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War Porn

A fascinating and disturbing interview in Spiegel talks about the increasing use of “drones” — unmanned robotic aircraft that are piloted by remote control from anywhere in the world. The US currently has around 7,000 drones flying, and 43 other countries have some kind of drone in their arsenal.

Even though you might think that the pilot of a drone would suffer from less stress, since they are flying the aircraft much like one would play a video game, and are not personally in any danger. But ironically, the reverse is true. Drone operators are reporting higher levels of combat stress, increased fatigue, emotional exhaustion and burnout than actual troops in a combat area.

In fact, the very thing that makes drones safer might be causing the extra stress. As one drone pilot explained it “You’re going to war for one hour, and then you get in the car and drive home, and within two minutes you’re sitting at the dinner table talking about your kids’ homework.” This kind of casual, switch-on / switch-off warfare is deeply disturbing on many levels.

In real war, you are in the company of other soldiers, sharing the bad experiences as a “band of brothers”. But drone pilots don’t have that support. They are alone. Even worse, soldiers in a war area are in a situation where they can justify their actions as “kill or be killed”. But the drone pilot is not in any immediate danger.

In the end, making war “safer” might have the opposite effect. If there is less risk associated with war, then we are more likely to get into stupid wars.

The article also talks about “war porn” — where surveillance drones allow you to watch war taking place without actually taking part in it. You can even see videos from drones on YouTube. Like other kinds of porn, it allows us to see more while experiencing less.

© Randall Munroe


Perverting Democracy?

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Rush Limbaugh says if health care reform passes, he’s going to leave the country and move to Costa Rica. Hey, you know what that means, right? That means one less overweight smoker the rest of us don’t have to pay for.” – Jay Leno

“Health care passes, Rush Limbaugh leaving. Or as President Obama calls that, a ‘win-win.'” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, the White House said that it wants to pass the health care bill by March 18, or March 19. But at the very, very latest, March 21. Unless they have to wait until March 23, in which case they’ll definitely want to pass it by April 6. Or April 8. Definitely by April 10. The 6th through the 10th, or possibly April 12 is a possibility. April 12, 2025, will definitely be the date. If not then, 2027. And if that doesn’t come to fruition then, it’s going to cut it off at 2040. So there you go. So, we’ll have the health care bill by 2040, hopefully.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, the president of Haiti was at the White House to meet with President Obama. He said the people of his country need jobs, they need places to live, and they need health care. And then the president of Haiti spoke.” – Jay Leno

“New York congressman Eric Massa has resigned his post this week after allegations that he groped his male staff. If it’s not Charlie Rangel trying to get into your wallet, it’s Eric Massa trying to get in your pants.” – Jay Leno

“Former New York congressman Eric Massa admitted to tickling a staffer until he couldn’t breathe. Dick Dick Cheney said, ‘We should have tried that at Gitmo.'” – David Letterman

“If you’re wondering why we don’t have healthcare, it’s because there’s too much tickling in Congress.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sure, we’ve all had tickle fights with our male coworkers, we’ve all played ‘Kill the old guy.’ In fact, Dick Cheney used to play it with a gun.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Former Democratic congressman Erica Massa is all over the news; he resigned on Monday amid allegations that he groped staff workers, but then claimed he was being forced out over his healthcare vote. Glenn Beck had him on his show the other night. Now, out-crazying Glenn Beck is no small task.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Massa was on Glenn Beck and he showed a book of graphic photos of things sailors did for fun when at sea. The book was so graphic, they couldn’t show them on the air. Now if you’re trying to convince people you’re not gay, you probably shouldn’t show your big book of naked sailors.” – Jay Leno

“Just a word of warning tonight — anybody in the audience who refuses to laugh will be tickled by former congressman Eric Massa. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last week, it was in the 20s, and yesterday it got up to 59 degrees. Crazy. I had to keep changing my outfit and my position on global warming.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There are rumors that the Obama administration may ban fishing in lakes. Fox News is saying ‘Obama wages jihad on fisherman,’ and NPR says ‘Obama protects aquatic unicorns,’ and I don’t know who to believe.” –Craig Ferguson


Poster Child

© Lalo Alcaraz


Health Care Reform Upside-Down

© Clay Bennett


United States Supreme Corporate

© Paul Conrad


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, big changes announced today for the next Indianapolis 500. All the cars will be Toyota Priuses.” – Jay Leno

“As you know, the Toyota Prius is a hybrid — half gas engine, half runaway racehorse.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, in San Diego, a man called the police when the accelerator on his Prius got stuck and made his car go 90 miles an hour. Luckily, the man was able to stop his car when he ran into another Toyota going in the opposite direction.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s been a rough year for Toyota. They’ve launched a big PR campaign to assure customers that their cars are OK to drive, which is an important quality in a car.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Toyota says they’re standing beside their vehicles — because that’s the only safe place to stand.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And I love this. Radio host Rush Limbaugh says he will leave the United States if health care reform passes. Well, if that doesn’t get the Democrats to rally, nothing will.” – Jay Leno

“Rush Limbaugh says if the healthcare bill passes, he will leave the country. The Democrats are upset, because if they knew that, they would have passed the bill years ago.” – Craig Ferguson

“The White House unveiled its official eggs for the 2010 Easter Egg Roll on April 5. The official eggs come in purple, pink, green and, why are we talking about Easter eggs instead of health care?” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the morning here at CBS, they have ‘The Early Show.’ Tomorrow on ‘The Early Show,’ host Harry Smith is having a live colonoscopy. I know what you’re thinking: Finally, real breakfast fun. Here we go. Bring it on. Welcome to the Obama health care plan, ladies and gentlemen. That’s how it’s going to work.” – David Letterman

“On ‘The Early Show’ tomorrow morning, Harry Smith will receive the first live TV colonoscopy. CBS is very excited; they’re already planning the spinoff show, ‘How I Met Your Rectum.'” – Craig Ferguson

“The network hopes that the live colonoscopy will get good ratings, so to boost their chances, the procedure will be performed by the cast of ‘CSI.'” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama has signed a bill to increase tourism to the United States. Tourism is way down, which is surprising. You’d think people from foreign countries would want to come here to see where their American jobs originated.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, President Obama hosted the Alabama Crimson Tide football team at the White House. At one point, the quarterback threw a football to Obama, which was the first time during his presidency that anything’s gotten passed.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid is in trouble again for saying it’s really good news that America only lost 36,000 jobs in February. Well, think how happy he’ll be when November comes and he loses his job.” – Jay Leno

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now says that 9/11, the attacks on the United States on 9/11, were fabricated. Like his re-election.” – David Letterman

“He says the whole thing was an elaborate hoax. I’m skeptical. I think I’ll wait to see what Kim Jong-il says.” – David Letterman

“But the guy seriously is nuts. He also denies that Conan O’Brien ever hosted ‘The Tonight Show.'” – David Letterman



© Steve Sack

After spending an hour interviewing Democratic Congressman Eric Massa, who was just forced to resign, Glenn Beck admitted “America, I’m gonna shoot straight with you. I think I’ve wasted your time. I have wasted an hour of your time. And I apologize for that.”

Shouldn’t he end every one of his shows that way?

UPDATE: Good article about Glenn Beck and Eric Massa at Crooks and Liars.


Late Night Political Humor

“Sarah Palin is getting her own reality show. It’s going to be called ‘So You Think You Can See Russia?'” – Craig Ferguson

“As you may have heard, the House has passed a $15 billion jobs bill. That’s the good news. The bad news? All those new jobs, fixing Toyotas.” – Jay Leno

“They have two hosts this year for the Academy Awards. Who says Obama isn’t creating jobs?” – David Letterman

“I’m not sure if you guys have heard the latest update on healthcare reform, but Democrats are saying they hope to get a final healthcare vote before Easter. Well, I don’t know. Two resurrections is a lot to hope for, don’t you think?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Just two days after being told by his doctors to cut down on his cholesterol, President Obama visited a restaurant in Savannah, Georgia, where he ate a meal which included fried chicken, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, cream corn, biscuits, corn bread, barbeque pork, and blueberry pudding. That’s why he’s in favor of healthcare. He’s going to need it.” – Jay Leno

“This week, President Obama talked to Congress about healthcare. He said, ‘Just get it done.’ See, that’s when you know things are bad, okay? When the President of the United States is quoting Larry the Cable Guy. ‘Git ‘er done!'” – Jay Leno

