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It’s Energy Deja-vu All Over Again

One of the funniest Jon Stewart bits in a long time, while being simultaneously sad.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday, British Petroleum stock dropped $17 billion in value. And the executives at British Petroleum say they have no idea what happened. I kind of have an idea. I kind of think maybe I got a hunch.” – David Letterman

“According to a new report, BP has the worst safety record of all the oil companies. They’ve paid over $372 million in fines. Oh, they don’t call them fines. They call them ‘campaign contributions.'” – Jay Leno

“This afternoon, President Obama met with Bill Gates at the White House to discuss energy reform. It was very cool. Bill Gates offered to plug the Gulf Coast oil leak with five billion unsold Zunes.” – Jimmy Fallon

“But here’s the good news. Actor Kevin Costner was testifying before Congress earlier today. And he has come up with a way to separate oil from seawater. And so he was telling the congressmen all about it. And previously, Kevin Costner developed a process to separate moviegoers from their money.” – David Letterman

“BP, which of course stands for ‘Born Polluted,’ is spending $50 million on a PR campaign to make themselves look good. In fact, they said they would burn the midnight oil if they hadn’t spilled it.” – Jay Leno

“But British Petroleum, they’re getting desperate, so here is what they are going to do to improve their public image: With every 100,000 gallons of oil that leaks, you get a free NFL team glass.” – David Letterman

“Today, the White House announced they have come up with a cheap, effective solution for illegal immigration. They’re going to have Helen Thomas on the border, yelling, ‘Go back to Mexico! Go back to where you came from! Get out!'” – Jay Leno

“Seems Hall and Oates have canceled an upcoming concert in Arizona to protest the state’s new immigration law. Well, that will teach Arizona a lesson, huh? Let’s see how long they can go without Hall and Oates!” – Jay Leno

“Now, apparently, Hall and Oates were worried Arizona authorities would make them go back to where they came from — the ’70s.” – Jay Leno

“You guys heard about Al Gore and Tipper splitting up? Everybody is talking about it. Everyone’s blogging about this, and now there are reports online that his daughter and her husband are splitting up. I bet this is the one week where Al Gore wishes he didn’t invent the Internet.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Voter turnout here in California, all-time historic low. In fact, the polling places near my house had so few people they actually turned it into a Blockbuster video store.” – Jay Leno

“Senator John McCain actually tweeted to Snooki from ‘Jersey Shore,’ an MTV program, after she complained about the tanning bed tax in the new health care law. But, unfortunately, Snooki never got the message because McCain tweeted it off his electric razor.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the economy appears to be on track to continue to expand through this year and next. And then he said, ‘And you can take that to one of the remaining banks.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Trust Me, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

More on the “circle of life“:


The True Price of Oil

© Mike Luckovich

What will it take to break our unhealthy dependence on oil?


The Weatherman on Fox News

© Clay Bennett


Late Night Political Humor

“A few days ago, Vice President Biden and Rahm Emanuel had a water gun fight during a party at Biden’s house. Meanwhile, Sasha and Malia spent the last few days trying to solve the BP oil crisis.” – Jimmy Fallon

“BP is now saying they’ve captured anywhere from 35 percent to 75 percent of the oil that is gushing out of the well. Of course, you’ve got to keep in mind they usually lie anywhere from 85 percent to 95 percent of the time.” – Jay Leno

“Here’s a little bit of good news. The Coast Guard says that BP is now catching up to 630,000 gallons of oil a day. The bad news is that they’re capturing it with ducks.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin is now saying that President Obama needs to make sure that these oil companies act ethically and responsibly. This from a woman who shoots wolves from a helicopter.” – David Letterman

“At one time, Barack Obama lived in New York City. Obama hasn’t lived in this apartment here in New York City since 1981, but oddly enough, it’s still where he picks up his Pottery Barn catalogs.” – David Letterman

“It was on this day in 1934 the first Donald Duck cartoon premiered. He’s 76 years old. You’d think if America loved a 76-year-old guy with a hot temper so much, we would have elected John McCain.” – Craig Ferguson

“Women won big in California, Arkansas, Nevada and South Carolina. These are exciting times. I can remember when only rich white men could buy elections. Now women can buy them, too.” – Jay Leno

“Looks like this Gore divorce could end up being pretty costly. In fact, Al Gore now talking about only trying to save half the planet.” – Jay Leno

“You remember the guy who tried to blow up his car in Times Square? Now, they arrested a couple of guys in New Jersey who were also going to be terrorists, and they trained to become terrorists. Every week, they would play paintball. Next step, honestly, was laser tag.” – David Letterman


The Circle of Life (and Death)

© Joe Heller

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.


Orwellian Free Speech

© Ed Stein

Building on their earlier decision that money is speech and corporations are people (actually giving corporations more free speech rights than real people), the Supreme Court has now blocked a provision of the Arizona campaign financing system that provided matching funds to candidates who agreed to not accept large private donations. Or as the NY Times called it “Keeping Politics Safe for the Rich”.


How weird can politics get? Just ask South Carolina

I’ve been watching this story for a while now, and it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I’m not really sure what to make of it. Of course it comes from South Carolina, the state that pretty much invented weirdness in politics — from the infamous smear campaign against McCain in 2000, to introducing the phrase “hiking the Appalachian Trail” into politics — but those things actually made sense compared to this.

I’m talking, of course, about the Democratic primary for senator in South Carolina, won by Alvin Greene. You can easily be forgiven if you have no idea who Alvin Greene is. Neither do most voters in South Carolina, even though they apparently voted for him. Candidate Green is unemployed, has absolutely no political experience, attended no political events, gave no interviews, raised no money, had no staff, and didn’t run any ads. It isn’t even clear how he came up with the $10,440 required to register as a candidate, and he isn’t talking. He never filed any of the required reports with the Federal Election Commission. Not only that, but Greene was discharged “involuntarily” from the Army, and was arrested in November on a felony obscenity charge. But he won nonetheless, upsetting the expected winner, Vic Rawl, who is a state representative.

Fundamental to the senselessness of this is its meaninglessness. It isn’t like Democrat Greene has much chance to win over incumbent Senator Jim DeMint, who is a reasonably popular Republican in one of the most right-wing states. So why would it be worth any shenanigans? Suggested explanations include the idea that Greene was a Republican plant who was given the money to register. This idea has merit, given that there is strong evidence that in another race in South Carolina a candidate was a Republican plant. But given that frontrunner Rawl had virtually zero chance against DeMint, why bother?

The only explanation I can believe is that this can be blamed on faulty voting machines. Indeed, 25 precincts show that Greene received more votes than were officially cast. And tallies of absentee ballots differed wildly from tallies from the voting machines. Political statistics site has not one but two posts about how the results in this race make absolute no sense, and are likely fraudulent. South Carolina uses voting machines from ES&S, machines that have a number of widely known flaws. These machines produce no printed record, so there is no way to determine what actually happened.

Why is anyone still using these notoriously insecure and bug-ridden machines?

UPDATE: Greene gives a bizarre interview on CNN:

UPDATE 2: has an article about this, that ends with the interesting line, saying about Greene “And there’s no way he can beat DeMint…unless there’s something really wrong with those South Carolina voting machines. Wouldn’t that be funny?” Yes, that would be very funny, indeed!


Crayons in Arizona

I don’t know who originally did this, so if someone does know please let me know so I can give proper credit and a link.


War, Even a Culture War, Makes Money

A few weeks ago I reported” a new website created by the Republicans “to increase the dialogue between Americans and their Congress”. Of course, the Republicans aren’t paying for the site themselves, they are using “official funds of the Office of the House Minority Leader” (John Boehner).

According to the website:

Here, Americans are provided a new platform to share their priorities and ideas for a national policy agenda. As House Republicans, we are committed to our principles of limited, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; protecting life, American values, and the Constitution; and providing for strong national security. This is an open forum, however, where all Americans are welcome to respectfully offer their opinions, regardless of party affiliation and whether we endorse them or not. It is our hope the active engagement of the American people will produce a robust debate that will aid in the construction of a new American agenda.

An open forum? At least one person is complaining that they were banned from the site, and saying that this is the comment that got them banned:

Not only is banning someone for a comment like this pretty hypocritically partisan and not very open, it makes you question if this site should be paid for by us taxpayers. But the comment itself also eloquently points out one of the biggest hypocrisies of the Republican party. While they pay lip service to social conservatives, Republicans get far too much benefit from continuing the culture wars, not only against abortion, but also against gay marriage, immigration, and many other issues.

Just this week, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels got in hot water with social conservatives over his comments that the next president will have to call a truce in the culture war in order to focus on economic issues. Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee blasted Daniels for the comment, but tellingly then used it to try to raise money for his campaign:

Help me raise 2,012 new donations within the next 7 days for Huck PAC. That will help me show the importance of these issues to our Party and give us the financial resources we need to support strong conservatives who are fighting for life, traditional marriage, lower taxes, lower spending, secure borders and a strong national defense.

Help me send a strong signal – life and traditional marriage are NOT bargaining chips. Make a donation today.

I guess Republicans have figured out what defense contractors have known for a long time: war, even a culture war, makes money. Lots of money.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s amazing to me, the new unemployment figures are not good. A lot of people out of work, yet somehow the CEO of British Petroleum still manages to keep his job.” – Jay Leno

“In an interview on NBC, President Obama said today he would’ve fired BP CEO Tony Hayward if he worked for him. But unfortunately, as you know, the White House works for BP.” – Jay Leno

“This Tony Haywire guy, whatever his name is, he told the BBC on Sunday that he believes the new oil cap that they’ve installed will eventually capture the vast majority of oil spewing from the well. You know, if they could capture half the BS spewing from Tony Hayward, people would be thrilled.” – Jay Leno

“BP CEO Tony Hayward said he would just like to get his life back. He wants to get his life back. You know, I say give him life plus 20.” – Jay Leno

“The BP oil spill turned 50 days old today. If you get it a cake, don’t light the candles.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The spill has lasted longer, cost more, and destroyed more wildlife than Sarah Palin.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In 2005, Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the Gulf of Mexico. In 2010, the gulf was devastated by the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history, but the fun is just beginning. The governors of the Gulf Coast states are pleased to announce they are now accepting bids for the next disaster to hit the region in 2015. Will it be a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, an avalanche, killer bees, a meteor, piranhas, zombies or high-frequency sound waves?” – David Letterman

“Tonight, the Obamas invited members of Congress to a picnic at the White House. Yeah. They played all the classic picnic games — Wiffle ball, capture the flag and their favorite game, ignore the oil spill.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obamas’ picnic featured foods from all over the four corners of the U.S., the Pacific Northwest provided the wild salmon and strawberries and the southern gulf coast provided 400 million gallons of salad dressing.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Al Gore and his wife are getting divorced. After 40 years of marriage, it’s kind of sad. Apparently what happened was, I guess, she walked in, caught him boring another woman.” – Jay Leno

“There are signs the divorce is starting to get ugly. In fact, today, Tipper stopped recycling and bought a Humvee.” – Jay Leno

“You know who performed at the Rush Limbaugh wedding? Elton John. Isn’t that amazing. It proves that there’s absolutely no ideological gap that a million-dollar check can’t bridge.” – David Letterman

“The only commercial airline in Iraq, Iraqi Airways, folded this week. The CEO of Iraqi Airlines said the company could not survive in a market where everybody in the country is on the no-fly list.” – Jay Leno

“A great day for President Obama. He addressed a group of senior citizens in Maryland today. He’s pitching his health care bill. According to a poll, half the seniors thought the president was convincing, 30 percent thought he was unconvincing, and the rest thought he was Will Smith.” – Craig Ferguson


Opt in to your Rights!

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision that you have to (unsilently) declare your desire to remain silent in order to exercise that right:

© Brian McFadden


BeePeeMan to the Rescue!

© RS Janes


Stephen Colbert on Israel
