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Mr. Torture Memo has a sense of humor!

Who knew that John Yoo — the Dept. of Justice lawyer who wrote the infamous memos that claimed that Dubya was legally entitled to ignore laws prohibiting torture — has a sense of humor. In an interview in the NY Times, Yoo gets off some surprisingly funny self-deprecating lines:

NYT: Were you close to George Bush?
Yoo: No, I’ve never met him. I don’t know Cheney either. I have not gone hunting with him, which is probably a good thing for me.

NYT: So you’re saying you were just one notch above an intern, you and Monica Lewinsky?
Yoo: She was much closer to the president than I ever was.

NYT: You were born in South Korea and grew up in and around Philadelphia, the son of two doctors. What sort of doctors?
Yoo: Psychiatrists.

NYT: What effect did that have on you?
Yoo: I hope none.

NYT: A psychiatrist might say you are in denial.
Yoo: I deny that I am in denial.


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, the good news — you know the Nigerian underwear bomber? He is now in custody. Remember the good old days when the only threat from Nigeria was spam email? From the prince. He had a thousand dollars. What happened?” – Jay Leno

“But I think the thing that’s still bothering people — there’s a flight, it originates overseas, they make a stop in Amsterdam and then they come to Detroit and there’s a guy on the plane over Detroit and he’s wearing exploding underpants and he tries to blow up the plane. Exploding underpants. That’s what it’s come to, ladies and gentlemen. Exploding underpants. Do you remember the old Road Runner cartoons? Isn’t that something you could get from Acme? Couldn’t you get the big crate and there’d be the exploding underpants?” – David Letterman

“Did you hear about the guy that blew up his underpants? People are mad about that. I think it’s funny. I don’t know. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. You would never guess he’d be mixed up in something like this. Not Abdulmutallab.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Of course, a lot of people complaining that traveling here in the United States is a pain; we shouldn’t have to go through a pat-down search. You think you should? Yeah, I mean, hey, when you go to a football stadium, they pat you down, right, huh? I mean, shouldn’t the country be as least as hard to get into as a Cleveland Browns game? Don’t you think?” – Jay Leno

“There’s talk now we may have to go through these full body scanners, which would allow T.S.A. screeners to see us, not exactly naked, but close enough that every time Salma Hayek goes to the airport, there’s going to be a line of guys in blue polyester blazers running to their posts.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s now been reported that Britain did pass information on to U.S. authorities about the attempted underwear bomber, but the U.S. disregarded it. In part, that’s because the British intelligence referred to him as ‘a bloke with boomzy-woomzy in his knickers.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Fortunately his bomb didn’t work how he wanted. He was tackled by a Dutch filmmaker, which, that had to be embarrassing. Tackled by a Dutch filmmaker.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And former President Bush says he’s been following the situation in Yemen very carefully. But, you know, we love President Bush, but I don’t think he really understands the situation. Like today, said, ‘When life gives you Yemens, you make Yemenade.'” – Jay Leno

“And conservatives have been criticizing President Obama. I guess they figure with ears like that he should have overheard something.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama spent the day talking to officials about airline security. One of the things they are doing is adding dozens of names to the no-fly list. Uh, hello, have you tried flying out of Newark? We’re all on the no-fly list.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A lot of states are faced subzero temperatures this week. Everyone’s taking precautions. In fact, airports are on the lookout for thermal underwear bombers.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know, after the shoe bomber, they made us take off our shoes. Now, this underwear thing, could be a real problem. I wonder if mothers of terrorists tell their kids to wear clean underwear in case something great happens.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The government investigated yet another terrorist threat today. Luckily it was just McDonald’s announcing they’re bringing back the McRib sandwich.” – Jay Leno

“You know, the McRib is coming back. That’s why Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital. I knew there was something going on!” – Jay Leno

“Anyway, the doctor who examined Rush Limbaugh says that he’s fine, back to normal. That’s good to know. You know, they asked about every possible problem they could think of, and when Rush blamed every one of them on Barack Obama, they knew, ‘Oh, he’s just fine, back to normal.'” – Jay Leno

“Cold. Am I right? You know, Rush Limbaugh was ill. And he had to go to the hospital. He had chest pains but he’s completely recovered. He’ll be back on his job on Wednesday, which is great because the country really can use some hot air now.” – David Letterman

“The weather here in California is very nice. But it’s freezing all across the United States. In fact, in D.C., the weather is so bad — this is true — they actually hired convicted criminals to shovel snow at the U.S. Capitol. Isn’t that amazing? So it’s nice to see members of Congress doing something useful for a change.” – Jay Leno

“Remember they had the big state dinner for the Prime Minister of India and a couple of people who weren’t invited show up, the Salahis? And now it turns out there was a third person who was not invited that showed up at the state dinner. I mean, it’s a little crazy. I mean, before that, the only person I knew who showed up at the White House without the proper credentials was George Bush.” – David Letterman

“Did you guys hear about this? The Secret Service just discovered that a third uninvited guest got into Obama’s state dinner back in November, although Joe Biden insists he was actually invited.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new poll asked Americans who their ideal next-door neighbor would be. The No. 1 answer was the Obama family, mainly because the Obamas are the kind of neighbors who would lend you a cup of sugar or a trillion dollars.” – Conan O’Brien