“Former President Bush announced today he is writing a book on how he made decisions while in the White House. The book will be divided into the two chapters, ‘Heads’ and ‘Tails.'” – Jay Leno

“New York Governor David Paterson under investigation for accepting free Yankee tickets to the World Series last fall. If found guilty, could be sentenced to free Mets tickets.” – Jay Leno

“And because of the bad economy, the state of Maine says its sales of lobsters have dropped dramatically. In fact, the price of lobster is so low, for the first time ever if you go into Red Lobster restaurant, you can actually get lobster now.” – Jay Leno


Late Night Political Humor

“Record ratings for the Oscars last night. Kathryn Bigelow won best director for her film about the Iraq war. But in her speech, she forgot to thank the two people without whom this film could never have been made — Bush and Cheney.” – Jay Leno

“Now this year, the Academy Awards had a salute to horror films. Did you see that? That was remarkable. They even had footage of Vice President Dick Cheney in his torture chamber.” – David Letterman

“As you know, this year, they expanded the best picture category to include 10 films. In fact, even the death montage — they expanded that to include President Obama’s health care plan. Did you notice that?” – Jay Leno

“John McCain does not watch the Academy Awards. And you know why? Well, he doesn’t care for the talkies.” – David Letterman

“Everyone watch the Oscars last night? Big night for ‘The Hurt Locker’, which of course is a film about the war in Iraq, which, I guess explains why Obama called the director and was like, ‘How did you end it?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hey, how about this? President Obama had a meeting at the White House with Jay-Z and Beyoncé. And, in fact, they hit it off so well, Jay-Z gave the president his own rap name, ‘Biggie Deficit.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s been really busy, you guys. He’s making his final push on health care reform. Yesterday, Obama warned that insurance companies will continue to drop people’s coverage when they need it. Or as iPhone users call that, ‘The AT&T option.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This is cool. President Obama is going to hold a major space conference to unveil an ambitious new plan for NASA. Obama called it ‘one small step for man, one giant distraction from health care, two wars, and the recession.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“At Obama’s space conference, he plans to tell the world that he wants to put a man on Mars. The man he wants to put there — Joe Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“George W. Bush is writing a book about his eight years in the White House. I can’t wait. I want to get it. I’m going to take it with me to the beach this summer. And it will be good to hold down the blankets.” – David Letterman

“Going to be a big, thick book, which is great because you can put it on the floor, step up to reach a better book.” – David Letterman

“George W. Bush is proud of this. He says the book will be written in his own words. I was thinking, well, that’s too bad. If it was written in our words, we could understand it.” – David Letterman

“And I love this story. Just four days after being arrested on a drunken driving charge while leaving a gay bar with a man, State Senator Roy Ashburn of California, who is married and one of these anti-gay guys — very anti-gay, votes against every gay thing — and now he is gay. He said he finally realized it last night, while watching the big dance number during the Oscars.” – Jay Leno

“And in an interview in Time magazine, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York — I love this — he said that having sex with hookers is not nearly as bad as having an affair. Guys, let me tell you something. Don’t try this excuse at home, O.K. Eliot Spitzer is a politician. He is a trained professional liar. You will get killed!” – Jay Leno



© Max Ink

Nice commentary on his site, too.


And the Award for Self Parody Goes To…

© Tom Toles

Not to mention that the Republicans are acting like they are the defenders of Medicare, while simultaneously working to destroy it.


An Unexpected Benefit of Health Care Reform

On his radio show, a caller asked Rush Limbaugh what he would do if the health care bill passes. Limbaugh replied:

I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

I don’t know how you feel, but I’m hoping that this statement alone gets Obama the votes he needs to pass health care reform quickly.

But what’s really ironic about this is that Costa Rica already has universal health care. Between Costa Rica and Hawaii, Rush seems to be having a not-so-secret love affair with universal health care.


