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Everything you think you know about immigration reform is wrong

© Lalo Alcaraz

It is amazing how much misinformation is being thrown around concerning immigration reform, especially the new law in Arizona that makes it illegal to not carry proof of citizenship. First of all, I don’t know about you, but I don’t walk around with my passport, birth certificate, or other proof of citizenship, but I guess I’m just lucky because I don’t look like an “illegal immigrant” (and just guess what an illegal immigrant looks like!) The whole thing reminds me of all those WWII movies where the evil Nazis were always demanding innocent people “show their papers”. It was racist then and it is racist now.

Second, I keep seeing the media repeat the Republican talking point that Arizona was forced to do something about illegal immigration because the federal government has failed to do so. Bull crap! Illegal immigration in Arizona is actually down 18%. And why? It’s the economy stupid. No jobs for illegal immigrants means no illegal immigrants. It is that simple. So why was Arizona “forced” to take action now?

I’ve seen people claim that action against illegal immigrants is required now because jobs are scarce, and illegal immigrants are taking jobs from our citizens. More crap. Immigrants actually create new jobs. In the last 25 years, virtually all new jobs were created by startups. That’s about 40 million jobs. And roughly 25% of all successful high-tech startups in the last 10 years were started by (you guessed it) immigrants. So while anti-immigrant fear mongers rail about job numbers in the hundreds of thousands, immigrants contributed around 10 million new jobs.

And most importantly, Arizona already has laws on the books making it illegal to employ people without checking their citizenship. But they don’t enforce those laws. If Arizona started arresting employers for hiring illegal immigrants and putting them in jail, you can bet that the illegal immigration problem would go away overnight. But instead, Arizona blames the problem on the victims, and whines that they were “forced” to become a police state to solve a problem that has an easy solution, and has been going down anyway.

UPDATE: Seth Myers on SNL talks about the new law:

This week, Arizona signed the toughest illegal immigration law in the country which will allow police to demand identification papers from anyone they suspect is in the country illegally. I know there’s some people in Arizona worried that Obama is acting like Hitler, but could we all agree that there’s nothing more Nazi than saying “Show me your papers?” There’s never been a World War II movie that didn’t include the line “show me your papers.” It’s their catchphrase. Every time someone says “show me your papers,” Hitler’s family gets a residual check. So heads up, Arizona; that’s fascism. I know, I know, it’s a dry fascism, but it’s still fascism.


© Keith Tucker


Late Night Political Humor

“For those of you visiting from Iceland, happy Ash Wednesday.” – Jay Leno

“The British government sent a warship to France to bring home stranded Britons. There was an embarrassing moment — when the ship pulled up to the port, the French immediately surrendered.” – Jay Leno

“The volcano was spewing out so much ash that now, the Catholic Church is saying it couldn’t even see what it was doing wrong.” – Jay Leno

“Talking about air travel and the volcano. The good news, ladies and gentlemen, regular airline service is resuming. The bad news — regular airline service is resuming.” – David Letterman

“Is anyone here stranded because of the volcano? Well, that’s what you get for traveling during volcano season.” – David Letterman

“Because of the volcano, the airlines lost $2 billion. Usually, all they lose is my luggage.” – David Letterman

“The new $100 bill was unveiled today. So if you have any old $100 bills, you can throw them away now.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today the U.S. Treasury released its new $100 bill. It’s the most high-tech piece of currency the world has ever seen — until Apple comes out with the ‘$100 bill Nano.'” – Craig Ferguson

“You see this on the news? Gay and lesbian activists chained themselves to the White House fence to protest the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. And when Republican Party officials saw the lesbians chaining themselves to the fence, out of force of habit, they paid $2,000 to watch.” – Jay Leno

“Everyone knows if a Republican comes out of the closet and sees a gay shadow, it means six more years of a Democratic administration.” – Jon Stewart

“The Supreme Court is hearing a case about ‘sexting.’ Apparently the justices of the Supreme Court are not up to date on technology. Chief Justice Roberts asked what is the difference between an e-mail and a pager. Justice Roberts is only 55 years old. He’s young enough to be Larry King’s next wife.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And unemployment here in California, over 12 percent now. Give you an idea how bad it is, you know the best way to make money in California now? Marrying and divorcing Larry King.” – Jay Leno

“A new study shows that fewer and fewer immigrants are sending money they earn here back home. They’d like to, but there’s no one left at home. They all live here now. They just send it across the street.” – Jay Leno

“Here’s something great. General Motors today paid back all the government loans five years ahead of schedule. Amazing what hard work, careful planning and Toyotas rolling over and crashing into trees can do for you.” – Jay Leno

“Well, the government said today Somali pirates being held in U.S. custody will be brought to the United States for prosecution, and they will be tried by a jury of their peers. So I’m guessing that’s what, Goldman Sachs?” – Jay Leno

“Well, in an interview on the ‘Today’ show, Bill Clinton told Jenna Bush Hager, who is George Bush’s daughter, that his only involvement in the planning of his daughter Chelsea’s wedding is paying the bill. Although, since he’s a Democrat, he doesn’t actually pay the bill himself; he leaves it for future generations of Americans. But you get the idea.” – Jay Leno

“This is rather disturbing. A government panel made up of all retired military personnel says that the school lunches are a threat to our national security because they make our kids too fat to serve the country. It’s unbelievable. Remember the old days, when the Army wanted the best and the brightest? Now they’re stuck with the biggest and the widest.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday was 4/20, known to stoners around the country as National Weed Day. There were pro-marijuana legalization rallies all around the country, especially here in California, where freedom fighters like this guy exercised their right to free speech vigorously. ‘Here in the meadow, people were chilling out. Some, maybe too much. We’re here just to have a bunch of fun in a field.’ That’s a good way to spend a Tuesday, while your parents are paying tuition.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Fox network had their annual telethon ‘Idol Gives Back.’ I was hoping they would give back the hundreds of hours I’ve wasted watching ‘American Idol.'” – Jimmy Kimmel


“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” — What’s a Progressive To Do?

You can be forgiven if you don’t know what to think about the latest crazy meme running around the innertubes. Apparently, a recent episode of South Park was censored before it aired by Comedy Central, after they received a veiled threat because the episode contained images of the prophet Mohammed.

OMG, censorship, that’s bad, right? We should be against that, right? So in retaliation, a Facebook group was formed to promote “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day“. Even Jon Stewart slammed Islamic intolerance:

So why is this complicated? Well, there are some things that just don’t add up. First of all, the show didn’t have an actual image of Mohammed before it was censored. Instead, it had someone disguised in a friendly bear suit, which the show said was Mohammed (see image at right). Second, South Park has depicted Mohammed (using an actual image) in a previous episode and didn’t receive any threats, so why now?

But what might be a very interesting twist is that the New York based website “Revolution Muslim” where the “veiled threat” was made was actually founded by a former orthodox Israeli. Another major contributor is the grandson of someone who was on the board of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. And many of the statements released on their website seem purposely designed to get people pissed off at radical Muslims. For example, they sent “get well” wishes to the guy who shot 13 people at Fort Hood, and praised the killing of Daniel Pearl.

I’m not saying that there is proof that “Revolution Muslim” is an Israeli front group designed to stir up anger against Muslims, but if they were, they would be doing a damn good job of it. And there are enough suspicious coincidences around this website to make me question it.

On the other hand, there has been actual violence by radical Muslims that seeks to silence anti-Muslim views. For example, Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered after making a documentary critical of the treatment of women in Islam. And the Danish cartoonist who drew a caricature of Mohammed has received numerous death threats and was forced to retire.

Nevertheless, is the answer really to purposely draw images of Mohammed in order to purposely piss people off? Speaking of piss, do you remember the artwork “Piss Christ” from 1987 that angered Christians by depicting a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist’s urine? The violent reaction forced the show to be cancelled. Would an appropriate response back then to such obvious censorship to be a “Everybody Piss on Jesus” day?

I think cartoonist August J. Pollak has the right answer:

© August J. Pollak

See also his blog post about the whole thing.


Petty Cash Crash

© Tom Toles

Billions and billions.


Late Night Political Humor

“Look I’m sorry I told you to go fuck yourself last week (and that other time, like, six months ago.) I know that I criticize you and Fox News a lot, but only because you’re truly a terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization.” – Jon Stewart

“Fox News: You are the lupus of news.” – Jon Stewart

“Because of the volcano in Iceland, thousands of travelers are stranded with no place to sleep, eat, or shower. This is the kind of thing that can really take the fun out of air travel.” – David Letterman

“The giant cloud of ash over Amsterdam is so bad that you can’t even see the giant cloud of hashish.” – Jay Leno

“The name of the volcano is Eyjafjallajökull. It’s the scariest thing out of Iceland since Björk in that swan outfit.” – David Letterman

“According to a top Iranian cleric, earthquakes and volcanoes are caused by women wearing immodest clothing. Or as most guys would call it: a fair trade-off.” – Jay Leno

“The volcano cloud is gritty ash and it’s making its way toward Russia. In fact, Sarah Palin can see it from her house.” – David Letterman

“Travelers have been stranded in dozens of countries, but they’re finally allowing flights to take off to countries that no one likes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama and some prominent Democrats proposed a solution to the erupting volcano — they want to pour money into it.” – Jay Leno

“Today is April 20, which is like Christmas for pot-smokers. It all started in the 1700s when St. Patrick drove the stoners out of Ireland with a pack of Twinkies.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In celebration of 4/20, the volcano in Iceland is still smoking. And it just asked for Hot Pockets.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Toyota is recalling 600,000 minivans because the spare tire holder can break and the spare tire can go flying down the highway. It’s bad enough Toyota cars can run you off the road — now the parts are chasing you down the street.” – Jay Leno


Deficit Reduction? How About Cutting Imperialism?

I’m not sure why Bill Maher was focusing solely on the space program for the first 90 seconds, but the rest of his rant is great:

I love these quotes:

The problem with the tea party movement … is that they want money for nothing and chicks for free. They want a deregulated free market and their jobs to stay here in the US; they want guaranteed health coverage regardless of preexisting conditions without a big government mandate; they want to call themselves teabaggers and people to keep a straight face. And of course they want big tax cuts along with deficit reduction.

So teabaggers, if you’ll look into that, I will believe you really are “we the people”, “what about our grandchildren” patriots. But if you’re unwilling to cut defense and give up the empire, you don’t really care about the debt, and you have to admit you’re just a racist sore loser.


The Fox Guarding the Chicken Coop

The Bush-appointed head of the agency that is responsible for protecting government whistle-blowers has been charged with retaliating against his own employees, closing hundreds of whistle-blower cases without any investigation, withholding vital information from Congress, and of destroying evidence to cover up his actions.

Is this any surprise, considering that the Bush administration was willing to out a CIA agent in retaliation for her spouse’s whistle-blowing to expose administration lies?


Sleeping Regulators Lie?

© Drew Sheneman

Thirty-three employees of the SEC have been punished for watching pornography online, including during the time when the economy was crashing.

Of course, the Republicans were quick to use this to try to block financial reform, saying “This stunning report should make everyone question the wisdom of moving forward with plans to give regulators like the SEC even more widespread authority.” But what I find interesting is that the time period when the offenses occurred mainly fell during the last Republican administration, which was notorious for being lax regulators. With all that extra time on their hands, I’m surprised it was only 33 people watching porn, since the SEC has more than 4,000 employees.

UPDATE: Pro Publica points out that the porn charges are old news, and they are being brought up now as a political ploy to try to stop financial regulation.


Chickening out of Health Care

Recently, Nevada Senate candidate Sue Lowden suggested that people without health insurance could barter with their doctors, trading chickens for health care. Naturally, the innertubes loved this and her comments went viral. It is a bit silly actually, and personally I wish our elections would be decided on the issues, not on imprudent comments.

But I just had to share with you a funny website that someone created, which features a handy-dandy calculator that you can use to figure out how many chickens you would need in order to pay for various medical procedures (need an appendectomy? That’s only 1019 chickens! But you can get a flu shot for only 5 chickens). They also feature helpful hints for doctors about what to do with all those chickens.


Surveys never lie, but liars always survey

The Associated Press and CNBC jointly released a new poll about American attitudes toward marijuana under the headline “Legalization: More Americans Say ‘No'”. Now, reading this, you might think that the majority of Americans are against legalizing marijuana, but this is a textbook example of how you can skew survey results by cunning choice of survey questions.

The question in question?

Do you favor, oppose or neither favor nor oppose the complete legalization of the use of marijuana for any purpose?

But in their special report, they don’t mention that when asked about marijuana and alcohol, 56% of the people questioned wanted marijuana to be treated the same as alcohol or wanted marijuana to be more legal than alcohol. But to see that result, you have to read the full report on the survey.

So, duh! Americans don’t want weed to be absolutely completely legal for any reason, the same as what we currently have for alcohol, tobacco, or other mostly legal drugs. After all, marijuana is widely considered to be less harmful than either alcohol or tobacco.

The real question is, why did AP and CNBC word the first question the way they did, and why did they (and the rest of the media) report it the way they did?


American Banking is Like Making Sausage?

© Jack Ohman

Best argument against Financial Reform yet!


