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Late Night Political Humor

“Santa Claus, as you know, has a plan to fly around the world to deliver toys to all the good little boys and girls. Unfortunately, it’s being blocked right now by Joe Lieberman.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Clearly, Lieberman has gone from having Joe-mentum to having Joe-mentia.” – Stephen Colbert

“The other night they had that Christmas in Washington holiday special. And you know, people in Washington, right away the bickering started. Lou Dobbs accused Santa of using illegal immigrant labor. Rush Limbaugh said the gifts were part of some kind of socialist give away program. The AFL-CIO claims that Santa underpays his elves, and of course, since it’s Washington, you’re not going to find three wise men and a virgin. So the whole thing was pretty much a disaster.” – Jay Leno

“Last night, Barack Obama hosted the first of two White House holiday parties for the press. It was a good time until Helen Thomas started hogging the karaoke machine. It was terrible. The only song she knew was ‘Single Ladies.’ It was really awkward.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Oprah visited the Obamas at the White House on Sunday night for her ‘Christmas at the White House’ special. She’s actually thinking of buying the White House, and so she was scouting it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There are a lot of holiday parties coming up at the White House. Obama is getting ready to host the Administration’s first Hanukkah party tomorrow. Kind of an embarrassing moment, though. Today, after they lit the menorah, Biden blew it out and made a wish.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week, one White House official said that the recession was over. And then, another White House official said, no, it’s definitely not over. You wonder how those party crashers got in, huh?” – David Letterman

“But the White House announced that Guantanamo Bay’s detainees will be sent to a prison in Illinois. There’s like 500 terrorists and suspected terrorists and alleged terrorists down there in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. And they’ll be moved now to a prison in Illinois. And I was thinking, well, this really should make up for Chicago not getting the Olympics.” – David Letterman

“Huge protest of hundreds at climate change conference in Denmark. At one point, it got so bad the police played an Al Gore speech over the loud speaker just to sedate the crowd.” – Jay Leno

“You know the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin? She is now saying that global warming is a conspiracy. Doesn’t believe it is true, even though she can see the polar ice cap melting from her house. Maybe she really doesn’t read all the newspapers.” – David Letterman

“During his speech at a Home Depot in Washington, D.C., today, President Obama said he thinks energy efficiency and retrofitting are ‘sexy.’ He had to cut the speech short, however, after Al Gore showed up and tried to give him a lap dance.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yeah, President Obama was at a Home Depot. He said was looking for the perfect shovel to whack Joe Lieberman in the head with.” – Jimmy Fallon

“History was made this week. This weekend Houston became the city to ever elect an openly lesbian mayor. That’s not the part that made history. The part that made history, finally a woman in the news not accused of sleeping with Tiger Woods.” – Jay Leno

“Computer technicians in Washington say they have found 22 million missing emails from President George W. Bush’s Administration. And you can tell the emails are from the Bush Administration because they all begin, ‘Dear Santa.'” – Conan O’Brien



© Matt Bors

It is ironic that if terrorists really wanted to kill Americans and damage our country, they could hardly come up with a better weapon than our current health care system.


Latest Threat Caused by Global Warming

Bruce Beattie
© Bruce Beattie

What I find ironic about this is that many of the actual arguments that are being tossed back and forth about global warming are based on clichés. For example, every time there is a cold snap, some idiot argues that it proves that the climate isn’t warming.


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, last night I watched Oprah’s White House Christmas special. President Obama told Oprah he deserves a ‘solid B-plus’ for his first year in office. That’s a big improvement from our last president, who for the last eight years received a ‘WTF.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“During an interview last night, Oprah Winfrey asked President Obama what grade he would give himself for his first year in office and he said a ‘B-plus.’ Then, Oprah shook her head and said, ‘I didn’t pay for a B-plus.'” – Conan O’Brien

“You know what is great about this country? This time of year especially, you get people like Oprah, who is powerful and an icon and an American treasure and transcends television. She’s a humanitarian. And last night, she had a big Christmas special that she videotaped at the White House. And it was just tremendous. But now, she interviewed the president and already, trouble. Trouble already. I mean, the Republicans are now complaining that President Obama bowed too low to Oprah. It’s just awful.” – David Letterman

“Today at the White House, President Obama met with a group of the nation’s top Wall Street bankers. And you know, these Wall Street bankers, they just don’t get it, you know? Like, they walked into the White House and said to Obama: ‘You live in this dump? What is this, the guest house? Please!'” – Jay Leno

“This should be interesting. President Obama announced that he will hold a meeting at a Home Depot in Washington, D.C., tomorrow to discuss energy saving techniques, although everyone expects the meeting to get a little late start after the Home Depot employee sends him to the wrong aisle. ‘President meeting? That’s in aisle five, I think. It might be aisle six. You know, it’s not my department. I don’t know.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obamas also said on that Christmas Eve they will leave milk and cookies in the yellow room for Santa. And today, Glenn Beck accused them of trying to bribe a foreign dignitary.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Of course, Santa’s got a good way of sneaking into the White House. He’s just going to go with the two party crashers. ‘Ho, ho, ho! I’m on the list.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, in fact — if you saw it on ’60 Minutes’ last night — President Obama said never again will an unexpected guest sneak into the White House, so more bad news for Joe Biden.” – Jay Leno

“Hey, did you hear about those five American Muslims who went to Pakistan and tried to join up and become terrorists with al Qaeda? Well, they got rejected. Al Qaeda rejected them — this is true — because they lacked the proper credentials and references. Isn’t that unbelievable? Do you realize it’s harder to get into al Qaeda than it is to get into the White House? That is wrong. Ridiculous!” – Jay Leno

“Well, did you hear about this? According to TMZ, you know, Congress was supposed to award Tiger Woods the Congressional Gold Medal, our highest civilian honor, then had to withdraw it, because of the scandal, which seems odd to me. I mean, what’s it up to now? Fifteen mistresses? That sounds like something Congress would give you a medal for, doesn’t it?” – Jay Leno

“This is crazy. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was hit in the face at a rally in Rome yesterday. Berlusconi said he wasn’t hit too hard, or too soft. He described the attack as ‘al dente.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“How about this guy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi? He is in Milan over the weekend. He’s signing autographs and somebody throws a statuette at the guy and literally breaks his face wide open. Threw a statue at the guy. And I think this hasn’t happened since, well, since I hosted the Academy Awards.” – David Letterman

“Hit him in the face with a statuette and then he backed over a fire hydrant. Yup. And then Gillette dropped him as a sponsor.” – David Letterman


Santa Obama’s Helpers?

Lalo Alcaraz
© Lalo Alcaraz

I find it very interesting how the whole health care reform thing has played out in Congress. For a long time there were so many different versions of the bill, and they kept changing, that the media (progressive and conservative) became focused on provisions that had convenient sound bites, like “public option” and “death panels”. The whole thing became such a circus that now that we actually have a bill, nobody seems very happy with it.

Which is unfortunate. Although I don’t think the bill goes far enough, it is a step in the right direction. I hope it passes (although it would be nice if they change it so that it goes into effect more quickly — many of the provisions don’t start until 2014).

UPDATE: The person who came up with the idea of the public option defends the current bill, and suggests some good ways to strengthen it.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday, President Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize from the Norwegians. This comes almost two weeks after Tiger Woods was crowned by a swede.” – Jay Leno

“The president got the Peace Prize yesterday. That was a big event yesterday in Norway. Yeah, yesterday in Norway, President Obama gave a speech accepting his Nobel Peace Prize, and Will Smith was in the crowd. Did you know that? Will Smith was sitting in the crowd. Amazing. Yeah, the place was packed with Norwegians and yet somehow Obama was able to spot Will Smith.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s interesting. During his speech, President Obama spoke about the difficulty of accepting a Peace Prize while we’re fighting two different wars. And President Bush got really upset. He said, ‘Hey, I’m the one who started both those wars, I should have won the prize.” – Jay Leno

“The environmental summit has gone on in Copenhagen, the big UN Summit on climate change. Thank god this has taken place because I want to tell you, when the UN tackles a problem, it’s gone. Adios, it’s gone.” – David Letterman

“A lot of heads of state at the Copenhagen summit, and a lot of scientists, and scientists are guys that don’t get out a lot. They’re always staring into beakers. So when they’re around other scientists, it’s kind of a party, you know what I’m saying? Kind of a party. So the hottest pickup line at the Copenhagen Climate Summit is, ‘Is it getting hotter, or is it just me?'” – David Letterman

“Prostitutes in Copenhagen have reportedly offered free sex to delegates attending the Global Warming Summit. Though if you do sleep with a prostitute at the Global Warming Summit, make sure to cap your emissions.” – Seth Meyers

“Wait till you hear this. A new poll found that 44% of Americans would rather have Bush back as the president. The scary part is that one of those people was President Obama. He’s like, ‘Please, be my guest.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“During the Kennedy Center Honors on Sunday, President Obama presented an award to Bruce Springsteen, saying, ‘I’m the president, but he’s the boss.’ At which point Springsteen ordered our troops out of Afghanistan.” – Seth Meyers

“Next week, the Obama administration will host their first Hanukkah party at the White House. And according to the New York Times, a lot of people are upset, because it’s a little smaller this year, and they weren’t invited. They weren’t invited. Hey, it’s the White House. You just sneak in, okay?” – Jay Leno

“During a speech on the economy, President Obama said this week, ‘We have to continue to spend our way out of the recession.’ To which Nicholas Cage said, ‘That’s what I’ve been trying to do!'” – Jay Leno

“A South Carolina panel has voted not to impeach Republican Governor Mark Sanford. A fellow Republican, one of the panel chairmen, a guy named Tim Harrison, said, ‘We can not impeach for arrogance or hypocrisy.’ Well, of course not. There’d be no politicians left if you did that.” – Jay Leno

“A man in Minnesota was arrested on Monday for trying to throw tomatoes at Sarah Palin during a book signing. Luckily, Palin was able to shoot them out of the air” – Seth Meyers


Dumbest Business Moves of the Decade

The end of the “naughties” is nigh, so I expect we will be inundated by articles about the last decade. Luckily, this one is pretty funny (in an ironic sort of way of course). Fortune magazine has an article listing the ten stupidest business moments of the decade.

I’ll list some of them here, but the actual article has more information (and images) and is definitely worth a read.

  • Time Warner’s acquisition of AOL, which Ted Turner gushed was better than sex, but which prompted the largest-ever US corporate loss in history (over $100 billion down the drain).
  • Alan Greenspan, warning (just after Bush took office) of the dangers of too little federal debt. Well, Bush sure fixed that problem!
  • The bankruptcy of WorldCom, along with the jailing of its top executives.
  • Two words: Windows Vista.
  • The SEC ignoring warnings for nine years that Bernie Madoff was running the world’s large Ponzi scheme.
  • The housing crash, including the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors calling housing-boom skeptics “chicken littles.”

Joe Lieberman, sock puppet

MoveOn has already raised $1 million using this ad:

UPDATE: This may explain why Lieberman has gone to the dark side:

darkside lieberman


Creationist Fails Morality

A few months ago I reported on “banana evangelists” Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort and their project to distribute a new version of Darwin’s “The Origin of Species”, including an added 50-page creationist-minded introduction that, in their own words, “reveals the dangerous fruit of evolution, Hitler’s undeniable connections to the theory, Darwin’s racism, and his disdain for women.”

But now there is a new development. It turns out that they plagiarized parts of the introduction directly from a biography of Charles Darwin (here is a side-by-side comparison). And the author of that biography, University of Tennessee professor Stan Guffey, is considering legal action.

It is ironic that many religious conservatives believe that morality cannot exist without religion. And yet, these ardent evangelists, while trying to defend religious doctrine against science, can’t remember the eighth commandment against stealing.


The Mystery of Health Care Reform

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow


What Tiger Woods Can Teach Us About Health Reform

From Lee Camp, who says in his Twitter feed:

When the whole health care debate is said & done we’ll be lucky if they hand out band-aids. (& then Fox News’ll call em Socialized bandaids)


WWII Skeptics Denounce ‘WarGate’

Think scientists who warn us about climate change are just playing chicken little? Do you believe that the ClimateGate hacked emails prove that global warming is a hoax?

Political Relief has a hilarious debate set in 1941 concerning the risk from Germany and Japan. The best lines come from the “Global War Denier”:

What’s your reaction to the hacked telegrams that global warring deniers say proves analysts have been fudging the data to exaggerate the Axis threat?

Sounds like another “big government” program to me, Peter. Don’t you see what’s happening? President Roosevelt and the Democrats are manipulating the facts to get Americans to support their socialist agenda. First a “Civilian Conservation Corps,” then a “Securities and Exchange Commission,” and now this?

Besides, joining the war would explode the deficit. I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna tighten my belt to support Roosevelt!

It makes no sense to disrupt our present economy on the off chance that Germany or Japan might one day threaten our country. Let’s cross that bridge if and when we come to it.


Hundreds Gather to Protest Global Warming


Although Fox News estimated the crowd at over 1 million. It was the coolest protest ever.


Palin Fiddles While Nome Melts

It may surprise you that Sarah Palin was once a believer in global warming. After all, in an editorial in the Washington Post last week, she called for Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference because of ClimateGate, and claimed that global warming is “natural” rather than caused by human activities.

But when she was governor of Alaska, she personally established a “sub-Cabinet” of top state officials to deal with climate change. According to her:

Scientific evidence shows many areas of Alaska are experiencing a warming trend. Many experts predict that Alaska, along with our northern latitude neighbors, will continue to warm at a faster pace than any other state, and the warming will continue for decades. Climate change is not just an environmental issue. It is also a social, cultural, and economic issue important to all Alaskans. As a result of this warming, coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, retreating sea ice, record forest fires, and other changes are affecting, and will continue to affect, the lifestyles and livelihoods of Alaskans. Alaska needs a strategy to identify and mitigate potential impacts of climate change and to guide its efforts in evaluating and addressing known or suspected causes of climate change.

She ordered the sub-Cabinet group to develop recommendations on “the opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Alaska sources, including the expanded use of alternative fuels, energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, land use management, and transportation planning.” She even instructed the group to look into “carbon-trading markets” (which she now condemns).

She also wrote a newsletter in July 2008 on climate change, pointing out that flooding and erosion caused by melting of permafrost and shore ice affected 86% of Alaska Native villages, including causing one village to have to be moved to a higher location because of flooding caused by warmer temperatures. Since then, two more villages have become threatened and will have to be moved. The new governor of Alaska has identified 31 more that are in “imminent” peril.

So what is it? Is Palin a closet environmentalist from the state that has the most to lose from global warming? Or has she suddenly renounced all that in order to play to her tea-bagger base? Or does her position change as often as the weather?


Joe Lieberman has Joe-mentia

Colbert on health care reform and the Lieberman flip-flop:
