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Late Night Political Humor

“Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, said of his time in office, “I was wrong 30% of the time.” Well that’s not bad – for a weatherman – or a free throw shooter – but you were the Chairman of the Fed. We need the Fed to be on the pill and you ran it on the rhythm method.” – Seth Meyers

“In Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai is mad at the United States. We said his government is riddled with bribes, corruption, and pay-offs. I guess they’re trying to pass healthcare over there too.” – Jay Leno

“According to the Pentagon, al-Qaida has been so weakened financially that they’re turning to crimes like drugs, prostitution, and adjustable-rate mortgages.” – Jay Leno

“FedEx announced this week that it will add four new electric trucks to its delivery fleet. Four electric truck! Well, let me be the first to say, welcome back glaciers.” – Seth Meyers


Short Attention Span Politics

© Tony Auth

Ever get the feeling that the Tea Party is missing something?

UPDATE: CBS News reports that “taxes are at their lowest levels in 60 years” following Obama’s tax cuts in the stimulus package. And yet 64% of Tea Party supporters think the administration has raised taxes, even though Obama’s tax cuts went to 98% of Americans (everyone making less than $250,000 a year).


An Amazing Discussion

An amazing opinion piece in the NY Times has sparked an even more amazing discussion. The piece is “The Price of Assassination” by Robert Wright. It makes an interesting point about Obama authorizing the assassination of a US citizen living abroad who is strongly suspected of masterminding terrorist operations. For a moment, ignore whether this is legal or even constitutional, and whether or not it will hurt our nation in other ways. Wright asks, is there any evidence that it will bring about the desired outcome (the end of Al Qaeda).

There is at least some evidence that it will not. After all, if you assassinate the leader of a terrorist organization, are there not even more terrorists willing to take his place, and won’t they be even more willing to do terrible things after their former leader is assassinated?

So go read the article, before the Times starts charging you to read it. Then go on and read the discussion about the piece. If you only want the highlights of the discussion, the Times has conveniently put a “highlights” button at the top of the comments, which currently gives you the eight best comments, including one (#128) by former Senator Gary Hart, another one giving a perspective of someone who lives in Pakistan (#109), a cogent alternative view (#5), and more. Or pick “Reader Recommended” which includes all of the highlighted comments, plus more recommended by readers like yourself.

I have sorely missed Americans having spirited but thoughtful debates about important matters like this.


Taxing the Imagination

Fox News sticks up for the rich, and identifies the real villains — the poor! Jon Stewart has fun destroying their logic from every possible angle.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama signed a historic treaty with the Russian president today. Not everyone’s happy about it. Fox News said it was a ‘summit between a powerful communist leader and the president of Russia.'” – Craig Ferguson

“The treaty is about reducing the number of nuclear weapons we have pointed at each other. I thought we were friends with the Russians but we’ve really been ‘frienemies’ this whole time.” – Craig Ferguson

“Tiger Woods returned to golf today. President Obama and Russian President Medvedev signed the necessary documents and just like that, relations have been normalized.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“When I went to Moscow, I saw the tomb of Lenin. They keep his body preserved in a glass coffin. It’s waxy, it’s falling apart — it’s like Joan Rivers after a Brazilian.” – Craig Ferguson

“KFC coming out with their new Double Down sandwich. It’s bacon and cheese wrapped inside two pieces of fried chicken. In fact, today, Al Qaeda said: ‘We quit. When it comes to killing Americans, we can’t keep up with you guys.'” – Jay Leno

“Bristol Palin is continuing her campaign about teen pregnancy. It’s funny that she’s going around telling kids not to get pregnant when her mom is telling people, ‘Drill, baby, drill.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bristol was a pregnant teen herself. She named her baby ‘Tripp,’ with two p’s, which is reason enough for teens not to have kids.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sarah Palin’s daughter is speaking out. In an interview, Bristol says she realizes she was totally unprepared to be a mother. Hey, it’s better than being a mother that’s totally unprepared to be vice president.” – Jay Leno

“Iranian President Mahmoud I’m-a-nut-job has called President Obama a big bully. You know, when you’re 5 feet 2 inches, you think everybody’s a big bully.” – Jay Leno

“He threatened to punch President Obama right in the knee.” – Jay Leno

“China has canceled a series of Bob Dylan concerts because they say his lyrics are too politically charged. Really? They understand his lyrics? That’s unbelievable. Maybe that’s why we didn’t understand them. He’s been singing in Chinese all these years.” – Jay Leno


John Cleese Explains Extremism

Not only is this very funny, it even has an element of irony since by blaming extremists, Cleese is using the same tactics of which he is accusing them.

Even though this was filmed back in the 1980’s, if anything it is even more relevant today. But it is funny to see whom British extremists considered to be the enemy back then and compare it to today. My how the pendulum swings!


Do as I say, not as I do, Right?

© Jim Morin

My favorite part of this comic is the two-headed justice. With the glasses, that makes for eight eyes. Who says justice is blind?

Isn’t it interesting that Justice Stevens is considered to be a liberal, even though he was nominated to the court by a Republican president?

UPDATE: The National Journal analyzed Justice Stevens and says that he started out as fairly conservative. They rank him the 12th most conservative nominee since the FDR era, and put him to the right of Reagan nominees Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony Kennedy. Stevens himself says that he has remained true to his conservative values over the years, while the rest of the court moved far to the right.


The Party of Neigh?

Originally they called themselves teabaggers, until they found out what teabagging was. But now they might get an even worse name: “the party of neigh”. It turns out that Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for New York governor who is running as a Tea Partier, has been sending out off-color emails to a long list of political and business associates. One of those emails features a woman having graphic sex with a horse. Others have racist themes.

Paladino, who says that he is “the only Republican in the race who agrees 100 percent with conservative values” also fathered a child during an extramarital affair he had a decade ago with an employee.

However, his emails show he values stable relationships, and he was just feeling his oats with a cute filly.

In his own defense, Palatino claimed of the emails he sent, “few represented his own opinion” and that his critics should saddle up and ride off into the sunset. I might just laugh myself hoarse.

UPDATE: It turns out this isn’t the first political mention of equine relationships. Here’s a pretty funny video from (believe it or not) former maverick John McCain, about his Republican primary challenger:


One Job Lost Because of Health Care Reform

© Matt Bors


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, earlier this week, President Obama kicked off the baseball season by throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. They said President Bush did a better job throwing out the first pitch. But on the other hand, President Obama can talk.” – Jay Leno

“Tiger Woods will play his first golf tournament in five months, and his first tournament in six years without lipstick on his lucky underwear.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The government says the economy is bouncing back. So now we can go back to making cars nobody wants. That will be good.” – David Letterman

“Michelle Obama held a town hall meeting on C-SPAN to answer questions from kids about her anti-obesity campaign. The most popular question from kids was, ‘Why are you doing this to us, lady?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Next week, the president of China will be at the White House. And good news — he has no plans to foreclose.” – Jay Leno

“Well, give you an idea how important this visit is from the Chinese president, I understand Joe Biden is busy learning some Chinese curse words.” – Jay Leno

“And in a major reversal of U.S. policy, President Obama has narrowed the conditions under which we would use nuclear weapons. He said we’d only use them against Iran, North Korea or Fox News.” – Jay Leno

“People were standing in line around the block all weekend to get an iPad. Out in Arizona, John McCain was waiting in line for an IBM Selectric.” – David Letterman

“And they’ve been talking about the iPad for months, maybe years. I’m telling you, it took longer for the iPad to come out than it did Ricky Martin.” – David Letterman

“Experts believe the iPad will revolutionize the way people procrastinate.” – David Letterman


Burden Shift

© Matt Davies

What is the worst thing we can do to our future generations? Saddle them with a huge national debt, or give them a substandard education so they can’t compete in the world job market. Right now, it seems like we are doing both.

I know this is considered blasphemy in some circles, but there are things for which I don’t mind paying taxes.


The Sarah Palin Network

All Palin, all the time. Tina Fey does it again:

UPDATE: What’s stranger than a parody of Sarah Palin? Palin herself.


Due Process of Lawlessness

The Obama administration has authorized the CIA to kill a US citizen. We aren’t talking about a soldier in a war (or even anywhere near a battlefield), and there will be no trial or any due process at all.

In other words, our government claims the right to murder anyone it pleases. It is judge, jury, and executioner. No oversight either.

So, kindly explain to me the difference between us and a tyrannical dictatorship?

And how can anyone who calls themselves a conservative cheer this decision? Don’t conservatives claim to defend the constitution?


Late Night Political Humor

“Sunday was the big White House Easter egg hunt. Of course, the Catholic priests didn’t have time to hide eggs, they were too busy hiding each other.” – Jay Leno

“As you know, the Roman Catholic Church continues to be rocked by this sex abuse crisis. In fact, they’re thinking of changing their name to the Roman Polanski Catholic Church.” – Jay Leno

“You know what happened in Las Vegas today? Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, was speaking at the alcohol convention in Las Vegas, Nev. Because, I mean, let’s face it, nothing says family values like gambling and liquor.” – David Letterman

“John McCain told Newsweek that he doesn’t really consider himself a ‘maverick.’ What kind of man would call himself a maverick for years and then suddenly say he doesn’t think of himself as a maverick? I’ll tell you what kind — a maverick.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama has come out with a new policy for using nuclear weapons. In a related story, Joe Biden said he would try not to drop the F-bomb so often.” – Jay Leno

“The Labor Department reported that the economy added 162,000 jobs last month, all of them bodyguards for Tiger Woods.” – Jay Leno

“The FAA announced that they are going to allow airline pilots to take anti-depressants. So now, if your pilot is drunk, at least he’ll be a happy drunk.” – Jay Leno

“The iPad has only been out for a few days and it has revolutionized the publishing industry. You can download books, you can read them and store them, and for religious fundamentalists, there’s a new app that lets you burn them.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Fox News Becomes a Parody of Itself

It is almost too easy to make fun of Fox News, like they no longer even care whether what they are reporting has any even small basis in truth.

And yet, many people believe their crap.

During the cold war, it was always said that people in the Soviet Union knew that they were being fed lies by the government propaganda machine. We even mocked the Orwellian touch of calling the main newspaper in Russia “Pravda” (truth). And yet, corporate-owned “fair and balanced” propaganda network Fox News is the most popular news source in America. Who needs tyranny when you have a nation of willing sheep? And who needs leader worship like they have in North Korea, when you can worship a fictitious version of Ronald Reagan?
