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Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is having a big Super Bowl party. This is very shrewd. He has invited a group of Republicans to come to the White House for his Super Bowl party. He’s going to seat the ‘you lie’ guy next to the ‘not true’ guy.” – David Letterman

“President Obama is very shrewd about bringing the Republicans into the White House for the Super Bowl party, because he feels like if he can get them to pass the dip, maybe they’ll pass health care.” – David Letterman

“President Bush told Obama, he said, ‘Listen, you get 10 Republicans to show up, and I’ll drop in and choke on a pretzel.'” – David Letterman

“The president is really trying to bring people together. He told Senate Democrats that politics can’t be just about scoring points. Then today, he was sued by the Knicks for stealing their motto.” – Jimmy Fallon

“‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ could be a thing of the past, very soon. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, says he believes gays should serve in the military, all gays, whether they want to or not.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Oh, here’s something interesting and important. The Pentagon now wants to allow gays to serve openly in the military. You know what that means, ladies and gentlemen? More parades.” – David Letterman

“Everybody’s talking about the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. Admiral Mike Mullen said it’s wrong to force people to lie about who they are in order to serve their country. Then Congress was like: ‘Who cares? We do that every election.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I think it was Bill Clinton who popularized the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. But don’t confuse that with another Clinton policy — ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Hillary.’ That was a whole different policy.” – David Letterman

“During a town hall meeting in New Hampshire yesterday, President Obama said that using stimulus money to help schools is not sexy, but it’s making a difference. Oddly enough, that’s the same way he describes Nancy Pelosi.” – Jimmy Fallon

“At the town hall event, President Obama also said jobs will be our number one focus in 2010. He then added, ‘Specifically, mine and Biden’s jobs.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama also had some economic advice for the American people. He told them not to blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. Though to be fair, most recent college graduates would probably have more luck in Vegas, I think.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is getting more angry criticism today. Boy, this guy can’t get a break. Apparently, though, he told a group of high school kids in New Hampshire, and I quote: ‘When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize.’ And needless to say, people in Vegas are extremely upset. In fact, the mayor of Las Vegas said the president is not welcome in Las Vegas. I happen to agree with the mayor. How dare the President tell high school kids not to blow their college money in Las Vegas. We’re in a recession right now. What about Siegfried? What about Roy? What about their tigers? The tigers cannot survive on eating magicians alone. They need money.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama has announced his administration’s plan to build a new $8 billion high-speed rail system. Have you ever ridden on Amtrak? We can’t figure out how to keep a low-speed rail system from crashing, O.K. Do you really want to go off the track at 150 miles an hour?” – Jay Leno

“And the wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has written a book about her whole ordeal. Remember, he went to Argentina to see his mistress? She says her husband kept pestering her for permission to see his mistress. See, that shows you how bad the Republicans are at cheating, O.K. They ask permission. Republicans, stick to what they know — greed. Leave adultery to Democrats.” – Jay Leno

“ABC News reports that the president of Pakistan slaughters a black goat every day since becoming president in an attempt to ward off the evil eye. It’s good to see these modern, progressive people are our allies in the war against terror.” – Jay Leno

“Here is a historical fact. It was on this day in 1690, the first paper money was printed up in the colony of Massachusetts. The pilgrims realized that when they ran out of money, they could just print more. Thus, the federal government was born.” – Jay Leno

“They’re now coming out with the new, 75th edition of Monopoly, this time with a round board. No more square boards. And actually, they’ve updated the whole game. In the new version, the banker is a Wall Street CEO. He overextends mortgages, he loses the bank, and when things go under, he uses his get-out-of-jail-for-free card. So it’s all very realistic.” – Jay Leno


Democrats think too much, cause themselves headaches

Electoral Vote has an interesting post about how all of the people that the Democrats got appointed to the Senate are now turning into problems for them. At the start of 2010, the Democrats had five appointees in the Senate, and every one of them is a problem. But what’s really ironic about this is that it is their own fault — and just goes to show how cleverness on the part of the Democrats can backfire on them.

For example, remember when Biden’s seat in the Senate was appointed to a “placeholder” so that Biden’s son could run for it when he got back from his military service? Well, after all that, Beau Biden decided not to run, and since everyone expected him to, the Democrats have no strong alternative candidate. Instead, if the governor had appointed her ambitious former lieutenant governor to the Senate, they almost certainly would not be in this position.

