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Late Night Political Humor

“They’re having the confirmation hearings down in Washington, D.C., with Elena Kagan. And so far, the woman has offered very few opinions. I thought to myself, well, my God — how do you find a woman like that?” – David Letterman

“Here’s how savvy the Russian spies are and were — they knew four years ago that Ricky Martin was gay.” – David Letterman

“BP executives are saying that Hurricane Alex has rendered their clean-up efforts completely useless. In other words, nothing has changed.” – Craig Ferguson

“Ladies and gentlemen, news from the world of broadcasting. Larry King has announced his retirement. He says he wants to spend more time with his wives.” – David Letterman

“But, seriously, Larry has really been trying to slow down, of course, since his recent death.” – David Letterman

“Larry’s absence creates a void. As a matter of fact, his presence creates a void.” – David Letterman


Take Our Jobs, Please!

Here at Political Irony, we firmly believe that comedy is the best cure for political problems (well, at the very least it helps you laugh at them). So we were very happy to see Stephen Colbert join with the United Farm Workers of America in a new website: The website invites anyone who is unemployed — especially Washington pundits or anti-immigration activists — to sign up for an agriculture job. If you want a farm job, the site will even find an experienced field hand to help train you, and will connect you to farms that are hiring.

The real question is, how many unemployed Americans will take these backbreaking, dangerous, low-paying jobs. After all, 75% of all farm workers were born in another country, and more than 50% of them are here illegally (according to the Labor Department).

To me, the best part of the website is that the next time you hear someone complaining about how an illegal immigrant has taken his job, you can now tell him where to go.


Declare Independence!

© Stuart Carlson

What does independence mean to you?


Wall Street: Don’t Stop Me Before I Kill Again

© Tom Toles

Many pundits credit the economic collapse as the primary reason Obama and the Democrats swept the elections in 2008, and believe that our ongoing economic problems will definitely help spur Republicans to victory this November. Given the rather direct and obvious relationship between the economy and electoral results, you might think that the Democrats would have ample reason to pass tough economic bills, both to end the current recession and to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But if you believe that, you don’t understand how much our politicians are owned by Wall Street.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s Day 71 of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They just did a poll that says only 6 percent of Americans have a favorable view of BP, to which I say, 6 percent of Americans have a favorable view of BP? That’s 18 million people. Is it possible that 18 million Americans don’t know what the word favorable means?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“BP is running with this, I guess. Their company newsletter has an article that says most gulf residents aren’t upset with BP because their cleanup crews have boosted the local economy. BP taking credit for boosting the economy in the gulf is like al Qaeda taking credit for creating jobs in airport security.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“And how about the Gulf of Mexico? Billions and billions of barrels of crude oil just surging into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s like we essentially have paved the Gulf of Mexico. Cubans are now walking to Miami.” – David Letterman

“Now, there’s a tropical storm in that area and it may interfere with the clean-up of the Gulf. Too bad, because it was going pretty well.” – David Letterman

“And now, in the Gulf region, demonstrators are holding hands on the beach by way of protest. Boy, that will show ’em.” – David Letterman

“The big hit on the Internet is the spill cam. It’s so popular that they’re thinking about adding a band.” – David Letterman

“Here’s something great. Russian spy ring here in New York City. They were busted in New York City. Once again, they were spotted by an alert T-shirt vendor.” – David Letterman

“The Russian spies tried to blend in. They were acting like Americans. As a matter of fact, for two weeks, they were pretending they loved soccer.” – David Letterman

“You remember Vice President Dick Cheney? He’s had like six or seven heart attacks. The poor guy was in the hospital over the weekend. He has been in the hospital so many times the gift shop is now selling Dick Cheney bobble head dolls.” – David Letterman

“Forbes magazine published their most powerful celebrities list. Number one was Oprah Winfrey. I’m happy to be on the list, a little farther down. I’m between Flo, the Progressive Insurance lady, and the Salahis.” – David Letterman

“Doesn’t your heart break for Sandra Bullock? She and Jesse James officially divorced. You know who she’s dating? Gary, the Osama bin Laden hunter.” – David Letterman

“Gary was over there in Pakistan and had night vision goggles. He had a sword. And he couldn’t find Osama bin Laden. That means he’s actually tied with Bush and Obama.” – David Letterman


Whining Crybaby!!

© Jim Morin

See also Jon Stewart weighing in on Republican protests against blaming Bush. Not to mention the fact that the top presidential scholars have just rated Bush the absolute worst president of the modern era, and the fifth worst president of all time.


Chairman Steele’s Complete Flip Flop

Yesterday, Republican Party chairman Michael Steele tried to blame the war in Afghanistan on Obama:

This was a war of Obama’s choosing. This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in. It was one of those, one of those areas of the total board of foreign policy … that we would be in the background, sort of shaping the changes that were necessary in Afghanistan as opposed to directly engaging troops. But it was the president who was trying to be cute by half by flipping a script demonizing Iraq, while saying the battle really should be in Afghanistan. Well, if he’s such a student of history, has he not understood that you know that’s the one thing you don’t do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan? All right, because everyone who has tried, over a thousand years of history, has failed. And there are reasons for that. There are other ways to engage in Afghanistan.

However, last December, Steele was singing a very different tune:

Although this decision took far too long and it should not have, I am glad the president will finally provide General McChrystal with the troops he needs. However, tonight’s speech must be the beginning, not the end, of the case President Obama makes to the American people as to why this is, as he said during the campaign, ‘a war we have to win.’ If the president remains committed to this crucial fight, Republicans – and the American people – will stand with him.

Steele used to be a cheerleader for sending troops into Afghanistan, but now he claims that Obama should have known better. I guess he also lied about Republicans standing with Obama. Not to mention that he seems to have forgotten who started this war.

UPDATE: Conservatives are going nuts about Steele’s statement, and are calling for his resignation. One GOP operative put it this way: “This is the height of stupidity and epitomizes the problem that is Michael Steele.” In fact, the December statement by Steele (quoted above) was originally distributed by another GOP operative. And the RNC communications director tried to “clarify” Steele’s statement, but only managed to make things more murky. So, will the Republicans jettison their chairman and engage in another costly leadership fight just before the all-important midterm elections?


Arizona Governor Continues to Lie about Immigration

I’ve already done two posts about repeated, baldfaced lies told by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. First, non-partisan PolitiFact revealed that she lied repeatedly about Arizona’s new immigration law. Next, she repeatedly claimed that the majority of illegal immigrants coming over the border are smuggling drugs, despite absolutely no evidence to back up her claim (and plenty that disputes it).

But Brewer is determined to continue lying, in order to stir up fear and hatred against immigrants (illegal or otherwise). On Sunday, Brewer described in gruesome detail one result of illegal immigration: “Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded.”

There’s only one problem. The Arizona Guardian newspaper checked with the county coroner’s offices along the border, and none of them had even heard of any beheadings. As far as they can tell, Brewer is making this story up out of whole cloth.

In addition, Brewer has claimed that 87% of illegal aliens coming across the border have prior criminal records, but the governor’s office could not provide any sources of this number and Federal immigration authorities could not confirm it.

Even her campaign staff is admitting that the governor has made some “missteps” and is trying to keep her from naming mythical numbers without citing statistics. But it is pretty clear what she is trying to do. On a Sunday morning show a week ago, Brewer said people in Arizona were living in fear and that some parents were afraid to send their children to school.

We cannot afford all this illegal immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings and the fact that people can’t feel safe in their community. It’s wrong! It’s wrong!

This, despite the fact that crime statistics clearly show that border areas with Mexico are some of the safest areas in the US. It seems more likely that the source of this terror is Brewer’s fear-mongering, rather than illegal immigration.


How to be a Sensible Liberal

© Tom Tomorrow

Tom says that this strip was inspired by two columns by Glenn Greenwald: this and this. Also, Jon Stewart did a similar piece. And don’t forget this.

However, Rachel Maddow has a contrary opinion:


Late Night Political Humor

“Do you know what’s going on down in Washington today? The Senate began the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan. And tomorrow, my favorite part of the whole procedure, the talent competition. And, I want to tell you something — wait until you hear this woman sing ‘I Dreamed a Dream.'” – David Letterman

“Things in Washington are always so political. President Obama said that the opposition to Elena Kagan seems like ‘pretty thin gruel.’ That’s how he describes the opposition. If you want thick gruel, just go down to the Gulf of Mexico.” – David Letterman

“President Obama met with the Russian president at the White House and afterwards, took him out for a burger. It was a bit awkward because Gen. McChrystal was working behind the counter.” – Jay Leno

“The Russian president wanted to pick up the check, but Obama said, ‘Don’t worry about it, just charge it to our grandchildren.'” – Jay Leno

“So hot down in Washington, D.C., today that President Obama was fanning himself with his birth certificate.” – David Letterman

“Do you know what’s going on up there in Toronto? They’re having the big G-20 summit, and the protesters were up there. They smashed windows; they overturned cars. They just found out the Lakers won.” – David Letterman

“It’s not the G-20 anymore. It’s now the G-19, because Ghana eliminated the United States.” – David Letterman

“The longest-serving member of Congress, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, died at the age of 92. He may have passed away in 1982, no one is really sure.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Well here’s sad news. Dick Cheney, the former vice president of the United States, was hospitalized over the weekend. This guy has been in the hospital so many times, the cafeteria has named a sandwich after him.” – David Letterman

“Dick Cheney is O.K. Earlier today, he was up and sneering. So he’s fine.” – David Letterman

“Mexico has filed a brief against Arizona’s new immigration law. It’s a precedent because it’s the first immigration law Mexico has paid any attention to.” – Jay Leno


Six Degrees of Bush

Jon Stewart hits another home run:

Why do we keep blaming things on Bush? Because HRWTPITHRTCITG!


Confirming their Hatred of Thurgood Marshall

A curious thing is happening during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan. Rather than attacking Kagan, Republicans are attacking Thurgood Marshall. Why are they attacking Marshall? After all, the Senate already confirmed Marshall to the Supreme Court in 1967, and he died in 1993. But they brought him up anyway because Kagan worked as a clerk for him 20 years ago.

Thurgood Marshall made history as the first black Supreme Court justice. But even before that, he had reserved his place in history as the civil rights lawyer who argued the famous Brown vs. Board of Education case before the court he would later join. Marshall won 29 of the 32 cases he argued before the Supreme Court, many decisively — Brown garnered a 9-0 vote, even though it was overturning a previous Supreme Court decision. Marshall is also on the Episcopal Church’s list of “Holy Women and Holy Men” which literally means that he is a saint. He has also been honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a postage stamp, a broadway show, and an airport (which current GOP chair Michael Steele helped name after Marshall).

But that didn’t stop Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) from saying “Justice Marshall’s judicial philosophy is not what I would consider to be mainstream.” Jeff Sessions (R-AL) called Marhsall a “well-known activist” and John Cornyn (R-TX) labeled Marshall “a judicial activist” (although Republicans had difficulty naming any specific cases that were examples of Marshall’s purported activism) . Chuck Grassley (R-IA) feels that Marhsall’s legal view “does not comport with the proper role of a judge or judicial method.” And Republicans circulated reports that “Justice Marshall endorsed ‘judicial activism,’ supported abortion rights, and believed the death penalty was unconstitutional.” Clearly, today’s Republicans would not have confirmed Marshall to the Supreme Court.

Are Republicans just trying to appeal to racists? Because I suspect they already have that vote sewn up.


New Yorker Oil Painting

M.C. Escher would be proud.


Late Night Political Humor

“Congressmen have been saying from the beginning that BP is either lying or grossly incompetent. Well, why can’t we have both?” – David Letterman

“The Coast Guard found a drunk man on a pool float yesterday after he drifted a mile out into the Gulf of Mexico. Authorities called the guy ‘irresponsible,’ while BP called him ‘our best hope.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is in a tough spot because he fired Gen. McChrystal and right away the Republicans blamed him for increasing unemployment.” – David Letterman

“Well, folks, you knew it was going to happen. It was inevitable. It happened today. General Stanley McChrystal cancelled his subscription to Rolling Stone.” – Jay Leno

“As you know by now, General McChrystal was summoned to the White House to explain derogatory comments he made about meeting President Obama. He told Rolling Stone magazine, when he first met the President, it felt like a ten-minute photo op, to which Joe Biden said, ‘Wow, you got ten minutes! What was it like?'” – Jay Leno

“And it doesn’t stop there. After the Rolling Stone incident, today, Obama summoned Justin Bieber to the White House for some comments he made about the President in the latest issue of Tiger Beat magazine.” – Jay Leno

“The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will be shown live Monday on C-SPAN 3. You know it’s going to be boring when C-SPAN 2 passes on it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mexico has filed a brief in U.S. Federal court to stop Arizona’s new immigration law. And while they’re at it, they also asked the court to stop Taco Bell from calling itself Mexican food.” – Jay Leno

“It’s a great day for former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. He’s getting his own talk show. They wanted him because they knew he could get the most out of an hour.” – Craig Ferguson

“The new show will focus on politics and special events and everything else Spitzer wasn’t doing in office.” – Craig Ferguson

“The iPhone 4 is $499 to buy outright, $199 to upgrade your existing iPhone, and if you don’t want one at all, it’s $99.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Ah, the Good Old Days of Free Oil are Back

© Jim Morin
