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Animation from Political Irony reader Allen Mezquida.


Romney Rewriting Reality

In the last presidential election, Dubya was so toxic that the Republicans didn’t even want him to come speak at their national convention. But I guess Mitt Romney has decided to rehabilitate him. In a speech yesterday at the CPAC convention, Romney said:

I am convinced that history will judge President Bush far more kindly — he pulled us from a deepening recession following the attack of 9-11, he overcame teachers unions to test schoolchildren and evaluate schools, he took down the Taliban, waged a war against the jihadists and was not afraid to call it what it is — a war, and he kept us safe. I respect his silence even in the face of the assaults on his record that come from this administration.

In other words, black is white, night is day. Taking these claims from bottom to top:

  • Romney is trying to pin blame for Dubya’s bad reputation on Democrats, hypocritically adding “When it comes to pinning blame, pin the tail on the donkeys.” But he ignores the many conservatives who were vocal about the failures of the Bush administration. Romney wants to blame the Democrats, for blaming Bush. Blame game!
  • “He kept us safe”? Seriously? What about 9/11, anthrax in the mail, and the shoe bomber? Not to mention hurricane Katrina and mad cow disease.
  • “not afraid to call it what it is — a war”. Dubya wanted badly to be a war president. I guess he wasn’t afraid to lie his way into becoming one.
  • “took down the Taliban”? Then why are we still fighting a war in Afghanistan? Bush distracted himself with a stupid war in Iraq; he was too busy to take down the Taliban.
  • “he overcame teacher’s unions to test schoolchildren”. If Romney wants to claim “No Child Left Behind” was a success, I guess that’s his right. And I suppose Romney can claim that fighting teacher’s unions is an accomplishment, since we all know that those bad, evil teachers are to blame for what’s wrong with America.
  • “he pulled us from a deepening recession following the attack of 9-11”. By spending trillions of dollars on two wars, which increased the deficit astronomically. In the same speech Romney attacked Obama for adding “to the burden of debt we will leave future generations.” And then, to top it off, Bush presided over the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Romney also attacked health care reform, claiming “Obamacare is bad care for America.” But he failed to mention that he worked for health care reform in Massachusetts, which was used as one of the primary models for what he now derisively calls “Obamacare”.

Of course, the real reason Romney is saying these things is to kiss up to the old Republican establishment, so he can become their candidate for president. The traditional Republican political machine must be desperate for an alternative to Sarah Palin.

© Mario Piperni


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s Presidents’ Day, ladies and gentlemen. Three-day weekend for most people. Remember President George Bush? Every weekend was a three-day weekend for him.” – David Letterman

“Happy Presidents’ Day, everybody. On Presidents’ Day, we celebrate America’s presidential history by enjoying a great deal on mattresses.” – Craig Ferguson

“I think it was President Kennedy who said, ‘Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can do to get quality goods at discount prices.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Did you have a nice Valentine’s Day? Remember the underpants bomber? Remember that guy? He bought his girlfriend some lovely exploding lingerie.” – David Letterman

“Everybody celebrates Valentine’s Day, whether you want to or not. Even President Barack Obama. The Republicans got together and bought him some candies for Valentine’s Day that say, ‘YOU LIE’ and ‘NOT TRUE.'” – David Letterman

“You know who was at the Daytona 500? Sarah Palin, former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. She was at the finish line, and she waved her checkered past.'” – David Letterman

“Yesterday was Sarah Palin’s birthday. And Sarah celebrated the same way she does every year — got in a helicopter and was picking off wolf cubs.” – David Letterman

“I’m not sure what this says about us, but two new polls just came out. One of them found out that 70 percent of Americans support gays and lesbians serving openly in the military. And another poll, by the same company at the same time, found that only 59 percent of Americans support homosexuals serving openly in the military. I guess it means that 11 percent of Americans don’t know homosexuals are gay.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Do you know there is a Congressional candidate from Missouri who is saying that allowing gays into the military could strengthen Al Qaeda? I’m thinking, how exactly would that work? ‘They dance better than me, and they know how to accessorize. I’m very, very angry. It’s time for jihad.'” – Craig Ferguson

“A new Gallup poll found that 44 percent of Americans would vote for President Obama in 2012, while 42 percent would vote for a Republican candidate. If you are wondering about the other 14 percent, let’s just say Bieber fever has gotten a little out of control.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, there was a big feud between former Vice President Dick Cheney and current Vice President Joe Biden. Cheney is upset with Biden because Biden, when he moved in after they were elected, he closed down Cheney’s dungeon in the White House.” – David Letterman

“I’m worried about Biden. Do you really want to get in a feud with a guy who shoots people?” – David Letterman

“The ‘Wolfman’ movie opened today. It’s about a guy who is half-human, half-beast, and it has a pretty happy ending. In the end, he’s elected governor of California.” – David Letterman

“The federal government was shut down today because of all the snow. I have to admit, it is nice to see lawmakers shoveling something else for a change, isn’t it?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A park is opening in London with a playground for old people. It sounds great until the merry-go-round goes so fast, grandpa’s dentures fly off.” – Craig Ferguson


Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

© Lee Judge

Why in the world was losing one senator such a terrible blow to the Democrats? Yes, they no longer have a “supermajority” in the Senate, and thus cannot automatically stop filibusters. But they still have a majority in the Senate, a majority in the House, not to mention the presidency. Isn’t that enough?

And the former Democratic “supermajority” included two Senators who were not actually Democrats (one of whom is Joe Lieberman), not to mention a mess o’ blue dogs.

If the Democrats require more than a majority in order to get anything done, then we may as well pack up our democracy and go home.


So, who’s weak on terrorism now?

The Taliban’s top military commander has been arrested in a secret joint US-Pakistani operation in Karachi, Pakistan. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was a close associate of Osama bin Laden, and is the highest-level Taliban figure to be arrested since the war in Afghanistan started, back in 2001.

So, how long do we have to wait before Cheney apologizes for his repeated accusations that Obama’s approach to fighting terrorism is putting the US at risk? With this news, it seems like Obama’s approach is working far better than anything Bush and Cheney were able to come up with — especially their belligerent macho posturing and distain for diplomacy or international cooperation.

UPDATE: Two more senior Taliban leaders were just arrested in Pakistan and now US Marines have seized what appears to be a Taliban headquarters (including photos of Taliban fighters, Taliban-issued ID cards, and diplomas from a training camp in Pakistan). That means that Obama has caught more Taliban leaders in one month than Bush and Cheney did in six years. Does that mean that Obama now gets to stand up in front of a big sign that says “Mission Accomplished” and laugh his ass off?

UPDATE 2: Colin Powell, Secretary of State under Bush, says that Cheney’s claims that Obama is making the country less safe are false.


Sarah Palin must think tea partiers are stupid

Less than two weeks ago, Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker at the “national tea party conference”, a conference that seemed primarily designed to make money for its organizer. But that didn’t stop her from saying things like “America is ready for another revolution and you are a part of this.” She also praised the tea partiers for their independence, saying that they were “real people, not politicos, inside-the-beltway professionals”.

The only thing she was short on was specific policies or plans. For that, you have to fast forward to this Tuesday, when she spoke at an Arkansas GOP fundraising event. Her specific plan for the tea partiers?

Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party. Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.

Notice the coy way she is saying that they have to pick either R or D, and remember that she is speaking at a Republican fundraiser. Can you guess which party she thinks “reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken” (whatever that means)?

And just how many people, including Republicans, honestly think the last Republican administration was “smarter” (or even made government “smaller”)? Are you kidding me?

I guess I am glad that Palin is so transparent in her attempts to manipulate the tea party movement into giving the Republicans (including herself) more power. A better politician would be less obvious. The only question is, is she right — are the tea partiers really that stupid?

Of course, Democrats who call the tea partiers stupid to their face aren’t making this any better. There are legitimate reasons to be angry at the government and how screwed up it is, so when someone gets angry at the government it doesn’t help your case when you call them stupid. And if you were a typical, Fox News watching, Tea Party rally attending person, which party would you be attracted to? The one that calls you stupid, or the one that manipulates you and takes advantage of you? It is a tough choice.

UPDATE: Just to prove what a hypocritical carpetbagger she is, Sarah Palin gave a talk at the recent Sierra Cascade Logging Conference in northern California. The conference includes an exhibition of forest products and construction equipment, a “backhoe rodeo”, and a logging competition. But I guess in a small gesture for environmentalists, Palin stayed at the Gaia Shasta Hotel & Spa. There’s just one problem: The ecology-minded resort normally keeps a copy of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” in each room, but according to a hotel staffer, “We were under strict instructions” to remove the book from the rooms occupied by Palin and her party. Well, at least now we know what she doesn’t read.


Either the Dems are doing a terrible job of PR, or the media sucks

Two interesting bits of news:

First, a new poll shows that only 6% of Americans think the stimulus bill created any jobs.

Second, two non-partisan, well-regarded economic research firms report that the economic stimulus bill passed by Congress has created between 1.6 and 1.8 million jobs and has definitely helped get the economy moving in the right direction. And you don’t have to be an economist to see that the stimulus bill created lots of jobs — the evidence is simply everywhere. State governments were able to keep teachers, firefighters, and other jobs that would have been lost without the stimulus. Corporate spending also surged because of a tax credit for corporate investment that was part of the stimulus bill. And it increased consumer spending by at least $100 billion.