A similar thing happened in Colorado, where the appointment of Ken Salazar to Obama’s cabinet created a vacancy in the Senate, which the Governor filled with a total unknown, who is now facing a serious challenge in the upcoming election.

Not to mention how Roland Burris, who was appointed to Obama’s old seat in the Senate, turned out. Now the Republicans have a good shot at winning that election.

And then there was the mess in New York, where governor David Patterson appointed Kirsten Gillibrand to the seat former Senate seat of Hillary Clinton instead of more experienced politicians (or even Caroline Kennedy), angering everyone. So now Gillibrand is facing a long and expensive primary fight from Harold Ford, Jr.

But worst of all was the recent election in Massachusetts, where Republican Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley for Ted Kennedy’s seat (which had been Democratic virtually forever). Here the Democrats made multiple mistakes. First, in 2004 the Democrats didn’t want Republican Mitt Romney to appoint a Senator, so they changed the law so there was a special election. Then last year they changed the law again, so that the new (Democratic) governor could appoint someone until the special election. Then the Democrats just sat back and assumed they had a lock on that seat, pretty much handing it to Brown. Ironicaly, if the Democrats had not meddled with the law, when Kennedy died the governor would have appointed a Democrat and they would have served until 2012 and there would not have been a special election to lose so spectacularly.


Want to really understand what the rest of the world thinks of the US health care system?

ABC News has a shocking article about how Fire Departments are charging homeowners for the cost of the fire trucks and personnel used to fight their house fires — and how residents are “horrified” when they receive a bill for sometimes tens of thousands of dollars after their home burns down.

What does this have to do with health insurance? Humor me for a minute.

The article is full of interesting quotes. The “shocked” homeowner who received a bill for $27,989 responds “That’s what taxes are for.” Other quotes accuse local governments of “double dipping” — taxes and usage fees — for the same service. My favorite quote is from an insurance company institute spokesperson, who says “You don’t want to be thinking ‘can you afford it’ when your house is on fire.” Other people who received bills say “We don’t have any way to know if the charge was low or high or accurate.”

In the article, everyone except for the company that collects these debts for the fire departments (and gets a healthy cut) thinks charging homeowners for fire services is despicable and barbaric, to say the least.

And yet, Americans seem to accept a health care system where getting sick or having an accident can bankrupt you, even if you have health insurance. Where all but the richest people have to worry if they can afford it before they go to the hospital. Where seniors have to choose between health care and paying the rent. Where hospitals and doctors charge arbitrary (and huge) amounts of money and there is no way to know if the charges are accurate.

I’ve lived in several other countries, and I can tell you that most people look at our health care system as not only despicable and barbaric, but completely crazy, since their systems provide far better care for much less money. When will we wake up?


Stewart Skullf#@ks Blogosphere

I just had to use that headline. Watch the video and see why:


Jobs lost under Bush v. Obama

I think this graphic — prepared by Nancy Pelosi using month-by-month job loss data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics — speaks for itself. I hope the Dems show this every time anyone tries to blame Obama for the high unemployment rate.

Isn’t it refreshing to see the Democrats finally starting to fight back? In addition to the above graph, David Axelrod recently pointed out that even though the Republicans claim to be for cutting taxes, the Democrats managed to pass 25 tax cuts last year, all of which the Republicans opposed.

UPDATE: Here’s a more recent chart:

The source article also has a really interesting example of how Fox distorts graphs like this.


Republicans don’t want to cut Medicare, they want to gut it

Many of the Republican talking points during the Health care reform debate accused the Democrats of trying to ration health care, cut Medicare, and even institute “death panels” that would decide your granny didn’t deserve to live. Well, the death panels were a complete fabrication, and cutting Medicare turned out to actually be making it more efficient so that it could save money (without cutting actual health care). And rationing? That was a total red herring, since every health care system in existence has to ration care, since you can’t possibly provide infinite amounts of health care.

Well, it turns out that the Republicans weren’t actually against rationing, Medicare cuts, or death panels. In fact, their new “Roadmap for America’s Future” actually includes those things. They were just against the government doing it. Instead, the Republicans want to “privatize” Medicare. In their plan, seniors will be issued vouchers to purchase private health insurance. The catch? The vouchers won’t be big enough to pay for the care that seniors get from Medicare! And they won’t keep pace with rising health insurance rates, so the situation will get worse over time.

