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Conservatives Win 11 to 6

My two favorite political fact checking organizations are PolitiFact Truth-O-Meter (run by the St. Petersburg Times) and FactCheck (run by the Annenberg Foundation).

PolitiFact recently picked their “Lie of the Year” and to the surprise of hardly anyone, it was Sarah Palin’s numerous claims of Obama’s “death panels”. This lie wasn’t just the choice of the editors, they also held a nationwide poll and “death panels” was the overwhelming choice for the biggest whopper of 2009, receiving five times more votes than the first runner-up (a lie from Glenn Beck).

And now, FactCheck has come out with their biggest lies of 2009, listing not just one, but a dozen and a half. The first lie in their list is also “death panels”, which surprised me, since FactCheck is run by the notoriously conservative Annenberg Foundation. Couldn’t they find a liberal lie to challenge the “death panels” whopper?  They do attempt to balance their five conservative lies about health care with four liberal lies — we do need to be “fair and balanced”, don’t we?  But none of the “liberal health care lies” seem to qualify as full whoppers, they are more like exaggerations.

It is interesting to count up who was to blame for each lie. Here are FactCheck’s whoppers:

  • Health care: 5 conservative whoppers, 4 liberal whoppers.
  • Two lies about Flu vaccines, which came from “viral” emails (no pun intended). FactCheck doesn’t attribute these to either side.
  • Three lies about the environment, two of which are from conservatives, and one from “both sides”.
  • Two lies about the stimulus bill, one from each side.
  • Two whoppers about Obama — one about his birth place, and one about gun control — both from conservatives.

Final score? Conservatives: 11 lies, Liberals: 6 lies. And as I mentioned, this is from a conservative organization. And conservatives also won the grand prize — making them the biggest liars of 2009.

UPDATE: Sarah Palin hilariously claims that she is not the biggest liar of the year. On her Facebook page, she even tries to blame the whole thing on “Nancy Pelosi and friends who have tried to call ‘death panels’ the ‘lie of the year.'” (the truth is that “lie of the year” came from nonpartisan, and “death panels” was widely condemned as a lie by both liberals and conservatives).


Late Night Political Humor

“That’s pretty amazing, isn’t that snowstorm? I mean, President Obama spends one day in Copenhagen, global warming is solved. It is over.” – Jay Leno

“Of course, the storm is the big story, it is unbelievable. It actually paralyzed Washington more than Joe Lieberman. In fact, there was so much white powder in D.C., people thought Marion Barry was mayor again.” – Jay Leno

“Meteorologists are calling this a record blizzard, which makes sense if you think about it. Republicans have always said that the Senate would pass health care when hell freezes over, and apparently, it has!” – Jay Leno

“The Senate’s health care bill is expected to pass on Christmas Eve. Yeah. Because, really, what’s more American than waiting until Christmas Eve to finally wrap something up?” – Jimmy Fallon

“This is big. The Senate is trying to pass health care by Christmas. They had to take a rare vote last night at 1:00 a.m. Yeah, they scheduled it for 1am because that’s when John McCain gets up to pee.” – Conan O’Brien

“Democrats in Congress have scheduled a vote on health care for Christmas Eve. They said, this issue is so important, we’re willing to work even on Christmas Eve. You know, I think that’s great. I like that. I mean, anything that keeps drunk drivers off the road on Christmas Eve, you know, I think that’s terrific.” – Jay Leno

“The health care overhaul will extend coverage to 30 million people who are uninsured, or, as Walmart calls them, employees.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In Washington this week, of course, President Obama is expecting a visit from Santa Claus. Finally, an invited guest at the White House for a change.” – Jay Leno

“I saw this today. President Obama said, ‘The federal government can no longer spend taxpayers’ money like it’s Monopoly money.’ Especially since now, Monopoly money is actually more valuable than the dollar.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday President Obama said, ‘We can’t continue to treat tax money like monopoly money.’ Oh really — how come all those guys on Wall Street got ‘get out of jail free’ cards?” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend, the U.S. transferred 12 Guantanamo detainees to their homelands of Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. Wait, we’re sending potential terrorists back to Afghanistan? That’s like dropping Roman Polanski off at a Jonas Brothers concert.” – Jimmy Fallon


Total GOP Paralysis

© Tom Toles

It you think it is bad now having to kiss Lieberman’s tushie in order to get 60 votes, just wait until after the midterms.


