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Political Spin We Can Believe In

© Lloyd Dangle

Does being a centrist mean you have to say you’re sorry to both the left and the right?


Fox News Lied, ACORN died


Conservatives and the Nuclear Option

I’m stealing this outright from Andrew Sullivan, because it precisely illustrates why there are very few Republicans I can take seriously anymore. Being against everything Obama does, does not good policy make.

Reagan v. Today’s GOP (Part 2)

“A nuclear-free world has been a 60-year dream of the Left, just like socialized health-care,” – Rudy Giuliani, NRO, 2010.

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. And no matter how great the obstacles may seem, we must never stop our efforts to reduce the weapons of war. We must never stop at all until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of this Earth.” – Ronald Reagan, 1984, in China.


Late Night Political Irony

“You know, 30,000 people showed up for the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House today. Or as Fox News calls it, a ‘socialist free food giveaway.'” – Jay Leno

“President and Mrs. Obama hosted the annual White House Easter Egg Roll today. Dozens of children gathered on the White House lawn to roll eggs toward a finish line while the president cheered them on and Republicans tried to block them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“As you probably know, Michelle Obama’s pet project is raising awareness of childhood obesity, so they didn’t just roll eggs this year. They rolled a few fat kids to make an example of them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And last week, Sarah Palin gave a speech in Nevada, where she criticized President Barack Obama for being a constitutional law professor. The problem with that statement is Sarah Palin thinks that’s an insult. Only in America, you want to insult someone, call them a teacher.” – Jay Leno

“Well, here’s some good news. The United States and Russia have signed a historic nuclear weapons treaty. Apparently, Russia is getting a little nervous. They heard we had successfully mounted a warhead on a Toyota Prius.” – Jay Leno

“Today, President Obama threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ game. Obama took a short windup and threw a high-arcing pitch. Of course, Democrats saw the pitch as moderately close to the middle, while Republicans are calling it ‘way to the left and possibly socialist.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, earlier today, President Obama threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ home opener against the Philadelphia Phillies. And then Vice President Joe Biden was thrown out for cursing at the umpire.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, President Obama didn’t actually throw the ball. He got it to the catcher’s mitt through a series of back-door dealings.” – Jay Leno

“Then later this afternoon, the president threw out the first pitch at the season opener for the Washington Nationals. You know, baseball has started again. The last time the president threw out a first pitch was at the All-Star Game last year, which was notable, mostly because he was wearing his famous mom jeans when he did it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Wisely, the president decided to donate those lady pants to the Smithsonian. And today, he sported a pair of gray slacks. The pants were better, but the pitch wasn’t. That was more like a free throw than a pitch. Maybe his pitching power was stored in that pair of mom jeans, and now, like Samson without his pony tail, his strength is gone.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And a man in Punxsutawney, Pa., last week was charged with public drunkenness after cops caught him giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a flattened, roadkill opossum. Look, I know Obama’s health care is supposed to include everybody. But look, this is crazy. It’s too much.” – Jay Leno

“The IRS says it’s been getting death threats since the health care bill passed because the IRS is going to be the ones in charge of implementing it. They say the threats people are making to the IRS are so bad, that they are actually hindering the IRS’s ability to threaten people.” – Jay Leno

“Well, yesterday, a 7.2 earthquake hit southwest of Tijuana. They say the earthquake was felt by 20 million Mexicans, and that was just here in L.A.” – Jay Leno

“Listen to this, a prominent Filipino businessman quit his job at a major university after admitting that he made a speech plagiarizing Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and J.K. Rowling. People got suspicious after he opened with the line, ‘Look under your seats, muggles, because everyone is going home with a free hope and change!'” – Jimmy Fallon


Who do you think is going to pay for all that corporate free speech?

© Joel Pett


Tea for Two

© Monte Wolverton

I posted this because it is humorous, but it does bring up a serious point. If we are to believe that the tea party protests are not just racist or partisan, they need to make it clear what they are protesting. As this interesting blog post points out:

They say it is about “freedoms”… but they can point to no freedoms that have been lost over the last 14 months.

They say the Constitution is being destroyed, but when you ask them what parts of The General Welfare Clause or Congresses’ power to regulate Interstate Commerce are being violated … they stand mute with rage.

They say it is about taxes … but they can find no drastic tax increases in the last 14 months.

Another great take on this is “The Odd World Of Right Wing Rage“.

UPDATE: Someone did a conservative response: “The Bizarre World of Left-Wing Rage“.


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, here’s another deal going on over at the Jacob Javitz Center. It’s the annual New York City Auto Show. I like the new tiny cars. Like the gas-saving, the tiny little semi-hybrid electric things with the fewer seats. You know, they have fewer seats, just like the Democrats after November, fewer seats.” – David Letterman

“And this is interesting. President Obama unveiled a new gas mileage program that he says is like taking 58 million cars off the road for an entire year. Or as Toyota calls it, ‘business as usual.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“More car news. Ford is teaming up with Microsoft to create an all electric car called the Microsoft Hohm. That’s smart, because if there’s one company that knows how to avoid crashes, it’s Microsoft.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Under President Obama’s new airport security plan, anyone traveling to the U.S. will be stopped if they match the description of a potential terrorist. Wait, we weren’t doing this already?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night, President Obama gave a speech at the Boston Opera House. It was a long night, because you know what they say about the opera: ‘It ain’t over until the fat lady gets lectured on her eating habits by Michelle Obama.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Oh, you know what they do every Monday after Easter at the White House? They have the hunt, on the White House lawn. And they canceled it this year. You know why? I was stunned. I didn’t know about this. Last year a couple of kids accidentally stumbled into Dick Cheney’s underground torture chamber.” – David Letterman

“A lawmaker in Israel has proposed a popcorn law that would limit high prices of popcorn at the movies. Finally, solving Israel’s biggest problem, high popcorn prices.” – Jimmy Fallon


Throwing Them a Bone?

© Lisa Benson

Is Obama’s decision to allow increased offshore drilling really a political gambit to bait the right? Or is it a measured, science-based decision taking into account our energy needs and balancing them with our environmental needs?


Late Night Political Humor

“Census time, ladies and gentlemen. President Obama filled out his Census. I felt bad for the guy. Like he needs another reminder that he lives with his mother-in-law.” – David Letterman

“Some people aren’t sending their census forms because they’re angry at the government, which is dumb because the census is how we figure out who gets represented. So if you don’t send in your form, your state gets fewer congressmen. Which, come to think of it, maybe none of us should send in our forms because no congressmen seems like the perfect number, really.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama announced this week that he is opening more sites for offshore oil drilling. Do you know what that means? If we find enough oil, we could one day invade ourselves.” – Jay Leno

“During a speech at the White House, President Obama said that ‘teleworking’ from home can boost efficiency. Kind of interesting advice from a guy who just flew 13 hours to Afghanistan to say ‘what’s up.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week, President Obama issued a proclamation declaring it Cesar Chavez Day. So this week was both Passover and Cesar Chavez Day. See, one holiday celebrates the flight of the Jewish people from Egypt to Israel, the other celebrates the flight of Mexican people from Tijuana to Los Angeles.” – Jay Leno

“Today is April 1, April Fools’ Day, a day that people try to fool their friends and relatives. Don’t confuse that with April 15, when people try to fool the IRS.” – Jay Leno

“When it comes to taxes, there are two types of people. There are those that get it done early, also known as psychopaths, and then the rest of us.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today is April Fools’ Day, that day of the year when you can’t get anyone to believe anything you say — or as Gov. Paterson calls it, ‘Any day.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“As part of an April Fools’ Day prank, Google renamed itself ‘Topeka.’ As part of a really desperate prank, Yahoo renamed itself ‘Google.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This is my favorite story of the week. The Republican National Committee is in trouble after spending nearly $2,000 at a bondage club in Hollywood. You know what I call a Republican that spends a lot of money in a strip club? A Democrat.” – Jay Leno

“In fact, one eyewitness said ‘some of the things going on in the club were almost too masochistic for the Republicans to watch.’ Like in one room, there was a video being played over and over of President Obama signing the healthcare bill.” – Jay Leno

“Because it’s Easter, Catholic priests have been hearing confession all week — mostly from other Catholic priests,” – Jay Leno


The Silver Lining

© John Cole


The Triumph of Lies


What The Definition of “is” Is

OMG! Bill Clinton was right, and the times they are a changing. In a survey of 477 university students, only 20% of them consider oral-genital contact (e.g., a blow job) to be “sex”. The percentage of young people who consider sexual activity like oral sex to not be sex has been dropping ever since then-president Clinton claimed that he did not have “sex” with “that woman” when she had performed various sex acts with him.

I guess Clinton didn’t lie after all — he was just ahead of his time!


Playing Political Poker

In an interview with ABC News, RNC chairman Michael Steele claimed that his race may be a reason motivating some of the attacks against him. Some people are calling for Steele to resign, after it was disclosed that a trip to a sex club was paid for with RNC funds.

But in a sign that the White House is willing to play partisan poker when given the opportunity, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs remarked “I think Michael Steele’s problem isn’t the race card, it’s the credit card.”


Let’s make a deal!

© Tom Toles

Obama took single payer off the table, so we could get a public option. But we didn’t get a public option. Now we have offshore drilling and nuclear energy. Are we going to get a climate bill and an energy bill?


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, earlier today, President Obama canceled the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt. Instead, the kids are going to be on the lawn of the White House drilling for oil.” – Jay Leno

“Hey, you guys, baseball season starts next week. And President Obama is going to throw out the first pitch at the Nationals game. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will be on hand to make the first error.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It looks like Sarah Palin will be doing some kind of reality show on cable. They say her exact role on the show is unknown, kind of like when she campaigned for McCain.” – Jay Leno

“You guys hear about this? Sarah Palin has a new Fox News series, which is being described as a show about people with real-life tales of overcoming adversity. Hey, she should do a story about that guy who became the first black president. That would be a good story. Think about that one.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Did you see John McCain with Sarah Palin next to him over the weekend? At first I thought it was Buzz Aldrin on ‘Dancing with the Stars.'” – Jay Leno

“Here’s a fascinating story. The Republican National Committee got together and said, ‘You know, boys, things are going so well for us here lately, let’s have a party.’ So they said, ‘Well, yeah, but we don’t want to pay for it.’ And they said: ‘No. We’ll get the Republican National Committee to pay for it — money that we get from donations and contributions. We’ll let the folks pay for it.’ And everybody said, ‘Great, what do we do?’ And they said, ‘Well, let’s go to Los Angeles to a sex club.’ And they said, ‘Great!’ So they end up there at a bondage club in Los Angeles. And I thought that makes perfect sense because Republicans love tying things up: health care, you know; climate control; financial reform.” – David Letterman

“Well, here’s some good news for us. Iran’s top nuclear scientist has defected to the CIA and is now here in the United States. He’s now on our side. And he had some frightening information. He said Iran was just weeks away from developing their very own Toyota Prius.” – Jay Leno

“Do you know in Switzerland, in Geneva, scientists are celebrating? They have a multimillion-dollar atom-smasher that has given us new information on how the universe began. Couldn’t these scientists save some money and just ask Larry King?” – Craig Ferguson