“I was reading today that President Obama has started updating the Oval Office to reflect his personality, which basically just means he took down President Bush’s autographed cast photo from the ‘Dukes of Hazzard.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama has appointed a transgender woman to a position in the Department of Commerce. You know, in this era of partisan bickering, President Obama deserves a lot of credit for taking a chance on Ann Coulter, I think.” – Conan O’Brien

“Tomorrow at the White House, President Obama is going to recognize a group of teachers for their award-winning work in teaching math and science. Obama said he’s looking forward to it, because he always likes meeting people from China.” – Jimmy Fallon


Searching for the America that Fox News says was Better


Late Night Political Humor

“Good to see everybody. You know, it is good to be back. We were off for Christmas, and apparently so was the Department of Homeland Security.” – Jay Leno

“I guess you heard about that kid that tried to blow up the plane on Christmas Day with a bomb he had hidden in his underwear. Before he could get the bomb lit, some hero passengers grabbed him. They dragged him into first class. See, I had no idea that’s how you got upgraded on Delta. I thought it was a point system.” – Jay Leno

“How about this 23-year-old kid from Nigeria? Goes to Yemen and he’s flying to Detroit, and he wants to blow the plane up. He sets his underpants on fire. And thank God the passengers on the plane subdue the guy. They secure him, they tie him up and they move him to first class. Are we sending the right message there, really?” – David Letterman

“He tried to detonate the bomb in his underwear. Fortunately, it didn’t go off and his underpants just caught fire. Al Qaeda calls that ‘a wardrobe malfunction.'” – Jay Leno

“Even if the bomb works, there’s going to be 72 very disappointed virgins.” – Jon Stewart

“And people everywhere are pointing fingers about security. They’re saying, ‘Well, you know, you should have done this and you should have done that and you should have done this.’ And I’m telling you, this guy paid cash for his ticket for a flight to Detroit. Now you tell me — what is the bigger red flag in this economy? The fact that somebody had cash, or they wanted to go to Detroit?” – David Letterman

“After it was announced that Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry may go to Iran, the mullahs denied him an entry visa. See, that’s how international travel works. If your name is Senator John Kerry and you’re a former candidate for President of the United States, your travel is limited. If your name is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, you stow a bomb in your underpants, you pay cash for a one-way ticket after your father called the embassy and said, ‘My kid is an idiot,’ ooh, you can go anywhere you want.” – Jay Leno

“Oh, how about this? Rush Limbaugh, there’s a big boy. He was also in the hospital. He said he had chest pains and I thought, oh he is just trying to get some of those painkillers. That’s what he is doing.” – David Letterman

“Rush Limbaugh is OK after being released from a Hawaiian hospital after a heart scare. Fox News sent flowers; MSNBC sent cheese fries.” – Jay Leno

“You guys hear this? Rush Limbaugh was released from a hospital in Hawaii two days after suffering from chest pains. He’s fine. Doctors say they don’t know what caused it, but it may have something to do with being an overweight man whose job is being enraged.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Actually, no one knows what caused Rush Limbaugh’s chest pains. But if you’re Rush Limbaugh, it could have been a number of things. I mean, the economy’s getting better, the health care bill is going to pass; the Republicans are having trouble raising money. It could be any one of those things.” – Jay Leno

“But here’s how it works. Here’s the official line of succession in control of the Republican Party. If Rush Limbaugh is disabled in any way, then control of the party is passed to Glenn Beck. That’s the line of succession.” – David Letterman

“Here’s good news. Isn’t it about time we had a little good news? Our good friend Regis Philbin had hip replacement surgery. He’s back on the job. That means only ten million unemployed people to go.” –David Letterman

“President Obama took his daughters to see the 3-D version of ‘Avatar.’ There was an awkward moment when one of Obama’s daughters leaned over to him and whispered, ‘Now, that’s how you spend half a billion dollars.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Did you go and see the ‘Avatar’ movie? The 3-D blockbuster has now made one billion dollars. Today, the auto industry issued a statement. They’d like to remind people that all their cars are in 3-D.” – Craig Ferguson

“Has everybody here seen ‘Avatar?’ Great movie, wasn’t it? Even President Obama took his family to see it at a private screening in Hawaii. After the movie, Obama was like, ‘So that’s what it’s like when something lives up to its hype.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Scientists now say that within 40 years, robots will be doing most of the jobs we don’t want to do, especially illegal robots from Mexico.” – Jay Leno

“Everyone’s back from vacation today. In Washington, President Obama returned to the Oval Office after spending the holidays in Hawaii. And Joe Biden returned after spending the holidays on his home planet.'” – Craig Ferguson


Limbaugh Loves Socialism

Probably everyone has heard that Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital in Hawaii complaining of chest pains, and upon his release took that opportunity to slam health care reform, saying:

I don’t think there’s one thing wrong with the American health care system. I got no special treatment other than what anybody else that would have called 911 and had been brought in with the same kinds of symptoms.

