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Debate on the Right

Some people claim that there is no debate on the right, that they all closely follow the latest orders talking points.

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Anybody here from Arizona? Yeah, you know, they have this immigration law in Arizona. I guess it’s because they share a border with Mexico. In essence, the new law in Arizona is if you don’t look like you belong there, get out. And if you’re in this country illegally, I think I speak for most Americans when I say, ‘Qué?'” – David Letterman

“If you’re in Arizona and you don’t look like you belong there, they’ll give you a simple test. You have to be able to identify four of Larry King’s ex-wives.” – David Letterman

“Hey, great news. They made an arrest today in that failed Times Square bombing attempt. It turns out the suspect is a foreign-born, naturalized American citizen. You know what that means? He would have been fine in Arizona.” – Jay Leno

“Hey, we caught a suspect in the failed Times Square attack. The suspect says he acted alone. Yeah, really alone. Even his bomb wasn’t in on it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“His name is Faisal Shahzad. What, is Snoop Dogg naming terrorists now? They’re still looking for his brother, Fo Shizzle. They don’t know where he is.” – Jay Leno

“Yeah, they plucked a guy off a plane. His name is Faisal Shahzad. They say he was a moody loner. Last year, he vacationed in the tribal regions of Pakistan. Well, no red flags there.” – David Letterman

“Well, the amazing part, they arrested this guy. He was already on the plane. It was taxiing down the runway. They called the plane back. And they’re calling it great work by Homeland Security, and I guess it is. I mean, that’s one way to look at it. I mean, how about the fact that a Pakistani guy who bought a one-way ticket to the Middle East, reeking of fertilizer, made it through security and got on the plane. How did that happen?” – Jay Leno

“You know who’s really happy they took him off the plane? The guy sitting next to him. Smelling manure for 14 hours?” – Jay Leno

“Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference. He described the bomb because everybody thought, wow, this is frightening. This is crazy. But the mayor said, no, the bomb was crude and amateurish. That’s what a lot of people are saying about last night’s show.” – David Letterman

“Anyway, police raided this guy’s house. I guess it’s in Bridgeport, Conn. Some of the neighbors say the suspect told them he worked on Wall Street, so they were relieved to find out he was just a terrorist.” – Jay Leno

“The real hero in this story was the T-shirt vendor who told the policeman about the smoke coming from the SUV in Times Square. And for some reason, New York Mayor Bloomberg took the policeman to dinner but not the T-shirt vendor. Hey, you see the T-shirt he’s selling today? It says: ‘I saw the smoking SUV first. All I got was this lousy T-shirt.'” – Jay Leno

“But don’t you feel secure, ladies and gentlemen, knowing that the only thing standing between you and terrorism is a T-shirt vendor?” – David Letterman

“And I tell you, this Faisal guy, not the brightest terrorist. Did you see his bomb? Three bottles of Diet Coke and some Mentos. You know, that’s not going to do a lot.” – Jay Leno

“Anyway, it turns out this Faisal Shahzad has got a Facebook page. We looked it up. Let’s see who his friends are. Look, bin Laden, Ahmadinejad and Danny Bonaduce. What are his favorite activities? What have we got there? We got beach volleyball, rollerblading. Look, blowing up Nissan Pathfinders.” – Jay Leno

“Experts say the FBI is saying potentially this thing could have been the biggest bomb on Broadway since Peter Pan, starring Kirstie Alley.” –David Letterman

“This bombing plot here in Times Square is upsetting. Are we more upset about that than the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Which do we hate worse? I think you’ve got to go with the oil spill. British petroleum, these boobs running this operation, they said: ‘O.K., now wait a minute. It’s just going to be a P.R. nightmare. What can we do? We’ll give everybody a free tank of gas. All you have to do is drive your car right down next to the Gulf of Mexico.'” – David Letterman

“Oil is still leaking off the coast of Louisiana. Lots of oil. BP, the company responsible for it, has a very good plan. BP is hoping to create a giant vinegar spill to turn the Gulf of Mexico into a delicious salad dressing.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Actually, what they’re doing is spraying chemicals on the oil to try to disperse it. And some environmentalists say the chemicals pose their own dangers. But the company that makes them points out the active ingredient is the same thing they put in ice cream. BP is trying to get the spill reclassified from disaster to dessert.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Let’s see what’s going on at BP, which stands for, of course, big problems.” – Jay Leno

“So it’s British Petroleum, or BP. BP, of course, as in broken pipe.” –David Letterman

“On Monday, British Petroleum promised to pay all necessary cleanup costs for this oil spill. And they said they will do it, no matter how much they have to raise gas prices.” – Jay Leno

“But BP plans to pay for the cleanup. Then they’re going to ask for the bailout.” – David Letterman

“Well, here’s something kind of embarrassing. The government has called off the Safety Awards for Excellence ceremony that was supposed to take place this week, in honor of outstanding safety and pollution prevention. And British Petroleum, the one that was responsible for the big oil spill in the Gulf, was one of the three finalists for the award. I believe the other two were China and the volcano in Iceland.” – Jay Leno

“But they say the oil spill has the potential to kill more wildlife than a Sarah Palin hunting trip.” – David Letterman

“Well, scientists are predicting that the oil from the BP spill will eventually reach the shores of Florida. So if you hated visiting your grandparents before, wait until you’re hosing down their oily bodies after a long day at the beach.” –Jimmy Fallon

“It’s rumored that six pages from the script of the ‘Lost’ series finale have leaked online. BP executives were like: ‘Oh my God! That’s definitely the worst leak of all time, right?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And former aides to John Edwards are now claiming that Rielle Hunter lied to Oprah during her interview last week. Let me tell you something. You can lie in court in this country. You can lie at work. When you lie to Oprah, that is downright un-American.” – Jay Leno

“You know who was in town yesterday? Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was here, and his Members Only jacket. He was speaking at the U.N. Now, seriously, New York City is not this guy’s kind of town. Everybody here is either gay or Jewish. He had to get out. He said, ‘No thank you.'” – David Letterman

“Speaking of terrorism, two new videos from the Pakistani Taliban seem to show that their leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, is alive, even though the U.S. thought he was killed. So, either our intelligence is wrong or they’re just shooting the new movie, ‘Weekend at Hakimullah’s.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Let’s Try The Free Market!

John Cole has a revolutionary idea — let’s let the free market take care of things. His brilliant idea? Make the oil companies responsible for the total clean up cost of their oil spills. If they can’t pay, they go bankrupt. That might make them a bit more safety conscious.

After the Exxon Valdez disaster, Congress made oil companies responsible for cleaning up after spills, but capped their responsibility at 75 million dollars. After the current spill, Congress has introduced bills raising the cap. But why have a cap in the first place? Isn’t that corporate welfare?

I believe in (real) free markets. If drilling for oil has risks, that should be part of the equation that determines whether that business is profitable. Monetizing that risk is the job of insurance companies. If the risk of oil spills causes the cost of gas to go up, then that will just reflect the actual cost of our addiction to oil, and will encourage investment in alternative fuels.

Exxon had billions in profits last year, and didn’t pay a penny in US taxes. So why should the US government pay anything to clean up their mess?

If it were up to me, the government would stop subsidizing the actual costs of industry. The oil companies make money, and we pay for the wars to keep oil flowing, pay the health costs of all the pollution generated by burning oil, and — in addition to the costs of cleaning up oil spills — the economic costs to fishermen, tourism, and other industries. That’s not a free market, that is corporate socialism!

UPDATE: The bill raising the cap in oil spill liability was defeated by Lisa Murkowski, the Republican Senator from Alaska. Looks like once again corporate welfare is more important than reducing government spending.



As I mentioned, I’m away for a week (partly work and partly fun). Internet access might be spotty, so I might not be able to post as much as I usually do.


Missed Immigration Information

I’m visiting Arizona for a week, and I’m taking this opportunity to talk to some of the locals about the new immigration law. I’ve just begun, but I’ve already noticed a few interesting things. First of all, everyone I’ve talked to has repeated the claim that police will only be able to check someone’s immigration status if they are investigating some other crime (like speeding). In fact, they use opposing claims that the police will be able to check anyone’s papers as an example of misinformation that is being spread by people opposed to the new law.

Ironically, the widely respected (and non-partisan) PolitiFact investigated exactly these two claims. They rated False the claim “under the new Arizona immigration law, police can’t stop someone to check their immigration status unless they think they see something illegal.” And they rated Mostly True the claim “any police officer can stop anyone who appears to them to be reasonably suspicious of being an undocumented person.” So the people who were using this as an example of misinformation were themselves spreading misinformation.

Also interesting is the fact that one of the people I talked to, who is strongly in favor of the new law, admitted that he has hired illegal immigrants to do work on more than one occasion. He didn’t seem to see any contradiction in that.

UPDATE: Apparently the governor of Arizona is spreading misinformation. She also claims “under SB 1070 there must first be reasonable suspicion that you are breaking some OTHER non-immigration law before an officer can ask a person about their legal status.” I’ve read the law myself, and saw no language in the law to support that claim, and neither do the legal experts questioned by PolitiFact.


Who will clean up this spill?

© John Cole


Late Night Political Humor

“Have you guys been following the whole oil disaster? Yesterday, President Obama said: ‘Let me be clear. BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill.’ And BP was like: ‘Ah, bailout? Right?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Anybody from the Gulf of Mexico area? It’s going to be the biggest ecological disaster on the history of the planet. And today, a tourist thought they saw a blowfish in the Gulf of Mexico. Turned out to be a flounder holding its breath.” – David Letterman

“And the oil from that oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico spewing five times as much oil as first was estimated. When former President George W. Bush heard about this, he said: ‘Wait a minute. You mean we have oil here?'” – Jay Leno

“British Petroleum says that they have a plan now to clean up the vast oil spill. You know what it is? Hot tub time machine.” – David Letterman

“Today, British Petroleum said they’re doing everything they can to control this leak. Really? Two hundred thousand gallons? That’s a leak? The pipe under my bathroom. That’s a leak, O.K.? This is a gusher.” – Jay Leno

“And the environmental impact from this is unbelievable. They say a lot of birds are trying to leave the area. And, today, Arizona issued a warning — any birds flying in from out of state will be stopped and arrested.” – Jay Leno

“As you know, Arizona has passed the strictest immigration law in the country. It’s scaring everybody. In fact, today, Taco Bell changed their name to Skippy’s.” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend, there were huge marches to protest Arizona’s new immigration law. If you don’t know, Arizona’s new law says police have to ask anyone for immigration papers if reasonable suspicion can be found that they’re in the country illegally. But what’s reasonable suspicion? One Arizona lawmaker said, ‘Illegal immigrants are easy to spot because of their clothes.’ Really? I know it was obvious with me when I got off the plane because I was wearing Speedos, of course.” – Craig Ferguson

“The state of Arizona is the subject of a lot of controversy because of this new immigration law they passed. There were big demonstrations all around the country yesterday protesting it. Many people believe it’s potentially racist, but the state announced today that despite the controversy, they’re still planning to move ahead with their annual Cinco de Mayo party. I guess it’s sort of a going-away thing.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, if I was Latino, I don’t think I would go to this. ‘Don’t worry. Get on these buses. We’ll take you to the party. It’ll be a lot of fun.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Something very suspicious happened over the weekend. A car parked at, like, 45th and Broadway, very suspicious. And I’ll tell you the most suspicious thing about the whole episode was that the guy found a parking place.” – David Letterman

“Well, as you know — this is pretty serious — somebody tried to detonate an SUV rigged with explosives in Times Square. SUV turned out to be a Nissan Pathfinder. Probably, the bombing suspect realized if he’d been driving a Toyota, he would have been putting his own life in danger.” – Jay Leno

“Thank God the car bombing was thwarted by an alert carjacker.” – David Letterman

“Experts say if this SUV bomb had gone off, it could have caused almost as much damage to New York City as Goldman Sachs.” – Jay Leno

“Iranian President Mahmoud ‘I’m-a-nutjob’ is in New York City. He spoke at the U.N. today. He arrived in New York on Saturday night; he rented an SUV and parked it in Times Square.” – Jay Leno

“The Iranian dictator, Ahmadinejad, is in town. So for one day, Mayor Bloomberg is not the shortest dictator in New York.” – David Letterman

“Ahmadinejad has got a busy schedule. Today it is the U.N. And then tomorrow, he’s going to be on ‘The Rachael Ray Show,’ filleting a camel.” – David Letterman

“The governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, announced he is quitting the Republican Party to run for the Senate as an independent. And today, it became official — the Republicans took away his lesbian strip club VIP card.” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend, of course, down there in Washington, D.C., they had the big White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Do you know who was really funny? President Obama. So funny, in fact, he has already been promised ‘The Tonight Show’ in five years.” – David Letterman

“Did you see Conan O’Brien on 60 Minutes? The guy told the 60 minutes team that NBC had broken his heart. And I thought, ‘Welcome to the club, Coco. Welcome to the club.” – David Letterman

“But Conan declined to say anything or criticize Jay Leno. And here’s how I look at this. I always say, ‘If you can’t say anything nice about Jay, well, let’s hear it!'” – David Letterman


How Memes are Born: “Lift My Luggage”

George Rekers, one of America’s most prominent anti-gay crusaders, was caught in the Miami airport returning from a ten-day “fun trip” to Europe with a hired male prostitute. Rekers is a Baptist minister who co-founded the Family Research Council with James Dobson, has published numerous books and studies condemning gays, and sits of the board of an organization that professes to turn gay people straight.