The Decade of Doom

© Jen Sorensen

Reality is definitely stranger than fiction.


Late Night Political Humor

“In Washington, it looks like the Senate is almost done with the healthcare bill. Otherwise known as the Joe Lieberman Insurance Company Preservation Act.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had some tough words for congressmen who aren’t backing his healthcare bill. He told Rep. Peter DeFazio, ‘Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother.’ Then he took a minute to introduce is new speechwriter — Hulk Hogan.” – Jimmy Fallon

“On Fox News yesterday, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod said that President Obama hasn’t ‘given up on achieving something valuable in Copenhagen.’ Wow, in one year we’ve gone from ‘Yes we can!’ to ‘We haven’t totally given up.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Glenn Beck is on the show tonight. I can’t believe he took the time out from the U.N. climate conference to be here.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama has signed a new $1.1 trillion spending bill. See, the reason it’s called a spending bill is they get to spend it and we get the bill.” – Jay Leno

“Barack Obama’s approval rating is down to 44 percent. I’d kill for numbers like that. The poll numbers are so low now, the Salahis don’t even want to be seen with him.” – David Letterman

“A new poll shows that Tiger Woods’ popularity has dropped from 85 percent to 33 percent. President Obama’s popularity is also at 33 percent, but Tiger had more fun getting there.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today a judge issued an order that requires Tiger Woods to stay 90 feet away from mistletoe.” – David Letterman

“I read that Washington, D.C. is gonna get a ton of snow this weekend. If it snows hard enough in D.C., the city shuts down and Congress can’t get anything done — you know, sort of like when it’s not snowing.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin was photographed in Hawaii this week wearing a ‘McCain for President’ visor, but she had blacked out the letters of her former running mate’s name. She was going to black out all of it, but halfway through, she quit.” – Seth Meyers

“It’s freezing in D.C. In fact, today, Sasha and Malia had to help Biden get his tongue unstuck from the flag pole. They were like, ‘We shouldn’t have dared him to do that.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Even More Holiday Political Cartoons

Merry Christmas!

© Walt Handelsman

© John Darkow

© Mike Luckovich

© Walt Handelsman


What the Center Can Hold: a Holiday Wish

Obama is in a tough spot.

His biggest promise was to “change the tone of politics in Washington”, by seeking a return to respectful political dialog, careful deliberation rather than pandering to voters, and actual governance rather than sound bites. But in keeping his promise, he is being denounced as not being tough enough. Americans love to complain about partisan bickering, but if you aren’t partisan and dirty enough, they criticize you as weak and ineffectual.

He has also been the recipient of the Republican strategy of “throw out attack after attack, no matter how ridiculous or untrue, and see what sticks” (with the full cooperation of the media, eager to sell). I remember when they were attacking Obama because he was “doing too much”. That didn’t work, so now it has switched 180 degrees and all you hear is that Obama hasn’t accomplished anything. Do we really have that short an attention span?

For example, Newsweek blasts on their cover “Yes He Can (But He Sure Hasn’t Yet)“. Even Saturday Night Live piles on, saying that Obama’s two biggest accomplishments are “Jack and Squat”. This is plain silly.

Esquire magazine takes on this idiotic conventional wisdom in “Whaddaya Mean Obama Hasn’t Done Anything?“, which lists the impressive things that Obama has accomplished in his first year. You know, Jack like reversing the economic downturn and singlehandedly changing America’s reputation in the world, and Squat like banning harsh interrogation, funding stem-cell research, appointing Sotomayor to the Supremes, and cutting taxes.

Yeah, cutting taxes, remember that? How quickly we forget.

Not to mention that it looks like he will manage to get health care reform through Congress, despite insane opposition from the insurance and drug industries, the Republicans, other assorted wing-nuts, and even some of the more hard-line people on the left. Health-care reform — that’s something that even more politically savvy presidents like FDR and Clinton failed to achieve.

So on this Christmas Eve, let’s try to be thankful. I want liberals to remember all the things that Obama has done for them: the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, ending Bush’s war on medical marijuana, reversing the total politicalization of our justice department, restoring funding for overseas family planning, and those things I mentioned above. I want conservatives to appreciate that Obama didn’t cut and run from Afghanistan or even Iraq, but instead worked with hard-liners like General McChrystal and Leon Panetta to keep America strong, getting tougher on Al Qaeda in one year than all of the attacks from the Bush years combined, and the above-mentioned $288 billion tax cut. I want business leaders to appreciate how he bailed out the economy, reversed the credit crunch, saved the American auto industry (did anyone notice that Ford Motors announced a billion dollar profit this week?), and managing to go longer without a major terrorist attack than when Bush took office.