Ironically, in presenting the plan, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) actually admitted that “Rationing happens today!” — doesn’t that mean that their earlier accusations that the Democrats wanted to ration health care were simply lies?

Republicans are all for rationing as long as it is done by private health insurance companies. And as for Medicare, the Republicans don’t want to just cut it, they want to gut it.


Don’t Laugh, Don’t Tell

Jon Stewart and John Oliver have a brilliant take on the military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, including John McCain’s complete flip-flop on the issue:

And Stephen Colbert also weighs in hilariously:


Tight Rope

I think this comic captures the essential problem of our current economic mess. Economists pretty much agree that you need federal spending to get us out of the economic doldrums, but at the same time that deficit spending can cause more long-term problems. Not to mention that no matter what he does, Obama is going to get attacked for trying to solve a problem that he didn’t even create.

© Adam Zyglis

Another comic on the same subject:

© Tom Briscoe


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, the Oscar nominations were announced today, you guys. Best-actor nominees included George Clooney for ‘Up in the Air,’ Jeremy Renner for ‘The Hurt Locker,’ and President Obama for the ‘State of the Union.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today, by the way, is Groundhog Day. And this morning, the groundhog known to humans as Punxsutawney Phil was ripped from his hole by men dressed like the mayor in Monopoly. The animal rights group PETA has asked the organizers of this ridiculous event to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a robot groundhog. You create one robot groundhog, and before you know it, they take over the planet, you have to send people back in time to exterminate them and then we have no governor anymore. It’s not a good idea.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I read in The New York Times that the Obama administration is planning huge changes to President Bush’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ law. The new law will be called, ‘Let’s Face It, Some Kids Are Just Duds.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“There’s a Goodwill store that’s having an anti-Valentine’s Day donation drive where people can give away clothes that belonged to their exes. I swear. In fact, tonight, I’m wearing one of John Edwards’s old suits.” – Jimmy Fallon


Political Irony on the move

I’m starting the process of moving Political Irony to a new host. Depending on how things go, this should happen in the next few days to a week. The new server will have much greater capacity, so things should run smoother (it’s tough running a popular blog!).

When I do the actual switchover, Political Irony will be down for a few hours as the domain name propagates through the innertubes.

After the switchover, I’ll be sharing a server with the good folks who run the site Prose Before Hos. If you can’t get to my site during the move, go visit them instead!

Oh, and if you live in the NY City area, the People’s Improv Theater has a new production of their hit Political Subversities, on Feb 12, 19, 26 and March 5. See or for more information.


The difference between the two main political parties

© Jim Morin


Sarah Palin is no longer ironic. What’s ironic is that liberals pay any attention to her.

About once a month, Sarah Palin seems to say something monumentally stupid, or which directly contradicts something she said just a few months ago. This time around, she is calling on Rahm Emanuel to resign because he used some politically incorrect language, when just a few months ago she was calling for less political correctness. And much of the liberal blogosphere is gleefully pointing out what a hypocrite she is (yes, I’ve definitely been guilty of that here at Political Irony).

But the ironic thing is that we pay any attention to her at all. Palin obviously doesn’t care if the things she says have any basis in reality. She is only looking for attention, and we are giving it to her in spades. So after this happens for the umpteenth time, just who is being stupid?

Not only that, but do we think we are going to convince any of her supporters that she is a whack job? Really? In a recent poll conducted by Research 2000, 53% of people who identify themselves as Republicans think that Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama. 33% aren’t sure. Only 14% say no.

But I think something else is going on here. In the same poll, 63% of Republicans think that Obama is a socialist. And 39% think he should be impeached (never mind why). In other words, these people have convinced themselves that Obama is evil. Who knows the reason — it could be racism, because they need someone to blame for their problems, or just because they listen to Fox News too much — but the point is that anyone who is against Obama instantly becomes their hero. Palin is their hero because she speaks their truth (that Obama is evil). It is an article of faith. Case closed.

Any time we respond to the latest nonsense from Palin, we are feeding the problem, not solving it.


