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Jews fleeing Israel for Poland, Germany

[I’m reposting this from Bullseye Rooster, in honor of Helen Thomas. © Fred Wickham]

Nearly eighty years after displacement from their historic early 20th century homeland, Israelites are returning to Europe. From the air, impossibly long lines of Priuses, motorbikes, and tour-buses can be seen carrying the Jews through the desert into Syria. From there, they travel up through Turkey, across the Dardenelles into Greece, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, and finally into Poland and Germany. There, they trade their heirlooms for Euros and try to settle into newly rented and remodeled condos and apartments.

It is not easy for the Europeans. Few of them are eager to step aside and allow the Jews into their boating clubs, hunting lodges, and even their town squares. But as always, in the hands of this clever race of people, the Euros work their magic.

Will things work out? Maybe for a few short centuries, but the Jews will move on. All of this, of course, has been prophesied in “The Protocols of the Elder, Helen Thomas.” Her protocols outline, in grim detail, how these people destroy civilization. They steal children, clip their toenails, and plant the parings in fields from which extra-dimensional entities spring up and devour the gentiles.


Late Night Political Humor

“The oil spill is getting bad. There is so much oil and tar now in the Gulf of Mexico, Cubans can now walk to Miami.” – David Letterman

“B.P.’s CEO Tony Hayward said yesterday that he will not step down over the gulf oil coast spill. Yeah, he said, ‘I mean, it’s not like I let one of the biggest ecological disasters in history happen. Oh, I did? Well, at least my first attempt at cleaning it up worked.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“How about this BP — this BP CEO, what’s his name? Tony Haywire? This guy, oh, man. Making Wile E. Coyote look like a genius, isn’t he?” – Jay Leno

“Even though he’s not stepping down, Tony Hayward is handing over responsibility to the cleanup to an American named Bob Dudley. There’s a name that gives me confidence. It sounds like a sitcom character who’s always messing everything up.” – Jimmy Fallon

“James Cameron has volunteered to go down to the Gulf of Mexico and consult. I love it when a guy who’s an expert in fake disasters gets involved. And if that doesn’t work, they’re going to contact Superman and he’s going to weld the pipe with his X-ray vision.” – David Letterman

“According to BP, this containment cap is now capturing, they’re capturing 10,000 barrels of oil a day. Which is amazing, considering they said it was only leaking 1,000 barrels a day.” – Jay Leno

“BP officials are now saying the campaign to clean it up could last until fall. That’s why they call it a campaign. You know why it’s called a campaign? Because it’s like an election. It’s dirty, it’s slimy, it never seems to end.” – Jay Leno

“BP — they are spending $50 million on an advertisement budget to try and put a PR spin on this whole thing. Like, you hear what they said today? This is unbelievable. They said fishermen down there are catching tuna that are getting 35 miles per gallon.” – Jay Leno

“Using electron microscopes, scientists have now discovered the slowest moving thing on Earth. Turns out, it’s the White House responding to the oil spill.” – Jay Leno

“Today, President Obama spoke at Kalamazoo’s central high school graduation ceremony in Michigan. He told the students they could be anything they want to be, but if they could be oil leak experts, that could be great.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Al Gore and his wife, longtime married couple, are separating. Tipper Gore. And they may get a divorce. Apparently what happened, they experienced global cooling.” – David Letterman

“ABC just announced who’s going to be the next contestant on ‘The Bachelor.’ Surprisingly, Al Gore.” – Jay Leno

“Were you sad to learn that Al Gore and his wife, Tipper — I was. I was a little sad about that. Yeah, according to the report, the two are ‘separating amicably after a long process of careful consideration.’ You know, even his divorce is boring.” – Jay Leno

“Would you have ever guessed that Bill and Hillary would turn out to be Washington’s happiest married couple?” – Jay Leno

“Rush Limbaugh got married over the weekend. This is actually his fourth marriage; he blames the first three breakups on Obama.” – Craig Ferguson

“Rush Limbaugh got married for the fourth time on Saturday. He’s 59; she’s 33. So, I’m doing the math. That means when she’s 40, he’ll be on wife No. 7.” – Jay Leno

“Here now the official Rush Limbaugh wedding announcement. Rush Limbaugh wed Kathryn Rogers in a quiet Florida ceremony on Saturday. The bridegroom is a controversial radio host and an influential opinion leader in the conservative movement in the United States. The bride is clearly insane.” – David Letterman

“Congratulations to Rush Limbaugh, who got married for the fourth time on Saturday. It was so romantic — so romantic. First, the couple wrote their own vows and then they wrote their own prescriptions.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know who sang at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding? Elton John! According to Rush, gay people can sing at weddings. Just not their own.” – Craig Ferguson

“Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas has just resigned after she said Israelis should get quote, ‘get the hell out of Palestine.’ Thomas hasn’t been in this much trouble since she told President Lincoln to stop whining and put a band-aid on it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“White House reporter Helen Thomas is retiring after making some quite controversial comments about Israel. She said Jews should leave the Middle East and go back to where they came from. The problem is that’s where they came from.” – Jay Leno

“They nabbed a couple of terrorists right here at JFK. And these guys have been training to become terrorists. They go to JFK, and they are boarding separate flights and they are going to go to Egypt and meet some buddies of theirs in Somalia. And I said well, no red flags there.” – David Letterman

“To give you an idea now the level, the quality of training that the terrorists are getting: These two guys trained every weekend to become terrorists by playing paint ball. If they got really good at paint ball, Al Qaeda would let them plant a bomb in a go-kart.” – David Letterman

“It was just announced that President Obama is going to visit India this November in response to Prime Minister Singh’s invitation. So, mostly, he’s going over there to visit our jobs.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week, Vice President Joe Biden is on the first leg of his African tour which includes visits to Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. The second leg of the tour will be when he goes back to all of the countries to apologize for everything he said during the first leg.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new study shows that language programs in U.S. schools are lagging behind. Not enough kids are learning foreign languages in America. In fact, here in LA, the schools have cut foreign language classes completely. Did you know that? Everyone just speaks Spanish now.” – Jay Leno

“With e-mails and texting and Twitter, we don’t use paper anymore. We’re become a paperless society, except perhaps in Arizona.” – Craig Ferguson


Sometimes You Kick the Ass, Sometimes the Ass Kicks You

Jon Stewart takes Obama to task:


Goodbye Helen Thomas, I’ll Miss You

I know that people were offended by the comments that Helen Thomas made about Israel, but even the Jewish side of me thinks they weren’t that bad. And she did apologize. So to lose her job over it? Why Helen Thomas, and not Rush Limbaugh?

© Glenn McCoy

Personally, I like the idea of moving Israel to Baja California. Perfect solution to a seemingly intractable problem.


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Keep

© Ruben Bolling

Because … we have to give South Beach to someone.


Late Night Political Humor

“After 40 years, Al and Tipper Gore have split up. Nobody knows why, but there is a rumor today that Al came home early last week and found another man’s carbon footprints.” – Bill Maher

“They could tell he was lonely as of late because when he’d hug a tree, he’d linger.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: Al and Tipper Gore can’t split up the same week as Heidi breaks up with Spencer. Unless they swap. Al and Heidi would be perfect together. He won the popular vote but lost the election, and she can’t count. He wants to change the world and she can’t move her face.” – Bill Maher

“Rush Limbaugh is getting married this weekend for the fourth time … It’s a traditional wedding. Well, not that traditional. They say instead of throwing rice, throw Vicodin.” – Bill Maher

“Sir Paul McCartney played at the White House last night. He dedicated the Beatles song ‘Michelle’ to the First Lady. Isn’t that lovely? And then for Joe Biden, he played ‘Fool on the Hill.'” – Craig Ferguson

“A very romantic moment at the White House yesterday. Did you see Paul McCartney? He sang Michelle to Michelle Obama. That went over great. But then his other choice of songs, in light of what’s going on with the President, he sang, ‘Fixing a Hole’, ‘Octopus’ Garden’, ‘Yellow Submarine.'” – Bill Maher

“BP was kind of bragging about it today … the top hat. Oh yeah, they put a top hat on it, was collecting about 6% of the oil. Yes, they found a solution that stops as much oil as the margin of error. It lets 94% of the oil through. It was built by the same people who built the Mexican border fence.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama today met with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to talk about illegal immigration. Governor Brewer surprised everyone in this meeting by having the President deported.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They came out with this jobs report. This is terrible, all the new jobs it turns out are Census jobs, temporary Census jobs. The bright side: Those skill you learn as a Census taker going door to door, could launch a lucrative career as a Jehovah’s Witness.” – Bill Maher

“The alarming thing is that the numbers say that a lot of people have just given up looking for work entirely. And Obama tried to lift people’s spirits today. He said, ‘It could be worse, you could be a pelican.'” – Bill Maher

“People want (Obama) to be madder. His press secretary said he was enraged today. He was on Larry King, last night, and he said, “I am furious.’ He said ‘I am so angry, I have asked Rahm Emanuel to unleash a string of obscenities on my behalf.'” – Bill Maher


Cleaning Up Their Own Mess

© Mike Thompson


Isn’t it refreshing to have an administration that can think outside of the box?

The Washington Post has an interesting comment about an usual approach to help solve the massive oil spill in the gulf, which actually worked!

Obama has also called in some of the many scientists on the federal payroll, led by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Chu at one point pushed the unusual idea of using gamma rays to peer into the blowout preventer to determine if its valves were closed, a technique he experimented with in graduate school while studying radioactive decay.

The suggestion at first elicited snickering and “Incredible Hulk” jokes. Then they tried it, and it worked. “They weren’t hot on his ideas,” a senior White House official said of BP’s initial reaction to Chu’s suggestions. “Now they are.”


Corruption 2.0

I don’t know if this is ironic or just novel, but former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is using Twitter to tweet during his federal corruption trial. You too can follow along with governorrod! Too bad the prosecution isn’t also tweeting their case, so we can have a full micro-blogging court of public opinion.

His first tweet? “I am innocent and look forward to clearing my name.”

Just a few months ago Blagojevich was “fired” by Donald Trump, because he couldn’t figure out how to send a text message. In the past he has admitted to having trouble using cell phones. I guess he has learned his lesson.

UPDATE: The Judge has banned Blagojevich from tweeting in court.


How elections are won … subverting the will of the people

Progressives are trying to unseat conservative Democrat Blanche Lincoln in the primary runoff in Arkansas (Lincoln was one of the major obstacles standing in the way of better health care reform). And indeed, a recent survey shows Bill Halter ahead of Lincoln 49 to 45%. But now all that is in doubt. Why?

Garland County, which was the most populous county where Bill Halter won 3 weeks ago in the primary, has announced that instead of having their normal 42 polling places, will have only 2 open. In the primary, Halter got heavy support from rural voters, but now those voters will have to travel miles — some even across a mountain range — into a city in order to vote in the runoff on Tuesday. Many of them work and won’t be able to get enough time off to go vote.

Just to make matters worse the county announced that it would allow early voting on Saturday (yesterday), and this was reported by local newspapers and other media, so people who couldn’t get time off on a work day would still have a chance to vote. But when voters showed up at the county office to vote, there was a sign on the door saying that there would be no early voting that day after all — after it had already been publicized. So some people already made a wasted trip in order to try to vote. How many of them will make additional effort, just to vote in a runoff primary election?

I’m willing to bet not many. Such is the way elections are decided in America.

UPDATE: It worked. Blanche Lincoln won the runoff.


Big Government

© Jim Morin

No, the other hole!

Isn’t it interesting how many Gulf state Republicans are anti-big government — until they need its help? … You know what they say: a Republican is just a Democrat who hasn’t been the victim of a catastrophic oil spill yet.


Who Says BP Doesn’t Have A Plan?

© Walt Handelsman

This makes as much sense as anything I’ve actually heard from BP.


“I am not a racist, but …”

Why is it that racists always start sentences with “I am not a racist, but …”? Are they really in denial or are they just lying? And they almost always follow up with some comment about being “very good friends” with some member of the minority in question.

Arizona is making racist news again. This time, it is because of a mural painted at Miller Valley Elementary School in Prescott. The mural depicts actual students at the school, but the main figure just happens to be a hispanic child. The artists drawing the mural report that they were constantly bombarded by racial slurs from people driving by, such as “Get that spic off the wall”. The hatred kept up for two months while the mural was painted. Even more ironic is that some of these racists can’t even keep their minorities straight, calling the figure “nigger”. I guess minorities all look alike to some people.

This was apparently all stirred up by city councilman and radio show host Steve Blair. In standard form, Blair said on his radio show:

I am not a racist individual, but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who’s president of the United States today and based upon the history of this community when I grew up, we had four black families – who I have been very good friends with for years – to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, “Why?”

My question is, “Why not?”. Apparently, Blair only wants to see white people on his murals. On another show:

I’m not a racist by any stretch of the imagination, but whenever people start talking about diversity, it’s a word I can’t stand. … The focus doesn’t need to be on what’s different; the focus doesn’t need to be on the minority all the time.

But the fine people of Arizona have a solution to this problem. The school principal has asked the artists to rework the students’ faces in the mural, to make them lighter. Problem solved!

UPDATE: An editorial in the local paper makes some excellent points:

When I drive past the Miller Valley mural, I see a happy child. Not once did I consciously note what race was being depicted. When Councilman Steve Blair drives by, he sees the color black, while repeatedly claiming not to be racist. To paraphrase Shakespeare, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.”

Apparently, this is not the first time that Blair has gotten in trouble over racist comments, but this one was the last straw for the editors of the paper — they are now regretting endorsing him for City Council.

In addition, the local school board was one of those who refused to allow students to watch the video message from Obama last September.

UPDATE: Silver lining? The school district has cancelled their request to have the children’s faces lightened, and Steve Blair has apparently lost his radio show (although it remains to be seen what voters will do about his job on the city council). Blair remains unrepentant, saying that the mural is “defacing a public building, of a historic nature. … It looked like a guy, in my opinion, a black guy, brown guy holding a stick, and flowers and stuff, what was it supposed to mean? If they say it means going green, what does that mean?” I can tell him what it means, but I don’t think he would like the answer.



© R. J. Matson

Once again, we seem to have a black person cleaning up for us.


You can’t have it both ways

© Tom Toles

So which is it conservatives? Do you want Obama to stop the oil spill and clean up after it, or do you really want the federal government to stay out of it? You can’t have it both ways.
