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Late Night Political Humor

“What a day for the tea party people. Did you see that? America’s parks and fairgrounds were lost in a sea of man-boobs. They were venting their anger and rage against taxes, which, of course, in most cases for them went down. Protesting their taxes went down – but you know, why let the truth spoil a perfectly good Klan rally.” – Bill Maher

“Federal taxes last year went down for 98% of people, but when asked about this, only 12 percent of the Teabaggers thought this was the case. 88% of them had it wrong. And a spokesman for the Teabaggers said, ‘We don’t want to just be taxed less. We want to be taxed less by a white guy.” – Bill Maher

“They used the opportunity on Tax Day to come up with what they call a ‘Contract From America.’ Remember the ‘Contract With America’? Well, this is a different set of 10 completely ridiculous ideas. Like number 4, I’m not kidding about this: ‘The tax code cannot have more words than the Constitution.’ You know between this and the complaints about the health care bill being too long, can we say it? It’s not taxes they hate, it’s reading.” – Bill Maher

“These people wake up angry. Glenn Beck today is furious about the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. He knows it’s Obama’s fault, he just can’t figure out how.” – Bill Maher

“This week they were very upset with Obama because he had a big nuclear summit and he apparently bowed a little to the Chinese President. For the amount of cash that we owe China, we’re lucky he didn’t have to kneel and blow him.” – Bill Maher

“In a statement released this week, Pope Benedict said that he has forgiven the Beatles for John Lennon’s claim that they were bigger than Jesus and for their Rock & Roll excesses – in the clearest sign yet that the Vatican is working from the bottom of the complaint box.” – Seth Meyers

There’s a new poll that says that Pope Benedict’s approval rating has dropped to 35 percent. But he has a plan to turn it around. He’s going to make a Nike commercial where he just stands there and takes shit from Tiger Woods’ dad.” – Bill Maher

“There’s a new comic book coming out about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life. In the comic, Arnold battles his life-long nemesis: words.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin got an iPad and she was complaining that it’s not really that absorbent.” – Bill Maher

“Russia has banned all adoptions to America. So if you were hoping to get a little white kid with fetal alcohol syndrome, you’re going to have to wait until Lindsay Lohan reproduces.” – Bill Maher

“A town in Tennessee elected a dead man as its mayor. Finally, a politician who won’t cheat on his wife.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week Obama has decided to followed in Bush’s footsteps and promise that we are going to go to Mars. What is it with Mars that just captures presidential imagination? For Obama, I guess it’s the hope of a new frontier. For Bush, it was the likelihood of exploitable resources. And for Clinton it was the possibility of green pussy.” – Bill Maher

“In an interview with GQ Magazine, Lou Dobbs said he’s considering running for president. Hey, stranger things have happened — Lou Dobbs being in GQ Magazine being one of them.” – Jimmy Fallon


Mitch McConnell, Financial Derivative

© John Sherffius

How obvious do Republicans have to be in order to make it clear that they are the puppets of Wall Street?


Let’s Make a Deal

© Tom Toles

Now that the SEC has accused Goldman Sachs of securities fraud, are we going to find ourselves with a new category of company: Too Big to Jail?

Or will their defense be more like this?

© Walt Handelsman

UPDATE: Here’s the best explanation I’ve seen of the fraud charges against Goldman Sachs, and what they mean.

UPDATE 2: Or it is much more fun to watch Jon Stewart explain the whole mess:

UPDATE 3: Even conservatives say the Republicans are lying when they claim that financial reform will cause more bailouts. Says Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin “I cannot defend what they are doing. They are willfully misreading the bill or they are engaged in a cynical attempt to keep the president from achieving something.”