Only Conservatives Allowed to Run Advocacy Ads During the Superbowl

Two years ago, CBS refused to run ads created by during the Superbowl, claiming that “the spot violated the network’s policy against running issue advocacy advertising”. They also refused to run an ad from PETA, the animal rights group, because they do not accept advertisements on “controversial issues of public importance.” This year CBS refused to run an ad during the Superbowl from Gay dating site, saying that it did not meet their standards.

But somehow, all that isn’t stopping CBS from running an ad during this year’s Superbowl from Focus on the Family, a conservative media ministry. Remember them? Among other things, they were the group that asked people to pray for rain to start exactly two minutes before Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic national convention back in August 2008, because they wanted the next president to be against abortion and gays (mysteriously, Obama’s speech had perfect weather, while the Republican convention had Hurricane Gustav).

© Joel Pett

UPDATE: Richard Dawkins weighs in on the ad being run by Focus on the Family, which features football star Tim Tebow.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Obama administration has reversed itself and is now considering moving the trial of the 9/11 terrorists out of Manhattan after protests from Congress and the mayor of New York. See, they’re going to do an Off Broadway version first, see if people like it. See, then if it does well, then they’ll bring it into the city.” – Jay Leno

“And of course, the terrorists — the terrorists, they want it in Manhattan. A jury of their peers? Sure, a bunch of New York cab drivers. They’d get off like that.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama got out of jury duty. No word yet about getting us out of Afghanistan.” – David Letterman

“Osama bin Laden has released yet another audiotape message. Where does he find all these audiotapes, O.K.? You can’t even buy audiotapes anymore. I mean, is there a tiny country in the Middle East called Radioshackistan? Is that where they’re coming from? Where do you — we can’t even play them. We don’t have machines that old.” – Jay Leno

“Remember when they hanged Saddam Hussein? Well, you remember his buddy, Chemical Ali. Well, he got hanged over the weekend. And his wife was Chemical Shirley. Do you remember Chemical Shirley? I was just wondering is it too soon to hit on Chemical Shirley?” – David Letterman

“He is the one that killed all the Kurds, Chemical Ali. He shouldn’t be confused with the guy who killed NBC. That was Chemical Zucker.” – David Letterman

“Great Britain and America now have proposed a half-billion-dollar fund to create jobs for Taliban members who agree to lay down their arms. And if it works there, they’re going to offer the same deal to NBA players.” – Jay Leno

“And here’s big news: United States Senate reconfirms chairman of the Fed. Ben Bernanke was reconfirmed. So he’ll have the job for four more years. I just hope we have an economy for four more years.” – David Letterman

“And the state controller warned today that California could be broke by April. I think that’s great news. I thought we were already broke, didn’t you? We got two months worth of money left. Let’s party!” – Jay Leno

“It was reported today that Goldman Sachs’s CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, is getting a $100 million bonus. Goldman Sachs denied it, saying, ‘Well, no figure has been decided on yet.’ You know what that means? He’s getting more. Exactly.” – Jay Leno

“This is unfortunate. I heard that John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth have legally separated. Under the reasons for separation, Elizabeth Edwards just wrote ‘see news.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, it seems John Edwards’s mistress has gone to court to get a restraining order against the release of a sex tape she made with John Edwards. She says she’s worried it will hurt her career. I thought her career was getting knocked up by presidential candidates.” – Jay Leno

“I am stunned that John Edwards made a sex tape. Do you realize this guy is basically Paris Hilton with better hair? That’s all he is.” – Jay Leno

“And, of course, Edwards has no remorse. Today, he called ABC to see if he could be the next ‘Bachelor.'” – Jay Leno

“The Israeli army is planning to give its soldiers special new socks that can be worn for two weeks straight without smelling. In other words, they created the socks my college roommate thought he had.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Voters in Switzerland will decide next month if animals should have the right to be represented by lawyers in court. If they approve it, it will finally clear the way for the long-awaited lawsuit of ‘cat vs. string.'” – Jimmy Fallon


The far reaching consequences of the Supreme Court ruling on corporate free speech and how it might affect gay marriage

© Matt Bors

I love this comic in so many different ways — especially how it mashes up the issues of corporate personhood and gay marriage. And as crazy as this comic sounds, our current political situation is even more insane.
