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Breitbart isn’t the only person who can edit video

From Although I don’t think they went far enough. Breitbart doesn’t just “heart” terrorists, he is a terrorist.


Weather or Not there is Climate Change

© Tom Toles

Yes, I know that weather is not the same as climate, but since conservative pundits repeatedly called global warming a big hoax every time there was a snow storm last winter, I wonder if they are saying anything now that this year is turning out to be the hottest in recorded history.

© Dan Wasserman


Now the only question is who will be Newt’s running mate?

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has suddenly decided it is time to give a “major national security address” at the conservative American Enterprise Institute on Thursday. In his speech, Gingrich will directly challenge Obama.

Gingrich is also spending an awful lot of time in Iowa and South Carolina.

Personally, I think this is great. While I don’t agree with many of Gingrich’s policies, at least he has policy positions. I would like to see the Republican party reemerge, and Gingrich probably has the best shot at helping that happen. I can say that I have more respect for Gingrich than any other current possible Republican candidate for the presidency. And I like the fact that he is an actual fiscal conservative, not just a pretend one.

Yes, I know there are problems with Gingrich. There are his marriage problems, including his having an affair during the time he was condemning Bill Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal. And even Republicans attacked him for his mishandling of the budget showdown, eventually leading him to resign both as Speaker of the House and his congressional seat. Even more troubling are his ethics violations, making Gingrich the first Speaker ever to be disciplined by Congress for ethical wrongdoing.

But I am serious with the headline. I have no idea who would make a good running mate for Gingrich. What do you think?


Late Night Political Humor

“Bristol Palin is getting married to Levi Johnston. Sarah Palin is so excited that she can’t even make up words to express how thrilled she is.” – David Letterman

“Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed turning the city’s excess dumpsters into swimming pools. Nothing says summer in New York City like packing a picnic lunch and heading to the dumpster.” – David Letterman

“President Obama signed into law a sweeping financial reform. The law started out strong, but got watered down as it went through Congress. Basically, the law now says that Wall Street has to wait an hour after eating to go swimming.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This week in 1944, a bomb intended for Adolf Hitler exploded but failed to kill him. It was a defective device called the Apple iBomb. It would have worked but Hitler was holding it wrong.” – Jay Leno

“Newspaper circulation has fallen to a new low and they say they are becoming obsolete. To give you an idea of how bad it is, today I saw a guy sleeping on a park bench with an iPad on his face.” – Jay Leno

“The CEO of British Petroleum is leaving his job. It’s not official, it just leaked out.” – David Letterman

“The big comic book convention, Comic-Con, starts tomorrow in San Diego. This is a week-long convention of comic books, science fiction, video games, and other forms of birth control.” – Jimmy Fallon

“British Prime Minister David Cameron is visiting the U.S. and yesterday he and President Obama gave each other pieces of art. That really wasn’t necessary, Britain. You’ve already given us a huge oil painting.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The man who invented the black box used in airplanes has died. The cause of death was too many comedians saying, ‘Why don’t they just make the whole plane out of the black box?'” – Craig Ferguson


Who’s the Fool Now?

© Kevin Siers

Why would anyone believe anything coming from Andrew Breitbart ever again? We’ve already been fooled more than once by him. As Dubya said, “fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again”.


Late Night Political Humor

“The countdown is now under way for what a lot of people are calling the wedding of the year — on July 31 Chelsea Clinton is getting married. Bill and Hillary are thrilled; they say they don’t care who the groom is as long as it’s not Levi Johnston.” – Jay Leno

“Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are getting married. Just today, they were talking to Joe the Wedding Planner.” – David Letterman

“BP’s oil cap seems to be working. The cap they’re using is childproof, so it’ll never come off.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to a study by the Brookings institution, Washington D.C. has the highest concentration of smart people in the United States. Lets see; we have a mess in the Gulf, we have a dysfunctional Homeland Security, and we are $13 trillion in debt. Imagine how bad it would be if these people weren’t geniuses.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, President Obama thanked the WNBA champions the Phoenix Mercury for showing his daughters that they can be athletic and still be attractive. And then Michelle Obama said, ‘AHEM!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“They want to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center. If you put a mosque there, there’s no way terrorists will blow it up. If I was in charge, I would put a mosque on top of every building in America.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Obama Paradox and Bacon Police

More Maddow Magnificence:

Want even more? Maddow pwns Bill O’Reilly.


Don’t Reward Them!

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Apparently BP’s containment cap is leaking. When asked if the rumors are true, a BP spokesman said, ‘Aren’t there any more Mel Gibson tapes?'” – Craig Ferguson

“All of Mel Gibson’s troubles could have been avoided if he’d just made those calls with the iPhone 4. None of them would have gone through.” – Jay Leno

“It’s so hot in New York City that conservatives have started the ‘Iced Tea Party.'” – David Letterman

“Bristol Palin wants Levi Johnston to wear a camouflage vest at their wedding next month. When she heard that, Sarah Palin was like, ‘That’s fine, I wasn’t planning on aiming that high anyway.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Dick Cheney is recovering from heart surgery in the hospital. I understand Fox sent flowers, and MSNBC sent a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.” – Jay Leno

“The Obamas invited Broadway stars to perform at the White House. Unfortunately, things got a little awkward when Barack told one lady how great she was in ‘Wicked,’ then realized it was just Nancy Pelosi.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Malia Obama is about to go to summer camp for the first time. And you can tell that Michelle picked out the camp, because whenever they make s’mores, they just melt zucchini in between two Wheat Thins.” – Jimmy Fallon


Revenge of the Super Heroes

The gay-hating Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is mostly known for picketing the funerals of murdered homosexuals and Jews, but they also protest other places and events. One of the craziest was picketing an appliance store that was selling Swedish vacuum cleaners, because a Swedish pastor had been convicted of anti-gay hate speech. The pastor, whose conviction was later overturned, actually denounced the WBC, who in return denounced the pastor as a traitor and an ingrate.

But WBC’s latest target was the annual Comic-Con in San Diego for “idol worship”. But I’m guessing that the handful of WBC picketers weren’t prepared for the counter-protest from Sci-Fi fans, many of whom were dressed in costume and carrying ironic signs (see photo at right, but lots more lovely ironic photos and a video at the link). Some of the counter-protestors were even chanting “What do we want?”, “Gay Sex!”, “When do we want it?”, “Now!”.

The WBC protestors:

UPDATE: Here’s a larger photo of the counter-protest.


Retirement is for Losers!

© Tom Tomorrow

More proof that the unemployed are just lazy!


The True Source of the Unemployment Crisis

© Matt Bors

I guess it is important to bail out rich bankers and insurance companies, but when it comes to regular working stiffs…


Late Night Political Humor

“Today is a day of cautious optimism. The BP well has been capped and Lindsay Lohan is in rehab, but we’re not sure how long either one is going to hold.” – Jay Leno

“BP stopped the oil leak at 3:25 p.m. Eastern Time. And at 3:26 p.m., Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan began jockeying for the title of ‘biggest disaster.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“For the first time since April, oil has stopped gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. I’m not sure what engineers they used to fix it but I think we can rule out the guys who created the new iPhone 4.” – Jay Leno

“Apple will now offer a free iPhone case for all iPhone users. It’s not going to help reception, but it protects the iPhone after you throw it against the wall.” – Jay Leno

“Experts are now saying that these thousands of accidents caused by Toyotas were really driver error. The driver error was buying a Toyota.” – Jay Leno

“Rumors are that Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are going to film a reality show. Sarah Palin says she can’t wait to start shooting, but that’s totally unrelated.” – Craig Ferguson


Sarah Palin’s Fifty Nifty

I’ve been trying very hard not to pay attention to Sarah Palin, and for the most part I’ve been good, only mentioning her briefly once or twice in the last few months. But Jimmy Kimmell is just too funny:

It’s a regular epidumbic! I’ll have to remember that.


Olbermann hits the Nail on the Head

Regardless of what you think of Keith Olbermann, sometimes he gets everything exactly right:
