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What will they do with the country after they take it back?

© Tony Auth

© Bruce Beattie


Sticking to their Guns

The National Rifle Association held their national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. What’s somewhat ironic is that it is illegal to carry weapons (either open or concealed) in the convention center there. So the NRA is promoting the right to carry guns (almost) anywhere, but you can’t carry guns at their own convention. They are even using a metal detector to make sure people aren’t carrying guns.

But what I found very interesting is how reasonable the NRA members were about this ban. Progressive blog Think Progress sent a reporter to the convention and asked attendees how they felt about not being allowed to carry guns, and instead of being all “up in arms” about it, here are the responses they received:

TP: You don’t have a problem with not bringing firearms here?

NRA MEMBER1: Not really. It’s up to the individual place of business. It’s their right to do as they choose. It’s my right to choose not to come in if I choose not to do so.

NRA MEMBER2: I understand it. I think most people carry a gun for self defense. In a place like this, I’ve seen enough police presence around here I don’t think that there would be much of a problem.

NRA MEMBER3: Whether I truly agree with it or not, no I don’t, because again I say it’s an infringement on my rights. But I understand, like you said, they have to have a facility to hold this convention. This is a rule they have so we’re willing to abide by it.

The NRA itself points out that there are very few convention facilities in the country that allow firearms, so they are just being practical.


How many of you guessed that this would happen?

Just two years ago, Arizona needed workers. How long before they decide they need to go easier on illegals again?


Danger! Danger! Republican Robinson!

© Clay Bennett

Be careful what you start!


If Obama Holds a Press Conference, and Fox Doesn’t Cover It, It Didn’t Happen!

The Fox Nation website claims that Obama hasn’t held a press conference since July 2009, and that he is hiding from the media. The same claim was made by Newsmax.

But Media Matters points out that Obama has held two full press conferences this year, one on February 9 and another on April 13, where he answered questions from the media. He has also had numerous other press availabilities.

What makes this hypocritical is that Fox News declined to cover the press conference back in July 2009, in a spat because Obama didn’t call on their reporter in a previous news conference. Fox was the first broadcast network to ever refuse to cover a presidential press conference. They showed “So You Think You Can Dance” instead. They also refused to cover the one in April 2010.

But never content to be merely hypocritical, starting in July 2009, in at least six separate programs, Fox News accused Obama of being overexposed because he was appearing on TV too often.

So which is it? Is Obama hiding from the media, or is he overexposed? I do have to admit that it is truly remarkable how Fox News manages to attack Obama, no matter what he does.


If you can’t be right, be neo-right!

© Ruben Bolling

This is brilliant. In a non-reality-based frame, you never have to be wrong again!


Terminology Termination

© Matt Bors

I find the way corporations use words to be very ironic.

Several people have pointed out that in order for something to be called a “spill”, whatever is spilling must have been contained beforehand. The Exxon Valdez was a spill, because the oil was contained in a tanker before it was spilled. In a spill, there is a maximum amount of oil that can be released accidentally. But the leak from the BP oil rig explosion, which happened one month ago, could go on for a very long time.


Late Night Political Humor

“Scientists say they have developed a car that can run on water. The only catch is, the water has to come from the Gulf of Mexico.” – Jay Leno

“Have you folks heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Here’s what they’re doing now. They got a one-mile-long suction hose. It was flown down to the gulf on Friday by Superman.” – David Letterman

“And what they’re going to do is they’re going to suck all of that oil that’s leaking into the gulf and pump it up into a tanker. Now the bad news is the tanker is the Exxon Valdez.” – David Letterman

“British Petroleum is starting to get a little defensive. Have you heard their new slogan? ‘Yeah, like you never spilled anything before.'” – Jay Leno

“In a new interview, BP’s CEO said that the Gulf Coast oil spill is relatively tiny compared to the ‘very big ocean.’ That’s like telling someone who’s just been shot not to worry about the bullet because they’re really, really fat.” – Jimmy Fallon

“For the first time ever, an Arab-American woman has been named Miss U.S.A. Her name is Rima Fakih from Dearborn, Mich. She says she hopes winning this title will finally help get her name off the no-fly list.” – Jay Leno

“Did you see the new Miss U.S.A. pageant over the weekend. Miss Michigan won. Congratulations to Miss Michigan. And, well, it gets better. John McCain has already selected her as his 2012 running mate.” – David Letterman

“Sadly, Miss Arizona could not be there. She was being detained by the authorities.” – David Letterman

“Arizona may lose its hockey team. Apparently, here’s what happened. Authorities became suspicious that some of the players were Canadian.” – David Letterman

“Well, at a rally in Arizona this weekend, Sarah Palin said, ‘We’re all Arizonans now’ — at which point, every immigrant in Arizona was like, ‘So, we can stay?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin and President Bush have new books coming out this fall. You know what that means? This could plunge America into a huge crayon shortage.” – Jay Leno

“Detroit Mayor Dave Bing has begun to make the city more livable by demolishing 10,000 vacant homes. This will break the record for destroying homes, currently held by Countrywide Mortgage.” – Jay Leno

“A woman in Texas was arrested for shooting at a census worker who wouldn’t leave her property. The census worker was pretty committed to her job, though. Even as she was being fired at, she was like, ‘Is that your only firearm? Do you share it with a loved one, a spouse, or a common-law partner?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We have as a guest tonight Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I’m going to ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind: ‘As a bishop, do you always have to move diagonally?'” – Craig Ferguson

“Desmond Tutu is from South Africa, which I think is a fantastic name for a country, because it tells you exactly where it is.” – Craig Ferguson


Not Drinking the Kool-Aid

© Joel Pett

If Tuesday’s election proved anything, it is that Tea Party anger, although mostly fostered and funded by Republicans, can definitely cause blow-back.


Don’t Drunk Dial FreedomWorks

Lance Baxter was fired from his job as spokesman for Geico insurance company after he drunk dialed the Tea Party group FreedomWorks and left a rude and offensive message on their answering machine. The message was subsequently spread around the internet.

Now that he has more time on his hands, he produced this humorous video.


Late Night Political Humor

“Does anyone here remember the Gulf of Mexico? Well, it’s gone.” – David Letterman

“President Obama said he’s angry and frustrated with the oil spill in the Gulf and the oil companies behind it. He said he’s tired of all the finger-pointing — then he blamed the Bush administration for everything.” – Jay Leno

“We’re still dropping things on it. This is like if your toilet over-flowed and you tried to fix it by smashing it with a brick. Their next idea is to get the old lady from Titanic and she’s going to throw her jewelry at it.” – Bill Maher

“This has not been a good day if you’re a BP stockholder with playoff tickets for game seven with the Cavaliers.” – Jay Leno

“The oil company said it was the rig company’s fault. The rig company said it was Halliburton. And somehow, each time they passed the blame, Goldman Sachs made a hundred million dollars.” – Bill Maher

“Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has never argued in a court before. But being from New York, she’s argued in delis, cabs, airports, etc.” – David Letterman

“She apparently was so motivated to be on the Supreme Court that there are pictures of her in her high school yearbook wearing judge’s robes. I mean, there are some people who say it’s weird to know what you want that early in life. I disagree. Because there are pictures of me in my high school yearbook where I am completely high.” – Bill Maher

“Elena Kagan is very smart. For instance, she knew back in the ’90s that Ricky Martin was gay.” – David Letterman

“Phoenix, Ariz. is getting its first-ever Hispanic bishop. He will be appointed July 19, and then deported July 20.” – Jay Leno

“Nancy Pelosi told Catholic leaders they need to support the Democratic version of immigration reform, and to preach it from the pulpit. She would have said more but she had to leave to attend a rally for the separation of church and state.” – Jay Leno

“They passed a bill … banning public schools now from offering any courses in ethnic studies. It’s funny, you know, they never say they’re targeting Mexicans specifically, but I think we get that idea. Today they passed a bill that said beans can only be fried once.” – Bill Maher

“[Rev. George Rekers] said, ‘I have not engaged in any homosexual behavior whatsoever.’ But you know what dude, when you go to a website called, which he did, and that website says, ‘For the tightest asses on the internet, click here’ -– and then you click there -– I think that’s homosexual behavior.” – Bill Maher

“Just in time for Christmas, the queen of ‘Drill Baby Drill,’ Sarah Palin, has a new book out. It was announced this week. It’s called, America By Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag. And for Sarah, that’s two books in two years, or as she calls it, her trilogy.” – Bill Maher

“‘Robin Hood’ opens this weekend. Robin Hood is famous for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, which made him a folk hero in 12th century England. Nowadays, we call that sort of thing ‘communism.’ If someone was stealing from the rich and giving to the poor in America, Glenn Beck would go insane — more insane.” – Craig Ferguson


The Politics of Anyone Named John

A tidbit in Electoral-Vote yesterday had me laughing:

Special Election for Murtha’s Seat Today

When Rep. John Murtha died earlier this year, that triggered a special election for his seat that will be held today. PA-12 is a swing district (R+1) and is the only district in the country that voted for both John Kerry in 2004 and John McCain in 2008. Clearly they like people named John there, but neither the Democrat, Mark Critz, nor the Republican, Tim Burns, is named John, so it could go either way.

What was so funny? Well, the idea that people in a district would vote for someone just because their first name is John may sound ridiculous, but it is closer to reality than many people might want to admit.

Tuesday was also an election day where I live. We have “vote by mail” here, which I dearly love. My wife and I sat down more than a week ago, went over all the candidates and issues, and decided relatively carefully for whom to vote. She and I are both politically aware (no, we don’t always vote the same way), and probably spend far more time educating ourselves before voting than most.

And yet, for the long list of candidates and issues to consider, I have to confess that some votes came down to things of the same importance as whether their first name was John. Perhaps we didn’t like their photo in the voter’s guide. Or one of us didn’t like some of the companies they had worked for. Or they were endorsed by someone we either liked or didn’t like. Or someone we knew had made a comment in favor of some candidate, but we can’t even remember who made the comment or why.

The sad truth about democracy is that elections are often decided by trivial things. Indeed, how often has the predicted outcome of an election been overturned because bad weather suppressed voter turnout?

So just how did we manage to elect someone with the name “Barack Hussain Obama”? I have no idea. But if the economy hadn’t suddenly tanked in 2008, the election might have gone very differently the next year.


To Do What?

© Joel Pett


Late Night Political Humor

“According to the top people in the petroleum industry, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will not affect gas prices. They said, ‘They were going up anyway.'” – Jay Leno

“According to a recent survey, one in eight people say they will not buy gas from BP anymore. Unless, of course, it’s cheaper than the station across the street.” – Jay Leno

“Tar balls have started washing ashore in Louisiana. Meanwhile, the slime balls that started the whole thing are still in Washington.” – Jay Leno

“They got a new prime minister in Great Britain. Name is David Cameron, and he has pledged to protect the country from terrorism. So today, he met with the nation’s top T-shirt vendors. ” – David Letterman

“So Gordon Brown is out. The election was delayed for like a week or 10 days because Al Gore demanded a recount.” – David Letterman

“Officials in the U.S. Treasury are complaining that some Mideast countries like Kuwait are not cooperating and shutting down the flow of money to Al Qaeda. Correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t we liberate Kuwait? Now they don’t want to help us. Who do they think they are? France?” – Jay Leno

“And it looks like we may be getting a new Supreme Court justice from New York City. Her name is Elena Kagan. And she’s apparently very, very smart. Here’s how smart she is: The woman actually understands New York City parking signs.” – David Letterman

“At a stop in Buffalo today, a woman walked up to President Obama and said, ‘You’re a hottie with a smokin’ little body.’ I’ll tell you, Betty White is out of control.” – Jay Leno

“And the Senate this week voted to toughen the standards for home loans. Under the new standards, lenders would have to verify that the borrowers can repay the loan. Really? Is that considered a tough stance now? You have to pay back the loan? Borrow money from the mob sometime. They break your legs. Those are tough standards, okay?” – Jay Leno

“The Los Angeles City Council voted to boycott Arizona to protest the new anti-immigration law. The council vote wasn’t even close. The council voted, trece to uno.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin coming out with a second book in November, which is pretty impressive. This book was written almost as fast as the first book she didn’t write.” – Jay Leno

“The state of Hawaii passed a new law allowing the state government to ignore requests for President Obama’s birth certificate from the ‘Birthers.’ From now on, every future president should be required to be born on camera and in front of a national landmark.’ – Jimmy Kimmel


The Truth About How We Get Oil

via Fake Science
