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Dealing with the Crisis

© Tom Toles


Why We Shouldn’t Negotiate with Terrorists

[I’m reprinting this letter from Fred Wickham (the blogger at Bullseye Rooster). Despite my headline, I am NOT calling Andrew Breitbart or Fox News terrorists, but reading this reminded me of why most governments refuse to negotiate with terrorists — it just encourages them. In this case, by firing Sherrod, the government is encouraging Breitbart and Fox News to stir up more false controversy — like they did with ACORN, like they did with “ClimateGate”, and on and on. We need to stand up to these liars and expose them for what they are, not cave in. If the government is (as they claim) actually worried that Sherrod can’t do her job because of the controversy, instead of firing her they should sue Breitbart and Fox News for defaming her. That will put a stop to the (false) controversy, now and in the future. -iron]

Friends —
The Obama administration just caved in to the right-wing smear machine, firing a Black USDA official after she was smeared by far-right blogger Andrew Breitbart and his friends at Fox News Channel.

Sherrod’s dismissal was based on a selectively edited video that made it appear she was confessing to discriminating against a White farming couple. In reality she was telling the story of how working with that family to save their farm helped her to lose her racial preconceptions.

It took less than 24 hours for the lies to be debunked. But by that time, it was too late — Sherrod was forced to quit. And even now that the truth is known, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is refusing to reinstate her. Worse, Vilsack has President Obama’s support. This kind of political cowardice is beyond shameful.

That’s why I’ve joined the people at in calling on the White House to immediately give Shirley Sherrod her job back, and to stop bowing to the will of right-wing propaganda artists. Will you join me?

On Monday, Andrew Breitbart (a blogger who works closely with FOX News and has a long history of launching deceptive, racially charged smear campaigns) posted a deceptively edited video of USDA employee Shirley Sherrod speaking at an NAACP function. The video shows Sherrod telling a story about how she once was asked for help from a White farmer, and how she didn’t “give him the full force of what I could do” to help him, because of his race.

Breitbart used the video as evidence that the NAACP and the Obama administration tolerated racial discrimination against White people, saying that it showed Sherrod’s “federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.” Breitbart’s doctored video and false storyline moved quickly to FOX News, where on-air personalities called for Sherrod’s firing.

The truth is that Sherrod was telling a 24-year old story about her work for a non-profit organization whose mission was to help Black farmers. Discrimination against Black farmers was rampant, and she described how she was first reluctant when approached by a White farmer named Roger Spooner for help (Sherrod also says that her father was killed by a White farmer 45 years ago). But after seeing that no one wanted to help Spooner she worked to save his farm, and eventually became good friends with his family.

Yesterday, Roger Spooner said that Sherrod saved their farm and kept them out of bankruptcy. He told CNN, “I don’t know what brought up the racist mess. They just want to stir up some trouble, it sounds to me in my opinion.”

A Disturbing Pattern

Sadly, the truth didn’t matter at all. Soon after Breitbart’s fake video surfaced, Sherrod was pressured by the White House to resign. Sherrod was never given a chance to tell her side of the story, and says that the Obama administration was “not interested in hearing the truth.”

Once the truth became known, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued a statement saying that whether or not the smear campaign against Sherrod was based in lies, it was necessary to fire her because the “controversy” would make it hard for her to do her job. The Obama administration is essentially saying that they will always back down in the face of dishonest, race-baiting smear campaigns launched by right-wing propagandists. They’ve ended the career of someone who did nothing wrong, and by handing a victory to the people who launched this deception, the administration is encouraging them to launch even more smears. All to avoid “controversy.” It’s pathetic, it’s shameful, and it has to stop.

It’s not the first time this has happened. Several members of the Obama administration have lost their jobs or been demoted, and nominees to cabinet positions have either stepped down or withdrawn their nominations after becoming the target of smear campaigns launched by FOX News and Breitbart.

It’s bad enough that we have to fight the constant smear campaigns and appeals to racial paranoia from FOX and the right-wing media. But it’s completely shameful and outrageous for the Obama administration to throw innocent public servants under the bus just to avoid having to fight back against the lies. It’s not the first time it’s happened — but if enough of us call out the White House and tell them to stop running scared from FOX News, it might be the last.

Please join me and others in the community in standing up for Shirley Sherrod, and demanding that the White House do the right thing now.


Key Links:

“Fox smears Sherrod as racist, Sherrod cancels Fox interview,” Media Matters for America, 7-20-2010

“NAACP ‘snookered’ over video of former USDA employee,” CNN, 7-20-2010

“Official: No WH pressure on Sherrod,” Politico, 7-20-2010

“Obama briefed after Sherrod incident,” CNN Politics, 7-20-2010

Thanks for looking into this.

Fred Wickham

[Here’s a followup from Wickham’s blog. -iron]

Today I did something I’ve never done before. I sent along a mass emailing. It pertains to the firing of a black woman by the Obama administration. Her name is Shirley Sherrod, a USDA official. She was smeared by one of the most repulsive (and effective) bloggers on the far right — Andrew Breitbart.

My point in writing this blog post is to call attention to the effectiveness of blogs and emails in moving the world in the direction you think it should be taken. You, like me, have no doubt received important emails about issues you agree with. And like me, you’ve probably thought I should help, but I’m too busy. Some of these issues must loom large enough in you sense of outrage that you would like to act upon them. That was the case with me today — and this particular instance of racism.

It took me five or ten minutes to send the message along to my lists. Time I could have spent brewing another cup of coffee. But look at it like voting. You know voting’s important, so you read up on the candidates and issues, and you simply do it.

This is the same. It’s voting. And it’s voting at the time the issue needs to be considered.

Just do it.

UPDATE: Sherrod has received official apologies from both the White House and from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. And she is reportedly being offered a new job with the department.

Mistakes were made and judgements were rushed to, but hopefully this will become a “teachable moment”. For everyone, including Andrew Breitbart, whose sloppy and misleading reporting started this whole mess. Unfortunately, when he was confronted with all the evidence that his story was crap, he went into full attack mode:

You tell me as a reporter how CNN put on a person today who purported to be the farmer’s wife? What did you do to find out whether or not that was the actual farmer’s wife? I mean, if you’re going to accuse me of a falsehood, tell me where you’ve confirmed that had this incident happened 24 years ago. …

You’re going off of her word that the farmer’s wife is the farmer’s wife?

In case you were wondering, several independent news organizations had already confirmed Eloise and Roger Spooner’s story. We’re still waiting for any evidence that Breitbart has even a single contrite bone in his body.

UPDATE 2: Joan Walsh has a good summary of the whole mess at Salon. See also Keith Olbermann’s take on this, posted as a separate story.


Short Attention Span Disasters

© Kevin Siers

The real environmental disaster is our addiction to fossil fuels and gas guzzling monster cars. But who cares about that?


Republican Misunderestimation

In the political marketplace, there’s now a run on Obama shares. The Left is disappointed with the president. Independents are abandoning him in droves. And the Right is already dancing on his political grave, salivating about November, when, his own press secretary admitted Sunday, Democrats might lose the House.

I have a warning for Republicans: Don’t underestimate Barack Obama…

Obama is down, but it’s very early in the play. Like Reagan, he came here to do things. And he’s done much in his first 500 days. What he has left to do, he knows, must await his next 500 days — those that come after reelection.

So 2012 is the real prize. Obama sees far, farther than even his own partisans. Republicans underestimate him at their peril.

Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post

It seems to me that the left’s main complaint against Obama has been that he hasn’t reversed the damage done by the Bush administration fast enough. Bush and Cheney had eight long years to fill the federal government with far-right ideologues, and they didn’t hesitate to pass out jobs out based on loyalty rather than competence. Government changes slowly, and for good reason. If Obama had the power to change it any faster, then the previous administration would have had the same power and could have done even more damage, and we would be in even worse shape than we are now.

Does that mean that progressives should ease up on Obama? Of course not! Something has to counter the wing-nut noise machine. But don’t give up on Obama. He is our best hope. And he has already accomplished more than some thought possible: Health care reform (which several other presidents tried to do and failed), reversing the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, the recent financial reform including protections for consumers, repairing our image in the world, reorganizing the student loan program, stronger regulations on carbon emissions, and initiatives to lower our dependence on foreign oil. And there is so much more on his agenda: improving gay rights, fighting climate change, immigration reform, and of course ending two wars.

For those of us old enough to remember, even Reagan was being attacked bitterly by his own party at about this time into his first term. Am I totally happy with what Obama has accomplished? Of course not. Do I think he is the best president we have had in a very long time? Absolutely. Will I keep the pressure on him to accomplish even more? You Betcha!


Biting the Ass that Feeds You

© Mike Thompson

Republicans might have fed the Tea Party, but so far it is mainly taking votes away from more mainstream Republicans.


Republicans and The Honest Approach

© Ben Sargent

When asked repeatedly about specific things the Republicans will do to cut the deficit, Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) draw a blank. Finally, in desperation, Sessions says he wants to go back to the economic policies of the Bush Administration. Seriously. And Cornyn says he is waiting for Obama’s debt commission to report their findings at the end of the year. Yeah, the same commission that Republican politicians killed, forcing Obama to create it by presidential decree.

Nothing, indeed.


We will adopt English as our official language, as soon as we learn it

The Tea Party in the township of Homer, Illinois has decided that they need to take action against the illegal immigrant plague (which they don’t have) and declare English to be their official language. Here’s the text of their resolution, how many errors can you spot?

Homer Township Board recognizes that there most likely no serious problem with illegal immigration, in the Township, but wants to make it policy to enforce the Rule of law in Homer Township. We support the right to make this statement and encourage other Townships, Cities, and the State to follow suit. We are asking for nothing to be added or taken away from the existing law. We recognize Native Americans had the first language in our Country, followed by Western European dialects, with English eventually becoming dominant. Traditionally becoming a citizen required speaking English, accepting the United States as their Country, and assimilating into the population.

The Homer Township Board, supports actions to enforce existing immigration law, enforce residency requirements in our school districts, and acknowledge that English the dominant language of Homer Township.

Whereas, the Homer Township Board understands the Tax burden imposed by illegal immigrants, the Homer Township Board supports actions to enforce existing immigration law.

Whereas, children who are not residents in our school districts and attending our schools, contribute to overcrowding, and increase our Tax burden. The Homer Township Board supports efforts on the part of the school districts to enforce, and verify residency, as prescribed by law.

Where as, there is a cost for government in having multiple languages, the Homer Township Board adopts English as the official language of Homer Township, in accordance with all Federal and State Laws.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Homer Township
supports actions to enforce existing immigration law; as well as the school districts verifying residency for each student; as well as making English the official language of Homer Township, in accordance/ compliance with existing Federal and State Laws.

Adopted this 12th day of July 2010 by the Homer Township Board of Trustees:

A post in The Economist claims to have found 13 errors (more than one per sentence!), not including the weird commas and the mysterious colon at the end.

Even the authors of the resolution admitted that illegal immigration isn’t actually a problem. Hispanics make up around twelve percent of the local population, which is about average, and township documents are always printed in English (and nobody has ever requested otherwise).

They also claimed that the resolution wasn’t aimed at singling out any one ethnic group. They may not know English, but they sure know how to lie.


Synchronized Lying

Sunday morning, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) appeared on CNN and NRSC chair John Cornyn (R-TX) appeared on NBC. Let’s play “spot the talking point” in these two quotes from their respective appearances:

The last year of the Bush administration, the deficit as a percentage of gross domestic product was 3.2 percent, well within the range of what most economists think is manageable. A year and a half later, it’s almost 10 percent.

You know, in the last year that President Bush was in office, 2008, the deficit was 3.2 percent of the gross domestic product. Today it’s 10 percent.

So, if you heard either of them (and if you missed it, I’m sure you will get more chances), you probably thought “Gee that’s amazing, Republicans were doing a good job with the economy until the Democrats came along and tripled the deficit.”

There’s only one problem: the federal fiscal year starts on October first, not January first, so the “year” 2008 they are talking about ended in September 2008, almost four months before Obama took office. In fact, the only time the deficit was lower than 3.2 percent of GDP was during 2007!

So what happened in those four months? Oh, let’s see, how about Lehman Brothers going broke, the huge bank bailout (TARP), and — you know — just the biggest financial collapse since the Great Depression. And the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the stimulus) was passed February 17, a few weeks after Obama took office on January 20th, in order to fix that financial collapse.

Economist Paul Krugman has put together a handy graph:

Note that Obama took office partway into the first quarter of 2009 (which I have colored red in Krugman’s graph). Not only is it easy to see that “fiscal 2008” ended more than a quarter before Obama was even sworn in, but by the end of Bush’s term the deficit had jumped to 9 percent of GDP. You can also see that the deficit was skyrocketing during the end of Bush’s term and that within a few months not only was Obama able to stop it from rising, he was even able to start bringing it down (just a little).

So the truth is that at the end of the Bush administration, the deficit was 9% of GDP (not 3.2% as they claim) and that most of the deficit since then has been spent trying to repair the economic collapse, not to mention paying for Bush and “deficits don’t matter” Cheney’s two tax cuts for the rich, two freaking wars, the Medicare expansion, and No Child Left Behind, none of which the Republicans even tried to pay for.

As Krugman sums up: “They think we’re idiots — and they may be right.”


Sinking Feeling of the Unemployed

© David Horsey

UPDATE: ProseBeforeHos weighs in on this cartoon and points out the hypocrisy of the Senate Republicans who filibustered unemployment benefits as fiscally unwise (cost: $34 billion) but all voted for extending Bush’s tax cuts (cost: $200 billion per year, or a grand total of $2.2 Trillion if extended the proposed ten years).


I’ve been having this recurring nightmare

© Pete Pasho

This comes from a non-US cartoonist, of course. There are so many jokes hidden inside of this simple cartoon.



© Jim Morin


Late Night Political Humor

“We have some wonderful news. BP announced it successfully capped the oil leak. The oil leak has stopped. I am so glad they were able to nip this thing in the bud.” – Jay Leno

“BP just announced that the containment cap is working and no oil is leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. Well, that was easy.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Before they capped it, BP had to test the integrity of the well, which I believe is the first time BP and integrity have ever been used in the same sentence.” – Jay Leno

“BP says it finally stopped the oil from leaking. And if we’ve learned anything in the last three months, it’s that whatever BP says, BP says.” – Jimmy Fallon

“BBC is reporting that Venezuela may have massive oil reserves, more than even Saudi Arabia. You know what that means? We could have invaded closer to home and saved gas.” – Jay Leno

“But to be fair to President Bush, at the time we invaded Iraq, he thought Venezuela was a planet.” – Jay Leno

“Of course, today, he corrected himself. He now realizes Venezuela is those horns they blow at the World Cup.” – Jay Leno

“A CBS News poll found that 57 percent of Americans support Arizona’s new immigration law, although if you change it from Americans to people living in America, the number drops to 2 percent.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You remember Bill Clinton? Bill and Hillary went out and bought a brand-new house in upstate New York. He’s still keeping the old place to use as a bachelor pad.” – David Letterman

“But the new place is beautiful. It’s one of those houses that has a name. I believe it’s called Rancho Impeacho.” – David Letterman

“Well, this week, Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston revealed exclusively to Us Weekly, my bible, that they are getting married. Sarah Palin allegedly not happy about this, because she feels they barely know each other and they are making a big commitment. You know, kind of like when John McCain picked her for vice president.” – Jay Leno

“People are sweating more than Sarah Palin trying to hire a wedding planner. That’s how hot it was today.” – Jay Leno

“The White House announced today that the stimulus package saved three million jobs. But they said there’s still more jobs that need to be saved: President Obama’s, Joe Biden’s, Harry Reid’s, Nancy Pelosi’s…” – Jay Leno


Alternative Fuel Vehicles are a Joke

© Mike Thompson

How can we have a future when we are stuck so firmly in the past?


The Conservative Plan for Full Employment

I found this hilarious post by someone named Flopper on a message board:

No Government Spending Needed to Create Jobs but There is a Cost

There are two pieces of legislation needed to accomplish full employment in America, both supported by many conservatives.
1. Repeal the minimum wage law.
2. Remove financial support for those out of work including unemployment, welfare, food stamps, etc…

Removing the minimum wage allows employers to pick up good employees at very low labor rates. Once all financial support is removed, the unemployed will seek any kind of work offered. It’s either that or starve. Unemployment rates would drop rapidly. This will also solve the problem of jobs being sent abroad. With the lower labor rates, employers will have little reason to go abroad for cheap labor. The only real negative financial aspect is that working Americans will not have the income to purchase much more than necessities. This can be overcome by exporting more of the new cheap American made goods. Bleeding heart liberals will complain that America is becoming a third world country but you have to make a few sacrifices if you want to compete in today’s world markets. The above may sound a bit ridiculous but there are a lots of people that think this way.
