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GOP Fantasyland

According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, a majority (52%) of Republicans believe that Obama did not actually win the 2008 election, because ACORN stole the election for him. Only 27% of Republicans believe that Obama won the election legitimately.

This, despite the fact that Obama won the election by 9.5 million votes. That would be an awful lot of ballot stuffing by ACORN.

I’m flabbergasted.

So I guess it is no surprise that Conservative Party Congressional candidate Doug Hoffman is now accusing ACORN of stealing the recent election that he lost. Hoffman conceded on election night, and his Democratic Party opponent was sworn in a few days later, but now Hoffman has revoked his concession, and is claiming that the election was stolen by ACORN (despite absolutely no evidence of such tampering).


Late Night Political Humor

“According to excerpts from Sarah Palin’s memoir, ‘Going Rogue,’ the former vice presidential nominee says her infamous Katie Couric interview went so poorly because Couric was badgering, had a partisan agenda, and asked questions.” – Seth Meyers

“Sarah Palin is gonna be on Oprah Winfrey’s show on Monday. Well, not to be outdone, John McCain is going on ‘The Oz’ show to get a prostate exam.” – Jay Leno

“In her new book, Sarah Palin claims that before John McCain chose her as his running mate, his campaign spent $50,000 on a background check. Yeah. When he heard this, John McCain said, we should have spent $75,000.” – Conan O’Brien

“Finally, excerpts from Sarah Palin’s new book are starting to leak out to the internet. There’s some really shocking stuff in there, complete sentences, proper grammar, really shocking stuff.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Fox News made a big announcement, they announced that they are not interested in hiring outspoken anti-immigration anchor Lou Dobbs. Yeah, yeah. Also not interested in hiring Lou Dobbs, the band Los Lobos.” – Conan O’Brien

“CNN announced today that political reporter John King will replace Lou Dobbs. King said, ‘I’m excited to report about the political landscape, and Dobbs said, ‘I am excited to report my landscaper to immigration.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hey, you guys, it’s Friday the 13th. A lot of people are superstitious about the number 13. President Franklin Roosevelt refused to travel on the 13th of every month, would never host 13 guests at a dinner party, either. And President Bush wasn’t allowed to see any movie rated PG-13.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today happens to be Friday the 13th. In fact, this is the third Friday the 13th of 2009 already. I blame Obama for that. We never had three Friday the 13ths under President Bush.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We’re learning more and more details about the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She told Latina magazine [that] the White House told her to paint her fingernails a neutral shade and wear small size earrings during the confirmation. But, see, that’s not unusual. That’s the same thing Fox tells Ryan Seacrest every week.” – Jay Leno

“Did you hear this? Germany will send 120 soldiers to northern Afghanistan to help fight the Taliban. And out of habit, France surrendered.” –Jimmy Fallon


Intel Outside

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews protested outside Intel’s new chip plant in Jerusalem, saying that the plant was desecrating the Sabbath by performing work on Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath runs from Friday night until Saturday night.

© Kichka


Why Jon Stewart Doesn’t Like Sarah Palin


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s approval rating down to 46 percent. That means 54 percent of the people do not approve of the job he’s doing, which I think is totally unfair. We should at least wait until he actually does something.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is traveling to Asia this week. He’ll be making a trip to China. While he’s there, Obama plans to visit the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and America’s money.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama left this morning on a ten day trip to Asia. He assigned his kids some important chores. He said that while he’s gone, Sasha has to walk the dog, and Malia has to walk Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Forbes magazine just came out, and they’ve released a new list of the world’s most powerful people. President Obama is number one. Interesting, yeah. And apparently, Oprah is pissed off.” – Conan O’Brien

“When he returns, President Obama is expected to finally reveal his strategy for the war in Afghanistan. The strategy is called, ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Speaking of ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’ Congressman Barney Frank said yesterday that the military’s ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy will be repealed next year. It’s going to be replaced by the policy, ‘Yeah, we knew.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Lou Dobbs has quit CNN. And here’s the weird part: He didn’t want to quit, his work visa expired.” – Jay Leno

“Big news, Lou Dobbs announced on his show last night that he was leaving CNN. No word on where Dobbs is going to go next, but I think we can all rule out Telemundo.” – Jimmy Fallon

“They’re not welcome there. Dobbs said he’s leaving because he wants to engage in constructive problem solving. He’s already solved one problem, for CNN.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Gov. David Paterson made a shocking statement today. He said, ‘New York will be broke by Christmas.’ Today, Gov. Schwarzenegger said, ‘Christmas? What’s your secret? How’d you last so long?'” – Jay Leno

“A middle school in North Carolina has caused some controversy, because they were offering to improve test scores for cash donations. For a $20 donation, kids could get an increase of 20 points on any test they chose. It was the ‘Cash from Flunkers’ program.” – Jay Leno

“On Monday, Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Palin will sit down and they’re going to talk for an entire hour. And I was thinking, too bad John McCain didn’t do that with her before he chose her as his running mate.” – David Letterman

“Last night, on ‘Larry King Live’ … former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, refused to talk about her sex tape. She got angry for Larry asking what she called, ‘inappropriate questions.’ Yeah, apparently Larry kept asking, ‘Do you want to see my sex tape?'” – Conan O’Brien


Ironically, the Senate Health Care Bill doesn’t totally suck

Harry Reid has released the Senate health care reform bill, and it is scheduled for a cloture vote on Saturday. The vote to cut off a potential filibuster is the critical one, requiring sixty votes to pass.

At this point, both the Senate and House bills include a form of public option, but there is other good news as well:

  • The bill provides for insurance exchanges, which will include a public option, but not until 2014. Individual states can opt out of the public option.
  • Insurance companies have to accept all new customers, even with preexisting conditions, cannot cancel people when they get sick, and cannot charge sick people more than healthy people.
  • Annual and lifetime limits are prohibited.
  • A mandate requiring everyone to have insurance (with a $750 fine), but there are subsidies for the poor.
  • Companies with more than 50 employees are required to provide insurance. Tax credits to help small businesses afford insurance.
  • Insurance policies are required to explain their benefits on a standardized form in understandable English.
  • If you are denied coverage, there is an appeals process so you can fight back.
  • New taxes on so-called “gold-plated” health insurance plans, medical devices, and elective surgery offset the cost of the bill, actually reducing the deficit.

Read about it in Electoral-Vote.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, the Republicans have declared “a holy war” against the bill, which is an unbelievably poor choice of words.


Billionaires for Wealthcare Strike Again

The Billionaires for Wealthcare infiltrated an American Health Insurance Plans’ annual conference in Washington DC, and during a keynote talk from an industry pollster performed a full blown musical number, thanking the industry for killing the public option and protecting their profits. All set to the tune of “Tomorrow, Tomorrow” from Annie:

Says the group on their website:

Health care reform is on life-support and we’re here to pull the plug. Thanks to our loyal foot-soldiers Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, we’ve raised the level of discourse to a cacophonous din.

Even the speaker who was interrupted (who was one of the driving forces behind the “Harry and Louise” ads that torpedoed Clinton’s attempt at health care reform) remarked “That was very good singing.”


Industry, heal thyself!

This is what happens when large corporations try to regulate themselves.

The “Smart Choices” program, which was supposed to label healthy, nutritional food with a large green checkmark, is being shut down. The logo began appearing on food this summer, after two years of development by many of the country’s largest food manufacturers. But doubts about the program appeared immediately, after products such as Kellogg’s Froot Loops (whose first ingredient is sugar) and high fat mayonnaise started sporting the “healthy” logo.

The food industry hoped that the Smart Choices program would avoid the need for regulation of package-front product labeling by showing that they could develop an acceptable system on the own. But according to one person formerly involved with the program “It clearly blew up in their faces. And the ironic thing is, their device for pre-empting government involvement actually seems to have stimulated government involvement.”

The FDA is now moving quickly to formulate rules for package-front nutrition labeling.


Giving the Terrorists What They Want

Jim Morin
© Jim Morin


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s been reported that outspoken anti-immigration anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN. Yeah. True story, yeah. He’ll be replaced by a guy named Juan, who will do the same job for $5 an hour.” – Conan O’Brien

“Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who was forced to resign because he used prostitutes, will deliver a lecture tomorrow at the Harvard center for Ethics. Yeah, if you want to check out the speech, it costs $500 for half an hour, $900 if you want to stay for the whole hour.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President Bill Clinton talked to Senate Democrats about the healthcare bill. And he told them not to make the same mistakes he and Hillary did. That’s what he said, yeah. As a result, the senators all went home and got a divorce.” – Conan O’Brien

“The other day in Wisconsin, Sarah Palin gave a speech, and the crowd was searched to make sure there were no cameras. That’s right. Yeah, according to experts, Palin subscribes to the primitive belief that cameras will ‘steal her crazy.'” – Conan O’Brien

“I found out this by reading her memoir ‘Going Rogue,’ the Sarah Palin memoir, ‘Going Rogue.’ Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, believes the Berlin wall ran between Kanye West and Kanye East.” – David Letterman

“Three young Americans have been charged with espionage in Iran after straying into the country while hiking in Iraq. Now, obviously, we all pray for their safe return. But hiking in Iraq? I mean — you know, if you’re hiking in Iraq and Iran, you might want to get a you new travel agent. Okay?” – Jay Leno

“I mean, who goes hiking in Iraq? What was the rafting trip to Somalia all booked up?” – Jay Leno

“The AMA is urging the Federal Government not to classify marijuana as a dangerous drug and do more research. That’s what they said. It’s a big story, yeah. Yeah, that request came not only from the AMA but also from KFC.” – Conan O’Brien

“Welcome to New York City, first of all, bad news — city is broke. Yeah. No more money. And they’re cutting back on garbage collection. And I want to tell you, New York City, by the way, has one of the finest collections of garbage you’ll see anywhere.” – David Letterman

“Cutting back — city is broke — cutting back on hospital budgets. Well, it’s a good thing we’ve got that swine flu licked, isn’t it?” – David Letterman

“And when your flight lands in the Hudson, you’re on your own.” – David Letterman

“They have a bottle of beer that was on board the Hindenburg and it was auctioned off. You know the Hindenburg, that was the biggest thing to crash and burn in New Jersey next to the Corzine campaign.” – David Letterman

“Remember the Congressman, William Jefferson, who the F.B.I. caught with $90,000 in bribe money in his freezer? Well, he was convicted of 11 counts of bribery and corruption. Prosecutors asked for the harshest prison sentence ever handed down for a member of Congress. Something like 30 years. The Congressman is saying — he said he still did nothing wrong. He claims he just fell in with the wrong crowd — Congress.” – Jay Leno

“A huge week for the President. Obama leaves tomorrow for a ten-day trip to Singapore, China, South Korea and Japan. Meanwhile, today, Joe Biden ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at Panda Express.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama, he said that he would be happy to travel, more than happy to travel to Copenhagen in December for the global climate conference, if his presence would make a difference. And then the Olympic committee was like, ‘Oh, yeah, it makes a huge difference. Yeah.'” – Jimmy Fallon


The Rule of Law in the US

Jon Stewart and Samantha Bee discuss the upcoming trial of 9/11 terrorists in NYC:

Great quote: “Geraldo Rivera is now the voice of reason”.


Squashed Like a Bug

Two great quotes from Electoral-Vote:

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows how polarizing Palin is. Among Republicans, 76% have a favorable view of her but among all Americans, 60% say she is not qualified to be President. The bottom line on numbers like these is that she could conceivably win the Republican nomination, only to be squashed like a bug in the general election.

Another factor to consider is the possibility of a reverse Limbaugh play. In 2008, after it was already clear that Obama was going to be the Democratic nominee, Rush Limbaugh strongly urged Republicans to switch their party registration to Democratic to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to prolong the primary process. It is not clear how many did, but little did he realize how much he was helping Obama. By forcing Obama to hone his message and campaign team in the Spring, he had a well-disciplined organization in the Fall. If Clinton had dropped out in April 2008, Obama would have been a far weaker candidate in the general election. In 2012, we might see the reverse, with Daily Kos and other Democratic-oriented groups urging Democrats to reregister as Republicans in order to vote for Palin in the primaries. However, this is where the comparison ends. Palin could actually win the nomination and would be the weakest possible candidate the Republicans could field in the general election.


Who wants government making health care decisions?

Joel Pett
© Joel Pett


The reason they call it a ‘Chinese Finger Trap’

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles


Obama’s Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner

From the Onion News Network.