Late Night Political Humor

“At a Tea Party rally in Boston yesterday, Sarah Palin praised the crowd for winning that Senate race in Massachusetts. She said: ‘Shoot, look at what you did in January. You shook up the United States Senate.’ Unfortunately, no one heard the Senate thing, because after she said ‘shoot,’ 300 guns went off. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“At the same rally, Sarah Palin said: ‘Let me ask you, Massachusetts. Do you love your freedom?’ Is anyone going to say ‘no’ to that? It’s like going to a Phish show and saying, ‘Anyone here like getting high and eating grilled cheese?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It is April the 15th. This is a day we all curse like Joe Biden.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama released his tax return today. He didn’t owe a lot in taxes. He has a lot of dependents. He’s got his wife, two daughters, A.I.G., General Motors, Goldman Sachs.” – Jay Leno

“Researchers found that you are more likely get germs from money than any other object. … Really? Then how come poor people aren’t healthier?” – Jay Leno

“Hey, you probably heard about this on the news. Now being reported that the terrorist organization Al Qaeda is in financial ruin. To give you an idea what bad shape they’re in, today I saw a terrorist buying a shoe bomb at Payless.” – Jay Leno

“Well, do you know this story? Toyota has stopped selling their Lexus SUV because it poses a high risk of rolling over. But according to a Zogby poll, 62 percent of Americans believe that Toyotas are safe or safer than other vehicles. The other 38 percent are still in critical condition.” – Jay Leno

“A giant cloud of ash from a volcano in Iceland has stopped air traffic all across Europe. The airlines are jumping all over this. They’re now charging passengers a $400 volcanic ash cloud fee.” – Jay Leno


Sweeping Generalizations

© Matt Davies

Ah, the irony of not wanting to pay taxes, while still receiving the benefits of government.


Late Night Political Humor

“Here in California, our attorney general said he’s going to investigate whether a university foundation that hired Sarah Palin to give a speech violated public disclosure laws. They had some controversy. Some students found her contract rider in a dumpster. That is a list of demands a performer has when they appear somewhere. Usually you see them for, like, rock stars, but Sarah Palin has one, I guess. Among other things, Palin’s rider requires two first-class tickets from Alaska or a private jet from Alaska, nothing smaller than a Lear 60, and it has to have a window she can shoot out of.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“She has to have three hotel rooms, a wooden podium, not plexiglass, two bottles of water, and best of all, I think, a supply of bendable straws. This is a complicated woman. On one hand, you know, she’ll blow a moose’s head off at 300 yards, but on the other, bendy straws.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Pentagon says that Al Qaeda is now in financial ruin. I tell you, Goldman Sachs, they screwed everybody.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, Al Qaeda should have seen it coming. You know who’s in charge of the finances? Osama ben Bernanke.” – Jay Leno

“Tomorrow, President Obama will be in Florida to announce his vision for America’s space program. The rumor is that he is going to reverse President Bush’s space policy, which centered on sending a giant caulk gun to the moon to fill all the craters up.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, sent a letter to Obama criticizing him because he’s expected to cut funding for manned space flights. And he even helped spearhead this ad campaign that I guess is designed to convince President Obama to change his mind on this. ‘For nearly half a century, the United States has been a world leader in exploring the final frontier: First to the moon, inspiring a nation, and paving the way for countless advancements in science. President Obama’s plan to cut NASA’s budget means never again will Americans see astronauts suck Jell-O through a straw, eat floating bananas, or doing funny experiments with a frog. Write President Obama. Don’t let these super fun times come to an end. This message paid for by astronauts who love super fun times in space.’ Powerful stuff.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama is launching a new $6 billion space policy that will ultimately take astronauts to Mars. Of course, it’s $6 billion and $45 if the astronauts have a carry-on.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama says the new $6 billion program will let us engage in deeper space exploration, while Biden says this will let us engage in open dialogue with Alf.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obama administration’s top science and technology official has warned the United States cannot expect to be No. 1 in science and technology forever. Did you know we were No. 1 now? If we’re No. 1 in technology, why do I have to call India for tech support, OK?” – Jay Leno

“Tomorrow is the day to mail in your tax returns, which means tonight is the night to start making fake receipts.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s fitting that April 14 is National Pecan Day because today, we recognize nuts. And tomorrow, on April 15, we pay our taxes to support them.” – Craig Ferguson

“A pecan tree can live for 300 years and when they’re old and gnarled, they can still bear fruit. They’re like the tree world’s Larry King.” – Craig Ferguson

“Scientists are saying that eating pecans every day may decrease your cholesterol. So in case they’re right, I wrap all of my pecans in bacon.” – Craig Ferguson

“This Friday is the deadline for mailing in your Census form. People all around the country put down how many people live in their houses — while Tiger Woods and Jesse James put ‘kind of a tricky situation right now.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Health Care Reform Increases Conservative’s Blood Pressure – iPad edition

Congratulations to Mark Fiore for winning the Pulitzer for his editorial cartoons (like this one). Ironically, Apple computer rejected an iPhone/iPad app that plays Fiore’s (Pulitzer winning) cartoons, because “it contains content that ridicules public figures”, and thus is “objectionable” and “defamatory”.

Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch has praised the iPad, saying “There’s going to be tens of millions of these things sold all over the world. It may well be the saving of the newspaper industry.”

But do you really want a large corporation (even Apple) controlling what is acceptable content? I say “even Apple” because after the story broke that Apple rejected Fiore’s app, Steve Jobs admitted that the rejection was a mistake and invited Fiore to resubmit his app. The question is, do you have to win a Pulitzer in order to get approved by Apple? Could I get a “Political Irony” app into the app store (after all, I often “ridicule public figures”)?


Late Night Political Humor

“We may have another Oprah on our hands. Since leaving her job as the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin has made more than $12 million. That is a lot of money for someone who can’t say words that end in ‘g’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And they say $12 million is a conservative estimate. She may have made a lot more, and yet, she continues to blame Obama for the bad economy. It seems — weird, right?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The figure is a little bit misleading because most of that money is Alaskan currency, which is primarily made up of pelts and shiny rocks.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to the Pentagon, Al Qaeda is in financial ruin. Good. I think that’s called Al Karma.” – Jay Leno

“Well, the big story is the president of China, Hu Jintao, … is in Washington this week. Boy, it’s causing some controversy. You may have heard about this. President Obama was seen bowing to the Chinese leader. Well, he has to. I mean, the rent is going to be late again next month.” – Jay Leno

“In fact, leaders of 40 nations are in Washington this week for the nuclear summit. And the president of China was supposed to speak first. And that caused a lot of confusion when the moderator said: ‘Who’s on first?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘No, who?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘No, who?’ ‘Yes.’ And it went back and forth. It got a little confusing.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama announced that in 2012 he’s going to hold his next nuclear security summit at a site in South Korea, right near the North Korean border. Seriously? That’s like if you held a biker chick rally right across the street from Jesse James’s rehab facility. You’re asking for trouble.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Speaking of North Korea, I just read about a state-run comedy show in North Korea where the audience is ordered to laugh. It’s called ‘Funny or Actually Die.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And 89-year-old supreme court justice John Paul Stevens has announced he is retiring. He’s going to be 90 this year. In fact, the other Supreme Court justices have to keep reminding him to close his robe.” – Jay Leno

“A woman named Sue Lowden is a Republican running for the Senate in Nevada. You know this health care thing? The Republicans are against it. She says one of the ways you can keep the cost of your health care down is to barter with your doctor. You know, trade with him. That’s a great idea. But what if your doctor is not Amish? O.K., what do you do then?” – Jay Leno

“It’s a great day for America, everybody. Yes, it is! But not a great day for former Vice President Al Gore. He was ambushed for an interview by Fox News. What’s wrong with you, Fox News? You don’t ambush him. If you want to get Al Gore for an interview, you don’t have to ambush him. Just leave a trail of ham into the studio.” – Craig Ferguson


Ghosts of Unions Past

Conservatives all know that labor unions are the root of all evil (well, besides community organizers like ACORN). So when 29 miners were killed at a mine in West Virginia, Rush Limbaugh couldn’t wait to attack the union, saying:

Was there no union responsibility for improving mine safety? Where was the union here? Where was the union? The union is generally holding these companies up demanding all kinds of safety. Why were these miners continuing to work in what apparently was an unsafe atmosphere?

You can hear Limbaugh saying this here.

The irony is, the reason the union didn’t protect the miners is because the mine where the disaster occurred is non-union. The United Mine Workers of America even tried to organize that particular mine three times, but the CEO threatened to close down the mine if they voted for a union. The same CEO, who started his career by busting unions at the mines, sits on the boards of the National Mining Association and the (infamous) US Chamber of Commerce, who have spent millions of dollars blocking legislation that would improve safety at mines, calling such legislation “silly”.

I guess it is good to see Limbaugh admitting that unions are responsible for mine safety.


No More Handouts!

© Kevin Siers

Thank goodness that Obama finally called out Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Immediately after having several fundraisers with Wall Street executives, McConnell shifted position and is now absolutely against any banking reform. He even claimed that banking reform would lead to more bailouts. In other words, he is telling us that not changing anything is the best way to prevent our current huge financial meltdown from happening again. Does he think we are completely stupid?

If you want to know why we need to regulate financial derivatives, just read this.

UPDATE: Another good read about financial reform. The banks are very powerful in this country — don’t let them create more economic catastrophes!


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, according to the Pentagon, Al Qaeda is in financial ruin. You know why they’re broke? Health insurance premiums.” – Jay Leno

“KFC restaurants have unveiled the ‘Double Down,’ which is two slabs of fried chicken with bacon in the middle. Why not — we all have free health insurance.” – Craig Ferguson

“Well, the big news is Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is retiring. I mean, this won’t affect as many Americans as when Paula left ‘American Idol,’ but it’s still a big deal.” – Jay Leno

“There’s a rumor going around that Hillary Clinton could be Obama’s choice for the next Supreme Court justice. That’s a lifetime appointment that would take up all of her time, or as Bill Clinton calls it, ‘She’ll take it.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I watched so much golf this weekend. Tiger finished in 4th place, which means he only won $330,000, which is barely enough to pay his text messaging bill.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Tiger’s obviously under a lot of stress. It’s very difficult to play when you have a padlock on your underpants.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Tiger Woods said he would try to keep his emotions under control, but after a bad swing, he used the F-word. Who does he think he is – Vice President of the United States?” – Jay Leno

“Some more news out of Washington. Vice President Joe Biden hosted a big lunch today with foreign leaders at the Naval Observatory. Unfortunately, he spent the entire time asking everyone to observe his navel.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I just heard that CNN is hoping to spice up the show ‘Anderson Cooper 360″ by adding a live audience. After that, they’re hoping to spice up ‘Larry King Live’ by adding a live Larry King.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It was announced today that Conan O’Brien has a new talk show on TBS and a lot of people are asking how it will affect this show. It will not — people that watch this show cannot afford basic cable.” – Craig Ferguson

“Conan O’Brien announced today that he will move his show to TBS. Later in the day, Jay Leno announced that he will also move his show to TBS.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In a speech, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, said ‘I am the first here to admit I’ve made mistakes.’ Then the stripper giving him a lap-dance said it will still be 20 bucks.” – Jay Leno


Boston Tea Party Irony

Yesterday (in honor of tax day), there was a Tea Party protest against taxes on the Boston Commons. But as usual, I’m only interested in the (obvious) irony and humor.

Like how the Tea Partiers were protesting on the commons (as in communist), a place paid for by taxpayer dollars. Or that Tea Party protests often cost quite a bit of taxpayer money.

But my favorite bit of irony comes from The Boston Globe. Valerie and Rob Shirk drove themselves and their ten (home-schooled) children 2 1/2 hours to take part in the protest. Says Valerie Shirk:

The problem in this country is that too many people are looking for handouts. I agree with the signs that say, “Share my father’s work ethic — not his paycheck.” We have to do something about the whole welfare mentality in this country.’

