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2009 – The Year in Political Cartoons

Daryl Cagle has captured 2009 in political cartoons. Here is one of them:

If you like this one, go view the rest of them.


What if we swapped the TSA and the Fed?

From Emanuel Derman’s Blog:

Trading Places

I had a fantasy in which the Fed and the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) switched roles.

If a bank failed at 9 a.m. one morning and shut its doors, the TSA would announce that all banks henceforth begin their business day at 10 a.m.

And, if a terrorist managed to get on board a plane between Stockholm and Washington, the Fed would increase the number of flights between the cities.

What a great way to point out the irony of the Fed’s response to bank failures, and the TSA’s response to terrorism attempts.


Now that we have direct evidence that Muslims don’t think America is the enemy, can we stop claiming that they are our enemy?

Eugene Robinson and Juan Cole have wickedly good rebuttals to Cheney’s nonsensical attack on Obama from Tuesday, showing how Cheney is acting like a raving lunatic. Go read them.

But one thing that Cole mentions in passing really caught my eye, and deserves further attention. Cole points out that according to anti-terrorism experts, Al Qaida is suddenly having problems recruiting new jihadi. Indeed, it is very significant that the father of the man who tried to blow up an airplane on Christmas day actually went to an American Embassy to warn us. Think about that. If all Muslims hated America, would one of them march down to the US embassy and turn his son in?

And yet, Cheney seems hell bent on convincing Muslims that America is their enemy. He’s been doing that for the last eight years, and look what that has done for us. Ironically, his time and energy would have been better spent straightening out the lack of interagency communication in our massive “intelligence” organizations. After all, we not only had tips about this latest act of terrorism, we had plenty of tips about 9/11.

That is, if Cheney’s goal is to make America safer.

Ironically, this black man who has lived in a Muslim country, just by being elected president, has done more harm to Al Qaida than all of the torture, bluster, and sabre rattling of the last administration. And it actually helps that Obama has given speeches to Muslims in Egypt. And treated other countries with respect. Muslims now realize that America is not their enemy. Maybe that’s why he got the Nobel prize.

So, why do some Americans keep acting like all Muslims are our enemy?


The Real Threats to US Aviation Security

© Matt Davies

Once again, the problem wasn’t gathering intelligence. We already had all the information we needed to know that Abdulmutallab shouldn’t have been allowed on that airplane. Heck, his father even went to the US Embassy to warn us about him. We didn’t need to torture anyone (or even violate anyone’s rights) to get this information. But having the best information in the world doesn’t do any good if you fail to act on it, or even share it with the people who could have acted on it.


The Decade of Fear

© Joel Pett


The US Chamber of Commerce is taking advantage of the current economic problems to advocate for the very things that caused the problems

While local Chambers of Commerce are generally a good thing, at the national level the US Chamber of Commerce has become a shill for multinational corporate interests. Their latest project is spending millions of dollars on a PR campaign to convince Americans to give corporations even more free reign.

The Chamber is running four minute ads in movie theaters called the “Faces of Lawsuit Abuse”, with the tag line “America needs more jobs, not more lawsuits.” Of course, their ads focus on frivolous lawsuits against small businesses, not on their real clients. According to the American Association for Justice:

The Chamber’s long terms goals are clear – get rid of the world’s best justice system and leave Americans injured by corporate misconduct with absolutely no recourse. While the Chamber doesn’t want everyday Americans to use the legal system, they are actually one of the biggest lawsuit-filers in Washington; except in their case, the Chamber sues on behalf of Wall Street banks, oil companies, and lead paint manufacturers. Given that the Chamber had feature roles in AIG, the subprime industry, Enron, and the banking crisis, they’ve earned an Oscar for causing the financial meltdown and creating an environment of less oversight and accountability.

Let me be clear — I am a small business owner and I have started a number of corporations, and America is definitely lawsuit happy. I would be very happy for a solution to this problem and would support it wholeheartedly.

But the problem is not just individuals suing corporations, it is also big corporations suing small businesses, and even (such as the MPAA suing alleged file sharers) corporations suing individuals. For the Chamber to hide behind feel-good phrases like “jobs” and “small business” for a campaign financed by large corporations is blatantly hypocritical. In the third quarter of this year alone, the US Chamber spent $39 million on lobbying. I’m sure they want tort reform, but I’m also sure they don’t give a damn about jobs and small businesses.


Cheerleading for Torture

Yesterday, Pat Buchanan stated on TV that the person who attempted to blow up an airliner, but only succeeded in burning his own crotch off, be denied pain medication for his burns as part of “hostile interrogation.”

And then he added with a straight face “I’m not arguing for torture.”