Late Night Political Humor

“There’s a story today in the entertainment trade papers that Sarah Palin is shopping a reality show with the producer of ‘Survivor’, Mark Burnett. That’s why she quit being the governor of Alaska. I find it strange that Sarah Palin would be shopping a reality show considering the fact that she hasn’t shown much interest in reality.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sarah Palin has teamed up with the guy who created ‘The Apprentice’ and they’re going around trying to sell a reality show. And the first show, they’ve got the thing. They did a pilot already, and the first show, I don’t know how you feel about this, she goes crazy and shoots and stuffs that thing on Donald Trump’s head.” – David Letterman

“When I heard this, Sarah Palin, somebody said Sarah Palin is getting a reality show. I said ‘Reality show, jeez, what about a reality check?'” – David Letterman

“This is pretty wild, Sarah Palin has been shopping around her own reality show. Yeah. Of course, any reality show about Sarah Palin will have to compete with that other reality show about Sarah Palin: the news.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former governor George W. Bush is writing a book — writing a book, how about that — about his eight years in the White House. It’s all part of his war on literacy.” – David Letterman

“Former president George W. Bush is busy hard at work writing his memoirs down there at his home in Texas, Rancho Inepto.” – David Letterman

“It’s a memoir by George W. Bush and because I’m telling you, if there is one thing you really want to do now, if you are like me, and God I pray you’re not like me, but if there’s one thing you want to do, is get a nice fire going and curl up with a big book and relive the Bush administration.” – David Letterman

“Friends have been saying ‘Jeez, congratulations, Mr. President, we didn’t know you had a book deal, we didn’t know you were going to write a book. We didn’t know you were writing your memoirs or any of this.’ And they said ‘Are you using a ghostwriter?’ And the former president said ‘No, the guy’s still alive.'” – David Letterman

“More problems for the auto industry. General Motors announced this week they’re recalling 1.3 million compact cars here in North America to address a power steering problem. Apparently, since President Obama took over the company, all the cars are veering to the left.” – Jay Leno

“More crazy news from the car industry. An executive at G.M. is blaming his company’s 1.3 million car recall on a parts supplier owned by Toyota. I’m just waiting for people to start blaming everything on Toyota. It’s like the unemployment rate, the Kennedy assassination, global warming.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the Democratic gubernatorial primary, Texas voters overwhelmingly nominated former Houston Mayor Bill White over Pakistani-born businessman Farouk Shami. Who could have seen that coming? Imagine Texans choosing a white guy named white over a Pakistani born businessman named Farouk Shami. It’s like the world is upside down.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had his annual physical last week. And while his colonoscopy revealed no polyps, they did find three MSNBC reporters and a New York Times columnist.” – Jay Leno

“This week, the government officially clarified exactly what the word organic means. It now means three times more expensive.” – Jay Leno

“Here’s a big story out of Washington. The Senate voted against a plan to send a $250 check to 57 million elderly people. In the end, senators decided not give the elderly money, because you know, they’re just going to spend it on drugs.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Sins of the Father, Revisited

Many people have theorized that Dubya wanted to invade Iraq in order to gain retribution for (or just one-up) his father’s failure to topple Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War.

Well, it seems like we might have something of the same thing going on between Liz Cheney and her father. Dick Cheney was chronically unpopular as Vice President, and Liz seems to be trying to make herself not just unpopular with liberals who hated Cheney but with everyone else, including conservatives. When someone like Kenneth Starr starts calling Liz’s latest attacks “shameful” you know she has sunk to a new low. And I agree.

So what has she done? Liz Cheney is in charge of the group “Keep America Safe” [now defunct -iron] that advocates for keeping Gitmo open, the use of torture, and other dubious activities that have caused the US so much trouble without actually keeping us any safer. So what could she possibly do that was even more shameful? She attacked lawyers!

Keep America Safe has spent the last two weeks going after a few current Justice department lawyers because (before they joined Obama’s Justice Department) they “represented or advocated for terrorist detainees”. In other words, if you get thrown into Gitmo because you are suspected of being a terrorist (and even our government acknowledges that a fair number of the people there are actually innocent), not only do you not get a real trial, but you shouldn’t even get a lawyer. She even tried to brand those lawyers as “The Al-Qaeda 7“.

Which means that Liz Cheney is denouncing the rule of law, the right to a fair trial, the Geneva Convention, and our pesky old Constitution. It makes me sick. I don’t care if this is merely a cheap partisan attack against the Obama administration, or if she is trying to rehabilitate her father’s reputation, or even if she actually believes this crap.

The only silver lining? The outrage against her attacks is the most bipartisan thing I’ve seen in a while.

© Matt Bors
