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Late Night Political Humor

“General McChrystal was relieved of his duties because of derogatory comments he made about President Obama and other White House staffers. In fact, when he heard that, Joe Biden was shocked and said, ‘What? You can get fired for saying something stupid? What? When’d they start that? Is that new?'” – Jay Leno

“You know about the big change in Afghanistan? General McChrystal did an interview in Rolling Stone and he was talking about how much he didn’t like Joe Biden. He was talking about the Administration. He was trashing everybody. So President Obama calls the guy home from Afghanistan, and they had, like, a sit-down in the White House, in the Oval Office, today. It was very, very intimate. It was the President, it was General McChrystal, the Salahis, and that’s it.” – David Letterman

“But the general, when he showed up, got a very chilly reception, kind of like I did when I came out here.” – David Letterman

“President Obama said today, although he admires McChrystal’s service and dedication to his country, he said, ‘You don’t criticize your bosses.’ Okay, that’s the same reason President Obama never says anything bad about the Chinese.” – Jay Leno

“But the general is in trouble for shooting off his mouth. Once again, another hole Obama can’t plug.” – David Letterman

“So, the bad news for McChrystal is he got fired for insulting the President. But the good news is, Fox said, ‘We’ll hire him.'” – Jay Leno

“Today, President Obama fired General Stanley McChrystal, saying McChrystal showed poor judgment in his Rolling Stone interview. It turns out when it comes to criticizing the White House, the general’s policy is ‘just ask, and I’ll tell.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Actually, McChrystal now saying it was all a misunderstanding. He said he did make the comments in Rolling Stone but they forgot to add the ‘LOL.'” – Jay Leno

“He’s being replaced by General David Petraeus. And when Petraeus got news, he was so excited, he fainted again.” – David Letterman

“On the ‘Today’ show this morning, BP executive Bob Dudley said that CEO Tony Hayward is committed to BP, and BP is committed to Tony Hayward. Oh, good. Because our number one concern here is, how are you guys doing?” – Jimmy Fallon

“The city of Los Angeles now rethinking its boycott of Arizona because the city’s red light cameras are all owned by an Arizona-based company. See, red lights and speed cameras are a big source of revenue for the city. And the boycott of Arizona could mean no more red lights, no more cameras, no more tickets. I’m willing to make that sacrifice.” –Jay Leno

“Starting today, there is a huge rock festival in England. It is called Glastonbury. These days, every country has its own music festival. England has Glastonbury. Here, we have Lollapalooza and Coachella. In North Korea, they have the Kim Jong Ill-ith Fair.” – Craig Ferguson

“In Afghanistan, they have the al Qaeda Palooza. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for — Kenny G-had!'” – Craig Ferguson


Gaming the Unemployed

© Stuart Carlson

So the question is, by blocking the extension of unemployment benefits, which will almost certainly hurt the economic recovery when 1.2 million unemployed lose their benefits, will Republicans gain votes because a bad economy will reflect poorly on the Democrats? Or will voters get angry at the Republicans for killing benefits and vote against them?


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is being criticized now. Here’s the problem. The British Petroleum guy, Tony Hayward, was on his yacht recently. Everybody thought, whoa, this idiot. I mean, the Gulf of Mexico is turning to asphalt and the British Petroleum guy is relaxing on his yacht. When he heard about that, President Obama was so angry, he missed a putt.” – David Letterman

“Now, in Obama’s defense, people are saying, ‘Wait a minute, the president has always had his own particular way of relaxing.’ For example, George W. Bush had his way of relaxing. He was president. That’s how he relaxed.” – David Letterman

“Larry King’s oil spill telethon last night raised $1.8 million. Usually, to get that much money from Larry King, you have to divorce him.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Tough times for relationships. Al and Tipper Gore splitting up. The bachelor couple, Jake and Vienna, they’re done. Now, President Obama and General McChrystal — they’re on the rocks.” – Jay Leno

“Due to an explosive interview in Rolling Stone magazine, our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has been ordered home to explain why he criticized the president, made fun of Joe Biden, and called the White House staff a bunch of clowns. He should be called home. That’s not the general’s job. That is my job.” – Jay Leno

“McChrystal’s clearly been hitting that sweet Afghani heroin. Because you would have to be higher than Keith Richards to criticize your commander-in-chief at a time of war in front of a reporter from Rolling Stone.” – Stephen Colbert

“In 2011, China will end America’s 110-year run as the No. 1 manufacturing country in the world. That gives me a great idea. We should start making the one thing we know the world will always need — made in China labels.” – Jimmy Fallon

“And economists predict by this time next year, China will overtake the United States as the No. 1 country in manufacturing. But you know something, we have only ourselves to blame for this. I mean, what were we thinking — making our kids go to school? What idiots we are! Child labor, that’s the key!” – Jay Leno

“Well, folks, Sarah Palin has admitted she tried marijuana several years ago, but she did not like it. She said it distorted her perceptions, impaired her thinking, and she’s hoping that the effects will eventually wear off.” – Jay Leno

“It’s two days since Father’s Day, so John Edwards, you can come out now! It’s safe!” – Jay Leno

“Researchers found that most parents don’t know if their preschool-aged child is overweight or obese. I think the real news here is that those are the only two options.” – Jimmy Fallon


New Marketing Idea for BP

© Bearman Cartoons


The Best Party, The Best Quote

When Icelandic comedian Jon Gnarr founded The Best Party last December, people thought it was a joke. Indeed, Gnarr satirized Iceland’s corrupt and incompetent political parties, promising free towels at public swimming pools and that he would build a Disneyland at the Reykjavik airport. The idea for the new party came after Iceland’s traumatic banking collapse, and it quickly attracted members from Iceland’s punk rock scene.

But in what appears to be a massive protest vote, The Best Party won the most votes of any party in the recent elections in Reykjavik, propelling Gnarr into the mayor’s office and winning 6 seats on the 15 member city council. But now that they have won the election, will they take their jobs seriously?

You’ll have to be the judge, as Gnarr tries to calm fears about his new party with what has to be one of the best political quotes of the year:

No one has to be afraid of the Best Party, because it is the best party. If it wasn’t, it would be called the Worst Party or the Bad Party. We would never work with a party like that.

Indeed, one of his first actions was to give free admission to city swimming pools for anyone under the age of 18. Who says humor doesn’t have a proper place in real politics?


Late Night Political Humor

“People are kind of upset with British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward. Over the weekend, he was out on his yacht. And when President Obama found out that Tony Hayward was on his yacht, he was so angry, he missed a putt.” – David Letterman

“Tony Hayward on a yacht. Where are the Somali pirates when you need them?” – Jay Leno

“In his defense, Tony twittered that the oil spill was still his top priority. And I think you know that a guy really cares when he tweets from his yacht.” – David Letterman

“President Obama, oh, when he heard this, oh, he was furious. President Obama got so mad, he almost couldn’t finish his round of golf. That’s how bad it was.” – Jay Leno

“While the whole oil mess has been going on, President Obama spent the weekend playing golf with Vice President Biden. Biden’s handicap is 16 and Obama’s handicap is Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“And while Obama was playing golf, BP CEO Tony Hayward actually spent his weekend at a ritzy yacht race, where he watched his 52-foot yacht compete. If that’s not bad enough, he was watching it from his 100-foot yacht.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama also went to the White Sox-Nationals game this weekend and actually sang ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game.’ However, critics were quick to point out that while his singing sounded good, it seemed like he really didn’t say anything.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, actually, I tell you, I think it’s hurting him. President Obama is losing support from his own party over the way he’s handling this BP situation. You want to know how bad it is, today, Jimmy Carter compared him to Jimmy Carter.” – Jay Leno

“Because of the success of ‘Toy Story 3,’ Pixar is now rushing ahead with its plans to do a sequel to one of its most popular movies, presented by BP. It’s BP presents ‘Try Finding Nemo Now.'” – Jay Leno

“Remember the Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad? He was in court today. And here is where the guy screwed up. He didn’t count on our army of alert T-shirt vendors. And I was thinking, well, it’s too bad we didn’t have them in the Gulf of Mexico.” – David Letterman

“Faisal now faces a couple of charges, including attempted terrorism and conspiracy to double park.” – David Letterman

“It’s rumored that President Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, will leave the White House at the end of the year. He says the work is important to him, but he wants to spend more time screaming at his family.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin has revealed she has tried marijuana, but she did not like it. You know, it’s amazing: 200 million Americans have smoked marijuana. The only ones who don’t like it seem to be elected officials. Ever notice that?” – Jay Leno

“I bet that’s what John McCain was smoking when he picked her. It all makes sense now. Of course!” – Jay Leno

“Oh, and how stupid is this. You know, this state is so broke, they’re just trying to make money any way they can. California lawmakers — this is real — are now considering a bill to allow electronic license plate frames on vehicles that will flash digital commercials. Who is this for? People who want something else to read while driving and texting?” – Jay Leno


Republicans delaying federal response to gulf oil spill

Republicans keep calling the Gulf oil spill “Obama’s Katrina” and are claiming that Obama has not responding appropriately and quickly enough to the disaster.

But according to a report by CBS news, Republican governors are delaying the deployment of National Guard troops that Obama has authorized to help with the cleanup. For example, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal says “We will only be winning this war when we’re actually deploying every resource.” And he complains that the federal government “can provide more resources” and “It’s clear the resources needed to protect our coast are still not here.”

But nearly two months after Louisiana requested, and the Pentagon approved 6,000 National Guard troops to help fight the spill, only 18% of them have been deployed by Jindal.

The situation is even worse in other states affected by the spill. In Alabama, 3,000 troops are available, but governor Bob Riley has deployed less than 14%. In Florida, with 2,500 troops authorized, governor Charlie Crist is utilizing less than 3%. And in Mississippi, of 6,000 ready to help, governor Haley Barbour has only deployed 58, which is less than 1%.

Obama says “I urge the governors in the affected states to activate these troops as soon as possible.” but they appear to be largely ignoring him.

So why would four governors, all Republicans (although Charlie Crist recently went independent) want to delay the deployment of National Guard troops that they themselves have requested? It isn’t because of money — BP has already agreed to bear the cost of these troops. Could it possibly be for political reasons? Would a governor really sit by and watch their own states be destroyed and their own constituents’ lives and livelihoods sink in the oil muck just to score cheap political points against our president?

© Mr. Fish

UPDATE: Jindal responds that the reason he didn’t deploy National Guard troops was because he didn’t need them. He also complained that the Federal government doesn’t understand “this oil spill as the war that it is.” I guess he is trying to position himself as the war governor. But his record shows that it is he that isn’t taking oil spills seriously. In fact, most scientists think that Jindal’s proposed solution would make things worse.


Arizona Governor Doubles Down on Racist Lies

In a previous post, we caught Arizona governor Jan Brewer lying repeatedly about the anti-immigrant law she had just signed. She kept saying that “under SB 1070 there must first be reasonable suspicion that you are breaking some OTHER non-immigration law before an officer can ask a person about their legal status.” But if you read the law itself it says nothing of the kind, and even the non-partisan PolitiFact rated that claim as false.

Now she is doing it again, except that this time she isn’t even hiding her blatant racism. During a recent debate of Republican gubernatorial candidates, Brewer claimed that most illegal immigrants coming over the border are smuggling drugs. Of course, there is absolutely no evidence to support that claim. When a reporter asked her yesterday about it, Brewer replied:

Well, we all know that the majority of the people that are coming to Arizona and trespassing are now becoming drug mules. They’re coming across our borders in huge numbers. The drug cartels have taken control of the immigration. So they are criminals. They’re breaking the law when they are trespassing and they’re criminals when they pack the marijuana and the drugs on their backs.

When someone is asked for facts and they respond with vague statements like “we all know” it is pretty clear that they are lying. In fact, her claim was disputed by actual border patrol agents and staff. T.J. Bonner of the National Border Patrol Council said that Brewer’s comments don’t “comport with reality — that’s the nicest way to put it.”

It is pretty clear that Brewer is using the age-old political tactic of stirring up fear and hatred against a group in order to win votes. The truth simply doesn’t matter to her.

And the truth is that the US side of the border with Mexico is one of the lowest-crime areas in the country. According to the FBI, the top four big cities in America with the lowest rates of violent crime are San Diego, Phoenix, El Paso, and Austin, all of which are border cities with large Hispanic populations (including illegal immigrants). San Diego alone, where one out of four residents is an immigrant, has the lowest number of violent crimes per capita in the nation for a big city. But that doesn’t stop politicians like Brewer from claiming that their region is under siege.

Interestingly, being a border patrol agent is one of the safest jobs in law enforcement in the nation. According to a government study on border protection, 3 percent of border patrol agents were assaulted last year, and in the majority of those cases they had rocks, bottles, or sticks thrown at them. This compares to 11 percent of police officers and sheriff’s deputies assaulted nationwide, usually with guns or knives.

Yes, this country has a problem with illegal immigration. But stirring up fear and hatred isn’t going to help. And neither is lying.


Late Night Political Humor

“A congressman actually apologized to BP’s CEO for the way the company has been treated. How stupid are you when the CEO of BP is in the room and people think you’re the moron?” – Jay Leno

“To be fair, it’s not easy for a lot of these congressmen. It’s got to be hard to bite the hand that bribes you.” – Jay Leno

“While testifying before Congress yesterday, BP CEO Tony Hayward called the oil spill a ‘complex accident caused by an unprecedented combination of failures.’ Then he realized he was reading notes left on the stand by a Goldman Sachs executive.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There are rumors that the CEO of BP is saying they might go out of business. Then who will be in charge of not stopping the leak?” – David Letterman

“I’m not going to do any jokes about oil spill-related news, because I thought it might be nice to just pretend for a few minutes that the oil spill isn’t happening. You know, kind of like BP does.” – Jimmy Fallon

“NASA says that there may be 100 times more water on the moon than they thought. There’s so much water that BP is planning to go there and ruin it.” – Craig Ferguson

“This is the first time that two women have been on the International Space Station at the same time. That can only mean one thing: zero-gravity pillow fight.” – Craig Ferguson

“A couple in California got married at Home Depot. I hope they find happiness, because you can’t find anything else at Home Depot.” – David Letterman

“It was the 36th anniversary of the Watergate scandal, when the Republicans broke into the Democratic headquarters looking for their long-term plans and strategies. It also marks the last time anyone thought the Democrats had a plan worth stealing.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin called marijuana a ‘minimal problem’ in America. She admitted that she herself has tried pot, which could explain some of the things she has said over the years. It’s all baked Alaska talk.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Clint Webb for Senate!

Best political ad evar! Brutally honest.

From The Whitest Kids U’Know.


How to Run Your Family like a Corporation

© Ruben Bolling

What is it with the current swarm of corporate CEOs who are running for political office? Didn’t we learn our lesson after Dubya promised during his campaign to run the government like a business? If Tony Hayward weren’t British, I’m sure the Republicans would be trying to nominate him for the presidency.

For another great comic about Nate, see “If you can’t be right, be neo-right“.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday during a press conference, BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg caused some controversy when he said BP cares about the ‘small people.’ Part of his new strategy — plug the hole by digging himself into a deeper one.” – Jimmy Fallon

“These British Petroleum guys can’t do anything right. The chairman of BP, Carl-Henric Svanberg, told reporters that sometimes large oil companies are greedy and don’t care, but ‘not BP. We care about the small people.’ That’s what he called the residents of the Gulf — ‘the small people.’ But to be fair, English is not the guy’s first language. Money is.” – Jay Leno

“BP said that the comment was lost in transition from Svanberg’s native Swedish to English. And the Americans were like, ‘We get it. We’ve all tried to assemble something from IKEA. Apology accepted.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“See, the problem is I do believe they care about the small people. Problem is, they don’t care about the big leak.” – Jay Leno

“Well, the sad part is, environmentalists say if this leak continues unabated, some species might become endangered, like Democrats.” – Jay Leno

“And now the other oil companies are turning on BP. While testifying in Washington this week, Exxon executives blamed the Gulf oil spill on lapses by BP. See, that’s when you know things are bad, when Exxon is lecturing you on oil safety, huh? That’s like Heidi Montag saying, ‘Just be yourself.'” – Jay Leno

“Well, the big story, President Obama will set aside $20 billion to pay the victims of the oil spill in the Gulf. Well, that is good news. The bad news — it still comes out to less than, like, a dollar a gallon.” – Jay Leno

“Have you seen President Obama lately? People are saying he’s dying his hair. Right there, that’s a good use for the oil.” – David Letterman

“Tony Hayward. You read about this guy? He’s a little weasel guy. Well, he was testifying before — why do they even call it testifying? Testi-lying, that’s what it was.” – Jay Leno

“Today in Washington, BP CEO Tony Hayward told members of Congress that his company is working to make sure that a spill like this does not happen again. And they have a great plan in place. They’re going out of business.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There is a new bill in the Senate that is upsetting a lot of people. This bill would give the President the power to shut off the Internet. Al Gore is strongly opposed to it. Not because he invented the Internet. Because he did. But because he just signed up for” – Craig Ferguson


It’s only being a parasite when other people do it

This guy has to be a winner in the “do as I say, not as I do” contest. David Jungerman of Raytown, Missouri posted a large sign on a semi-truck along a major highway. The sign reads:

Are You A Producer or Parasite
Democrats – Party of Parasites

However, a quick check of a farm subsidy database shows that Jungerman has received over a million dollars in government aid. Jungerman claims “Crop subsidies are different.”

Well, yes, obviously. They are different because you receive them.


Environmental Truth is Stranger than Science Fiction

© Tom Tomorrow


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night, President Barack Obama spoke from the Oval Office about his plan to clean up the oil spill. Did you folks get a chance to see it? Yeah. Well, I’m glad that problem’s behind us.” – David Letterman

“Last night, President Obama delivered a prime time address on the oil spill. He said his administration ‘has been on top of the situation since Day 51.’ I mean, ‘Day 1 .’ I’m sorry.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama made a lot of promises that he can’t possibly keep. I mean, it’s like he’s campaigning again, really.” – David Letterman

“President Obama told the residents of the Florida coastal area that he is with them for the long haul, or at least until 2012.” – Jay Leno

“Obama said we need a new energy strategy, one with more alternatives, like solar power. I agree. But let’s not forget about lunar power. Remember, the moon is what gives power to werewolves.” – Craig Ferguson

“Now, I know Obama was trying to take the long view, but talking about solar energy in the middle of the oil spill is like watching your house engulfed in flames and saying, ‘We really should change the curtains.'” – Craig Ferguson

“He assured the nation that the gulf will be cleaned up and restored to even greater beauty and prosperity. Well, you know what that means. He’s started drinking. That’s the only possible explanation.” – David Letterman

“President Obama also declared that seafood in the gulf was safe to eat, although he said if you ‘really want to be safe, eat at Long John Silver’s.’ Luckily, batter has not been affected by the spill.” – Jay Leno

“And then today, the president met with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Obama was demanding that BP clean up the gulf. And I’m thinking, good luck. They can’t even clean up their gas station restrooms.” – David Letterman

“Today, President Obama finally met with BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward, but the meeting was only scheduled 20 minutes. Call me crazy, but I think it should take more time to discuss an oil spill than it does to get your oil checked.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Well, today, President Obama met with that Tony Hayward guy and a couple of other BP executives. The meeting only lasted about 20 minutes, or, in BP terms, 10,000 barrels of oil.” – Jay Leno

“Obama’s not the only one on the hot seat right now. The CEO of BP is taking a lot of flak. His name is Tony Hayward. Today, President Obama had a meeting with Hayward at the White House. It got off to the wrong start. Hayward arrived in a Hummer limo powered by baby seals.” – Craig Ferguson

“I wonder how Obama began that meeting. ‘Thanks for wrecking my presidency, Tony. Want a water or something?'” – Craig Ferguson

“Hayward didn’t take any questions after his White House meeting today. Probably a good thing. He’s great at destroying ecosystems, but not so great at talking. Hayward has said: ‘No one wants this thing over more than I do. I’d like my life back.’ Tony, I’m so sorry you had your summer disrupted. I’d buy you a drink, but you’d probably spill that, too. And make me clean it up.” – Craig Ferguson

“BP had to stop collecting oil for a few hours yesterday after a bolt of lightning struck its ship in the gulf, causing a fire. When asked for a comment, a spokesman for BP was like, ‘So that’s how things could possibly get any worse.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“And then, right after the president’s speech, Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska, said that we should not demonize the oil companies. Well, I’m glad somebody’s looking out for the little guy.” – David Letterman

“By this point, it’s not even an ‘oil spill’ anymore. Spill is a little accident that can easily be cleaned up. Calling this a ‘spill’ is like calling World War II a ‘tiff.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Now, listen. I’m not naïve about large faceless corporations who destroy everything that’s beautiful. I work here at CBS.” – Craig Ferguson

“A new poll found that Hillary Clinton is now more popular than President Obama. Hillary was like, ‘Look, I don’t pay attention to the silly polls like that — what were the numbers exactly?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“That’s right, Hillary is more popular than Barack. They’re separated by about 10 points, or roughly one billion gallons of crude oil.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You guys, ‘Top Chef D.C.’ premieres tonight on Bravo. I love that show. But since it’s in D.C., the contestants don’t actually cook; they just talk about what they’re going to cook in the future.” – Jimmy Fallon

“China has bought more U.S. debt. They know hold over $900 billion of U.S. debt. A lot of Americans concerned about this because it’s so much. Why are you concerned? It is not like we’re going to pay them back.” – Jay Leno