It is interesting that the Bush administration always claimed “The United States doesn’t torture”, but now some Republicans are openly advocating it. Are these people so absolutely stupid that they believe that waterboarding someone would have prevented this incident?

Not only that, but the attempted bomber is already cooperating with the authorities. What would be the purpose of torturing him? Some sick need for adolescent macho posturing?


2009 in Crazy

© Tom Tomorrow

© Tom Tomorrow

Added Bonus: The 12 Weirdest Right-Wing Conspiracies Of 2009.


Republicans have some explaining to do

Republicans have often accused the Obama administration (and Democrats in general) of being soft on terrorism. Former VP Cheney even claimed that Obama’s policies were increasing the probability of a catastrophic nuclear or biological terrorist attack.

Indeed, in the wake of the recent attempted airline bombing over Detroit, Republicans have tried to blame the unsuccessful attack on Obama. A Republican candidate for governor of Michigan even tried to use the incident to raise money:

If you agree that we need a Governor who will stand up the Obama/Pelosi efforts to weaken our security please make a most generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or even $250 to my campaign.

But this blame game is put to the lie by two facts. It turns out that two of the al Qaeda leaders who are responsible for the attempted attack were released from Guantanamo prison by the Bush administration in 2007. In a particularly ironic twist, the two terrorist leaders were sent to Saudi Arabia where they were entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and then set free.

Second, and even more telling is that the very same Republicans who are blaming terrorist acts on the Obama administration are responsible for the Transportation and Security Administration being leaderless. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is blocking Obama’s nomination of Erroll Southers to head the TSA, despite bipartisan approval of Southers, who is a former FBI special agent and counterterrorism expert, assistant chief for homeland security and intelligence for the Los Angeles World Airports Police Department, the associate director of the University of Southern California’s Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, and served as deputy director of homeland security for Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Why is DeMint endangering US security? He wants Southers to promise that he will prohibit TSA workers from joining a union.

Once again, the Republicans are playing politics with your security.

UPDATE: Unbelievably, the Republicans continue to ratchet up the hypocrisy. Now Cheney and the Republicans are attacking Obama for waiting so long to make a statement about the attempted airline bombing and for treating the terrorist as a common criminal. However, Politico points out that Bush waited twice as long to make a statement after the shoe bomber attack in December 2001 and treated that terrorist as a common criminal, with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld refusing to talk about the incident, saying “That’s a matter that’s in the hands of the law enforcement people.”

UPDATES: Good reads: Dick Cheney is a coward and a disgrace. And Obama gets heat for treating Americans like adults in terror incident. And Change you can defeat Al Qaeda with. And On Drama Queens and Cool Cats. And President Obama takes the heat President Bush did not. All well written and worth reading.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s daughter Sasha says that she already bought her dad’s gift. She won’t say what it is but she did say, ‘It’s something he likes.’ Which begs the question: How did an 8-year-old get her hands on a carton of Marlboro Lights?” – Conan O’Brien

“Oh, I love this — did you hear about this? Did you hear about this? Yesterday, President Obama said his wife, Michelle, decided they should not buy each other Christmas gifts this year. Mr. President, if you’re listening, it’s a trap! Listen! She doesn’t mean it. Go shopping. Let me tell you something Mr. President, if you don’t buy her a gift, you better hope health care passes.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, President Obama prank-called a Washington radio station, calling himself ‘Barry from D.C.’ Then, just to mess with him, Obama called Glenn Beck’s radio show as ‘B. Hussein from Kenya.'” ?” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, it’s been a long time coming . . . But tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. is the Senate’s big healthcare vote. Which means starting at 5 a.m., me and my buddies will be tailgating in the Senate parking lot.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President Bush is writing his memoirs and he says they will focus on 12 major decisions he made in his life. The weird thing is, 11 of them were made by Dick Cheney.” – Conan O’Brien

“Traffic is bad, the holiday with the gridlock. It’s like Dick Cheney, all major arteries are clogged.” – David Letterman

“According to a recent report, due to the recession, Americans are eating cheap, unhealthy, fatty foods. So apparently, the recession started in 1957.” ?” – Conan O’Brien

“Final installment of Things More Fun Than Reading the Sarah Palin Memoir: Driving into a tree, microwaving your head, and getting stabbed in the eye with a carrot.” – David Letterman

“The wife of Al Qaeda’s second in command is now calling on women to become suicide bombers. To qualify, they must be able to push a car loaded with explosives, because, as you know, women aren’t allowed to drive over there.” – Jay Leno


JibJab Salutes 2009


Do Republicans Really Think our Attention Span is This Short?