What Limbaugh is probably too stupid to realize is that Hawaii has the most “socialist” health insurance system of all the states. Health insurance coverage is mandated in that state (and has been since 1974), which is one of the key features of “Obamacare” — that Limbaugh hates so much. In fact, Hawaii’s health care system was the model used for Clinton’s failed health care reform.

So Limbaugh was unintentionally praising “Hillarycare”. That might just give him a real heart attack.

Incidentally, despite the fact that most things in Hawaii cost more than on the mainland, Hawaii’s “socialist” health insurance system has some of the lowest premiums and co-pays in the country, and their costs for Medicare are the lowest per person in the US.

I’m sure that Limbaugh is completely oblivious to the irony of on one hand claiming that “socialist” Obamacare will destroy our fine health care system (not to mention our nation), while at the same time praising the health care he received in Hawaii (which has had a system similar to Obamacare for decades).

Or maybe Limbaugh doesn’t know that Hawaii is part of the US.


Nature loves you, just like you love nature

© Ruben Bolling

This reminded me of a local story from about a year ago, when several new residents of a rural community complained because the roosters crowing were waking them up in the morning. They wanted the farm to be forced to get rid of its noisy animals. Of course, the farm with the roosters had been there for years, but the new residents hadn’t realized that when they bought their new MacMansions in the country.


The 9/11 of Layoffs

© Matt Bors

Many claim that WWII was the thing that ended the Great Depression, but I don’t think the current wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Terror, Yemen, …) are making things better.


The Daily Show Yearly Review

For those of you with very short attention spans, Jon Stewart lets you know what you missed in 2009:


Rovian Privacy

© Jim Morin

More on Karl Rove’s divorce.


The last decade wasn’t called the “naughts” for nothing!

The first decade of the new millennium was the first time since we started keeping records when we failed to create any new jobs. Not only that, but it was the first decade when the average net worth of American families declined.

From the Washington Post:

There has been zero net job creation since December 1999. No previous decade going back to the 1940s had job growth of less than 20 percent. Economic output rose at its slowest rate of any decade since the 1930s as well.

Middle-income households made less in 2008, when adjusted for inflation, than they did in 1999 — and the number is sure to have declined further during a difficult 2009. The Aughts were the first decade of falling median incomes since figures were first compiled in the 1960s.

And the net worth of American households — the value of their houses, retirement funds and other assets minus debts — has also declined when adjusted for inflation, compared with sharp gains in every previous decade since data were initially collected in the 1950s.

UPDATE: I’m sure this news will start a flurry of finger pointing, with the Democrats blaming Dubya, the Republicans blaming Bubba Clinton, and I’m sure some wing-nuts will try to blame Obama. But the simple truth is that we have nobody to blame but ourselves. We created the housing bubble by blindly believing that housing prices would always rise faster than inflation, even though that is impossible. The American people somehow stopped caring about education and science, allowing the anti-evolution crowd and other forces of ignorance to influence curriculum. Sources of misinformation like Fox News wouldn’t be able to poison political discourse if people didn’t watch them. And rampant greed and power-lust wouldn’t destroy our economy if we stopped worshiping money and power.


Quotes of the Decade – a quiz

David Sirota has put together a great list of the top 10 quotations of the decade. Interestingly, most of them are from 2009.

Rather than list some of them here, here is a little quiz. Test your knowledge!

  • “They frankly own the place.” — which Senator let slip the real relationship between banks and Congress?
  • “Haven’t we already given money to rich people … Shouldn’t we be giving money to the middle?” — who said this about tax cuts to the wealthy?
  • “The investment community feels very put-upon. They feel there is no reason why they shouldn’t earn $1 million to $200 million a year, and they don’t want to be held responsible for the global financial meltdown.” — did you know that Wall Street was a victim?

To see the answers, read the article. I haven’t even listed the best quotes.


How you can tell when it is time to go

© David Horsey

2009 was definitely the year of crazy.


Fox News proves that there is a sucker born every minute

Fox News heavily promoted the “Tea Party Express”, a bus tour around the country of tea party events. But now, it turns out that over two-thirds of the money that was donated by Tea Partiers to this event was channeled back to Republican political operatives.

The Tea Party Express was organized by the political action committee (PAC) “Our Country Deserves Better”. But between July and November (when the tour happened), they sent $850,000 of the money they collected to the GOP political consulting firm Russo, Marsh, and Associates.

I have sympathy for the “tea party” calls for reduced federal spending, but when the Republicans were in power they were anything but the party of fiscal restraint. What’s more, I’m sure the people donating money to the tea party cause think they are giving money to a grass roots organization that opposes spending in Washington, not a clearly partisan, astroturf, corporate-run scam to take their money and funnel it back to Republican party politicians and slush funds.

I don’t know who should be more ashamed, Fox News for shamelessly promoting this hoax, or the people who gave their hard earned money to it.


Maddow rips Cheney a new one

I already posted about this, but Rachel Maddow says it so much better than I ever could:

Full transcript here.


2009 Golden Duke Awards

Talking Points Memo has announced the winners of their Third Annual Golden Duke Awards! These are the awards — named after Duke Cunningham — for corruption, public stupidity, hypocrisy, and just plain malevolent governance.

And the winners are:
