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Diebold Can’t Even Count Their Own Money Properly

Last Wednesday Diebold agreed to pay $25 million in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for fraudulently manipulating its earnings to meet financial forecasts. But the SEC is pursuing additional fraud charges against three former executives, including their chief financial officer, controller and finance chief, and the director of corporate accounting.

Some of you may remember Diebold as one of the villains in the whole electronic voting mess a few years ago. Last year, they sold their voting machine businesses to Election Systems & Software, but the current SEC charges cover violations incurred during the same time that Diebold was defending itself against massive irregularities in their voting machines.

What Diebold was doing was using illegal accounting practices to make their revenues look larger than they actually were, in order to inflate their stock price. This in turn defrauded their investors. But what I found interesting was how they did it. The company distributed internal reports called “flash reports” that compared actual earnings to Wall Street analysts’ forecasts, and then employed a smorgasbord of fraudulent accounting practices in order to make their real earnings look like their desired earnings. And they did this year after year.

Does this sound similar to figuring out how you want an election to turn out, and then fixing the numbers so that the actual vote looks like the desired vote?

According to the SEC, the illegal accounting inflated Diebold’s reported earnings by at least $127 million, which makes the $25 million penalty look paltry.

Oh, and if you’re glad that Diebold is no longer in the voting machine business, just remember that they make most of the ATMs you use to get cash.

© M.e. Cohen


In A Sane World …

© Ted Rall

What is it with the current rash of politicians who are overstating their military careers? And did you notice that Fox News was all over Richard Blumenthal’s gaffe about his military service, but hardly gave any coverage at all to the similar gaffe from Mark Kirk (Blumenthal is a Dem, but Kirk is GOP). You might expect that from Fox, but CNN ran 11 segments on Blumenthal, and none (that’s right, none) about Kirk.

UPDATE: Kirk lies again about his military record. When will politicians learn that everything they say is recorded somewhere on YouTube? Of course, I guess it doesn’t matter if the mainstream media ignore the lies. In the same interview, Kirk tries to explain how he got the facts wrong by saying “I simply misremembered it wrong.”


Concealed Weapon Fast Lane for Lobbyists

This is one of those stories that is either a great example of American ingenuity, or crazy beyond belief. Oh well, that’s Texas for you.

Visitors to the state capitol in Austin, Texas are now required to pass through security, including metal detectors and inspections of purses, briefcases, and other bags. This is sometimes causing long delays, especially when busloads of schoolchildren are touring the building. But as usual, lobbyists have found a loophole to speed their way into the capitol. The law exempts lawmakers, state employees, and — strangely enough — any Texan with a concealed handgun license. Those people get to go through an express lane.

According to lobbyist (and former state legislator) Pat Haggerty:

Every lobbyist in Texas is going to become a card-carrying member or a gun-carrying member. We’re going to have more damn guns in here than we know what to do with. And there are some lobbyists I don’t know whether I’d trust — or trust myself if they’re around. It would certainly be a good way to do away with the competition.

But you don’t actually have to be carrying a gun to get into the fast lane, you only have to have your concealed weapon permit.

Another lobbyist, Bill Miller, arranged for his office colleagues to take an day-long training class to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. According to Miller:

Nobody I know is getting it for purposes of a gun. They are getting it strictly for purposes of expediency. … Not that I have anything against schoolchildren, but when you need to be at the Capitol, you need to be at the Capitol. You don’t need to be standing in the line. It’s hard enough to get people to talk to you, and they’re not going to talk to you if you are standing in line with a bunch of kids.

Many of the lobbyists getting a concealed weapon permit don’t even own a gun.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Gulf oil spill, now officially the worst in U.S. history. In fact, they’re calling this the biggest environmental disaster since the State of New Jersey.” – Jay Leno

“Today, President Obama flew to Louisiana to see the gulf cleanup effort firsthand. And it was just like President Bush’s trip to Louisiana, except Obama actually landed.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The president finally arrived on the Gulf Coast today to survey the damage. I thought this was telling, while he was there, FEMA arrived for Katrina. … And George Bush saw him on TV. He called him up and said, ‘You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie.'” – Bill Maher

“Obama called the Gulf Coast oil spill ‘an assault on our shores.’ And then he said the same thing about fat dudes in Speedos.” – Jimmy Fallon

“As you know, we’re right in the middle of a process called ‘top kill.’ Doesn’t it sound like some bad Steven Seagal movie from the ’80s?” – Jay Leno

“BP says if ‘top kill’ fails, they’ll try something called the ‘junk shot.’ Hey, worked last night for the Lakers.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin weighed in on her Facebook page. She demanded that Obama ‘plug the damn hole.’ You first, Sarah.” – Bill Maher

“It’s been a rough day in the stock market. It’s so bad, today, President Obama had to lay off two teleprompters.” – Jay Leno

“A new study found that the average person has lost an hour of sleep at night during the recession. Luckily, most of them can just sleep in late the next day.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The economy is so bad, Joe Biden had to cash in his swear jar.” – Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, I saw the governor of Arizona eating at Taco Bell.” – Jay Leno

“This is a crazy story. An American adventurist strapped himself to a bunch of helium balloons and floated from England to France. Immediately afterward, people in Mexico asked, ‘Exactly how many balloons?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, there’s a big new scandal going on. Have you heard about this? Republicans are now saying that President Obama had Bill Clinton offer a job to Pennsylvania’s Joe Sestak in exchange for dropping out of the Pennsylvania Senate race against Arlen Specter. It’s kind of complicated. But if it’s true, it’s an impeachable offense. That’s what they’re saying. They’re comparing it to the Clinton impeachment. Close, but no cigar.” – Jay Leno


Worst Case Scenario / Best Case for Media

© Randall Munroe


Greta Van Susteren Proves She Doesn’t Understand How the Web Works

You know, when you give political opinions in public, people are going to disagree with you and some of them are even going to throw personal insults at you. Even I, Iron Knee, get some email like that (yes, I know it is hard to believe). But apparently Fox News host Greta Van Susteren has a particularly thin skin.

A little over a week ago, Van Susteren received an email from someone she would only name as “Brian”. Among other things, Brian said “Your brain is empty. … Matter of fact, it is so empty, if you put a pea in your skull it would rattle around like a BB in a boxcar.” I mean, wow, what a devastating insult … not.

Rather than just ignore it like the rest of us do, Van Susteren decided to seek revenge on the innertubes, so she posted a reader poll asking “Who is dumber? Greta? Or Brian for spending his time watching someone he thinks is dumb.”

Apparently either Van Susteren doesn’t have many supporters or she just doesn’t understand how much the internet loves to pile on, but by the close of polling, fully 78% of the vote said that Greta was dumber. Of course, that’s only 43,335 people who think that Greta is dumb. Just think of the result if it had been more widely publicized.

I guess Van Susteren can take some solace. At least she didn’t do what Fox News host Clayton Morris did last Friday, when he read unrevised cue cards — not once but twice — and referred to himself as co-host Steve Doocy. Now that’s dumb.


When Even “Let me see your papers” Isn’t Enough

So, curious what could possibly go wrong with Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigrant law? Don’t think it will be used to discriminate against Mexicans (or people who look like Mexicans)?

Consider the recent case of Eduardo Caraballo. Caraballo was held for three days by federal immigration authorities in Chicago, was told that he was an illegal immigrant and that he was going to be deported.

The only problem? Caraballo is a US citizen. He was born in Puerto Rico (yes, Puerto Rico is part of the US, in case you don’t know that). He showed authorities his Illinois state-issued ID, but that wasn’t enough. His mother even brought in his birth certificate and his social security card, but they didn’t like that either. They finally released him, but only after his mother contacted Representative Luis Gutierrez.

According to Caraballo, officers asked him specific questions about Puerto Rico, which he couldn’t answer since he left there when he was eight months old. Apparently they thought his official papers were fake.

So, does anyone think that something like this would ever happen to someone who wasn’t hispanic?

© Matt Bors


You don’t have the right to remain silent if you remain silent

The Supreme Court ruled today that in order to exercise your right to remain silent, you have to explicitly tell the police that you are invoking that right. It isn’t good enough to just remain silent.

As dissenting justice Sonia Sotomayor put it, this decision turns the famous Miranda rights upside down. “Criminal suspects must now unambiguously invoke their right to remain silent — which counterintuitively, requires them to speak. At the same time, suspects will be legally presumed to have waived their rights even if they have given no clear expression of their intent to do so.”

What’s next on the Supreme’s agenda? You only get due process of law if you ask for it? You have to label all of your possessions — your car, your home, your camera, your mobile — “private property” or else the government can take them away from you? The police can search your house when you’re not home unless you have signs telling them not to? The government can establish a religion unless you tell them you don’t want it? The government can use cruel and unusual punishment, unless you ask them to be nice?


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, folks, here’s the latest update. I guess this is good news. BP officials say the ‘top kill’ plan is working. The bad news — BP officials are a bunch of lying weasels.” – Jay Leno

“A new poll found that 43 percent of Americans think President Obama is doing a good job at handling the BP oil spill. Of course, the same poll found that 43 percent of Americans hate pelicans.” – Jimmy Fallon

“British Petroleum is still trying to minimize the PR damage. You know what they said today? They said all the oil that spilled this month is on the house. No charge.” – Jay Leno

“And today at a press conference, Obama said that the government does not have better technology than BP. That’s a nice thing to announce to the world, that our government has fewer resources than a company that tried to plug a hole with a ‘top hat.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama looked pretty mad, if you watched his press conference today. President Obama said the head the Federal agency in charge of regulating the oil company is no longer there, but he didn’t know if she resigned or if she was fired. Didn’t know if she resigned or was fired. I got a better idea. How about arrested? Let’s try that.” – Jay Leno

“In fact, President Obama fired the head of the Mineral Management Services, because of lack of oversight of offshore oil rigs. It’s got to be tough finding another job after that. It’s like, ‘I see you were head of the department in charge of preventing oil spills? And this was during the huge oil spill?’ ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ ‘You may not be Wendy’s material.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And a new study shows that fathers can suffer a form of postpartum depression after their child is born, especially if they’re John Edwards.” – Jay Leno


Modern American Discourse, Part 2

A reader pointed me to this comic from ten years ago, which makes make a similar point to the cartoon I posted yesterday:

© Scott Pilgrim


Another Hole to Plug

© Brian Fairrington

During Obama’s press conference on the Gulf oil catastrophe, he remarked that his daughter Malia had asked him “Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?”

But apparently that remark unleashed another gusher. Glenn Beck went on the attack, making fun of her for the remark, questioning her education, and even bringing race into the mocking, pretending to be Malia asking Obama “Why do you hate black people so much?” and “Daddy you’re a puppet”.

Of course, just two days earlier when talking about Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol, Beck said that the media should leave the families of politicians alone. But that didn’t stop him from a hypocritical full force attack on Obama’s daughter

I don’t know if he realized his mistake, or if Fox News is keeping him on a shorter leash now that his ratings are dropping, but Beck later apologized for attacking Malia.


Late Night Political Humor

“Earlier today, British Petroleum began this operation known as ‘top kill,’ which comes on the heels of their previous operations, ‘fish kill’ and ‘bird kill.'” – Jay Leno

“And now, here’s something that’s going to get a lot of people upset. It turns out according to a report by the Interior Department Inspector General, employees of the Federal agency that inspects these offshore oil rigs accepted gifts from the oil companies. And you know who arranged the payoffs? Fergie.” – Jay Leno

“According to a White House report, President Obama becoming more and more frustrated by this whole oil leak thing. He lost his temper today. He reportedly yelled at people, ‘Plug the damn hole!’ That’s the same thing he says whenever Joe Biden starts talking.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama announced yesterday he plans to send 1,200 troops to the U.S.-Mexican border. You know who we should hire to protect our border? It’s so simple. Mexicans. They want jobs, they’re there already.” – Jay Leno

“Last night was the finale of ‘Dancing With the Stars’ and Kate Gosselin made an appearance. I don’t want to say it was bad, but this morning, the Pakistani Taliban took credit for it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, Memorial Day weekend is ahead. I know it’s only Wednesday, but you want to get a jump on being stuck at the airport for 24 hours.” – David Letterman

“Memorial Day is the day we honor military heroes with a mattress blowout sale at Sleepy’s.” – David Letterman


Modern American Discourse

This would have been more apropos during the health care debate, but it actually applies to almost every modern issue, including the environment (global warming, pollution, energy), gay rights, and immigration.

© Barry Deutsch


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, today is National Tap Dancing Day. Yes, this is the day we honor BP executives trying to explain the gulf oil disaster.” – Jay Leno

“BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake BP account that is mocking the oil company. In response, Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that’s ruining the ocean.” – Jimmy Fallon

“One of the big gambling Web sites published odds on what species would be the first to become extinct from the oil spill. Unbelievable. You know the odds-on favorite? Democrat.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin has now weighed in on the gulf oil spill. Finally, the voice of reason.” – Jay Leno

“She said that President Obama should grasp the complexity of the situation. Sarah Palin giving advice on complexity. What, was Snooki from ‘Jersey Shore’ unavailable?” – Jay Leno

“Oh man, and the stock market. Another bad day. The market is so bad, BP had to lay off 15 senators.” – Jay Leno

“Ladies and gentlemen, this week is the 25th anniversary of Fleet Week, which is early this year, because the people in the Navy and the Coast Guard all wanted to get to the harbor before the oil slick did.” – David Letterman

“The White House is backing a new plan to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ They want to relax the harsh standard and implement their new policy, ‘Just Try To Not Make It Super Obvious.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And over the weekend, at the Shanghai World Expo, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton passed out teddy bears to Chinese children. The kids politely accepted the bears even though, you know, they made them.” – Jay Leno

“In Idaho, Republican Congressional candidate Vaughn Ward is in trouble after he was caught plagiarizing a famous speech by Barack Obama. When they asked this guy if he thought he could get away with this, you know what he said? ‘Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!'” – Jay Leno

“I heard that Paul McCartney invited the Jonas Brothers to his tribute at the White House next Wednesday because he thinks of them as the next Beatles. The Jonases were like, ‘Oh, man, that is so nice of you — who are the Beatles?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Will BP Charge Wildlife for All That Free Oil?

© Ruben Bolling