Ironically, despite being against Obama’s health care reform, the Shirks rely on federal Medicaid for their family’s health care. When asked about this, she replied that she did not want to stop having children, and that her husband’s income was not enough to cover the family with private insurance. “I know there’s a dichotomy because of what we get from the state. But I just look at each of my children as a blessing.”

I don’t want you to think that I only make fun of the Tea Partiers, so here’s Jon Stewart making fun of the media coverage of the Tea Party movement:

Finally, Buzzfeed has photos of people who showed up with fake protest signs to make fun of the tea baggers. I leave you with just one of them:

UPDATE: The NY Times did a poll to try to figure out what tea partiers want. It turns out, apparently even they don’t know:

When talking about the Tea Party movement, the largest number of respondents said that the movement’s goal should be reducing the size of government, more than cutting the budget deficit or lowering taxes.

And nearly three-quarters of those who favor smaller government said they would prefer it even if it meant spending on domestic programs would be cut.

But in follow-up interviews, Tea Party supporters said they did not want to cut Medicare or Social Security — the biggest domestic programs, suggesting instead a focus on “waste.”

Some defended being on Social Security while fighting big government by saying that since they had paid into the system, they deserved the benefits.

Others could not explain the contradiction.

“That’s a conundrum, isn’t it?” asked Jodine White, 62, of Rocklin, Calif. “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I don’t want smaller government. I guess I want smaller government and my Social Security.” She added, “I didn’t look at it from the perspective of losing things I need. I think I’ve changed my mind.”

UPDATE 2: Andrew Sullivan has a very good analysis of the tea party movement and his reaction to it.


Fox News Now Lies About Their Lying

If you ever wanted to see what propaganda look like, here it is, in three easy steps:

Step 1: Republican Senator Tom Coburn dismisses Fox New charges that people who don’t buy health insurance will go to jail, saying “The intention is not to put anybody in jail. That makes for good TV news on FOX but that isn’t the intention.”

Step 2: Bill O’Reilly puts Coburn on his show and challenges Coburn to name a single person on Fox News who ever said that. O’Reilly claims “We researched to find out if anybody on Fox News had ever said you’re going to jail if you don’t buy health insurance. Nobody’s ever said it.”

Step 3: Huffington Post puts together a video of Fox News saying people will go to jail if they don’t buy health insurance — over and over and over again (including on O’Reilly’s own show):

Bonus step: The next day, O’Reilly laughs at how he put Coburn in his place, saying Coburn “didn’t really have his facts in line”.

Bottom line? O’Reilly and Fox News have completely forgotten how to tell the truth, even when it is staring them in the face. They are like a little kid, yelling they didn’t do something when everyone saw them do it. And if you dare to point out that they did do it, Fox will try to bully you in public and make fun of you, like they did to Coburn.

A comment in Time Magazine asks the obvious question. Having been caught in a bald-faced lie, “what actual consequences will Bill O’Reilly face as a result of his blatant dishonesty? I’m not being rhetorical, I really want to know what cost is involved in spreading obvious lies.” Unfortunately, the answer is probably none. No wonder our nation is so screwed up.

UPDATE: PolitiFact gave O’Reilly a well deserved “Pants on Fire” for this whopper.


Happy Tax Day!

© Clay Bennett


Late Night Political Humor

“Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, said of his time in office, “I was wrong 30% of the time.” Well that’s not bad – for a weatherman – or a free throw shooter – but you were the Chairman of the Fed. We need the Fed to be on the pill and you ran it on the rhythm method.” – Seth Meyers

“In Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai is mad at the United States. We said his government is riddled with bribes, corruption, and pay-offs. I guess they’re trying to pass healthcare over there too.” – Jay Leno

“According to the Pentagon, al-Qaida has been so weakened financially that they’re turning to crimes like drugs, prostitution, and adjustable-rate mortgages.” – Jay Leno

“FedEx announced this week that it will add four new electric trucks to its delivery fleet. Four electric truck! Well, let me be the first to say, welcome back glaciers.” – Seth Meyers