I posted this graph over a week ago, but it deserves repeating:

The question is, why do so few Americans think the stimulus bill helped? Hmmm, could it be because a Republican PR campaign against the stimulus bill? Like here, where Scott Brown, the new Republican senator from Mass., says that the stimulus bill “didn’t create one new job“? Non-partisan PolitiFact rated that line a “pants on fire” lie. Or maybe like here, an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal (now owned by the same company as Fox News) with the headline “The Stimulus Didn’t Work”. Ironically, two of the authors of this article work for The Hoover Institution, named for the Republican president that famously presided over the start of the Great Depression (mirroring Dubya’s role in the current economic mess) and whose economic policies are frighteningly similar to those of the current Republican party.

Or could it be the tea partiers, constantly screaming against any spending from Obama, but who were curiously silent when Dubya spent even larger amounts of money on two wars and an unfunded Medicare giveaway to the drug companies. The media gives tons of coverage to Tea Party events, but when was the last time they honestly discussed the economy and how it is improving? Still think there is a “liberal media” in this country?

© Lee Judge


Late Night Political Humor

“The big blizzard hit the East Coast. Washington, D.C., probably hit hardest of all. Two storms, back-to-back. The bad news is Washington, D.C., is entirely shut down. The good news is Washington, D.C., is entirely shut down.” – David Letterman

“Celebrity birthday. Happy birthday to Sarah Palin, who is 46 years old today. And you know, Sarah Palin, when she goes on a public speaking event, writes notes on her hand. Here’s what she has on her hand today for her birthday. Let’s check in on this, O.K., ‘blow out candles,’ ‘eat cake,’ and ‘clean rifle.'” – David Letterman

“Today is also a day of celebration for Sarah Palin, who celebrated her 46th birthday today. Her family managed to hang streamers from the walls of the igloo, which is not easy to do.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And let me tell you something. You have not been to a birthday party until you’ve seen Sarah Palin blow out 46 candles with an assault rifle.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Joe Biden was interviewed on ‘Larry King’ last night. And he said that some of Sarah Palin’s recent comments are just too far out there. He doesn’t know where they came from. He was like, ‘Who the hell is she, me?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Here’s an important anniversary in the world of comedy. Four years ago today Vice President Dick Cheney was out hunting, and he shot one of his buddies in the face.” – David Letterman

“But a lot of people criticized Cheney for not doing the right thing after he shot the guy. But he did what he needed to do. He tied the guy to his roof. And then he drove him back to his house.” – David Letterman

“Today is the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran. President Mahmoud Amembersonlyjacket celebrated by declaring that Iran is now a nuclear state. So that’s good news. Mazel Tov to them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Oh, we have some news coming out of Iran, where Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that they are enriching uranium but not for nuclear weapons. And I said, Well, that’s good enough for me.” – David Letterman

“Iran’s telecommunications agency announced a permanent suspension this week of all Google Gmail service. From now on, if you want to reach anyone in Iran, you have to use Faceburqa.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The government announced that they’re going to start their own national email service as a way to build trust with the people, because if there’s anyone you can trust with your email, it’s the Iranian government, of course.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yeah, Toyota has had a rough month. But President Obama predicted that they will bounce back from the crisis. Didn’t he say the same thing about Tiger Woods?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Michelle Obama said that childhood obesity impacts national security because obesity is a common disqualifier for military service. That’s great info for moms. ‘Honey, you have two choices. You can eat that doughnut and play video games or you can eat this salad and go to Iraq. So, it’s up to you. You sure you want to have the doughnut?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Solving Class Warfare

© Lloyd Dangle

Who says Republicans don’t want to solve the problems of small businesses, jobless people, below-water homeowners, the homeless, working poor, unwed mothers, and the destitute?


Not so Friendly Fire

The GOP National Committee is so fired up, they’re running ads against their own members:


Late Night Political Humor

“I’ll tell you, you woke up this morning, and New York, a tremendous sight. I mean, it was whiter than a Tea Party rally.” – David Letterman

“The entire East Coast is covered with snow banks and snow drifts, or as Toyota drivers call them — ‘cushions.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Airports all over the East Coast are facing flight cancellations. In fact, under each departure time, it says, ‘Are you freaking kidding me?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“So cold out there the writing on Sarah Palin’s hand said, ‘Economy,’ ‘jobs,’ ‘put on gloves, stupid.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We learned last weekend that Sarah Palin writes notes on her hand when she’s giving speeches. You can see the notes right there on her hand. The first one is, ‘Hitch up the dogsled,’ ‘buy Chapstick,’ ‘clean rifle.'” – David Letterman

“People still talking about the Super Bowl. It was the most watched TV program of all time. The second most-watched event was the episode of ‘Dallas’ where J.R. gets shot in the face by Dick Cheney.” – David Letterman

“This President Obama, I mean, give the guy credit. He keeps working and working and working. He’s going to invite a bunch of Republicans to have a televised debate on healthcare. It’s going to be a big, big event. As a matter of fact, at halftime The Who will be there doing a special song about Lipitor. So look for that.” – David Letterman

“President Obama told White House reporters that his meeting with bipartisan congressional leaders went, quote, ‘well.’ When asked why he was being vague, he was like, ‘because.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And last night, Bob Dylan performed at the White House in honor of Black History Month. Because when you think of black history, you think of a mumbling, white, Jewish guy from Minnesota.” – David Letterman


Short Attention Span Science

© Lee Judge

The NY Times has a funny article “Washington Shivers, Moscow Laughs” about Russian sympathies (or lack thereof) toward the big blizzard that has shut down DC and large parts of the east coast.

Russia, mindful that it trails the United States in many measures, tends to leap at any chance to promote its supremacy, and when it comes to wintry hardiness, there is, of course, no contest.

My favorite part is toward the end of the article, about a restaurant near the Russian embassy in DC that stayed open despite the fact that most businesses are closed. To rub it in they put up a sign saying “We’re open. Come on in!” — in Russian.


Our Modern Government

© Tom Toles

My question is, why is this strategy working? Can you really have a viable political party whose only strategy is to attack the other party and block everything they try to do?


Late Night Political Humor

“The East Coast is covered in snow right now. Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia got almost 35 inches over the weekend. And may get 20 more inches tomorrow. Schools and businesses were closed. They’re building snow-bamas all over the place.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They got a lot of snow in Washington, D.C. And the city came to the biggest standstill they’ve had since the Democrats got the supermajority.” – David Letterman

“The federal government was shut down today, and they estimate it cost about $100 million in lost productivity. The House is literally stuck in the House, and they can’t do anything. I have to admit, it is nice to see lawmakers shoveling something else for a change, isn’t it?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But this President Obama, he had an idea about how to handle it. He’s going to let the Democrats handle the snow. They’ll put it on the back burner and hope it melts.” – David Letterman

“Most congressmen are actually taking this opportunity with all the snow to spend some quality time with their mistresses.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, be glad you’re not back East. Huge snowstorms. I don’t think Washington has seen a snow job like this since that last stimulus package.” – Jay Leno

“It was so cold, Nancy Pelosi had to sit in her driveway for 10 minutes defrosting her eyeballs.” – Jay Leno

“And with all this snow, President Obama told all nonessential White House employees they didn’t have to come in. Well, actually, just Joe Biden.” – Jay Leno

“It was so cold, Sarah Palin had to cancel a speech because she didn’t want to take her gloves off to read.” – Jay Leno

“Did you see Sarah Palin at the Tea Party Convention on Saturday? Well, this is — I’m starting to love her, really. She mocked President Obama for using a teleprompter and then, someone noticed she had notes written on her hand. And she had the words ‘energy,’ ‘budget,’ with the word ‘cuts’ crossed off, ‘tax,’ and ‘lift American spirits’ written on her palm. It lifted my spirits, so — mission accomplished, I guess.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sarah Palin’s also getting criticized because last week she demanded that Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, step down because he used the word retarded. But then, Rush Limbaugh did the same thing on his radio show and that, she said, was O.K. Unfortunately, she’s been unable to respond to the criticism because she’s wearing mittens.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Writing stuff on your hand? It’s not a good idea. It’s actually why President Bush invaded Iraq instead of Iran. He wrote it down. I guess he played, like, nine holes of golf. And now here we are.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I started doing a little something that is mighty helpful. When I come out here to tell the jokes, I have them all written in the palm of my hand.” – David Letterman

“Maybe Sarah Palin would be smarter if she had bigger hands.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Actually, Sarah Palin is no dummy. This is actually a calculated move designed to promote her new book, ‘Cheat Sheets and Moose Meats.’ It’s a collection of recipes that that you can write in moose blood right on your hand.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama just held his first monthly bipartisan meeting and said that working together on jobs would be a good place to start. You know where else would have been a good place to start? A year ago.” – Jimmy Fallon

“And how about the commercials for Dockers? Where the guys in their underwear were singing, ‘I’m wearing no pants.’ I thought that was a new John Edwards for president campaign.” – Jay Leno

“And now critics of the automobile industry are saying that Toyota executives knew about the problems with the brakes years and years ago. And they’re wondering, rightly so, why did they drag their feet? Well, trying to stop the car. That’s what they were doing.” – David Letterman

“First Lady Michelle Obama just launched a campaign to combat childhood obesity called ‘Let’s Move.’ And this evening, obese children started their own program called ‘Let’s Not.'” – Jimmy Fallon


A Tea Partier and their Money are Soon Parted

© Jeff Parker

The owner of “Tea Party Nation, Inc.” and organizer of the Tea Party conference is quoted here as saying “I want to make a million from this movement.”