As the Esquire article sums it up:

So the question, a year since we elected him, isn’t how much Obama has accomplished. The question is why we’ve turned so small and mean…

Let’s have some holiday spirit, and appreciate what we do have, instead of bemoaning what we don’t have … yet.


Holiday Political Cartoons

Merry Christmas Eve!

© Joel Pett

© Jim Morin

© Tony Auth

© Bruce Beattie

© Steve Sack


Conservatives, The Next Generation

For several reasons, I found this post on National Review to be completely ironic and hilarious:

Congratulations to Captain Picard! [Mike Potemra]
Palace sources say Patrick Stewart is about to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. It turns out he is an avid supporter of Britain’s Labour party; his support must be especially welcome in this, one of Labour’s darker hours. Coincidentally, I have over the past couple of months been watching DVDs of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a show I missed completely in its run of 1987 to 1994; and I confess myself amazed that so many conservatives are fond of it. Its messages are unabashedly liberal ones of the early post-Cold War era – peace, tolerance, due process, progress (as opposed to skepticism about human perfectibility). I asked an NR colleague about it, and he speculated that the show’s appeal for conservatives lay largely in the toughness of the main character: Jean-Luc Picard was a moral hardass where the Captain Kirk of the earlier show was more of an easygoing, cheerful swashbuckler. I think there’s something to that: Patrick Stewart did indeed create, in that character, a believable and compelling portrait of ethical uprightness.

You know something is amiss in conservativeland when supporting “peace, tolerance, due process, and progress” are denigrated as “unabashedly liberal”. And if they think Captain Picard is a “portrait of ethical uprightness” they must not have watched “Captain’s Holiday“.

Perhaps, as one commenter claims, the NRO are advance agents for the Borg. Resistance is futile. But a better explanation is that the NRO want to think they are the Q (who also tried to make a universal example of Picard, in the first episode). Although the episode they really need to watch is “The Drumhead“.


Be Careful What You Pray For

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) said on Sunday:

What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can’t make the vote tonight. That’s what they ought to pray.

Coburn was hoping that a Democrat would not show up for the vote on health care reform and the vote would fail. But he forgot to specify the party of the person against whom people should pray.

But on Tuesday a teabagger called into C-SPAN because he was terrified that the prayers had backfired. He had prayed that aging Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) would either die or be unable to show up to vote. Instead, it was Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) who failed to show. The caller, obviously distraught, asks Senator John Barrasso (R-WY):

How hard did you pray because I see one of our members was missing this morning. Did it backfire on us? One of our members died? How hard did you pray senator? Did you pray hard enough?

First they pray for bad weather for the Democratic convention, and instead get a hurricane for the Republican convention. Now this. If there is a God, he must be laughing.

Watch it here:

UPDATE: Conservative bloggers are claiming that this call was a hoax. Their proof is that he has called into other shows before (and this proves what?) and that “he said he had a ‘small teabag group,’ … No Tea Party protesters on the planet calls themselves a ‘tea bag group’.” In other words, teabaggers are drones who all say the same thing?


Late Night Political Humor

“And listen to this. After one single senator, just one senator — Joe Lieberman of Connecticut — was able to block passage of the Medicare buy-in provision of that health care bill, some people are calling for the Senate to begin experimenting with a whole new way of doing business. Yeah, it’s called majority rules. They’re thinking of trying it to see how it works.” – Jay Leno

“Well, here’s good news, I think. The Democrats down in Washington believe they have 60 votes to pass a health care bill. That’s 58 Democrats and the Salahis. They’re going to go in there and vote.” – David Letterman

“But they don’t think that the health care bill will get passed before Christmas, unless they switch to the Mayan calendar.” –David Letterman

“Anybody going over to Denmark for the world global climate conference thing in Copenhagen? Yeah, I know. I’m going too. Here’s the idea. It’s got to be every country on the planet working together. And the United States is doing its part. And today, as a matter of fact, Barack Obama was talking to the Netherlands. He said, ‘Here’s the deal. You send us a windmill and we’ll send you Joe Lieberman.'” – David Letterman