Rekers claims that he didn’t know the male prostitute’s profession, claiming that he hired the young man from the website because he needed help: “I had surgery, and I can’t lift luggage. That’s why I hired him.”

If Rekers didn’t know his luggage handler was a prostitute, he must have magically ignored the young gay man’s profile on, which talks about his “smooth, sweet, tight ass” and “perfectly built 8 inch cock (uncut)” and that he is “up for anything”. But in order to even view that profile, Rekers would have to have gone through the site’s main page for members, which is covered with “images of naked, tumescent men busily sodomizing each other.” Not only that, but when first seen in the airport, Rekers was pushing his own luggage.

Hypocritical lying moral crusaders are a dime a dozen, but what is fun about this story is that fabulous turn of phrase. Will “lift my luggage” now enter the lexicon, like Senator Larry Craig’s “wide stance” and Governor Mark Sanford’s “hiking the Appalachian Trail”?

UPDATE: The male prostitute in question now claims that Rekers is definitely gay.


It’s All Obama’s Fault

© Jeff Danziger

Right now, I think Obama could say something in favor of Christmas, and right wing talk radio would condemn him for it.


Late Night Political Humor

“They say there are about 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. But if you ask a Native American, that number is more like 300 million.” – David Letterman

“Arizona has passed the strictest immigration bill in history. Police can now ask for your papers if they see you coming out of El Pollo Loco.” – Jay Leno

“A lot of people are boycotting Arizona Iced Tea, which is made in New York City. But that’s irrelevant to the boycott organizers — Snapple.” – Jay Leno

“It was just a crappy week for America. The oil spill making a huge mess, and Arizona deporting all the people who mop up.” – Bill Maher

“This oil spill in the Gulf keeps getting worse and worse. They’re calling it the greatest threat to New Orleans since George Bush was president.” – Jay Leno

“This is the worst thing to happen to beaches since the Speedo.” – Bill Maher

“The plan is to contain the oil slick with fire-retardant beams, and then set fire to the oil that pools on the surface. They say if it works there in the Gulf, they’re going to try it on the cast of Jersey Shore.” – Bill Maher

“They sent specialists down there to start a controlled fire on the ocean to burn the oil off. That’s how you know when things are bad, when the ocean on fire is an improvement.” – Jay Leno

“On this day in 1789, George Washington was sworn in as first president of the United States. He is the only president that has never blamed the problems of the country on the previous administration.” – David Letterman

“New Rule: Although America likes to think it’s #1, we have to admit we’re behind the developing world in at least one thing: Their religious wackos are a lot more wacko than ours. When “South Park” got threatened last week by Islamists incensed at their depiction of Mohammed, it served – or should – as a reminder to all of us that our culture isn’t just different than one that makes death threats to cartoonists. It’s better.” – Bill Maher

“And unlike the Koran, no one here seriously considers following the bible literally – guys don’t look over their fence on Sunday morning and see a neighbor mowing the lawn and think, “Working on a Sunday? I really should kill him.” – Bill Maher

“For centuries, you either joined the church or you were killed. Nowadays when a Jehovah’s Witness comes to the door, you turn the garden hose on them.” – Bill Maher

“Timothy Geithner has presented a new $100 bill. He wanted to show it to us before we send them all to China.” – David Letterman

“Stephen Hawking says that if we try to contact aliens from outer space, they may try to colonize the planet. Didn’t Starbucks already do that?” – David Letterman


If more businesses operated like Goldman Sachs

© Tom Tomorrow

Best summary of what happened with financial derivatives, EVAR!


Unserious about Alternative Energy?

© Ed Stein

Instead of “Drill, Baby Drill” conservatives should be chanting “Blow, Baby Blow”. Wind farms cost less to operate than coal or oil-fired plants, and as this comic points out it is difficult to imagine a major environmental catastrophe caused by a wind farm accident. Early concerns about birds being killed by wind turbines have been largely mitigated by placing wind farms away from bird migration routes, and newer turbines that use larger, slower-turning blades that are easier for birds to avoid.

Besides, drilling for oil is at best a short-term solution, since we will run out eventually. But the wind will never die.

Between wind and widespread use of low-cost solar panels, we have the technology to stop importing oil. Do we have the will?

UPDATE: Personally, I prefer more decentralized power generation. I really like this article about Sam’s Club and Walmart installing small wind turbines at their stores, in addition to solar installations and fuel cells.


Heckuva Lie, Brownie

Michael Brown, the crony appointment ex-FEMA director famous for his horribly botched response to Hurricane Katrina that cost hundreds of lives, object of the infamous “Heckuva job, Brownie” quote from Dubya, and for being removed from his job, is now an expert on oil spills according to Fox News. During the interview, Brown claims:

The delay was this: It’s pure politics. This president has never supported big oil, he’s never supported offshore drilling, and now he has an excuse to shut it back down.

And talking about the damage from the resulting oil slick, he added:

This is exactly what they want, because now [Obama] can pander to the environmentalists and say, ‘I’m gonna shut it down because it’s too dangerous.’

So according to Brown, Obama waited on purpose to respond to the oil spill in the Gulf, for political reasons. Despite plenty of evidence that there actually was no delay. Does this qualify him for hypocrite of the century?

© Left Wing Conspiracy


Gulf Seafood Special

© Clay Bennett


Late Night Political Humor

“John Edwards’s mistress, Rielle Hunter, was on ‘Oprah’ today. She told Oprah she did not believe that she played a central role in the breakup of the Edwardses’ marriage. Really? So, getting pregnant by a married guy, having his kid, that’s not what broke up the marriage? You know what broke it up? Fighting over the remote. I’m sure that’s what it was.” – Jay Leno

“Rielle Hunter appeared on ‘Oprah’ to discuss her love affair with John Edwards. Not to be outdone, next week, John Edwards is appearing to discuss his love affair with John Edwards.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Why is this woman on ‘Oprah’? Shouldn’t she be On ‘Maury Povich’? ‘John Edwards, you are the father!'” – Jay Leno

“And the world-renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking, you know that guy? He says in his documentary, aliens do exist, but he says it’s best we do not try to interact with them. In fact, he’s against giving them driver’s licenses.” – Jay Leno

“Well, as you know, Arizona has passed the strictest immigration law in the country, and in response, the mayor of San Francisco is pushing for a boycott of the state of Arizona. This could be devastating to gay rodeos.” – Jay Leno

“They’re not the only ones boycotting. Today, Mexican gangs are threatening to cut off the state’s drug supply.” – Jay Leno

“Former President George Bush is writing his memoir, and his wife, Laura Bush, also writing a book called, I believe, ‘From the Heart.’ And she talks about one time she and her husband, she believes when they were at a summit meeting in Germany, they were actually poisoned. That’s German food for you.” – David Letterman

“Publishers announced that former President George Bush’s book will be released Nov. 9. The book is called ‘Decision Points.’ The title is based on the fact whenever a decision needed to be made, Bush would point to Cheney.” – Jay Leno

“And because of that big oil rig fire down there in the Gulf of Mexico, it’s now leaking oil into the gulf at a rate of 210,000 gallons of oil a day. That is the equivalent of 10 buckets of fried chicken.” – Jay Leno

“There’s a show on CBS called ‘The Mentalist.’ It’s about a detective with heightened powers of observation. Let me give you an example of how good this guy is. This guy is so good, he can tell the difference between a Goldman Sachs executive that is a lying crook and a Goldman Sachs executive that’s a lying weasel. He’s that good.” – David Letterman

“And the White House’s top budget director — a man named Peter Orszag — warned that out-of-control deficits will mortgage our future to foreign creditors. Now, of course, people were stunned when they heard this. ‘What? The White House has a budget director? Where has he been?'” – Jay Leno

“And we have Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger here tonight. In fact, in a week from now, he’ll issue his annual Cinco de Mayo message. Well, see, that shows you how different California is. An Austrian governor who speaks English with a German accent congratulating Spanish-speaking people before they drive their Japanese cars to work in a factory owned by the Chinese.” – Jay Leno

“A man on a Delta flight from Paris to Atlanta claimed he had explosives in his luggage. Officials told the man it was a federal offense, while Delta told him he’d have to pay an extra $15 per carry-on bomb.” – Jimmy Fallon