Late Night Political Humor

“As you probably know, the volcano on the tiny island of Iceland has shut down air traffic. President Obama had to cancel his trip to Poland. President Obama said he hopes the volcano will stop smoking soon and the volcano said the same thing about him.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You can’t fly an airplane through an ash plume because the engines will be shut down faster than Mel Gibson at a bar mitzvah.” – Craig Ferguson

“The volcanic ash from Iceland disrupted air travel all over Europe. Everything’s grounded. Commercial flights. Private jets. The only thing still flying — Toyotas.” – Jay Leno

“Airports from London to Warsaw are on their sixth day of shutdown. The airports are closed because a volcano is erupting. Smoke and ash are spreading over Europe. The smoke cloud is big and thick. Meteorologists originally thought it was coming from Willie Nelson’s tour bus.” – Craig Ferguson

“The big volcanic cloud from Iceland is making its way over to New York City. They say that the city’s air quality is actually improving.” – David Letterman

“The volcano is erupting underneath a glacier, meaning everything kicks up through a hole in the ice. Some scientists are calling it an ‘ice-hole,’ but other scientists are saying the problem is pre-existing ash, therefore it’s more of an ‘ash-hole.'” – Craig Ferguson

“I am aware that the only reason you people are here tonight is volcanic ash. Thank God I still have my swine flu mask.” – David Letterman

“Thousands of tourists are stranded in Europe, but it’s giving the passengers the opportunity to go share a bar stool with one of the pilots.” –David Letterman

“The German airline Lufthansa said it plans to resume some flights. Apparently there are so many Germans in France right now that the French government surrendered.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Larry King has filed for divorce. The rumor going around is that Larry’s wife left him for a younger man, John McCain.” – Jay Leno

“Larry King getting another divorce. Had an affair with his sister-in-law but in his defense — there is always another side to the story — in his defense, at his age, you know, it’s hard to remember which sister he’s married to.” – David Letterman

“Officials now say that the two most senior leaders of al Qaeda in Iraq have been killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi mission. I believe the names were ‘what’s his face’ and ‘the guy who plays the guy who replaced the guy we killed last week.'” – Jay Leno

“Well, actually, we can’t take all the credit. What happened was the Lexus GX 460 rolled over.” – Jay Leno

“According to sources at the Pentagon, al Qaeda is nearing financial ruin. But ironically, their top people still got their million-dollar bonuses.” – Jay Leno

“Al Qaeda is broke. How ironic is that? Al Qaeda would run out of moolah. Isn’t that unbelievable?” – Jay Leno

“Well, just four days after Goldman Sachs cost investors $12 billion by failing to tell them that they’re being investigated for fraud, they gave out another $5.4 billion in bonuses. Huh? Even Somali pirates are going, ‘Come on!'” – Jay Leno

“Hey, here’s an amazing fact. Sarah Palin made $12 million last year. In fact, Sarah Palin had such a good year, she was actually able to quit her part-time job as governor of Alaska.” – Jay Leno

“I am so stupid. I made a huge mistake. I sent my taxes to Russia and my adopted kid to the IRS.” – Jay Leno

“Well, folks, a big setback for NASA. President Obama cutting the space program of sending men to the moon. Although he can point to one big achievement during his time in office. We did put an astronaut on ‘Dancing with the Stars.'” – Jay Leno


Republican Financial Mismanagement

Republicans often claim that government can’t do anything right, that governments always waste money. Maybe they are just projecting.

An internal probe of the Republican National Committee (RNC) has found that the organization is suffering from questionable financial management. Signatures are being forged onto expense reimbursement paperwork, clothing, wine, and entertainment expenses are being listed as office supplies. And we all remember the RNC expensed trip to a bondage-themed LA nightclub.

But the funniest part of the report is that it points out that the RNC has been losing money fundraising from major donors, spending $1.09 for each $1 raised.

Maybe Republicans think government can’t do anything right, since when they are in control, they don’t do anything right.


Time to Pay the Piper

© Joel Pett

The best politicians money can buy.


Airline CEOs say the only way they can compete is to have less competition!

A long time ago I lived in Texas, and one of the (few) high points of my stay there was reading Jim Hightower. So I was pleasantly surprised to see him still fighting the good fight in an article about the airlines.

Apparently, a number of airline CEOs are claiming that the problem with the American aviation business is that there are too many airlines. As the former chairman of Continental Airlines put it “I mean, do we really need 19 domestic airlines in the United States? I think three or four network airlines would still give you plenty of competition.” The airline CEOs are promoting a rash of mergers and acquisitions to consolidate the industry into fewer and bigger corporations.

You know, just like the banking industry, the American automotive industry, the American healthcare industry, the corporate-owned media, and all those other “too big to fail” companies that are now screwing us over in one way or another.

Says a top official at American Airlines, “We have an industry that is too fragmented, with too many competitors and with different ideas of capacity, pricing and strategic activity.”

No, we can’t have any of that nasty competition here! What do Americans think we are? A free enterprise system with open markets? Hah!

But go read Jim’s take on all this. I can only dream of writing like he does.