“During his speech at a Home Depot in Washington, D.C. today, President Obama said he thinks energy efficiency and retrofitting are ‘sexy.’ He had to cut the speech short, however, after Al Gore showed up and tried to give him a lap dance.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, according to MSNBC, President Obama’s approval rating has now dipped below 50 percent. To tell you how bad it is, people are now finding ways to sneak out of the White House.” – Jay Leno

“It’s hard to believe there’s only two weeks left in 2009. President Obama is already said to be hard at work on his New Year’s resolutions. His plan for 2010 is to do all the things he said he was going to do this year.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Remember the phrase, ‘hope and change’? They amended it today. Now it’s ‘don’t give up hope, nothing is going to change.'” – Jay Leno

“Oh, and listen to this. It happened yet again last month. A Georgia couple showed up a day early for a tour at the White House — you know, just regular folks. Showed up to tour the White House, somehow wound up in an invitation-only breakfast with President Obama and the First Lady. Isn’t that amazing? The only two people that couldn’t get in the White House this year were John McCain and Sarah Palin.” – Jay Leno

“The Obama Administration announced today that the Shinnecock Indians on Long Island will be federally recognized, which means they can now build a casino in New York City. The White House recognized them as an official tribe after meeting with the four tribal leaders, Fat Tony, Louie the Barber, Crazy Sal, and Momo Ricardo. The Gambino tribe, indigenous people to the area.” – Jay Leno

“According to a New York Times/CBS News poll, 26 percent of unemployed adults blame George W. Bush for the high unemployment rate. The other 74 percent blame the fact that they majored in English literature.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hey, this is interesting. After somebody threw a tomato at Sarah Palin during a book signing at the Mall of America, she went to another signing at a Costco in Utah, where they took all the tomatoes off the shelves. So instead she got hit by a three pound bag of frozen spinach ravioli.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Well, on the news today, people are complaining that we can’t find Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. Bin Laden in Afghanistan? We can’t even find Tiger Woods in Florida.” – Jay Leno

“Senior New York Senator Chuck Schumer was on an airplane, and they were flying someplace. And they landed. He called one of the flight attendants a ‘bitch.’ Apparently, there was some ugliness. There were words exchanged. And it got heated and at one point the argument was so loud, it actually woke up the pilot.” – David Letterman

“I don’t know what to make out of this. NASA is in the process of trying to convert human waste into fuel. Man, talk about pressure to go on command, right? ‘Come on, Barry, just pee. We got to get back to Earth, man.’ ‘I can’t do it. Everyone is staring at me, man. Stop looking at me.'” – Jimmy Fallon


The Danger of Moderation

© Matt Bors

Is it really true that if you don’t play to your “base” (the most extreme elements of your supporters) that you can’t make anyone happy? Is there no place for moderates in American politics?


Late Night Political Humor

“And this is good. Democratic leaders are hoping to pass healthcare reform before Christmas. And really, what better Christmas present could Obama give the country than the gift of not having to talk about healthcare anymore?” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama says that Congress is very close to getting a new health care plan, but due to compromises, it ‘won’t include everything that everybody wants.’ For instance, it covers everything except trips to the doctor or the hospital.” – Conan O’Brien

“Did you hear about what happened a couple of months ago at the White House? There were some tourists taking the tour of the White House. And the next thing you know, they’re invited to have breakfast with the president. So they went in and had breakfast with the president. And it turns out it was a huge mistake. They crashed breakfast with the president. And everybody was very upset, because they were supposed to crash a cabinet meeting.” – David Letterman

“You guys, listen to this. It turns out the Secret Service accidentally let another random couple into a private reception with Obama, which means at this point the White House is slightly less exclusive than the Burger King Kids Club.” – Jimmy Fallon

“But the Secret Service said that the couple had been properly screened. Well, that’s great. Who’s screening the Secret Service? That’s what I want to know!” – David Letterman

“But you know in the old days, when President Bush was down there in the White House, we didn’t have security breaches. And I’ll tell you why. We had ‘Shotgun’ Dick Cheney running things.” – David Letterman

“President Obama — this is an odd bit of news — he is going to appear on a WWE wrestling special. Clearly, he wants another one of them peace prizes.” – Craig Ferguson

“But Obama’s taking this appearance seriously. He’s been practicing by repeatedly hitting Joe Biden over the head with a folding chair.” – Craig Ferguson

“This, by the way, is the first time a president has participated in a wrestling event, if you don’t count Bill Clinton’s mud wrestling fiasco towards the end of his …” – Craig Ferguson

“And the Golden Globe nominations came out yesterday. President Obama picked up a nomination for best Democrat acting like a Republican. So, congratulations.” – Jay Leno

“Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight, down in Washington, the annual White House Hanukkah party. I think it probably went better than it did last year. Do you remember last year, how embarrassing it was, George Bush hosting the annual White House Hanukkah party? And he greets everybody as they come in and he says, ‘Happy harmonica.'” – David Letterman

“Well, earlier this week at the White House, President Obama met with a group of the nation’s top Wall Street bankers face-to-face. The meeting went well, although the bankers did charge President Obama 25 bucks for not using the ATM out front. See, it costs more if you see them in person.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama has written a personal letter to North Korean dictator Kim Jong- Il, in an effort to improve relations. It may not work because the letter starts, ‘Dear Mr. Girly Glasses.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Governor Schwarzenegger is in a bit of a feud with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin right now. They’re fighting about global warming. Palin says it isn’t proven. Schwarzenegger said she’s ‘living in the Stone Age.’ And Palin really should know not to mess with Arnold Schwarzenegger. This guy has been systematically terminating women named Sarah for many years now.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Good news, ladies and gentlemen. Retail sales this year are up. That is fantastic news for the economy of China.” – David Letterman

“This is the time of the year Time magazine announces their person of the year. You know who it is this year? The chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke. All right, girls, please, settle down, O.K.! He’s not here, all right?” – David Letterman

“This morning, ‘Time’ magazine named Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke its 2009 Person of the Year. I’m not sure he deserves it. I think ‘Time’ just knows what everybody in the magazine business knows – you put Bernanke on the cover and you’re going to sell some copies.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Wow, yeah. That was a big surprise. They selected Ben Bernanke as the — all right! Please! Once more and you’re out of here, O.K.?” – David Letterman

“I was walking around today on my lunch hour, and I noticed that there are fewer sidewalk Santas this year. And then I remembered that President Obama sent the Salvation Army to Afghanistan. So that’s what happened.” – David Letterman

“And Citigroup announced it is paying taxpayers back the $20 billion in bailout money it took. Wells Fargo announced it’s paying back $25 billion it borrowed. And Bank of America says they’ve paid back the $45 billion in taxpayer money they borrowed. So the good news is taxpayers got their money back from Wall Street. The bad news? Congress has it. You’ll never see it again, O.K.? It is gone. It is gone forever.” – Jay Leno

“This is pretty amazing. Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the Bush administration. In a related story, the White House gardeners were digging in the backyard yesterday; they found three former Dick Cheney hunting buddies buried right there.” – Jay Leno

“They found 22 million missing White House e-mails. You hear President Bush’s excuse? He said he never bothered to ever send any of them because he couldn’t find a stamp.” – Jay Leno

“Well, according to our NBC affiliate in Wilmington, North Carolina, former Democratic presidential candidate John ‘I am not the father’ Edwards has reportedly bought a home for his former mistress. See, that’s why John Edwards thinks there are two Americas. He’s got two different women living in two different houses. Anyway, he bought a house for the woman he was having an affair with. Imagine if Tiger Woods started doing that. You could jump-start the housing market like that, and put millions of people back to work.” – Jay Leno


Kissing the Health Care Frog

© Mike Luckovich

If the current health care reform bill is even slightly better than the Medicare Part D disaster that the Republicans forced down the throat of Congress, then I for one will be happy.


The Republican Day of Judgement

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) takes Republicans to task for lying to the American people:

When it turns out there are no death panels, when there is no bureaucrat between you and your doctor, when the ways your health care changes seem like a good deal to you, and a pretty smart idea, when the American public sees the discrepancy between what really is, and what they were told by the Republicans, there will be a reckoning. There will come a day of judgment about who was telling the truth.

It may already be coming true. A new CNN/Opinion Research poll shows that support for the health care reform bill has risen six points since early December. And Obama’s approval rating has also increased by six points. Even more telling is only 40% agree with Republicans that the bill is too liberal. My guess is that most people who are against the current health care reform bill are so because either they think it does not go far enough, because they have been influenced by the disinformation campaign against it, or because they believe that Congress has become too deadlocked to do anything meaningful. It will be interesting to see if Democrats are able to use these sentiments against the Republicans, after they actually get the bill passed.
