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Holy Holocaust!

The definition of “hubris” is “extreme haughtiness or arrogance” but now we will have to add an “extreme holier than thou” attitude to the definition. We all know that the Catholic church has been rocked by multiple cases of sexual abuse against children committed by priests and by evidence that senior members of the church tried to cover up these cases. There is even some evidence that the current pope, back when he was a cardinal, failed to act against known pedophile priests.

So what does the church do? At Good Friday services, a senior Vatican priest compared the outrage being expressed against the church to the persecution of the Jews. Bad move. Jewish groups and support groups for victims of pedophile priests responded immediately, saying that the remarks were “breathtakingly callous and misguided” and “a so-far-unheard-of insolence”.

They’re sitting in the papal palace, they’re experiencing a little discomfort, and they’re going to compare themselves to being rounded up or lined up and sent in cattle cars to Auschwitz? You cannot be serious.

But it just gets worse. The Vatican then tried to distance itself from the remarks, saying that they were not an official statement from the Vatican. Unfortunately, the official Vatican newspaper had already published the remarks on the front page of their Saturday edition.

Cases of sexual abuse by priests are widespread, having been reported in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy, and the United States. Will the church trying to protect its reputation against charges of pedophilia backfire? Well, today was the day that an priest abuse hotline opened up in Germany (Pope Benedict was born in Germany), and it was inundated by over 4,000 calls from victims of priests. The head of the hotline admitted that they weren’t prepared for “that kind of onslaught”. The system was only able to handle 162 calls before it was shut down.

It looks like the Church will have to wake up and figure out how to deal with this, and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Already, one quarter of Catholics in Germany say that they have lost faith in the Church leadership and many are leaving the Church.


Late Night Political Humor

“During a fundraising trip to California, some young Republicans took the Republican Party credit card to a club in Hollywood that has nude dancers doing bondage shows. Usually when Republicans find themselves in dark rooms with whips and chains, it’s in Dick Cheney’s basement. ” – Craig Ferguson

“Now here’s a fascinating story. And this kind of thing happens all the time. But every time it happens, we always say, ‘Whoa, here we go.’ The Republican National Committee had a big party at some kind of a sex club in Los Angeles. They spent $2,000 of campaign donation money on the bill at the sex club in Los Angeles. But the guy who organized the big Republican sex party apologized on the Golf Channel, so that’s good.” – David Letterman

“It must be very embarrassing for the people involved. I’m sure the strippers didn’t want anyone to know they were hanging out with politicians.” – Craig Ferguson

“The chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele – you probably heard about this – he got in a lot of trouble. I guess they dropped over $2,000 to staffers at a topless bondage theme nightclub right here in Hollywood. And what’s the Republicans’ big issue right now? Isn’t it – oh, yeah – cutting down on wasteful spending?” – Jay Leno

“Michael Steele. Doesn’t he sound like he would be a dancer at a bondage theme nightclub?” – Jay Leno

“At least it was the young Republicans that did this. Could you imagine Bob Dole and John McCain walking in there?” – Craig Ferguson

“Republican donors aren’t happy about this. It’s not fair that rich Republicans spend huge amounts of money at sex clubs and poor Republicans have to go to airport bathrooms.” – Craig Ferguson

“Well, according to ‘Newsweek,’ the FBI now says Osama bin Laden is healthy and giving the orders once again for al Qaeda. Today, Republicans blamed it on the new healthcare bill.” – Jay Leno

“On the ‘Today’ show this morning, President Obama said that adjustments will need to be made to the new healthcare law. In fact, it’s getting so many adjustments, Obama’s now calling it the Heidi Montag of congressional bills.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vice President Joe Biden did it again. He showed up at the White House Seder last night with a bunch of ham sandwiches.” – Jay Leno

“First Lady Michelle Obama attended the Kids’ Choice Awards over the weekend. See, I don’t think the President had ever seen that show. Like, when she got home, the President asked Michelle how it went. She said there was a lot of slime. And President Obama said, ‘Fox News was there?'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said that his family has decided not to join any one, single church, because he causes too much of a disruption at services. At the last service, the priest was like, ‘In the name of the Father, the Son and holy cow, the President!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Pamela Anderson on ‘Dancing with the Stars’. You know who else is on ‘Dancing with the Stars’? Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Pam Anderson and Buzz Aldrin. Honest to God, it looks like a Republican ticket.” – David Letterman

“Thursday is Census deadline day. The census would like every resident of the United States to fill out their form and mail it in. If you don’t know how many people live in your house, just count the number of iPods.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And remember, you know, the Census Bureau sends a Census taker to any home that doesn’t reply by mail. So unless you want to have a conversation with another human being, you better get that in.” – Jimmy Kimmel|



© Jack Ohman


Now Here’s a Nice Tea Party!

© Signe Wilkinson


Late Night Political Humor

“Former Gov. Sarah Palin has been very busy. She’s been campaigning for select Republicans, including John McCain, who’s in the middle of a tough Senate race in Arizona. How does he introduce her? ‘And now, the young woman who cost me the presidency, Sarah Palin!”‘ – Jimmy Kimmel

“You know who is out campaigning now again? John McCain and his buddy Sarah Palin. I mean, come on, it worked so well the last time.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin had a weekend for her: Changing diapers; opening up jars of baby food; cutting meat into little pieces. Just another day campaigning with John McCain.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin was campaigning in a, you know, a motorcycle jacket. She looks like somebody Jesse James would date.” – David Letterman

“President Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan this past weekend. I guess after the last 14 months in Washington, he wanted to go someplace where there was less fighting.” – Jay Leno

“Did you hear about this? President Obama, big surprise visit to see the folks in Afghanistan. Did you read all about that? That’s kind of exciting. It turns out he was shooting an episode of ‘Undercover Boss.'” – David Letterman

“He met with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, but Karzai was late for the meeting. You know why he was late for the meeting? He had transportation trouble. The accelerator on his camel.” – David Letterman

“Pretty quick trip. In fact, it happened so fast, Joe Biden didn’t even have a chance to say something stupid about it.” – Jay Leno

“This was an important meeting. Both presidents agreed that we have to work to wipe out terror networks. Get rid of terror networks, like Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Fox News.” – David Letterman

“Obama demanded more accountability. He said we got to have more accountability, we got to have a crackdown on corruption; we have to have a better government. And he said if it works in Afghanistan, we’re going to try it back home in the United States.” – David Letterman

“And over in Afghanistan, the U.S. military is now using pilotless drones to attack Al Qaeda. Do you know what those are? It’s a plane that doesn’t have any pilot. It’s flown by remote control by somebody on the ground. Or as Southwest calls that, ‘the next step.'” – Jay Leno

“Osama bin Laden has released a new audiotape in which he threatens to kill Americans. You know, as opposed to his earlier, new-age motivational tape.” – Jay Leno

“Well, the FBI is now saying that Al Qaeda may be planning an attack on a U.S. sports stadium. See, I don’t think Al Qaeda, though, has any idea about our sports. You know what their big plan is? To hit Wrigley Field during the World Series.” – Jay Leno

“Congress is now preparing to pass yet another jobs bill. You know how to create more jobs in this country? Fire the people that wrote the first jobs bill. That obviously didn’t work.” – Jay Leno

“And unemployment in Florida hit a record high of 12.2 percent. You want to know how bad it is down there? Today, the Coast Guard picked up 50 Cubans off the coast of Miami trying to swim back to Cuba.” – Jay Leno

“And, as you know, the people have spoken, but health care passed anyway.” – Jay Leno


This is What Totalitarianism Looks Like

© Tom Tomorrow


Late Night Political Humor

“I want to just take a moment to thank the Teabaggers. Thank you so much for helping us pass health care, for resurrecting the Obama presidency. I know they’re saying, ‘Why are you thanking me? I was so against it, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging off my Founding Fathers costume, with a gun on my hip and a picture of Obama dressed as Hitler, screaming about his birth certificate.’ And America saw that and said, ‘I think I’ll go with the calm black man.'” – Bill Maher

“As you can imagine, the Republicans are taking the defeat well. About as well as Tiger Woods took to marriage … This week was one giant-kid-screaming-in-the-cereal-aisle tantrum. From the right, there were death threats, there were obscene phone messages, breaking windows, cutting gas lines. One congressman walked outside his house this morning and there was a Toyota in his driveway.” – Bill Maher

“There’s a Democratic congressman, Russ Carnahan. He walked out on his lawn this morning and there was a coffin there. I am not kidding. And if you think that’s creepy, when the lid opened, it was Dick Cheney.” – Bill Maher

“Democrats in America were put on earth to do one thing: drag the ignorant hillbilly half of this country into the next century, which in their case is the 19th — and by passing health care, the Democrats saved their brand. A few months ago, Sarah Palin mockingly asked them, ‘How’s that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?’ Great, actually. Thanks for asking. And how’s that whole Hooked on Phonics thing working out for you?’ – Bill Maher

“Today in Arizona, John McCain and Sarah Palin appeared together at a campaign rally. Palin gave her standard stump speech, which means you ask a question, and she’s stumped.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama was at a bookstore in Iowa yesterday and he bought a $37 pop-up book for Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ son. Gibbs said, ‘It’s a little expensive, sir’ and Obama said, ‘I can handle it.’ Then he called the president of China and said, ‘Can I borrow 37 bucks?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Internet Rule #36

© Ted Rall


Life as a Monty Python Character

It isn’t that Raj Patel’s life hasn’t been interesting. Naomi Klein called his first book “dazzling” and his latest book is a fascinating analysis of our recent financial meltdown. And appearing on The Colbert Report to promote his new book is ironic all by itself, but that’s when things got really weird.

Apparently, a little-known religious group has decided that Patel is the messiah who will save the world. But Patel is a reluctant savior, and wants nothing to do with it. He even put a statement on his website categorically stating that he is not their prophesized messiah. But like in the Monty Python movie “The Life of Brian”, his followers claim that his denial was also part of the prophesy.

But the best part is that his family thinks the whole thing is hilarious. They recently gave him a t-shirt with the words “he’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy”.


Who Me, Tea Partee?

In the wake of the passing of health care reform, bricks were thrown through windows, a gas line was cut, protesters spat on a Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, chanted “nigger” at Congressman John Lewis, and called Congressman Barney Frank a “faggot”. Faxes have been sent containing a drawing of a noose, and Congressman Russ Carnahan even woke up to find a coffin on his lawn.

In response, Republican lawmakers have tried to distance themselves from the violence, but have generally not condemned it. In fact, GOP Whip Eric Cantor even accused the Democrats of fanning the flames. He also claimed that his campaign office had been shot at (although that incident turns out likely to be unrelated). But the Republicans cannot play innocent. When one protestor made it into the public gallery of Congress and started screaming curses and insults, Republican lawmakers applauded him, even as the police tried to drag him out.

But in a moment that is either stunningly hypocritical or just an outright lie, the founder of, Dale Robertson, tried to deny everything and even blame it on the Democrats:

These people could be anybody. I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to plant somebody there. “They’re trying to label the tea party, but I’ve never seen any racial slurs.

The only problem with his denial is a photo from a tea party protest in Houston showing Robertson holding a sign with the (misspelled) word “niggar” on it. Interestingly, Robertson was told to leave the event because of the sign.

The Republicans are doing a most dangerous dance, trying to keep the tea party base stirred up while at the same time appealing to the moderates that they will need to win elections. So they resort to code words and sly winks to the tea partiers. But as one writer aptly said about the tea party movement:

With their confusingly contradictory demands, their goon tactics, and their ability to organize and channel spluttering visceral fury, they are truly the loose cannon of American politics, endangering any conservative politician who doesn’t either ride with them or hide from them.


Bitter Dregs

© Tom Toles

I’ve been looking for a comic about the simmering violence underlying the GOP response to health care reform, but until now none of them had just the right amount of irony. This one is perfect. The Republican party is now controlled by their extremists, and it will only get worse. The main question I have is whether this is actually a reflection of voter anger.


Late Night Political Humor

“Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered the armed forces to initiate changes to their policy of discharging homosexuals. They’ve changed from the ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, to the ‘If you think he’s gay, look away’ policy.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced today that the Pentagon will ease up on its enforcement of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. He said homosexual behavior will still be against the rules, but nobody will actively enforce it. You know, kind of like the ethics regulations in Congress.” – Jay Leno

“This means the only place gay people can be legally thrown out is ‘Project Runway.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After the healthcare bill passed, more than 10 Democrats received threatening calls and faxes. And really, what’s scarier than a threatening fax? ‘I’m . . . going . . . to . . . kill . . . you.’ Now I’m out of toner.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Some Democrats are accusing Sarah Palin of encouraging violence against Democratic members of Congress. One of her advisors has said that Palin has been quite vocal in her condemnation of the violence. Tell that to the 100 moose, 40 caribou, and eight raccoons that she shot last year.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Michelle Obama is going to be honored for her anti-obesity campaign at Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards, hosted by Kevin James. I mean, seriously — fighting obesity at a show hosted by Kevin James. That’s like fighting adultery at a show hosted by Jesse James.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was down in Mexico earlier this week. Nothing important. She has to go down there every year at this time to drag Bill back from spring break.” – Jay Leno

“Congress is getting ready to pass another job bill, which means they don’t create any jobs, we just get the bill.” – Jay Leno

“Osama bin Laden has reportedly released a new audiotape. Can we even play these anymore? Does anybody make audiotapes? I mean, can you put it on CD or something?” – Jay Leno


Ironically, More Americans Find They Can See China from Their Back Yards

© Jeff Danziger


Facts About a Palin Presidency

Most of the time I feel like the less I hear about Sarah Palin, the better. But this one is just too funny to pass up. Someone has created a website called that has all the facts you need to know about what it would be like if Palin were POTUS. Like:

The U.S. Capitol is moved to Alaska so the President can keep her eye on Putin.

Unlike her predecessors, once in power Sarah plans to sign off on any measure necessary to finally catch them dang-blasted Duke boys!

Holding true to the tenants of the TEA Party movement, Sarah Palin vows to repeal the nation’s many unearned and undeserved entitlement programs, starting with the Bill of Rights.

But the best part is that you can submit your own “facts” to the site. It’s like “Second Life” except the only character is Palin!


Late Night Political Humor

“According to Men’s Health magazine, 21 percent of men surveyed would rather have a sexier nurse than a more competent doctor when they’re in the hospital. I say, why not have both? The government’s paying for it now. Who cares?” – Jay Leno

“An entire day has passed since the healthcare reform was enacted, and the country has not been destroyed. You really can’t trust politicians.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sarah Palin spoke out this week against the health care reform bill, saying, ‘Elections have consequences.’ Well, of course, elections have consequences. That’s why right now, instead of being vice president of the United States, she’s trying to get a reality show on the Animal Planet.” – Jay Leno

“I was reading today that the whole healthcare fight took a big toll on Nancy Pelosi’s popularity. Her favorability rating is down to 11 percent, making her the most disliked woman in America with less than eight kids.” ”’ – Jimmy Fallon

“Here’s something amazing: A North Carolina jury, this week, awarded $9 million to a jilted wife, from the other woman. The other woman has to pay $9 million to the wife for breaking up her marriage. Wait, do you realize how historic this is? Guys, for the first time in history, women are agreeing it’s not the guy’s fault. It’s her fault! This is what men have been saying for years. Poor John Edwards. He was tricked.” – Jay Leno

“Oh, hey, are you ready for the 2010 census? It’s going to be complicated this year. So the government should have patience. Here’s part of the problem: Most Americans count as two.” – David Letterman

“Have you filled out a census form? Here’s the deal: 10 questions in 10 minutes. That’s what they’re saying. Coincidentally, that is how John McCain chose his running mate.” – David Letterman

“You got to count everybody in your household for the census. Right now, Angelina Jolie is going through the place with one of those clickers.” – David Letterman

“Jersey Shore’ is premiering in 30 different countries this week. It will be shown in France, except in France it’s called ‘Another Reason to Hate America.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“James Cameron, who directed ‘Avatar,’ is in a feud with Glenn Beck, because Cameron called him a mad man. The two are very different. One makes millions creating fictional stories, and the other is James Cameron.” – Craig Ferguson

“The rising sea levels in the Indian Ocean have caused an island to vanish. Yesterday, Ben and Jerry were giving away free ice cream and today, global warming causes an island to disappear. It’s a terrible rollercoaster week for Al Gore — so happy, but so alarmed.” – Craig Ferguson

“Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush traveled to Haiti this week to talk about the country’s long-term recovery plan. It was a departure for President Bush. It’s unusual for him to visit a disaster of this scope and magnitude that wasn’t his fault.” – Jimmy Kimmel