Washington Monthly has a scathing article about the hypocrisy of Republican politicians who unanimously oppose Obama’s health care reform bill, when most of them voted for Medicare Part D:

Let’s cut the nonsense. Republicans supported Medicare Part D (Karl Rove saw it as a way of creating a “permanent” GOP majority). It was the biggest expansion of government into the health care industry since Medicare. By any reasonable measure, it was a huge giveaway to private industries, and came with a price tag of at least $1 trillion — far more than this year’s Democratic health care reform plan. It was “complicated as hell,” and left a huge doughnut hole that screwed over millions of seniors. It included end-of-life counseling, which Republicans now consider “death panels.” The Republican bill, which passed under almost comically corrupt circumstances, was financed entirely — literally, 100% — through deficit spending, leaving future generations to pick up the tab.

And what do these exact same Republican lawmakers say now? That the Democratic reform plan increases government’s role in health care (check), costs too much (check), is too complicated (check), and passed under suspicious circumstances (check).

In a stunning example of being hypocritical about their own hypocrisy, the AP asked Republicans who had voted for the prescription drug farce about their apparent total flip-flop for brazen political purposes. The most hilarious quote is from Olympia Snowe (R-Maine):

Dredging up history is not the way to move forward.

Seriously? We are not supposed to learn from the past? And what the Party of No is doing now is “moving forward”?

Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) claims that six years ago “it was standard practice not to pay for things”. In other words, Republicans can spend money like drunken sailors, but Democrats can’t pass health care reform that actually reduces the deficit. Hatch further claims that his vote in 2003 has been vindicated because the prescription drug benefit “has done a lot of good”. Is he referring to the “good” money it poured into drug company profits or the “good” votes it bought for Republican politicians?

George Voinovich (R-Ohio) was the only one who responded to the question, saying that those who see hypocrisy “can legitimately raise that issue.” But he defended his current position, saying that the economy is in worse shape and Americans are more anxious. In other words, the Republicans wrecked the economy with their reckless spending, and Fox News has whipped the wing-nuts into screaming “socialism” 24/7.


Compromise Care

Andy Borowitz explains the major features of the Senate’s health care plan, which he calls “CompromiseCare™”. My favorite lines are:

  • Under CompromiseCare™, people with no coverage will be allowed to keep their current plan.
  • Medicare will be extended to 55-year-olds as soon as they turn 65.
  • You will have access to cheap Canadian drugs if you live in Canada.
  • You get to choose which doctor you cannot afford to see.
  • A patient will be considered “pre-existing” if he or she already exists.
  • You will have access to natural remedies, such as death.

Late Night Political Humor

“It looks like Democrats have their 60 votes for healthcare. Harry Reid said the bill will save us hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, it would have, except for the hundreds of millions of dollars we had to pay to buy the 60 votes.” – Jay Leno

“The healthcare bill won’t have a public option. But Obama was like, ‘The public option is not the most important aspect’ of the healthcare bill because ‘only a few million people’ would benefit from it. And then a few million people were like ‘Ummm . . . we can hear you.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The healthcare reform bill now includes a tanning booth tax of 10 percent. You know what this means? This whole thing could be funded by the cast of ‘Jersey Shore.'” – Jay Leno

“Everyone is talking about healthcare. President Obama is working around the clock on the bill. In fact, I heard he may even delay his end-of-the-year vacation to Hawaii just to get it done. As a result, his approval rating among Sasha and Malia is now at a record low zero percent.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama says that this year for Christmas his daughters want an iPod, video games and some books. But boy — you should have seen the looks on their faces when he told them instead they’re both getting universal healthcare.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama said on a radio show this morning that he and Michelle decided several years ago not to exchange Christmas presents. That’s nice. My wife and I made the same decision a few years ago and let me tell you, it’s a trap, Obama! Don’t fall for it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama and the first lady say they will not be exchanging gifts this Christmas. Mrs. Obama says they used to, but she got tired of Barack promising big things and not delivering.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama brought cookies to kids at a Boys and Girls Club in D.C. yesterday, and he said to the kids, ‘Here’s the question: have you guys been good?’ Then the kids were like, ‘Here’s another question: Did you get us the Olympics? How about a public option? Did you fix the economy? No? Then why don’t you just hand over the cookies, Barry.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know who had a great year in 2009? Wall Street bankers — they had a bailout and still get bonuses. So there’s a lesson here: In America it’s better to be a fat cat than a horny tiger.” – Jay Leno

“Former President Bush is currently working on his memoirs and he said he’s completed about 85 percent. His exact quote was, ‘I’m halfway done.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Dick Cheney has been named ‘Conservative of the Year’ by Human Events magazine. I think this is the first time ‘Dick Cheney’ and ‘human’ have been used in the same sentence. Dick Cheney was also named ‘gas-bag of the year’ by Gas-Bag magazine.” – David Letterman


The Republican Christmas Wish List

© Lalo Alcaraz
