this they have a series, after this, about Barack Obama, they have a documentary about the election of George W. Bush. It’s called, ‘By Mistake.'” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin announced that she’s gonna travel across the country on a bus to promote her new book. She’ll be hard to miss ’cause it’ll be the only bus on the road with a dead moose strapped on the hood.” – Conan O’Brien

“During the middle of his show, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck was rushed to the hospital for an attack of appendicitis. Yeah. Apparently, Beck was crying and screaming incoherently, so his audience assumed everything was normal.” – Conan O’Brien

“The senior citizen group AARP endorsed the Democrats’ health care bill. Senior citizens endorsed it. Yes. Yeah, yeah, a spokesperson for the senior citizens group said, ‘We can’t wait until this bill is signed by President Harry Truman.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Big new holiday movie. It’s the new ‘Christmas Carol,’ it opens on Friday. And Dick Cheney saw it already and loved it and through the whole movie he was yelling, ‘Go Scrooge, come on, Scrooge, go Scrooge!'” – David Letterman

“Voters in Ohio approved a measure that will allow casinos in Cleveland. So now there will be another way to lose your money in Cleveland besides betting on the Browns.” – Jay Leno

“Al Gore was here in New York yesterday signing copies of his new book ‘Our Choice’ at Barnes and Noble. It was strange, Gore wouldn’t write his name. He just signed each book, ‘I’m sorry, tree.'” –Jimmy Fallon

“There is actually a big swine flu vaccine shortage all across the country, but you know who has gotten the vaccines? Executives at Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. But in the company’s defense, if those executives got sick, everything would stop, the companies would go under and the government would have to bail them out.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, if you are not happy about Mayor Bloomberg being mayor, don’t blame me, O.K.? If you are not happy about this, don’t blame me. I voted for — well, I don’t remember his name.” – David Letterman

“Actually, the guy’s name is Bill Thompson. Bill Thompson. Yes, Bill Thompson. Isn’t that a name you get in the witness protection program?” – David Letterman


Jon Stewart responds to Sean Hannity

First, Sean Hannity does a segment on Michelle Bachmann’s healthcare protest, but sneakily shows video of a much larger protest from last summer, assuming its viewers aren’t quite bright enough to figure that out. Second, The Daily Show catches the lie and exposes it. Third, (amazingly) Hannity gives a sort-of apology on his program for the “inadvertent” mistake.

Not good enough for Stewart:


Late Night Political Humor

“You’re here on a very special night, ladies and gentlemen. The entire balcony here at the Ed Sullivan Theater tonight is filled with defeated Democrats. Yeah, buddy!” – David Letterman

“Not a good night for President Obama. He lost elections in Virginia, New Jersey and not doing too good in Afghanistan either. In fact, political experts are calling this his worst setback since he tried that bowling thing.” – Jay Leno

“Big losses for the Democrats in the elections. Here’s how bad it was for the Democrats — earlier today, the Democratic Party was begging Rush Limbaugh for pain killers.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday was election day and the people of New Jersey elected a new governor. That’s right. Yeah, and I don’t know how he did it, but congratulations to newly elected New Jersey Governor, Hamid Karzai.” – Conan O’Brien

“One year ago today, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama was elected president, one year ago today. One year later, we’re still in Iraq. We’re still in Afghanistan. But, you know, at least we got rid of Paula Abdul.” – David Letterman

“Well, the Democratic Party has a new slogan. ‘What happened?'” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, voters in the state of Maine voted no to gay marriage, but yes to medical marijuana. That’s right, people in Maine believe marriage should be a sacred institution between a really stoned man and a really stoned woman.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bad year for Democrats right now. All the Democrats have left is the presidency, both houses of Congress, and all of Hollywood. That’s all they have.” – David Letterman

“There’s a new book that’s coming out about Sarah Palin. And the book contains a copy of the speech she would have given if John McCain had won and she had became vice president. Yeah. The speech is entitled, ‘Uh-oh.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Next February, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush will debate, at Radio City Music Hall. I’m looking forward to that line of high-kicking Secret Service agents.” – David Letterman

“Clinton and Bush are debating, and, honestly, think about it, what is more exciting than a presidential debate that doesn’t count, if you think about it?” – David Letterman

“Well, congratulations to New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg on the purchase of his third term.” – Jay Leno

“Bloomberg spent $100 million to get re-elected. Do you realize that is the most money ever spent on a New Yorker that’s not playing for the Yankees?” – Jay Leno

“Bloomberg was limited to just two terms, but he changed the law so he could run again and be in power another four years. And today, Arnold Schwarzenegger said — ‘You can do that? How do you do that? Why can’t I do that here?'” – Jay Leno

“Some pictures of President Obama posted on the internet seem to show the President looking very thin. … They say he looks too thin, but White House docs say not to worry, Barack Obama’s one of those guys who can eat whatever he wants and still not gain weight. Yet another reason for Rush Limbaugh to hate him.” – Jay Leno

“Over in Washington, President Obama called and congratulated Republican Bob McDonnell today after he won the governorship in Virginia. Obama then moved Virginia to the bottom of the swine flu vaccine waiting list.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Long Road

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett
